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Be the Evidence Podcast with Susan Grace combines astrology, intuition, and community. Are you bored by a lack of depth? Is surface level living and conversations no longer lighting you up? Have you noticed the paradigm shifting and are longing for a community and conversation that dives into the reality of the changing tides and wades through the vulnerable waters of the shift? This podcast explores all this and more.
Check out our community platform that offers support in addition to the podcast: https://www.betheevidence.live/
About the Host:
Susan Grace
The podcast Be the Evidence with Susan Grace is created by Susan Grace. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
You are learning who you are in real time out from underneath the collapse of was not going to stand the test of time. Who you are changes with what and whom you resonate with in the next era of your life. Allow what you've outgrown to fall away; let in what you did not see coming, but has your name all over it; know that you are adaptable, teachable, and healable. Fate is afoot if you'll lead with discovery over fear.
Holding a higher frequency requires the action of breaking patterns that keep you in the density of realities that are becoming obsolete. Being willing to experiment and concentrate on discovery within the current moment are new skills we're all learning to get better at.
The reality you're dealing with was created from a old frequency. It's not working anymore. Allow feelings of exposed vulnerability to move through you, then be willing to experiment with new ways of being moving forward. We are recalibrating the balance between feminine and masculine. We are finding ourselves to find each other during a time of a massive paradigm shift. You're not alone. We're all under the same sky together.
2025 Year Ahead: https://houseofgrace.learnworlds.com/
Be The Evidence: betheevidence.live
2025 is the beginning of a new era. It will not be uneventful nor without turbulence. Your steady, disciplined focus on how you walk straight into the unfolding unknown will dictate your adaption and growth.
You are adaptable and teachable to a different perspective. No escaping - intentionally letting life show you something you haven't been able to see so far. You don't need the story of how it's always been. You are empowered and expansive to new ways of being.
The energetic pocket we're in can be exhausting and make you trigger happy or reactive. Pull back, cave up, and replenish your reserves so that you can face what needs to be faced and keep your head on straight. You are sovereign, free, and intentional when you're thriving outside of survival mode.
Resistance, denial, bypassing won't stop the truth from coming up to the surface. You'll need to take action on deliberately breaking an pattern and letting go of an old story.
Ego based reactivity, hyper control, and right fighting won't get you to where you want to be. Being honest in how you feel and taking the space to recalibrate yourself into balance and centeredness invokes more long term vision and diplomatic solutions. Be willing to release your grip on anything that clearly is no longer viable going into the future, including the stories of how you thought life was going to be. Safety is in the the unfolding you being in integrity with your highest frequency in response to the unknown.
We are in a major paradigm shift that is not without turbulence. The energy of reactivity and defensiveness is high. If you'll find your own centeredness, harmony, and flow within, the likelihood of you being the one to spin out is greatly diminished. You are adaptable and teachable. You have the ability to evolve, grow, heal, and be responsible for the energy you carry in life.
No escaping - you need to be here more, not less. Let the healing waters wash you clean as you emerge into the next phase of your life. Your willing participation in your shedding of the old now will have far reaching effects into your future.
The probability of getting it wrong from an impatient attempt to figure it all out is very high. Presence is your prayer. Be here more, not less.
The rapid acceleration of your perception requires you to clear out old hurts and low frequencies to keep up with it. It requires you to know yourself, out from under the rubble of past collapse, to know what you want to experience and how you want to feel in the next phase of your life.
Right-fighting, defensiveness, unnecessarily proving a point is what's in the way of feeling the love. Move it, heal it, transform it, get honest. Love is unconditional and never-ending. You always and forever have access to it.
There's nowhere to run. Right where you are, it's time to get honest about what definitely is or obviously is not going to stand the test of time. Brave vulnerability, the willingness to change your perspective, and the empowerment to make tough calls are required.
You're more empowered than you think and your self agency has more strength than you realize. You are brave in your vulnerability in finding out who you are on the other side of heavy collapse so that you can evolve more efficiently into future forward you and respond with consciousness to the volatile world around you.
We're in the process of sealing off the teardown from Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. Right now, it's very personal in forgiving ourselves for not knowing better sooner and letting go of shame, regret, and blame.
From new perspectives, solving old patterns, letting new patterns reveal themselves, we figure out fairness and values in relationships, increasing quality of life and bridging the gap in how far apart we are from each other.
Fear of the unknown is what draws us into false beliefs in a misguided attempt to have control - it's fear over discovery. Practices that help regulate your nervous system are becoming important so that you can trust the Greater Force of Life and know you are safe in evolving into a higher way of being.
You are not your job nor your title nor you status. You are fully alive. What does that mean to you?
The ego needs to be humble enough to let go of needing to be declared the winner so that you can open up to possibilities beyond how you thought life would work out. Life abundant in its beauty. You just need to get out of your own way to see and receive it.
Your ego will have to admit defeat to let an old pattern go. Something you were trying to be declared right or the winner about is futile. Let the shame, regret, guilt, and disappointment go. There's a lot of new life up ahead.
Anything getting in the way of you maintaining your harmony, flow, peace needs to be let go of so that you can evolve into a higher way of being.
There's an unresolved hurt underneath your perspective on life that's holding you back. Get to that root, change the channel, and life will open up.
Being aware of our evolution while it's happening, having a finite experience within the infinite, becoming conscious as to the nature of our existence is overwhelming. It can be disregulating. It can lead to fear-based extremes. Conversely, we can lead with discovery over fear, we find ourselves to find each other, we build webs to compare notes in our shared experience, we co-create with Consciousness, Itself. There's a way through to finding the impossible is now possible.
We're no longer in the realm of excavating ourselves out of concrete. It's about frequency and alignment now. Bravely expressing out intentions for life aligns with possibilities we didn't know we had access to.
We are walking towards an unfolding unknown none of us have experienced before. Your commitment to responding with empowered balance and centeredness allows your brave vulnerability to remain open to your evolving in real time.
There's a quickening starting to unfold. for you to lead with discovery over fear, you'll need to be able to maintain balance and centeredness. To walk directly into an unfolding you can't possibly fully understand right now, you need to regulate your nervous system and heal as you go.
The rapid evolution of our consciousness in 2024 will require us to come from a place of focus, balance, and empowered centeredness so that we're not susceptible to succumbing the to noise of fight each other, be afraid, you need me. We close 2023 breathing in that commitment.
The energies of 2024 are going to be wild - more so than what we've seen so far. We'll need to meet them with balance, centeredness, and the willingness to evolve our understanding through critical thinking.
Being intentional participants in the transformation of shadow into Light is how we are aware of our evolution while it's happening.
You absolutely can choose masochistic tendencies, self sabotage, blame, reactivity, codependency, and old patterns if you want. That would be a misguided attempt at security in what you've always known before. On offer, though, is facing what needs to be faced with brave discovery to evolve into a new way of being in balance, flow, and sovereignty. It's an active choice.
The survival instincts of reactivity, conflict, and panic are in full swing. The intent of where we are, though, is to face an ending of an old story, pattern, or control system in order to free ourselves into a higher quality of life, creative expression, and future forward relationships.
Ego-driven reactivity leads to arguments and that's not where you want to be. You're looking for harmony, flow, peace. That takes you finding your center, backing away from passive aggression, and being humble in your not knowing how everything is going to play out.
There's a lot in the way of you experimenting with creation and self-expression. It's an inside job, knowing yourself and what you want for your life. You need to be here more, not less.
