The series on the Seerah continues and Shaykh Yasir divulges numerous details on the torture and persecution of the weak. We are also acquainted with some famous names who set a praiseworthy example of bravery and dedication to the pursuit of Islam even in the wake of hardships and trials.
The famous incident that occurred relating to the jews was their challenge to the Prophet ﷺ to answer three questions - no one would know the answer except a true prophet from Israel:
The young men who entered a cave and slept a long time - only a prophet would know the details.
A man who travelled the world from the east to west.
Ask him about the ruh and what it is made of.
Eventually, Allah SWT revealed Surah Kahf to answer all these questions and Prophet ﷺ emerged victorious once again.
The first seven to revert to Islam were Ibn Masud, Abu Bakr, Ammar ibn Yasir, his mother Sumaya, Suhaib ar-Rumi, Bilal and al-Miqdad. As for the Prophet ﷺ, Allah protected through his uncle Abu Talib. As for Abu Bakr RA, then Allah protected him through his own tribe, the Banu Quhafa.
How Bilal ibn Rabah RA was tortured incessantly and how he kept a brave face in the wake of this torment and as a reward, how Allah raised his status in Islam makes for an interesting listen and should be heard to feel the greatness of these Sahabas who walked the face of this earth.
The torture of Yasir and Sumaya RA, and their two sons Muhammad and Ammar - is another heart wrenching story which tugs at our hearts and makes us appreciate our Deen more and makes us realise that people have gone to great lengths to propagate our Deen for us and it is our duty to honour them by commemorating them. The other well known sahabi who reverted very early is Suhayb ar-Rumi and his torment and torture is also explicitly explained.
The punishment for the wrongdoers is made very evident and makes us affirm the justice of Allah is imminent.