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The Counsel of Trent

The Counsel of Trent

In this podcast, Trent Horn gives you an entertaining, informative, and practical explanation of the Catholic faith as well as interviews with the best writers and speakers in the Church today.


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#884 - FFAF: Gen Z and Online Catholic Culture (w/ Avoiding Babylon and Joshua Charles)

In this free-for-all Friday Trent explains why certain moral attitudes have made Western countries more successful in contrast to some corrupt, impoverished non-Western countries.
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#883 - DIALOGUE: Are Catholics or Protestants More United? (w/ The Other Paul)

In this episode Trent sits down with Protestant YouTuber The Other Paul to discuss the methods Protestants and Catholics use to achieve doctrinal unity among believers.
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#882 - "Vaush vs Fr. Mike Schmitz" and Transgender Propaganda (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent reviews a recent transgender propaganda video aimed at 4th graders and Vaush's critique of Fr. Mike Schmitz on the subject.
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#881 - FFAF: How to Fake Your Own Death

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent reveals how and why people fake their own deaths and the methods professionals use to catch them.
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#880 - Why Atheists Can't Blame Christians for Anything

In this episode Trent reveals how atheist's moral indignation at some Christians is inconsistent with a worldview that denies the existence of free will. He shows that God's existence makes the most sense of our unique ability to be morally responsible for our actions.
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#879 - The Right (and Wrong) Ways to Treat OnlyFans Converts

In this episode Trent examines the controversy surrounding recent converts from the p*rn industry and how some critics don't want to welcome certain sinners into the Faith.
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#878 - FFAF: Babylon Bee Articles That Get Me

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent shares three Babylon Bee Articles that completely get his life as a millennial aged husband and father.
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#877 - DIALOGUE: Is Premarital Sex Bad?

In this episode Trent shares clips from his dialogue with Alex at Playing with Fire about the ethics of premarital sex.
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#876 - Was the Resurrection a "Collective Delusion"?

In this episode Trent answers skeptical arguments that claim post-crucifixion sightings of Jesus are cases of collective delusion like Bigfoot or other unusual sightings.
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#875 - FFAF: Sola Scriptura, Purgatory, and IVF

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent shares his recent interview with Michael Lofton where he discusses his recent debates as well as pro-life issues hitting the news.
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#874 - Cringey Protestant Memes (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent refutes several cringey Protestant memes.
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#873 - Why are There TWO Empty Tombs of Jesus?

In this episode Trent tells the story behind the "other" empty tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem.
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#872 - FFAF: Defending Jesus' Crucifixion

In this free-for-all-Good-Friday Trent shares some resources to help you defend Jesus' crucifixion.
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#871 - Is Saying "Christ is King" Antisemitic?

In this episode Trent addresses the controversy surrounding the online use of the phrase "Christ is King" in light of staff changes at the Daily Wire.
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#870 - Why Liberals Love Ugly Art

In this episode Trent reveals the reason liberals, including those in the Catholic Church, prefer downright ugly art.
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#869 - FFAF: The Secret Nuclear Weapons on the Freeway

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent reveals how the government secretly transports nuclear material and weapons across the country.
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#868 - Pearl's Latest Anti-Woman Rhetoric (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent breaks down recent comments Pearl made that denigrate women and harm her largely male followers.
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#867 - DIALOGUE: Is Jesus God? (and the "Protestant Trinity Problem")

In this episode Trent sits down with Sam Tideman of Transfigured to discuss biblical unitarianism. They also discuss how Catholics have an easier time defending the Trinity.
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#866 - FFAF: Keeping a Cool Head on Hot Topics

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent sits down with Cy Kellet and shares his tips for keeping a cool head when discussing tough issues with other people.
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#865 - DIALOGUE: Are Protestants Too Skeptical? (w/Gospel Simplicity)

In this episode Trent sits down with Protestant YouTuber Austin of Gospel Simplicity to discuss his investigation into Catholicism and whether Protestantism should be the "default" position for non-Catholics.
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#864 - FFAF: Where are the Gen-Z Catholic Apologists?

In this episode of free-for-all-Friday Trent examines the need for a younger generation of Catholic apologists.
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#863 - More Silly Atheist Memes (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent rebuts even more silly atheist memes from the Internet.
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#862 - Calvinism and Catholicism (w/ Redeemed Zoomer)

In this episode Trent sits down with Protestant Youtuber Redeemed Zoomer to answer his questions about Catholicism.
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#861 - FFAF: The Problem with Electric Cars

In this episode of free-for-all-Friday, Trent looks at what is slowing the green movements push for universal adoption of electric cars.
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#860 - Correcting Conservatives on IVF after the Alabama Ruling

In this episode Trent responds to conservatives who support or have confusing messages about IVF in light of the Alabama State Supreme Court's ruling on the matter.
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DEBATE: Is the Doctrine of Purgatory True? (Horn vs. White)