No part of being forced to face your suffering is punishment. It's a necessary course-correction. We're getting everything that's in the way of love, creativity, thriving, community, healing out of the way so that we can evolve and grow - together.
There is a qualitative difference between intellectualizing, observing joy and actually living it in real time, on the current moment. It's important to level up your expression of being fully alive.
You have to fully leave the old behind - every pattern, every story, every old way of being. Your future demands it; our future in finding our way back to each other requires it.
You won't be able to keep what's not working in relationships and resources a secret anymore. Good! Face it to tame it. Balance shows you that all is well.
You are meant to feel safe in living a life out in the open, visible, and free. Your brave vulnerability in emerging into the full experience of being you deserves your devoted persistence in breaking free of old patterns, compulsions, and habits that keep you small, muted, and disconnected.
If all you can see is collapse and suffering, then you haven't followed healing all the way through. There is thriving, creativity, expansion everywhere. It's your holding on to an old story that's getting in the way. Seek out evidence of what's actually happening in the longer trajectory of your life and you'll be re-engaged with inspiration.
Possibilities are always present, even when we can't see them. We evolve our way to them by facing what needs to be faced and opening up to new ways of being. It's not easy, but it's not near as hard as the staying in a collapsing paradigm of separateness, division, and control.
Your future has looked like a mirage for a long time. it's materializing now and you need to keep pace with it. It's time to evolve and grow - get shadow out of the way.
There's a falling away, dissolving, and letting go of shadow that's upon you, but it's something you already know has nothing left to offer you. Let it go, move in the direction of the unknown, and what you'll find is expanded You.
The unknown of element of healing and evolving our humanness is overwhelming. You're braver than you think, though - you can lead with discovery over fear and shed the patterns of suffering that get in the way.
In the last lunation before the next Eclipse cycle, it's important to deliberately find your inner peace, be the observer when situations heat up, and feel your way into a future-forward higher quality of life, simply because your creativity, laughter, joy, play in life matters. We find ourselves, we find each other.
You can't possibly know fully, exactly where you're headed in your future forward emerging, so let yourself off the hook. Start where you are, specifically in letting go of what will no longer stand the test of time, dissolving your long ago suffering, forgiving the shadows that are getting in the way of your higher quality of life.
We are evolving our humanness in real time. It's overwhelming to exist in such large scale, thematic shifting. The more we're present, face what needs to be faced, and take responsibility for our own healing, the more we have self agency in where we go with our humanity.
Ultimately, you'll make the decision to move forward into your future forward self. You'll have to feel the loss of what you're leaving behind, though. No need to ruminate, but don't bypass or self-abandon either. Feel it all. You're going up, not down.
You're going to have to change the energy you hold to experience a higher quality of life. That will mean a lot of letting go, but it also means heading into a new direction. What that looks like for you as an individual is fueled by what inspires you and sets your heart on fire.
You don't have to stay stuck in the never ending loop of a paradigm that doesn't allow you to change, evolve, create, and grow. You can glitch the matrix and go your own way.
The not knowing is a vulnerable place to be. It breeds anxiety and urgency. You don't want to get into reactivity, aggression, and confrontation from a state of fear. Dedication to be here all the way, committed. yourself to presence, and taking really good care of yourself from a place of flow gets you through.
Heading into 2023, now is the time to establish ritual in your life - devotional ways of being in your everyday life that make you feel better, that tie you to the Greater Force of Life, and remind you that you have self agency and choices that steer the long haul trajectory of your life. Disciplined focus on being here in the now will get you through pockets of chaos and intense uncertainty in 2023, making you better able to receive the incoming New Life that are on approach, too.
The ever-presence of hope and possibility - only noise of ruminating and regret, of stories about how we think things should be get in the way of our seeing them.
Hope and unlimited possibility are always alive, no matter what. Set your intention to remain open and actively seek them out, even if you can't see them in the current moment.
You can grow yourself out of ays that you have self abandoned or chose surviving over thriving in the past. You can purge the patterning of immediate gratification and invest in a long term way of living that you're really proud of. Details of what has happened so far that inform better decisions going forward is useful. Just don't let it slip into regret, self loathing, and rumination.
Sometimes, when we've mined a lived experience for all it's worth, it becomes an active choice to leave it behind and declare it complete. It's no longer useful - there's no more lessons to be had. You can choose to live a full life and move on.
The unfairness of it all is obvious, but you're not meant to stay there. Figure out how you got here, recognize where you haven't been factoring yourself into the flow of life, and make the changes necessary to get into alignment. It's not going to happen from anything outside of you. It's an inside job.
We're in confusing times. You have to be okay with trusting your instincts and know that you can handle anything that's in front of you.
It's time to get your life in integrity and alignment with your future forward self. Handle what needs to be handled and don't put it off for later. You'll be glad you did.
If you'll face what needs to be faced without falling into fear, you'll free yourself to go your own way, find your true happiness, and reach for a higher quality of life. Belonging is found in that higher frequency. We find ourselves, we find each other.
We're in a time of massive transformation. It's about knowing a new way of living based on what you find truly valuable and important; letting go of anything that is no longer useful; taking responsibility for your own energy; and believing in yourself, knowing you are adaptable and teachable. We find ourselves, we find each other
If you're taking responsibility for raising your frequency to your future forward self, you know you're heading in the direction of a higher quality of life that you haven't seen before. In the current moment, your brave vulnerability is needed so that you can remain open and receiving. Be willing to let go of all rigid concepts, shed patterns of fear, bring repressed emotions and wantings out into the light, and rely on your inner faith.
The protection of vulnerability ensures we show up fully in our humanness when old control systems are collapsing.
There is a very convincing shadow developing. We'll handle that as it unfolds. Proactively, there is a way forward we have access to - the opening of Consciousness of unlimited possibilities and hope that are always alive, no matter what. To gain access to that way, we first have to allow the residue of old shadows to be released. Your future-forward self is calling.
Coming out of a very intense eclipse cycle, now it's about changing our perception on the quality of life to fortify ourselves into a future forward way.
There's a truth you need to face. It's intense and maybe scary, but if you'll go ahead and do it - bring it out into the open - you'll quickly find yourself thriving on a whole other level.
Consciousness Itself is learning about itself through your lived experience. Rather than just doing what's always been done and tightening your grip around stories to hold on to control, you have an opportunity to go your own way and be part of the vast expansion and miracle of being alive.
You know something's wrong. The trap is falling into thinking there's nothing you can do about it. You can - you can heal and grow from a place of love and care.
Life hack: Before taking any actions, stop and get to the intention of what you actually want to receive. It will be an experience or a feeling - not a verb or a noun. That intention setting alters your energy and the frequency of the energy you encounter. It changes the next right action.
We are getting to the other side of the in between - how you used to live your life is crossing over to how you will live your life from here forward. There's a lot of letting go happening here. It takes focus and discipline to hold a new way of being. The life you manifest for yourself as a result makes every effort worthwhile.
Moving towards what's meant for you in the unknown and away from what doesn't resonate with you any longer is very uncomfortable. When it's heart-based, though, it's entirely worth you time and effort to acclimate yourself towards all the you're becoming aware of truly wanting for yourself.
We're beginning walk out of the in between energy we've been in for about seven weeks. It's a process that will continue through February. It's a commitment to a new frequency that raised the quality of life. It involves trusting the unknown and leaving behind anything that doesn't resonate any longer.
