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Yoga Sutras of Patañjali. Aligning body, mind and soul with the infinite

Yoga Sutra 2.50 e: Advanced Yogic Breathing Pranayama practice

23 min • 1 december 2022
50th Sutra Chapter 2: e Advanced Yogic Breathing involves first understanding our breath, and then slowing down the process of this breath. Our breath does not involve only inhalation and exhalation, but their are gaps between the two. Our breath has four stages: Inhalation, stoppage of breath, exhalation and stoppage of breath. Our Yogis realised that once we have mastered our breath, we could master our mind, and hence master our life. To master our breath, we have to consciously master the four stages of our breath. ———————————— बाह्याभ्यन्तरस्तम्भवृत्तिर्देशकालसंख्याभिः परिदृष्टो दीर्घसूक्ष्मः॥५०॥ bāhya-ābhyantara-sthambha vr̥ttiḥ deśa-kāla-sankhyābhiḥ paridr̥ṣṭo dīrgha-sūkṣmaḥ ॥50॥   bāhya = external ābhyantara = internal sthambha = stationary
, motionless, restraint, suspension, a pause vr̥ttiḥ = modifications, patterning, turnings, movements deśa = place kāla = time sankhyābhiḥ = number, precision, minuteness, paridr̥ṣṭo = observed, measured, scrutinized, regulated dīrgha = long, high, long in place and time, expansion sūkṣmaḥ = subtle, soft, minute, fine, exquisite   • बाह्यवृत्ति: - प्राणवायु को बाहर निकालकर कर बाहर ही रोकना  • आभ्यंतर वृत्ति: - प्राणवायु को भीतर भरकर भीतर ही रोकना • स्तम्भवृत्ति:- प्राणवायु को न भीतर भरना न ही बाहर छोड़ना अर्थात प्राणवायु जहाँ है उसे वहीं पर रोकना • देश - स्थान अर्थात प्राणवायु नासिका से जितनी दूरी तक जाता है वह उसका स्थान है। • काल - समय अर्थात जितने समय तक प्राणवायु बाहर या भीतर रुकता है। • संख्याभि: - एक देखा व जाना हुआ प्राण • दीर्घ - लम्बा व • सूक्ष्म: - हल्का हो जाता है बाह्यवृत्ति, आभ्यन्तरवृत्ति व स्तम्भवृत्ति ये तीन प्राणायाम स्थान, समय व गणना के द्वारा ठीक प्रकार से देखा व जाना से प्राण लम्बा व हल्का हो जाता है । ——————————————-
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