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We Couldn't Help But Wonder - A Journey Through Sex and the City

We Couldn't Help But Wonder - A Journey Through Sex and the City

Mike Jensen has seen the Sex and the City series many times. Elise Castle has never seen a single episode. "We Couldn't Help But Wonder" what would happen if these two went on an episode by episode journey through the whole series. Join us as Mike watches for the (insert embarrassing number here) time and Elise is watching for the very first. We will discuss how the series holds up almost 20 years later, our own experiences living in NYC, and the debate over too much cranberry juice in the Cosmopolitan.


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S12 Ep23: Introducing The Golden Girls Deep Dive Podcast!

So excited to share with our listeners the first episode of the new podcast, The Golden Girls Deep Dive Podcast.
The second episode is already available wherever you get your podcasts, so check it out.
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S12 Ep22: And Just Like That... Brown Sugar!

To pass the (very long) time between seasons, Elise and Mike are sharing the first episodes of their other podcast, We Couldn't Help But Wonder, Still Wondering. This week, they bring you the first part of Brown Sugar. It only covers the first 30 to 40 minutes of the film, so way less spoilers than a trailer. Hope you enjoy! Two weeks from now, the first episode of They Came Together. 
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S12 Ep21: And Just Like That... Sleepless In Seattle!

To pass the (very long) time between seasons, Elise and Mike are sharing the first episodes of their other podcast, We Couldn't Help But Wonder, Still Wondering. This week, they bring you the first part of Sleepless in Seattle. It only covers the first 30 to 40 minutes of the film, so way less spoilers than a trailer. Hope you enjoy! Next week, the first episode of Brown Sugar. 
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S12 Ep20: And Just Like That... Ghost!

To help pass the (very long) time between seasons, Elise and Mike are sharing the first episodes of their other podcast, We Couldn't Help But Wonder, Still Wondering. This week, they bring you the first part of Ghost. It only covers the first 30 to 40 minutes of the film, so way less spoilers than a trailer. Hope you enjoy! Next week, the first episode of Sleepless in Seattle...
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S12 Ep19: And Just Like That... Serendipity!

To help pass the (very long) time between seasons, Elise and Mike are sharing the first episodes of their other podcast, We Couldn't Help But Wonder, Still Wondering. This week, they bring you the first part of Serendipity. It only covers the first 30 to 40 minutes of the film, so way less spoilers than a trailer. Hope you enjoy! 
Next week, the first episode of Ghost...
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S12 Ep18: And Just Like That... A Season Two Recap!

Elise and Mike take a look back at season tow of And Just Like That... and try to keep it light (There were a few moments that still don't make a ton of sense). They share moments they can't stop thinking about, quotes they want made into greeting cards and t-shirts, and hopes for season three. Enjoy, and we'll be back in 2025! (!)
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S12 Ep17: And Just Like That... The Last Supper Part Two: Entree

As the second season of And Just Like That comes to an end, we finally get that Samantha cameo we've been hearing about! Also, some closure for Miranda and Steve, Charlotte standing up for herself (without even getting out of bed), Che in transition, Anthony opening up (sorry, couldn't help it), Nya running into a stranger from her past, LTW dealing with the end of her pregnancy, and Seema facing the fear of getting what she's wanted. Plus, things between Carrie and Aidan come to an unexpected turn. And it all seems to happen in a... (snap)  
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S12 Ep16: And Just Like That... The Last Supper Part One: Appetizer

Carrie and Aidan visit Steve at his new venture. Meanwhile, Lisa worries she won't be able to finish her project, Miranda makes the choice to see Che's latest stand up, Charlotte celebrates with her new coworkers after slaaaaaayyyyying it at work, Nya gets a message from her ex, and as Carrie moves closer towards moving into her new place, trouble is brewing. 
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S12 Ep15: And Just Like That... There Goes the Neighborhood