The new way of holding a higher frequency to solve problems and build a life you can be proud of necessarily involves exposing your feelings and the need for care.
Our assignment is to walk directly into the unfolding unknown from a frequency of discovery, knowing that life has unlimited possibilities and hope is always alive, no matter what. We are not just the summation of what we've seen so far. We are far more expansive than that story.
It takes a lot of courage to go into the unknown with discovery rather than fear. You have to believe that you can trust yourself and that life is happening how it needs to - both in the collapse of what will no longer be and the arrival of what now will. You have to be willing to let go of the stories you tell yourself about how you thought it all was going to be when, it isn't. You can do it.
It's a choice in frequency - are you going to live your life in patterned shadow or are you going to want more/better/higher for yourself?
You can head into a disruption of what you've known so far with either discovery or fear. Either way, it's happening - a new way of being is unfolding. Trusting yourself will allow you to see that it's all entirely in your favor.
Based on your beliefs that we have unlimited possibilities, hope is always alive, and the frequency you hold shifts the world you experience, it can become your new personal policy that you will maintain your true resonance, presence, and centeredness no matter what. You will guard that policy as we move into a time when challenges to your ability to want more for yourself and manifest a new way of being will definitely present themselves.
Learning the difference between the intensity of thriving discovery in life vs. the intensity of toxic, painful decay makes all the difference in the world when choosing the vibe you want to live in. There is richness and expansion in flow that doesn't include awful cycles of destruction. You can get yourself out of that old way of being now, if you're ready. And if you're not, then life is going to extract you from it, one way or another.
We are consciousness knowing itself through our lived experience. What experience do you want to have? Are you here to suffer endlessly or are you here to heal, grow, thrive, and discover? What's your frequency?
Mindfulness, paying attention on purpose. in the present moment, embodiment, and locus of evaluation + letting the Wild Woman find us.
Our willingness to find a new way of being 100% effects our experience of evolution and the unfolding unknowns in life.
It takes a lot of focus, discipline, and determination to stay on top of your triggers and pattern as not to allow them to snuff out the fires of creativity, joy, laughter, and love. It's worth every ounce of effort. You deserve to thrive.
Love, creativity, joy, laughter, play - they're always on offer, no matter the extenuating difficulties we may be dealing with. We intentionally tune in to them when we change our default energy setting to one that seeks out discovery and evolution.
There is a lot of pressure around shedding old stories of disappointment, hurts, and trauma in order to take responsibility for our energy in an unfolding new. Consistent, persistent self care gets us through.
We are here to discover and thrive, not merely endure and exist. We self care our way into an unfolding, evolving life.
Resonating on a higher note so that we can effectively evolve into a better way of being involves being honest with ourselves and trusting the greater force of life. We'll do it together.
False narratives, programming from control systems, fear of the unknown hinders our curiosity about a new way of being in a changing world. Hold space for your safety in possibility and see what happens.
Old control systems are crumbling while we walk into our libration from them. We are responsible for humanity - for ourselves, each other, and the stewardship of our planet. What is valuable and important to us in an emerging new world?
Creating new worlds, reaching for a life of thriving, wanting more for yourself and the world around you involves sitting vigil with the shadows of aches, pain, disappointment, and suspicion. These debilitating aspects deep within can be healed, transformed, and integrated into wholeness so that we can move on with thriving into the future.
Enduring, pushing, muscling through is out of balance. We're meant to stand in the name of our own peace, to protect our vulnerability, and move in a direction that excites.
Leaving control systems, traditions, rules, expectations, storylines takes a lot of brave vulnerability and trust in yourself. New life is calling you forward - evolving towards it is worth every effort.
Solutions are everywhere if you have self mercy in your heart. Life is speaking to you in ways you cannot hear when you're drowning in worry. Presence is your prayer.
Your willingness to raise your resonance will have a direct impact on your self worth and the quality of life that you lead. This is not about knowing all the details nor seeing how it all will land. Any insecurities that are in the way can be worked with and healed later. For right now, this is about your willingness to evolve and grow outside of your comfort zone.
You might have to walk away from people, circumstances, ideas that just don't resonate with you anymore. Take a leap in believing in yourself and know that you are deserving of the very best life possible.
It's time to be a mature adult and decide for yourself the direction you want your life to go in. It's not to be based on what's always been done and you're not asking for permission. Your life belongs to you.
2020 was hard on so many levels. 2021 will be challenging. In the space between, relief, healing, and self care are called for. You're aiming for balance and presence - decide to give yourself all the care you need to get there.
We are responsible for humanity, not some Greater Other. Our strength is in the ties that bind us together. We are adaptable and teachable and entirely capable of a better way of being in the world.
We can't let disappointment, fatigue, uncertainty stop us from keeping hope and possibility alive. It's a new day and we are adaptable, no matter what we discover in the unfolding unknown. There's no need to run back into old control systems for safety. Believe in yourself and know that the Greater Force of Life is happening in your favor.
Old thinking needs to be cleaned out so that you can open up to greater possibilities for your life. It's a continuation of walking forward into a new way of being in a rapidly evolving world.
In order to trust yourself in an evolving new world - in an age of evolution - you have to be honest with yourself and others about your boundaries. It's so that you can trust yourself in real time as you walk forward into freedom and independence.
In a time of collapse and collision, we're doing our internal healing to restore trust with ourselves and the ability to receive more in life. No forcing and punching through here. Go gently. Treat the parts of you that feel abandoned with mercy, respect, and care. You deserve to be whole.
It's vitally important that we learn how to find our inner sense of peace no matter what is happening in the world around us. We must remain open in brave vulnerability so that we can traverse this impactful pocket of upheaval toward a time of finding a better way of being in the world.
We need to learn how to find our balance and sense of peace in order to walk forward in with conscious strength. Being hard on ourselves and pushing past the breaking point is self harm and makes life feel even more overwhelming than it already is.
Massive, collective shifts are on approach. You'll need to hone the skill of remaining present and knowing your identity so that you can believe in yourself and your adaptability no matter what occurs in the world around you.
We're headed towards intense, volatile, confusing energy in the remaining months of 2020. to navigate those shifts, we'll need to be very present in the current moment and keep walking forward, trusting that we are being guided and healing is always on offer.
It takes a lot of bravery and believing in yourself to break free of outside control and build a life that you can be proud of. Shore up your reserves of strength and inspiration to ensure that you keep moving forward in standing tall no matter what happens in the world around you.
Not everything you have spent time and energy on has truly been important to you. Just because you're meeting outside expectations or doing what's always been done or appearing successful in what you doesn't mean your heart was in it. You can change that. Consider what your future would look like if you were more in alignment with the people, places, things, ideas you're engaged with and let your life level up from there.
A rapidly evolving world that includes collapse, dismantling, and a lot of confusion requires all of us to heal ourselves in real time, trust our own thinking, and show up differently for ourselves and each other.
We can't control everything that's happening in life and in the world. More massive shift is coming. Right now, the Cancer Solar Eclipse is asking us to evolve in how well we take care of yourselves so that can feel okay in any current moment and treat each other better.
False narratives, obsolete beliefs, letting go of the need for outside validation is required for our thinking, evaluation, and communications to evolve into clarity and healing.
