In this second episode on the Kleshas, we look at Asmita - ego, and Avidya, the mother and father of all Kleshas. We spend quite some time examining our own lives to see how much we have identified with different roles - professional, family, social. Identifying too much with any of these roles - motherhood included - is going to involve some suffering at some point.
We also look at the idea that egoism can be negative as well as positive - thinking you're not good enough is just as damaging as thinking you are God's Gift to the world. However, you do need some self-esteem and hope to start on your yogic path, as well as an enormous amount of faith.
Avidya - the first Kleshas - has four parts. It's all about ignorance - mistaking impermanence for permanence, impure for pure, misery for happiness and non-Self for Self. If we could rid ourselves of this four-fold ignorance, we wouldn't have to worry about the other Kleshas.
But given how difficult that is, why not start working on one of the others. Every effort will be rewarded! (In this episode there is a mention of gay sex - it's not explicit, but you may want to give consideration to those you may be listening with!)