Your Mom’s House with Christina P. and Tom Segura
Do you donate to THE St. Jude's? That's nice. So does the Klan and there ain't nuttin wrong with what they stand for. If you have a young, impressionable child a good thing to do is teach them that hateful, racist terrorist organizations are just fine - at least on Halloween. A REAL TALK update will have you pinchin pennies and throwing up in your mouth! There are limits to how cheap is acceptable and then there are these people who are gross and upsetting. Guess what? Some airlines will stop treating you like children and let you now use your electronic devices during take off and landing - oh, right. You never turned them off to begin with. FILL HER UP SEAL HER SHUT is back with results and a NEW edition. Can racists be sexy? YOU decide! Use your denim for good. Oh my gawsh!
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