41st Sutra Chapter 2
Upon the purification of the mind, one attains cheerfulness, one pointedness, sense control and fitness, for the realisation of the Self.
The first sign that we are becoming spiritual, is that we are becoming cheerful.
When this comes, know that we are progressing in Yoga.
सत्त्वशुद्धिसौमनस्यैकाग्र्येन्द्रियजयात्मदर्शनयोग्यत्वानि च॥
sattvashuddhisaumanasyaikagryendriyajayatmadars hanayojnatvani cha
sattva - purest of subtle essence
shuddhi - purification of
saumanasya - cheerfulness
ikagrye - concentration
Indriya-jaya - conquest of the organs
atma - of the Self
darshana - realisation
yojnatvani - to be fit for
cha - and