Carrie makes a choice involving her apartment, and meets up with an old co-worker of Miranda's (not really). Miranda's solution to motivating Brady may have had unintended consequences. Anthony thinks he has to end things with Giuseppe, Seema is less than convinced about her burgeoning relationship with Ravi, and Harry is throwing a meet and greet for Herbert and a constantly sleep deprived Lisa. 
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S12 Ep14: And Just Like That... A Hundred Years Ago

Carrie and Aiden are back together, and she has a proposition for Che, and a stunning question for Miranda. Meanwhile, Miranda is getting used to being an intern, and Charlotte is getting ready to go back to the gallery. Also, Seema has some concerns of her own. 
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S12 Ep13: And Just Like That... February 14th

Elise and Mike are back to begin the journey through the second half of season two. Right up front, Mike wants you to know he has some issues. Charlotte is working to further Rock's modeling career, Nya is staring down her first post separation Valentine's Day with a good attitude, and appetite, Miranda is getting herself back out in the dating scene, and Carrie has a very special Valentine's date with an old flame. That's right. Aiden is back. And it doesn't go as expected. 
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S12 Ep12: And Just Like That... Moonstruck!

Along with a new episode of We Couldn't Help But Wonder, Elise and Mike share part one of their conversation about the Cher/Nicholas Cage classic, Moonstruck. Written by John Patrick Shanley, and directed by Norman Jewison, this 1987 multiple award winning film brings together an amazing cast of mostly New York based actors to tell a story of love, passion, fate, and the opera. That's Amore!
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S12 Ep11: And Just Like That... A bus tour!

As Mike and Elise wait to be able to talk about the rest of the second season of And Just Like That... they're back with a quick spoiler free episode about their recent experience going on the New York City Sex and the City bus tour! If you can't tell by Mike's nervous giggle right at the very beginning, he was somewhat uncertain about the experience. Turns out, it was a blast, and both Mike and Elise experienced things they hadn't before. Hope you all enjoy. 
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S12 Ep10: And Just Like That... Bomb Cyclone

Carrie is speaking at a convention, Charlotte tries to support Lily, even through her and Harry's discomfort, Miranda has more than one uncomfortable conversation that needs to be had, Nya is working on her divorce papers, Lisa is being honored by MoMA, Seema has a proposal in store, and Che simply needs to leave the apartment. Also, winter is coming...
In other news, Mike and Elise have an announcement to make at the end of the podcast as they do their best to honor the WGA and SAG. Union strong!
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S12 Ep9: And Just Like That... Trick Or Treat

Carrie stands in the bike lane, Nya has a one night stand, Miranda finds a new place to sleep, Charlotte gets to relive her teen model days vicariously, Seema finds out she can still be surprised, Che gets some bad feedback, and LTW refuses to be Comptrolled. Happy Hu...err...Halloween!
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S12 Ep8: And Just Like That... Alive!

Carrie gets a text from a man she doesn't know, and an invitation from a woman she knows all too well. Meanwhile, Che and Miranda are back in New York City, and are navigating new relationship territory, LTW and Herbert struggle to "have it all" as a very important date approaches, with the kids away, Charlotte and Harry face an unusual diagnoses, and Seema has her bag stolen. That's MY Birkin!
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S12 Ep7: And Just Like That... Chapter Three

Carrie is recording the audiobook for her newest memoir, and it's bringing up all the greif she thought she'd put behind her. Miranda is alarmed by a call from Brady and causes drama on the set of Che's taping. Nya discovers she may in fact be ready to get out there again. Charlotte and LTW are after a newly circulated list...and Elise hates everything about it. Plus several drop-ins from cast members we haven't seen since season one. Lisette!

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S12 Ep6: And Just Like That... You've Got Mail!