In order to participate in creating new worlds, we have to let go of the past and the disappointments we carry in current time. We can free ourselves from where we think we went wrong before and make novel decisions as we navigate the unfolding unknown.
We are in a time of innovating, overhauling, revolutionizing what we find valuable and important. To meet a higher version of our lives, we'll need to raise our self worth past where it's been before. That means boundaries in how you treat yourself, how you react to the people and circumstances around you, and what is/is not okay. Be on your own side.
When you take responsibility for what does/does not resonate, then we can innovate our value and worth in new ways.
There is a lot of imbalance, unfairness, and injustice in the world and in our everyday lives has become very apparent. We can use that awareness to motivate us towards standing for something that matters.
If we can turn away from old karmic patterns that no longer serve us, we can show up and participate in the current moment without worry or martyrdom.
We're not meant to stay in our suffering. We're meant to heal out of them. We can take an active role in that liberation.
We don't know who/what resonates with us until we open up our hearts and discover what truly lights us up. Let that happen with this Full Moon.
What we find valuable and important in our lives can suddenly change. Change is good. Be honest with yourself so that you can more confidently walk forward with a new way of being in the world.
The collapse of old stories, rules, expectations, traditions can feel like you're up against insurmountable odds. Don't abandon yourself. Be here, have self mercy, and know that you are safe in the unfolding unknown.
In a rapidly evolving world, you will be heading in new directions. In order to make vital decisions while walking into the unfolding unknown, you need to clear your mind of past distress and open up to possibilities you haven't considered so far.
A decision has to be made. We're at a point of no return. How will you go forward in life based on your self worth and what matters to you?
Know your worth and be willing to draw lines where necessary. Don't look away - face what needs to be addressed.
No more destruction. Stand for something. Be the bodyguard of all that's beautiful.
Be The Evidence is a community for healing and raising consciousness. https://www.betheevidence.live/ Registered members of BeTheEvidence.Live are supported through weekly live calls, pop up calls, text messages in real time of shifting energies, and podcasts extended to all 12 signs. If you are looking to book a one-on-one session with Susan Grace, you can do here: https://www.betheevidence.live/readings.
For more about the Host, Susan Grace: SusanGrace.org
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Joining https://www.betheevidence.live/ gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, extended podcasts, tarot reads, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about the Full Moon in Aquarius. The full moon + all those Leo placements are asking us to look at the ways we are stoking the fires of our own joys even when people may feel far away.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about the New Moon in Leo
marking the end of eclipse season. The New Moon is asking us to cultivate our fire in creating the lives we deeply desire.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about the Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The full moon + lunar eclipse are asking us to look at the truth inside of ourselves and the ways we are willing to take responsibility of the stories.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about the New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Cancer. The New Moon + Solar Eclipse is asking us to look into self care, our emotions and the ways we find comfort with rituals.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about the Full Moon in Sagittarius. The full moon is sparking us to look at possibility and hope. It is asking us to be present within our skins and let things fall away that are ready to be released without taking it personally. The full moon is urging us to be resistant to giving up especially on hope and possibility.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ Joining BTE.Live gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) with Susan + Aubrey. If you are looking to book a reading with us please go here https://www.betheevidence.live/readings or if you are interested in our shop https://www.betheevidence.live/shop
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about a post-100 episode announcement of some changes!
Look for New Moon and Full Moon Podcasts and more content to be LIVE on the Be The Evidence.Live community!
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/
Joining gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community).
Susan + Aubrey
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast celebrate the 100th episode with the New Moon in Gemini! They explore concepts about; happiness, the mind talking us out of possibility, cultivating faith, mindfulness, wellness, and receiving.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ BTE is celebrating a 100 episodes from now until June 4th. In celebration: anyone who joins to become a member gets access to our courses for FREE! Joining also gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) and gets you a 22% discount to booking duo readings with Susan + Aubrey
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about Mars in Cancer and Moon in Aries: sacred union, co-dependency, receiving, radical vulnerability and curious possibility.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ BTE is celebrating a 100 episodes from now until June 4th. In celebration: anyone who joins to become a member gets access to our courses for FREE! Joining also gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) and gets you a 22% discount to booking duo readings with Susan + Aubrey
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast are talking about unfolding consciousness. They explore the ache of Moon in Pisces and how it can relate to housing the pain of the world. They talk about karmic suffering and recovering from trauma.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ BTE is celebrating a 100 episodes from now until June 4th. In celebration: anyone who joins to become a member gets access to our courses for FREE! Joining also gains you access to all of the perks (texts of shifting energies, live and pop up calls, presence practices and an amazing supportive community) and gets you a 22% discount to booking duo readings with Susan + Aubrey
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about the mind racing with Gemini Season. They discuss finding acceptance and faith by looking at where receiving has been capped.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about the beginning of Gemini season as we come out of the Scorpio Full Moon. They discuss making decisions whiile trying to concentrate on cultivating curiosity.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about Taurus season and receiving a new way of being in the world. They discuss the concept of being deserving without validation and drawing lines in the Full Moon in Scorpio approaching on Saturday.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about faith being required to land a new way of being in the world. They discuss Venus in Aries and being fair to the self or the comparison of shrinking or fitting in. They explore trusting and allowing as a means to connect to presence.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about manifesting and receiving with Uranus and Mercury being in Taurus. They talk about raising self worth to level of being full deserving.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach out at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about the mind aggressively trying to find hope with Mars in Gemini. They discuss trying to figure out all the ways we have been hurt and the ache that accompanies. Mercury crossing Uranus in Taurus may provide some surprises to our understanding of how manifestations can be delivered.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about mourning deep pain to reactivity while Pluto and Saturn Retrograde at the South Node. They talk about taking internal responsability and choosing consciousness while being sensitive to how you have been hurt.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about Saturn and Pluto Retrograde at the South Node.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about Pluto going retrograde in Capricorn near the South Node.
-giving up
-self care
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace + Aubrey Mast talk about the Moon opposing Mars and Gemini and Venus, Mercury and Chiron being in Aries. They also address Saturn being at the South Node and the Sun, Uranus being in Taurus. The themes that emerge are:
-figuring it out
-tension and anxiety
-Keeping hope alive
-Faith and hope
-Battle of the mind
-Taking Responsability
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the approaching Full Moon in Libra. The following concepts were explored:
Taking pause
Being Still
Making Sense of Life
Self Care
Giving and Receiving
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Moon in Virgo. The following concepts were explored:
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about Jupiter Retrograde and Mercury being in a T-square. They also talk about the Sun in Aries squaring the North Node and the themes that arise:
-Battle of the Mind
-Tender Self Care
-Embracing your knowing
-Life Purpose
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about Mars being in Gemini and the Moon joining. You'll hear about the following themes in this episode:
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the new moon in Aries and all of the Pisces emotions.
-Revisiting Pains
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Moon, Mercury and Venus being in Pisces. Pluto is in Capricorn at the south node. Chiron is in Aries and there is a collapse of something that can't be saved.
-Conclusions + Judgements
-Sensitivity + High Emotions
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast host the Be The Evidence Podcast. They develop continual, ongoing astrological and wellness content at [www.BeTheEvidence.live] They are dedicated to supporting the Collective during a time of massive, wide-sweeping change.
In this Bonus Episode Susan and Aubrey Interview Dr. Melissa Bird. Dr. Bird, PhD, MSW is a passionate feminist whose education in social work has led to a career advocating for children, women, and their families. She is a fierce believer in social justice advocacy and preparing women for leadership roles throughout their communities. Melissa guides women to harness their power, amplify their voice and bring meaningful growth to their world.
