Hi! I'm Cha Wilde, join me as I guide you through a meditation session focused on body awareness, breath work, and connecting with the earth. We’ll release tension through stretches and movements before settling into a seated meditation. Our journey will visualize the spine as an energy channel, expanding awareness into the cosmos and grounding into the earth’s core. We’ll experience the heart as a bridge between the individual self and the outer world, fostering a sense of expansion and connection. Let’s conclude with gratitude and appreciation for the beauty around us. 00:00:01 -- Opening Movements We begin with a series of movements and stretches to release tension and prepare for meditation. This includes wiggling the body, circling the spine, cat/cow poses, and side bends to open the lungs. 00:03:16 -- Settling into Meditation Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Relax the jaw, soften the eyes, and lengthen the spine. 00:04:04 -- Visualizing the Spine and Expanding Awareness Visualize the spine as a central energy channel (shashumna) and travel awareness up through the body systems, into the brain, and out to the crown of the head. Imagine expanding your awareness into the cosmos above, feeling a sense of openness and connection with the universe. 00:09:31 -- Grounding and Connecting with the Earth Travel your awareness downwards, through the root and into the earth below. Feel supported by the earth and receive that support with gratitude, like a mother’s embrace. 00:11:38 -- The Heart as a Bridge Experience the heart as the meeting point between the lower chakras (individuality and survival) and the upper chakras (outward expression and exploration). The heart is a bridge connecting the personal self with the outer world, radiating warmth and kindness. 00:14:20 -- Closing We conclude with gratitude, maintaining a tall spine and sense of groundedness and expansion. Let’s appreciate the beauty around us, like the rose bush I point out in our session.