Elise and Mike are sharing an episode of their other podcast with We Couldn't Help But Wonder listeners. On that podcast they recap and comment on romantic comedies set in New York City and do so with the same detail and humor that they've brought to over one hundred episodes regarding Sex and the City, both SATC movies, and And Just Like That... 
in this episode they talk about You've Got Mail. It only covers about the first fourth of the movie, so no real spoilers here. 
They very much hope you enjoy this special treat, and will be back Sunday with Chapter Three. 
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S12 Ep5: And Just Like That... The Real Deal

Carrie and Franklyn get a very specific writing assignment, Charlotte goes on a mission to retrieve Lily's consigned clothes, Miranda discovers even more of what she doesn't know about Che, while Che deals with another change to the show they thought they were making, Nya finds out how much Andre hasn't listened to her, Herbert and Lisa deal with a visit from Eunice, and Seema questions her instincts after a visit to the salon. 
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S12 Ep4: And Just Like That... Met Cute

Carrie is wondering if she can avoid taking her new relationship any further than it already is. Charlotte and Lisa have stuff to say about their supportive husbands. Miranda worries that Che is pulling away. Seema is meeting the son and the ex-wife. Nya is navigating life with an estranged husband on tour. And Anthony would just like to know whether or not he's going to the Met Gala...err...Ball. Speaking of which, maybe get those costumes set a few, I don't know, hours in advance. 
Elise and Mike are back to break it all down, and they have a brand new podcast to announce. 
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S12 Ep3: And Just Like that... we make our big announcement!

Elise and Mike are back for one more mini episode before season two of And Just Like That... begins. Only, it's not so mini, because in addition to Elise sharing her adventures at the Sex and the City Experience, the two of them discussing a new interview between creator and leading ladies, and Kim Cattrall's new series, they are finally announcing the new project they've been working on, and they have a sneak peak! (Listen?) So much is happening! Enjoy...
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S12 Ep2: And Just Like That... we have a new trailer!

Elise and Mike are here to break down the new season two trailer, which has quite a bit more information than the teaser had, so there's that question answered! There's quite a bit more Che, a very tipsy Charlotte, ladies in new and fun groupings, and, of course, an email to Aiden. And then there's the real news. Kim Cattrall is back(exclamation point/question mark/probably both), and Elise and Mike tell you all they know about it, and what they think about it. 
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S12 Ep1: And Just Like That... season two is coming!

Season two is just around the corner and Elise and Mike are back to break down what the teaser trailer has to say and show. Admittedly, it's not much, so they also share some ideas and hopes for the next chapters in this story. Plus, they announce that they'll be making an announcement. So that's exciting! Right...? 
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S11 Ep13: Five Years Later!

It's been 5 years since Mike and Elise put out their first episode! To mark the occasion, they take a look back at the very first Sex and the City episode, the first episode of And Just Like That, discuss the (very limited) information they know about the upcoming season, and each share five memories of the journey thus far that they still think about. So enjoy this look back as we wait for what's to come...
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S11 Ep12: And Just Like That... Documentary and Season One Recap!

Elise and Mike talk about the HBO Max documentary as well as the (first? only?) season of And Just Like That... to talk about behind the scenes antics, costumes, so many shoes, major hat drama, and to wonder why no one should wear pink. They also clear up a few things about the series, and answer some questions. And just like that, its the end of an era... (?)
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S11 Ep11: And Just Like That... Seeing The Light

It's the finale of season one of And Just Like That... (we're being optimistic) Miranda gets some new information from Che. Charlotte works hard to plan the perfect day for Rock. Nya and Andre are taking some time apart. Seema can't seem(a) to complete a phone conversation with Carrie. And Carrie thinks she's getting a message from the other side through her lamp. Plus, the diner! And a very surprising (or is it?) encounter on an elevator...
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S11 Ep10: And Just Like That... No Strings Attached

Carrie prepares for a do-over with the teacher but can't bring herself to take her wedding ring off. Miranda and Che's relationship is going better than expected, but still hits a few snags. Charlotte is dealing with developments involving her children. And at a shelter in Brooklynn, worlds collide as our core ladies new friends meet, and Nya and Andre continue to struggle with what to do about kids. 
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S11 Ep9: And Just Like That... Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