As a life coach, writer, educator and fiery public speaker, Dr. Bird creates the genesis for a new brand of leadership. Her words awaken revolutionaries, trailblazers and powerful innovators in the quest for justice. When she’s not building her public speaking Empire, she can be found reading trashy novels, drinking fine whiskey, playing mom to three delicious humans, and loving her punk rock scientist James Thomas Kelly.
-Being a rebel
-Being an outcast + not fitting in
-Making change
-Connecting to community
Susan Grace
Dr. Bird is at www.birdgirlindustries.com and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @birdgirl1001
Get Dr. Melissa Bird's https://birdgirlindustries.com/free-resources/ Handbook to Finding Your Voice and learn how to awaken your inner revolutionary trailblazer and engage in the quest for justice.
Member Site www.BeTheEvidence.live
You are invited to join Susan and Aubrey's growing member community at www.BeTheEvidence.live where you can get real time astrology updates by text, weekly live calls, presence practices, private group support, podcasts extended to all 12 signs and more.
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Sun and Chiron being in Aries with Mercury Retrograde nearing completion in Neptune. Moon is in Capricorn and we may be inspired to get things done.
-aries and pisces
-fire and direction
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us in the community or for a reading!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading or for a group event please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Sun and Chiron being in Aries with Mercury Retrograde nearing completion in Neptune.
-Releasing Collapse
-Openess + Adventure
-Ego + the Mind
-Balance + Challenge
-Changing Directions
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Full Moon in Libra and the Spring Equinox!
-Slow doing and prioritizing self-care
-The ache of being human
-Having your faith tested
-Participating in not giving up hope
-Deserving Better
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Moon in Virgo. Themes that come up in today's call are:
-being fully here in the moment
-choosing everyday life
-inspiring curiosity
-cultivating interest
-unexpected opportunities
-self worth
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast host the Be The Evidence Podcast. They develop continual, ongoing astrological and wellness content at www.BeTheEvidence.live. They are dedicated to supporting the Collective during a time of massive, wide-sweeping change.
In this Bonus Episode Susan and Aubrey Interview Slade Roberson of Shift Your Spirits Slade Roberson is a professional intuitive, author, and host of the podcast Shift Your Spirits, where he tries to talk about spirituality with fewer hearts and flowers than most New Age blather. He also mentors emerging intuitives, psychics and healers in a program called Automatic Intuition.
Susan Grace www.SusanGrace.org
Aubrey Mast www.aubreycmast.com
Slade Roberson https://sladeroberson.com/
Slade's Gift's
Contacting Your Spirit Guides 101 - ebook + guided meditation to meet your guides
Automatic Intuition Professional - Attunement guided meditation
you can start the course for free by downloading the Attunement at automaticintuition.com
Member Site www.BeTheEvidence.live
You are invited to join Susan and Aubrey's growing member community at www.BeTheEvidence.live where you can get real time astrology updates by text, weekly live calls, presence practices, private group support, podcasts extended to all 12 signs and more.
In this episode, Susan Grace and Aubrey Mast talk about the Moon is in Gemini. They address Mars in Taurus, Venus in Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces.
Be The Evidence is a community! https://www.betheevidence.live/ In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! With Venus in Aquarius its easier for your heart to feel like people are far away. With the Sun and Neptune in Pisces you may be trying to figure out how to get a handle on all the emotions. Seeking stillness and clearing out the old emotions can help us lean into Saturn in Capricorn and creating what will last the test of time.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! Susan and Aubrey talk about the energy of the New Moon in Neptune. How Mercury retrograde in Pisces is asking to take the time to clear up past aches and pains. Transiting Uranus into Taurus is bringing in a whole new way of being in the world and a new life and way of being. We talk about being in the authentic self and owning the birth right to be reborn into more of you.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! Susan and Aubrey talk of being vulnerable and asking for help. We explore how mercury in retrograde is getting us to expose our pains and troubles so that we can deepen into self-care.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! Susan and Aubrey talk of the feeling of possibilities feeling like that could not land while leaning into the leap of new ways of being. The conversation explores the Moon crossing Jupiter and all of the emotions arising with Pisces. Taurus is asking us to look past disappointments and move into the motivation of finding, embracing and being a peace that we haven't experienced before.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! Susan and Aubrey talk the Sun and Mercury is in Pisces. We discuss not hiding, leaning into vulnerability, allowing the rawness of existence to crack us open. We talk about the power of self-reflection and old patterns that try to dictate our abilities to receive.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are in Pisces season! Susan and Aubrey talk about power dynamics (Chiron in Aries) and how they are feeding into presence. Cultivating presence as a prayer of possibility and how we can deepen into true personal peace. Our ability to deepen our presence and our personal concept of power lead to cultivating a restored trust in life (Mercury+ Neptune in Pisces).
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions, comments or want to book Susan + Aubrey in a dual reading; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! We are talking about Mercury being in Neptune and the fact that we have always been guided. Even in the midst of eight years of suffering within Chiron in Pisces and just moving into Aries, we have the capability of repairing strength and moving into a place that is re-directed based on outdated stories. Being present invites divinity in.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! We are exploring the Moon in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces. How we are in the mental realm trying to figure it all out which is mixing with sensitive feels. There could be some tension in figuring out where the suffering is and trying to receive beyond the egoic reaction. Neptune is continuing to ask us to believe in possibility beyond conclusion.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! We are talked about our stories of possibility and the ability to manifest the new which requires us to get clear with our self-worth. We talk about taking self-worth higher than before and how its a foreshadowing of manifestation brought through by the moon in Taurus. Embracing this energy means saying goodbye to hurt.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! We are discussing the moon being in Pisces and how we are processing emotions through the subconscious right now. We talk about Jupiter bringing in possibility and how the Aquarian placements are helping to shake the old out and find a new way. We also talk about the hostility that can arise from Mars and Uranus in Aries sextiling into Sun and Mercury. There is a bit of an ego check and we are forced to looking at where we are blocked.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we discuss being in the tricky energy of harnessing possibility while also deeply aching. We talk about moving towards the Galactic Center and the moon moving across Jupiter into Sagitarrius and the desire that things start to happen and being met with the knowledge that they will happen in their own time. We talk about how to meet it all with deep compassion and understanding as we move through the discomforts to make room for the new.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we discuss being in the tricky energy of harnessing possibility while also deeply aching. We talk about moving towards the Galactic Center and the moon moving across Jupiter into Sagitarrius and the desire that things start to happen and being met with the knowledge that they will happen in their own time. We talk about how to meet it all with deep compassion and understanding as we move through the discomforts to make room for the new.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we talk about the emotional, shadowy, achy intensity being felt. We explore Chiron moving into 29 degrees in Pisces while the north node is pointing to cancer and our ability for self-care. We discuss taking the long game approach in the grand trine water and how to heal as above so below.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, pop up live calls on the topics and astro discussed, group support, presence practices, guided meditations, extended podcasts for all sun signs with tarot readings and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; mercury and sun are moving into Aquarius and we may feel like people, ourselves and communication are far away. Mars in Aries is wanting some movement and we are being asked to stand up for our beliefs. Apathy may be increasing and we are being asked to acknowledge that we cant pray things away in order to receive.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we are talking about the eclipse window after the lunar eclipse in Leo and the inspiration and creativity that is being supported. We discuss the grand trine in fire and how we are being called forward out of the depths of all the serious feels. We also talk about the energy of receiving and expanding and purposefully setting aside worry.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we are talking about experiencing the deep ache of suffering and choosing balance, joy, and hope instead. We discuss the moon in Taurus and asking for the attention of what would we like to manifest by calling out the suffering as the Sun is in Pluto.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
The video series mentioned can be found https://vimeo.com/311529423
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we are talking about choosing expansion and adventure while connecting to spirit. We are in the midst of the solar eclipse and the incoming lunar eclipse; we can feel it pulling on us. We discuss the deep aches being experienced and how it is forcing us towards cultivating our strength and bravery.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
The video series mentioned can be found https://vimeo.com/310243850
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we discuss the willingness to make long term commitments and decisions with Mercury being in Capricorn. Coupled with Mars in Aries there is an energy of reacting against what no longer feels tolerable. We are in the midst of the eclipse window as the sun crosses pluto and something is ending.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we discuss making decisions with Saturn, Sun, and Pluto being in Capricorn. We also discuss the moon being in Aquarius and how that can give us some detachment in having the internal space to make decisions and then utilize the Aries energy to take actions. We discuss anxiety in resisting what is breaking down.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it, you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we discuss liberating against all of the odds. We are walking closer into eclipse energy as the moon is crossing Jupiter to Mercury and the galactic center. Aries in Mars is giving us the opportunity to burn off some of the sensitivity and water emotions that are rising in the grand trine water. We discuss exploring what will last the test of time and how we deepen our presence.