In this debate hosted on February 17, 2024, Trent Horn and James White debate the question: Is the Doctrine of Purgatory True?
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#859 - FFAF: The Most Unfunny Comic Strips

In this free-for-all Friday Trent explains why some comic strips are bad and others are purposefully not funny.
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#858 - Satan's Guide to the Bible (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent rebuts the arguments of a viral documenatry called "Satan's Guide to the Bible".
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#857 - Campus and Radio Pro-Abortion Advocates (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent debates college students at the University of New Mexico and a caller to Catholic Answers Live on the issue of abortion.
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Update on my THREE Debates with James White This Week

Update on my THREE Debates with James White This Week by Catholic Answers
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#856 - FFAF: Why be Catholic? (with Potential Theism)

In this free-for-all-Friday, Trent sits down with non-religious Youtuber Potential Theism to answer his questions about Catholicism.
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#855 - Is it SINFUL to Watch MMA?

Is it sinful to watch MMA? In this episode Trent examines Fr. Mike Schmitz's arguments against MMA and reveals when it is sinful for Christians to watch this sport.
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#854 - One Christian Truth Calvinists CAN'T SAY

In this episode, Trent reveals the one basic Christian good work that Calvinists, because of their theology, just can't do.
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#853 - FFAF: I Love the World War "Z" Audiobook

In this free-for-all-Friday, Trent shares a review of the newest audiobook he's enjoying: World War Z
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#852 - The REAL PROBLEM with Hoping HELL is EMPTY

In this episode, Trent examines the biggest problem with those who focus on hoping that Hell is empty.
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#851 - Why Fr. Casey Cole is WRONG about the Bible and Homosexuality

In this episode Trent responds to Fr. Casey Cole's video "What does the Bible ACTUALLY Say about Homosexuality?"
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#850 ? FFAF: The Rise and Fall of ?30 Minutes or Less? Pizza Delivery

In this free-for-all-Friday Trent reveals the origin and ultimate demise of the old 90?s pizza delivery promise of ?30 minutes or less?.
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#849 ? REBUTTING a Pro-Gay Documentary About the Bible

In this episode Trent refutes the claims in the new documentary ?1946? that scripture doesn?t condemn homosexual relationships.
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#848 ? Caller Says Unborn Children Aren?t Human Beings (REBUTTED)

In this episode Trent debates two pro-choice callers and helps one begin to change her mind about the pro-life message.
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#847 - FFAF: Being a Catholic Influencer (w/Amber Rose)

In this free-for-all-Friday, Trent shares his recent interview with Amber Rose, the Religious Hippie, and their discussion on the ups and downs of being an online Catholic influencer.
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#846 - Hilariously Bad Atheist Memes (REBUTTED)

In this episode, Trent shreds the low-hanging fruit of popular online atheist memes.
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#845 - Conservatives Who Need to be Converted

In this episode, Trent examines two groups of conservatives who need to respond to the message of Jesus Christ and his Church.
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#844 - FFAF: Exposing "Smart Animal" Frauds

In this episode, Trent investigates the claims behind allegedly "smart" animals like Koko the Gorilla and Clever Hans the Horse.
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#843 - Does the Bible Say Mythical Creatures Exist?

In this episode, Trent answers atheist claims that the Bible teaches that mythical creatures like unicorns and dragons exist. Support this podcast:
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#842 - Problems with Traditionalist Defenses of the Faith

In this episode, Trent highlights weak arguments that are popular among more traditionalist Catholics and better ones to use instead. Links:
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#841 - Rebutting a Heretic on Mary, Mother of God (Re-upload)

In this episode, Trent sits down with fellow apologist Joe Heschmeyer to critique Gino Jennings? attack on the doctrine of Mary being the mother of God and show how the denial of proper Mariology leads to heretical Christologies like those of Pastor Gino. Support this podcast:
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#840 - The Disgusting End of the Slippery Slope

In this episode, Trent shows how a recent defense of beastiality reveals the bankruptcy of modern sexual ethics and why Catholic moral theology is the only way to make the world sane again. Support this podcast:
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#839 - Is the Virgin Birth Copied from Paganism?

As Christmas draws near, Trent sits down with Cy Kellett to discuss the unique elements of the Incarnation and how to answer arguments that claim it is a myth borrowed from paganism. Support this podcast:
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#838 - FFAF: Tales of Annoying Gen Z and DINK's

In this free-for-all-Friday, Trent shares his thoughts on a Gen Z'er who's had enough of Texas and the growing trend of "DINK's" (Double-income no kids).
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#837 - My Take on "Same-sex Blessings" (with Ben Shapiro)

In this episode, Trent shares a clip from the Ben Shapiro show where he and Ben discuss the Vatican's new document and media claims surrounding the Church and blessings for "same-sex couples".
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