Shaykh Yasir Qadhi provides an explanation of the first few verses of Surah Yusuf which deal with the Noble Qur'an being a source of greatness, majesty, clarity and guidance for mankind.
The first verse begins with Huroof Al-Muqatta’at which are to show the miraculous nature of the Qur’an. The Qur’an is composed of words that we speak, language that we know, and letters that we write, yet mankind is not able to produce something similar to this .
Why is a word meaning ‘ Tilka -far ‘mentioned in the verse? There are two opinions for this. The Speech of Allah is far superior than the speech of man. Allah has preserved in the Grand Book or preserved Tablet which is with Him.
Al Mubeen - The first connotation of the verse is that this Noble Book is itself clear to understand. The second connotation is describing the function of the book which is to make things clear or clarifies truth from falsehood, evil from truth.
The usage of Allah referring to Himself in the plural is to show His Majesty and not an entity. Whenever He commands angels to do anything, He refers to Himself in the plural.
The origination of the Qur'an comes from Allah and has not been created and hence, the word Anzalna is used.