We created a community platform https://www.betheevidence.live/ its intention is to help support and provide tools for everything we discuss in the podcasts. In it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are talking about the Mars moving into Aries. We discuss the great unfolding and self care beyond comprehension. We talk about the Grand Trine water and preparing for the coming year and fast approaching eclipse.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are talking about the Moon moving into Virgo and how we may have worries turned up while also feeling the need to make decisions. We talk about belonging and seeking safety in the North Node. We explore being sensitive to healing and actively deciding to cultivate personal safety.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us!
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We are also hosting 2019 astrology and intuitive live calls this Friday! It's a great time to get a handle on what the year ahead has in store. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are talking about the holiday season and the moon going into Leo energy. We also discuss the feeling of seriousness with the South Node, Pluto and the Sun being in Capricorn and how that can lead to breaking down tradition and needing to remove the debris. We also talk about finding in joy in acknowledging what we feel.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
We launched extended podcasts for Members of betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We are also hosting 2019 astrology and intuitive live calls for the next two Fridays! It's a great time to get a handle on what the year ahead has in store. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are talking about the full moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn. We discuss standing in the ability to heal while having a ton of doubt come up and out.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us. This week we launched extended podcasts for Members of betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We are also hosting 2019 astrology and intuitive live calls for the next two Fridays! It's a great time to get a handle on what the year ahead has in store. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are talking about the sun in Sagittarius being at the Galactic center. We discuss Jupiter trying to deliver the possibility the Sun is allowing us to see. We are being asked to stand in our beliefs and adjust the timeliness. To lean into magic and be the receiver of surprises.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us. This week we launched extended podcasts for Members of betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We are also hosting 2019 astrology and intuitive live calls for the next two Fridays! It's a great time to get a handle on what the year ahead has in store. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we are focusing on the hope and possibility that Mercury, Jupiter, and the Sun are trying to bring in. We discuss not knowing exactly what we are heading towards and how to believe it will pan out amidst all these feels especially as the Moon prepares to go into Pisces. We finish the conversation focused on using the last match of hope and possibility because this really could be the place of true liberation beyond the current frustrations and emotions.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about all the water energies filling us with all the feels. We speak about the expansions that are desperately pulling us to buck up and be relentless with our healing, with our liberation, with the ways we desire to advance into our abundant selves. We speak about Mercury being in the final placements in Scorpio; the grand trine water that has us in all of the feels. We talk about Sun and Jupiter asking us to receive an expansion.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we have Mercury finally going Direct! We talk about the New moon in Sagittarius, squaring into Mars and Neptune. It is the time to LEAP. Time to make a decision and leap into liberation.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we have Mercury, Venus and Moon in Scorpio. We are working through old, karmic traumas and wounds while equally being presented possibility. We have the Sun and Jupiter bring in expansion, possibility and healing. We are going through an overhaul where we get to choose what kind of liberation do we want to reach for.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about the ego being given a shower and needing to lean into acceptance. We also explore the Moon in Virgo and the continual call to be as present as possible. We speak on the Sun and leading with an agenda of inspiration, hope, expansion.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about Virgo pulling us towards receiving. Neptune retrograde is asking us to not be numbed out and to instead seek guidance in being present. The sensitivities about the pain in of the world are up and we are being pulled towards bravery.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about the Full Moon and the radical self-care we are presented with. We discuss loosen up our thinking, making our sacred selves land. Mercury retrograde asks us to take some pauses. Mars is having a hard time making things land and we are being asked to slow down and self-honor. Practicing the balance of discernment and shifting to possibility is the theme for the weekend to come.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about feeling into the sensitivities and evaluating whats blocking possibility. We talk about Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and the doubt we are experiencing that good and hope can be delivered. We also address the disappointment in ourselves and others and how we are being asked, again and again, to stand tall in our truths and brave vulnerabilities.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about being sensitive in the midst of reactionary energies. We also talk about walking bravely towards fairness, beauty, and honesty. We discuss Venus moving direct and Mercury beginning to retrograde. We discuss not shutting down when we are being tempted to and using our drive to lean into personal and collective compassion.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings not found within our membership site: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode, we talk about the cardinal signs indicating a new season in that we are going to have to end some things. We are being asked to come out of hiding. To deepen our practices of listening to ourselves and loving our vulnerability. We talk about taking care of ourselves and the ability to allow care to come in as Venus moves direct later in the week.
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! We have launched our new platform which we could not be more excited about- please check it out! In this episode we talk about the new moon having happened in Scorpio. We talk about drawing lines of expectations for ourselves on how we want to be treated internally as well as what we are allowing of externally. We talk about making preparations, while also being requested to not participate to reactions. We explore honesty around what has been held onto and what is being asked to be released.
About the Hosts
Our new community platform can be found: https://www.betheevidence.live/
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! We have launched our new platform which we could not be more excited about- please check it out! In this episode we talk about the moon moving from libra and the new moon being in Scorpio. We explore being clear with what we are asking for while equally recognizing the mirrors we hold of old stories. We talk about relationships and how the relationship with the self is shifting as Jupiter moves beyond the 29 degree mark. We explore tenderness and the beliefs we carry forward. We prepare for Uranus retrograde and Aries on election day. We end the conversation talking returning to self compassion and presence.
About the Hosts
Our new community platform can be found: https://www.betheevidence.live/
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! We have launched our new platform which we could not be more excited about- please check it out! In this episode we talk about venus retrograding into libra and the flight of bringing balance and fairness back into what we truly believe about ourselves, our potential, and the future of the collective. We discuss the premise of keeping hope alive and looking towards possibility while also acknowledging chiron (the wounded healer). We end the discussion talking about dismantling the stories about being wrong, labeled, or bad and the liberation which is required in learning boundaries about what is fair to our sacred selves.
