Alex Hofeldt is a high school science teacher from Illinois and is the creator and host of Beautiful Dust Specks, a podcast designed to show the world the wonder and motivation in Science.
Full shownotes:
In this episode, Alex discusses:-How he became interested in podcasts and podcasting.
-Some of the fears that held him back from initially starting "Beautiful Dust Specks."
-The students that really encouraged him to create the podcast.
-How one of his missions is to be a better teacher than his bad teachers growing up.
-How the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image inspired him to go on a rant which led to a yearly speech he makes in his school.
-The inspiration that comes from being his kids favorite teacher.
-Trying your hardest to ignore the haters and embrace the lovers.
-How humans are the only creature in the animal kingdom to have creativity.
-Flow state and the science behind it.
-How everyone has their creative muse or their creative bug, even if it differs from "traditional" art forms.
"The older and older I get, the more and more I dig it, so I just decided to throw that out into the ether and see what goes down."
"I just got out of my own way finally."
"I want science to be a part of people's lives and maybe I'm a conduit for it."
"Part of being a human is running with whatever creative experience you want to get through. If something speaks to you, make it happen."
"One of the best things about being a human is creativity."
"I think that everyone has their Muse if they're willing to look for it."
"What singularity are you going to start? What are you going to kick into motion just to see what happens?"
Links mentioned:
Are You a Miracle? On the Probability of Your Being Born (Huffington Post)
The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God by Carl Sagan
The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance by Steven Kotler
We Are Here: The Pale Blue Dot (YouTube)
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