After coming clean to Che about her marriage, Miranda has to decide how and what to tell Steve. Charlotte and Lily clash over an online post. And as Carrie takes stock of her past (mostly her clothes), she also begins to learn more about the mysterious and cool new neighbor who lives on the first floor. 
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S11 Ep8: And Just Like That... Sex And The Widow

Carrie has a new book, and her editor loves it but wonders if there can't be a glimmer of hope. Meanwhile, Nya is having a hard time telling Andre that she's not pregnant, Charlotte invites Harry to play tennis and maybe regrets it, Miranda continues to pine over Che even while trying to jump start things at home, and Lisa struggles at a school function. And Carrie goes on a date, that goes extremely well, then horrifically awful, but ultimately, maybe, hopeful...
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S11 Ep7: And Just Like That... Diwali

After discussing the proper pronunciation of this episode, Elise and Mike get into the details. Carrie is apartment shopping and then apartment buying, apartment disliking, and eventually apartment selling. Charlotte tries to deal with her ever changing daughters. Anthony brings Carrie with him to visit the least pushy plastic surgeon ever (or is he?). Miranda is... being a bit obsessive about one activity in particular. Ultimately Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte have a picnic to remember, and Carrie gets a glimpse of Seema's family and culture. 
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S11 Ep6: And Just Like That... Tragically Hip

After a conversation with Seema (and an orthopedic surgeon) Carrie undergoes hip surgery, and as Charlotte and Miranda join forces to help her recover, Carrie revisits memories of Samantha, Charlotte and Harry try to keep up with their child's self identity, and Miranda continues down a path that could change everything. 
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S11 Ep5: And Just Like That... Some Of My Best Friends

Mike is back in New York City and he and Elise are back on the podcast. Carrie makes a big decision and finds herself a real estate broker. Charlotte tries to throw a dinner party for her new friend Lisa only to discover how "vanilla" her circle of friends is. Miranda has a heart to heart with her law professor. And both Carrie and Anthony get surprise messages from Stanford. 
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S11 Ep4: And Just Like That... When In Rome

In the aftermath of tragedy, Carrie makes a startling discovery that sets her off on a mission. One of Charlotte's children shares a personal piece of information. Che is taping a comedy special. Miranda starts seeking change in the most surprising of places. And yet another face from the past comes back for a visit!
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S11 Ep3: And Just Like That... Little Black Dress

In the wake of tragedy, Carrie starts preparing for her next steps as pretty much everyone else makes it about them. Miranda continues to misstep (Learn? Grow?) in her education. Charlotte continues to cry. Che clashes with Carrie's "ride or die." Stanford continues to behave in strange and somewhat unexplainable ways. And an unexpected guest makes a surprise "appearance." Actually, a couple do. 
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S11 Ep2: And Just Like That... Hello It's Me

Elise and Mike are back with their first recap episode in over a year! They breakdown the first episode of the new series, And Just Like That... (Most of) The ladies are back, and we go from lunch as usual to the absence of Samantha explained, Miranda returning to school, Charlotte dealing with her daughters, Carrie trying to get the hang of her new(ish?) podcasting job, and final moments that Elise and Mike have a lot of thoughts and feelings about. Welcome to those just joining, and welcome back to listeners who are returning. And just like that, we have a brand new batch of episodes to explore. 
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S11 Ep1: What To Expect When You're Expecting (a Sex and the City reboot, that is...)