About the Hosts
Our new community platform can be found: https://www.betheevidence.live/
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! We have launched our new platform which we could not be more excited about- please check it out! In this episode we discuss the Grand Trine Water and how all of the big feelings are up, longing to be sifted through, along with trauma waiting to be healed. We discuss a deep longing for home and the fact that we may not know what it is but that we are being requested to clear the vessels and lean into our feelings for clarity. We also talk about the possibility of creating a new world by cleaning up the way we interact with our trauma, others and the earth.
About the Hosts
Our new community platform can be found: https://www.betheevidence.live/
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here, thank you for showing up with us and in your own lives; we are deeply grateful! In this episode; we speak about the full moon in Taurus and the desire, conquest, and adventure into liberation. We also explore the fixed grand cross and the places where we naturally hold ourselves in rigidity; not always willing to look at and accept ourselves and our deepest wantings. We talk about denying out truths and the request to find peace and balance in order to help aid in our liberation.
About the Hosts
Our new community platform can be found: https://www.betheevidence.live/
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we are entering into Scorpio season with a full moon in Aries. We talk about the intensity of this season and the tension between beauty and shadow. We talk about the contrast between not believing in our deepest worth and our ability to actualize what we are deeply seeking. We also talk about taking action into creating our realities that align with our most sacred calling; surpassing the systems, patterns, and limiting beliefs. We finish the conversation talking about shaking out what is old and stuck and remembering we are in the midst of an internal/external liberation.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we explore the moon being in Capricorn and Aquarius and the ability to not take moments of action where there are moments of breathing space. We explore the concepts of water (emotions) and earth (grounding) energy and connecting within the human experience. We explore the difference between soul drive and ego drive and what the difference between both. We again explore the difference between wound/divine masculine and feminine energies and the desire to seek balance, receiving and unfolding.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we talk about diving into the depths of shadow and all that we can unconsciously turn away from because there are gifts beholden to us there. We talk about the Moon moving out of Pluto and Capricorn squaring the Sun in Libra. We talk about the exploration of what is fair: fair to others but more importantly what is fair to ourselves. We explore what to do when things are not lining up as fair to us and how to cut them away. Thank you for tuning in.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we talk about cleaning out in order to receive better. We discuss Chiron and Neptune in being in Pisces. We talk about the exhaustion of having trauma's unearthed to be healed into a greater day and liberation. We discus the North Node in Leo and how we are being asked to bend but not break and lean into how are hearts are being broken open. We also talk about releasing the stories and patterns that have kept us trapped and being willing to adapt, change and transform in every single second.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode; we talk about cleaning out in order to receive better. We talk about Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon are in Scorpio energy. We continue to explore the stark contrasts between shadow and beauty and the deeper request to listen intently. We also talk about the collision of Venus (feminine energies) to Mars (masculine energies) and the opportunity to lean in rather than choosing resentment and detachment (Mars in Aquarius). We end the conversation by talking about the importance to grounding in any matter of the word as a way to transmute the intensities.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we are leaning into the intensities. We talk about the new moon in Libra and the deeper request for balance and fairness. The Venus retrograde in Scorpio is asking us to look in the mirror at where we can show up for ourselves so that we are of greater service in relationships and in the collective. We explore the theme of trust and how it relates to disappointment. We also look at the resolve happening from the cyclical nature of clearing out our shadows. We discuss leading from the place of being a clear container and managing the illusions of control, always beginning with the inner self.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we speak about knowing your line and cultivating your grit. We discuss Venus (feminine energy) of receiving and the healing into balance of Mars (masculine energy) protecting that which is being received. We talk about the Moon in Leo and Venus beginning to retrograde. We explore the need for mirrors, honoring truths, standing in integrity and no longer allowing spiritual woundings.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we continue to talk about the intensity we are feeling and seeing play out within the collective. We speak about its role within self loathing and the deeper request to unveil the truth. We talk about Libra bringing in justice and balance while the collapse takes place. We discuss the moon crossing Leo and Chiron retrograde as it impacts our ability to keep hope alive and participate in due diligence regarding liberation.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we explore the intensity being felt amongst the collective. We also talk about Chiron and Pisces and the achey feeling that is arising. We speak about how there is a tangible feeling that we can no longer be silent about what is wrong, that we are being very clearly requested to speak and stand up. We talk about the moon in cancer; asking and receiving care without looting from others. We finish the conversation by discussing the warmth of care we give and receive as we move forward in the energies of needing to open up.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we are talking about being deeply triggered and still choosing to hold hope alive. We reflect on whats taken place in the world and how aware of suffering, reactivity, and defenses that are taking place. We explore how we are moving through it and the work we feel we are tasked with as provided by the Galactic Center and detoxifying out of shadow. Holding hope alive and not giving up as we proceed shakily forward is where we end the conversation.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we are talking about coming out of the moon in Aries energy. We explore Chiron moving into Pisces and how we are seeing on a wide scale hurt, trauma, suppression coming up and are being tasked with the question can we heal out of this? We explore the fixed cross that is happening until November. We also talk about how there is a deep and collective calling for greater connection, honest truth, and liberation out of normalized suppression.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we are talking about the current Full moon in Aries. We explore the theme about naming what hurts when we feel safe to do so and allowing ourselves to feel exactly what has been hidden in order to lean into vulnerability and liberation. We talk about staying safe in the edgy energy and the importance of moving the wounds into the sunlight to help with deep healing. We speak about the Aries and Chiron placements and also what Pisces is asking us to reflect on as we clear away the woundings.
