Shaykh Yasir Qadhi discusses the inevitable reality of death and how we should prepare for it.
Death is a necessary part of our life and we cannot deny it no matter how much we are averse to talking about it. Death is as much a reality as is your life.
Of the mysteries of death is the timing of our death and no one can change the timing of death and the location is also kept a secret even from the angel of death.
The first sign of death is the Sakaratul Maut or the pangs of death. They are the precursor to the arrival of the angel of death.
The death of the righteous is different from that of a Fasiq. The entourage that greets these two types of Muslims is very different. The righteous sees angels of mercy that will be calming him down and reassuring him of care for his family in the world.
Angels Munkar or Nakeer will come to you in your grave and ask the following questions:
Who is your Lord and what is your religion?
Who is Muhammad ﷺ?
How did you live your life?
What happens to a disbeliever? What do the angels of punishment do to him? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi explains explicitly on the torture that he will be faced with. Listen intently to save ourselves from it when there is the time.
Our Prophet ﷺ said, 'Frequently remember the destroyer of pleasures' implying death.