TW discussion of domestic violence, SA, consent, and verbal and emotional abuse
YBT breaks down West and Ciara’s relationship, through discussing gamophobia (fear of commitment) and personality characteristics of people with this phobia. This includes a discussion of consent and emotional coercion. YBT also discusses Captain Lee’s accusations against Carl and outlines what led to the destruction of this relationship.
YBT also talks The Valley, outlining clinical interpretations of Jax’s behaviors. YBT discusses underlying motives of abusive behaviors and how these behaviors impact the family system. Please leave the podcasts a 5 Star review
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Disclaimer: Posts are not intended to diagnose, treat or provide medical advice. Your Bish Therapist (YBT) is for entertainment and informational purposes only. The podcast, my opinions, and posts, are my own and are not associated with past or present employers, any organizations, Bravo TV, Grey Heart productions or any other television network. The information in YBT podcast and on its its social media is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you read, see, or hear on YBT, podcast or associated social media. Communicating with YBT via email, and/or social media does not form a therapeutic alliance. Melissa, operator of YBT, is unable to provide any therapeutic advice, treatment or feedback.