In this mind opening video, we are to made to assess our wrong doings and evil deeds and take charge of our lives by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi. He goes on to to motivate us to strive to better versions of ourselves so that we can feel the pulse of Iman , look at our chart of Iman and imbibe the density of Iman into our life as well.
Here, we see Shaykh discussing the levels of Iman and highlighting the traits and identification markers of each type of Iman - Fasiq, Muslim and Muhsin.
Just like it is not possible to be a Mu’min without first being a Muslim, likewise it is impossible to be a Muhsin without first being a Mu’min.
Join Shaykh Yasir Qadhi as he beautifully explains the three categories and makes you ponder over its intricacies.