Elise and Mike are back with what is known about the upcoming Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That, as well as a few guesses about what might be, some personal updates, a Cynthia Nixon story, and an encounter with Patti LuPone. Now you know you want to hear about that...
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S10 Ep3: Sex and the City the Movie 2: Part Three

Elise and Mike wrap up their coverage of the second (and final?) 
Sex and the City movie! Carrie and Miranda manage to avoid the "forbidden experience," but that's about all that goes well for our ladies as Carrie and especially Samantha make a series of bad decisions that will eventually lead to a hasty retreat from the Middle East and back to NYC where Carrie will have to deal with the ramifications of her choices. It's a mixed bag, and Elise and Mike both agree this section could have benefited form some healthy cutting, but join in as they finish up this journey. For now... 
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S10 Ep2: Sex and the City the Movie 2: Part Two

Elise and Mike continue their journey through the second film with emotional breakdowns, movie premiers, arguments about takeout, and eventually a trip to the Middle East and the warning of a "forbidden experience" that must be avoided and definitely won't be a plot point later on.
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S10 Ep1: Sex and the City the Movie 2: Part One

Elise and Mike begin the end (?) of their Sex and the City journey with the first of three parts covering the second film. From what can honestly be called a "gay wedding," to misadventures in bralessness, with some hormone replacement therapy thrown in. 
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S9 Ep4: Sex and the City the Movie: Part Four

Elise and Mike finish discussing the first Sex and the City movie. Charlotte sees a vision through, Samantha makes a huge relationship choice, Miranda comes clean, and Carrie has to decide on forgiveness. We did the first movie!
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S9 Ep3: Sex and the City the Movie: Part Three

Elise and Mike are back to discus part three of film, which finds Carrie getting an assistant, Samantha becoming less satisfied with her L.A. life, Charlotte getting a surprise, and Miranda finding a new residence. We follow the story through New Years Eve, and Elise has a mistaken identity moment so good, we just left the whole thing in.
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S9 Ep2: Sex and the City the Movie: Part Two

Elise and Mike continue their journey through the movie. They explore the reaction to the revelation about Steve, Big and Carrie's rehearsal dinner, the Big day itself, and the honeymoon that doesn't go exactly as planned. 
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S9 Ep1: Sex and the City the Movie: Part One

Elise and Mike dive into the first movie! In what will be the first of four parts they discuss the process that brought us to this film, and what our ladies are up to so many years after the series conclusion. 
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S8 Ep2: Series Recap Part Two!

Elise and Mike are back with part two of their full series recap. They discuss various episodes from the last few seasons of the show, talk about some of the impact the series had on them, and eventually devolve into a possible Sex And The City psychological thriller spin off. Enjoy!
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S8 Ep1: Series Recap Part One!

Elise and Mike are back! To distract, entertain, and hopefully make you laugh, they take a look back at select episodes from the first three seasons and discus some of the overarching themes of the show. Plus, some information on where the podcast is headed in the future. Love and well being to all, and enjoy part one of the recap!
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S7 Ep10: We Couldn't Help But Wonders! (plus trivia)

Elise and Mike are back to talk about Cats, your "couldn't help but wonders," and do some trivia in which Mike can't remember Charlotte's ex husband's name even though he had literally said it moments before. Enjoy this random one-off while we prep for a full series look back!
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S7 Ep9: Final Season Recap!

Elise and Mike take some time to look back at the last eight episodes of the series. They share favorite quotes, episodes, moments they could have done with out, and Mike reveals how he felt when the series originally ended. Spoiler, it wasn't all great.
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S7 Ep8: An American Girl in Paris: Part Deux

This is it! For the television series that is. As Carrie continues her sad journey in Paris, Charlotte and Harry look further in to adoption, Samantha tries to figure out how to make her relationship work post chemo, and Miranda and Steve have some decisions to make regarding Steve's "Ma's" ailing health. And then check out our recap episode to hear how Mike really felt about it all...
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S7 Ep7: An American Girl in Paris: Part Une

It's the beginning of the end. Of the series that is. Carrie takes off for Paris, but not before a run in with Big, and an emotional dinner with the ladies. Things don't go exactly like she thought they would and after two phone calls a plan is made that may get Carrie back to NYC.
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S7 Ep6: Splat!

It's our 100th episode! Aleksandr makes a proposal that will change things forever and the girls all react differently to what the future may hold. Meanwhile, Charlotte discovers even more change is on the way, and at a gathering at Enid's we meet a party girl from Carrie's past and glimpse what may have been. 
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