****Apologizing for the Audio trouble in this.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we begin by talking about staying in what is comfortable while what we truly desire is seeking us. We also explore the notion of how we have intuitively and creatively been anxiously awaiting liberation and how to proceed forward. We talk about Aries in Chiron and the request to heal all the ways we have been hurt by removing the rubble from our innocent and sacred selves.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we speak how we are dealing with the energy of needing to figure things out while we are exploring what do we truly believe and how do we nurture it. We look at how to move through the darkness and the pain sensation of liberation. We explore what do we truly want and being open to what's transpiring through the energy of Venus and Scorpio. We end by exploring speaking about the truth of what's uncomfortable and how we can meet it with the truth of beauty.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we speak about the process of cultivating our true beliefs. Uranus retrograding in Taurus is helping us evaluate what is possible and learning how to receive the truth of you and the depth of your love for you. We explore moving into a whole new world one that we haven't experienced and the call for unraveling the supposed to's. Moon is crossing galactic center and the sun in virgo; turning wrongs into rights and exalting ourselves while liberating our deepest knowings and beliefs. Hope is alive as long as we walk towards what we truly believe in.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we look at the Scorpio energy that is leaving us edgy, anxious and possibly reactive. We talk about releasing the resistance and moving into allowance even while we are walking through the dark tunnel of liberation. We explore what are the raw and intense truths we are being presented and how can we trust Uranus in Taurus; trusting the unknown and walk into the unknown. We wind the conversation up by talking about being vulnerable and brave in these unfolding energies and no longer allowing suffering.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we discuss choosing anxiety and chaos or leading with intentionality and presence. We talk about slowing down and leaning into the earth energy while choosing to receive life as it shows up. We look at the Venus in Scorpio energy and how receiving is interwoven into our consciousness. We also explore how the other side of that is self-sabotage and our desire to step second by second into our becoming and worthiness.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode, we discuss creating lists and anxiety while managing showing up in the midst of the New Moon in Virgo. We also talk about the Venus energy going into Scorpio, Mercury in Virgo, Mars into Aquarius and the sensation of feeling removed from others and wanting to name our enemies. We discuss how to navigate our ego reaction of wanting to change things in the collective, while also understanding we can no longer afford complacency. We look at how to heal our programming. We explore leaning into the resistance while we are exposing ourselves, dismantling our program and choosing to reclaim how you are with your sacred self.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss showing up and supporting ourselves when we have had triggers set off. We explore stepping outside of our stories of trauma and lean into how can we love ourselves in this moment. We share tools that we use to help us ground and not shoot from the hip with reactionary patterns. Caring for ourselves through our own internal healing by coming into this breathe as a way to show vulnerable support.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss trusting yourself and life; we talk about having your own back relentlessly even when you are not fully aware of how to do so. We also talk about Mars being direct and Venus in retrograde and how its impacting the 'need' of being in relationship. We discuss marrying ourselves and being so self dependent that we are vessels of our own worthiness while being grounded. We end by talking about holding our highest intention and space while also equally creating the sensation of feeling what we are seeking.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss Mars being direct as the Moon and Chiron move into Aries. We discuss taking accountability for ourselves as a means to heal the collective. We move the conversation into understanding how to actualize ourselves into a place of sacred presence. We also discuss how to cultivate compassion for ourselves and for the collective when we have all withstood suffering and suppression. We end the discussion by focusing on how can we create joy and ease in our lives and let that be the light that guides us.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss Mars going direct and how this impacts masculine traits specifically around making decisions and aiding in things finally landing. We also dive into a discussion of forcing things and the contrast of taking a pause. We discuss loving ourselves in the midst of reclaiming our darkness and leaning into the knowledge that it provides. We finish by speaking about healing our human-ness, loving ourselves no matter what, and requesting a deeper knowledge to be delivered.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss the approaching Pisces full moon, Scorpio squaring Leo and the opportunity to stay in our saddles. We discuss taking hits and falling down and what inspires us to pull ourselves back up and get back into the ring. We look into the communion that is required of us to simply show up and the presence that can create our purpose in being willing to pick ourselves up and go at it again, but this time in companionship with life.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss coming out of retrogrades and how we may be tasked with holding the awarenesses of the eclipses and retrogrades very closely. We also talk about how we can generate a humble understanding around the illusion of control and how we are asked to claim our confidence in recognition of our sacredness. We also explore the ways in which we can continue to honor ourselves while the new world paradigm is beginning to be set in motion.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss moving through the other side of the eclipses. The ways in which we talk to our selves, speaking to ourselves as if we are our own best friends is explored as a means to approach deep and meaningful care while we are tired. We discuss the exhaustion and burn out that can go along with being in this many retrogrades and not clear about our purposes. We talk about how to cultivate knowing how awesome you are while also fully aware of the sensitivity and lack of clarity that is currently permeating our lives.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss moving through the other side of the eclipses. We discuss befriending our shadows, looking into the stories we tell ourselves and the truths that can come through because of this work. The ways in which we talk to our selves, the offerings we have to give to this world, and speaking to ourselves as another person are discussed as ways of decoding our stories and bringing the shadow into the light. We look into discovering and unearthing our deepest hurts, the shadows we carry and the opportunities we are being given to bring our sacred selves deeply into the light.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we discuss entering into the third eclipse and how it may feel like a lose of control. We discuss coming into self liberation while trusting the answers we are given even in the fog. We also talk about how we heal, liberate and take ownership over our evolution and growth. We discuss the retrogrades and the allowance that is requested. We finish the conversation speaking about releasing attachments, changing and taking ecstatic creative ownership through this solar eclipse.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review. Thank you!
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies surrounding Uranus entering Taurus. We discuss coming into greater consciousness, collapsing systems of control, healing the earth and our bodies. We talk about how we heal from the things we have done under the guise of shadow and how we rebuild from a place of vulnerability and sovereignty.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies surrounding most recent eclipse and how we are transitioning into the next eclipse. We are discussing how there is a lot of perceived separateness, isolation, and shadow. We discuss the role of detoxifying on all levels to help clear away the isolation and shadow. We end the episode discussing the ways that we are interconnected and what to hold onto through the retrogrades.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies surrounding most recent eclipse and full moon and how it is impacting the collective at the moment. We are discussing how there is a lot of perceived separateness at the moment and how it is an intimate call to lean in and choose to show up. We discuss what showing up actually embodies. This episode has some strong talk about what it takes to actually choose our own healing and the 'work' that is required of us both internally and externally.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the upcoming astrology associated with the eclipse on July 27th and how it impacts the collective at the moment. We are discussing how to hold boundaries that respect your sacred and sovereign self. We talk about radical self care and the ways in which we can choose to deeply ground into our selves and choose more simplistic ways of honoring ourselves. We speak of how failure and the narratives we create for ourselves is leading to our liberation into our sacredness.
About the Hosts
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies surrounding the new moon and most recent eclipse and how it impacts the collective at the moment. We are discussing being vulnerable as you expose yourself, leaning into the change that the eclipses and retrogrades are bringing. We discuss how interconnected we are, using mirrors to help to heal our human-ness and how we can choose authentic freedom.
About the Hosts <<<
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are so grateful you are here! In this episode we explore the astrology and the energies in the collective at the moment. We are discussing being vulnerable as you expose yourself, tuning in and learning how to lean into the intuitively guided voice, leaping into the unknown, the eclipse season and how do you honor yourself. How are we receiving one another's stories while instinctively learning how to receive ourselves, others and our deep (and sometimes hidden intuitive voices)? We also discuss the ways in which we are being asked to step up, reclaim ourselves, change the systems that are based upon oppression and the role of privilege all the while cultivating the ways in which we listen to our deeper knownings.
>>> About the Hosts <<<
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are glad you are here and have stumbled into an authentic conversation about the small self, settling, liberation, the wound and divine masculine and feminine, choice and ancestral ties. We explore where we are at in the astrology. This is conversation that seeks to explore, understand and work our way through the themes that are currently at play in the collective consciousness.
We are deeply grateful you are joining us in this conversation. Please subscribe, rate, review and send us any questions that may arrive; it truly helps the conversation expand.
*** About the Hosts***
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Welcome to Be the Evidence! We are glad you are here and have stumbled into an authentic conversation about apathy, settling, liberation, and self care. We explore where we are at in the astrology. We also discuss the ways that inflammation are systematic not only in our bodies but also in our culture. This is conversation that seeks to explore, understand and work our way through the themes that are currently at play in the collective consciousness.
***About the Hosts ***
Susan Grace
If you find the content of this podcast helpful and of service; it would mean the world to us if you would be willing to subscribe, rate and review us.
Also if you are interested in additional offerings: https://www.patreon.com/BeTheEvidencePodcast
If you have any questions or comments; please feel free to reach us at >>> [email protected]
Our community platform is https://www.betheevidence.live/ in it you will receive real-time text notifications of changing astrology, happening now and daily collective astrology readings, tarot readings, presence practices, guided meditations, intuited images, recipes, and weekly live calls. We would love you to join us.
We launched extended podcasts for Members of www.betheevidence.live where anyone can hear an extended sun sign reading along with a tarot draw. We would love for you to be a part of the community!
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.