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Speak Better English with Harry

Speak Better English with Harry

Advanced English learning. The best podcast to learn English. Short English lessons with an experienced native English teacher. Most beneficial for intermediate to advanced English learners. Join to become a confident English speaker. Visit to check out my advanced English intensive courses, online English lessons on Zoom/Skype, online English courses and much more!


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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 493

In this episode, you will learn how to say you're tired in English using phrases that sound natural and fluent, just like a native speaker. By learning these natural expressions, you will improve your English speaking skills and make your conversations more engaging. 

This lesson is great for ESL learners who want to be more fluent and confident in everyday interactions, whether in business English, conversational English, or other real-life situations. Each phrase will help you build your vocabulary and speak English more fluently. Learning these ways to express tiredness will make you sound more like a native speaker and handle social situations better. This video is a great resource for anyone looking to achieve better English fluency and speak with ease and confidence in real-life conversations.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 492

This episode will help you understand why learning the correct prepositions is essential for clear and effective communication. 

Understanding and using prepositions correctly can greatly improve your English speaking and writing skills. It helps you sound more natural and fluent, making your conversations smoother and more professional.

Learning the correct prepositions enhances your ability to describe situations, actions, and relationships accurately. It prevents common mistakes that can lead to misunderstandings and ensures you are understood correctly. Whether you're learning English for work, travel, or personal growth, mastering prepositions is a key step in becoming proficient in the language.

Boost your vocabulary and learn the correct use of prepositions. This episode is perfect for ESL learners, English language students, and anyone looking to improve their grammar and fluency. 


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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 491

In this episode, we explore some of the most expressive English idioms that will boost your vocabulary and help you sound more like a native speaker. By understanding and using these idioms correctly, you'll be able to express emotions and situations more clearly, making your conversations more engaging and natural. 

This lesson is designed to help advanced English learners improve their speaking and understanding skills, with practical examples and explanations. Whether you?re preparing for a proficiency exam (IELTS, CAE, TOEFL), aiming to improve your business communication, or simply looking to improve your speaking skills, this lesson is full of valuable tips that will help you achieve your goals.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 490

In this episode, you'll learn 14 essential 'break' idioms that will enhance your English vocabulary and fluency. These natural expressions are key to mastering advanced English. By understanding and using these idioms, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and sound like a native speaker in conversations.

This episode is perfect for serious English learners who are dedicated to improving their language skills and expanding their vocabulary. You'll learn the meanings, usage, and examples of each idiom, helping you to use them confidently in daily conversations. Whether you're preparing for English proficiency exams, professional communication, or everyday interactions, these expressions will give you confidence and make your speech more natural and engaging.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 489

Want to speak English fluently and sound like a native? This advanced English lesson is here to help! Learn key English phrases for expressing both anger and calm, essential for clear and effective daily communication. Whether you're having a casual chat or a professional discussion, these phrases will enhance your English fluency and help you manage emotions in conversations. 

This English lesson is ideal for ESL learners looking to enhance their English speaking skills and gain confidence in speaking naturally in any situation. Boost your English fluency today and start speaking with the ease of a native speaker!

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 488

In this podcast episode, we cover the top 10 phrases that you'll hear almost every day in the office. These phrases are essential for anyone working in a professional environment. You'll learn how to use each phrase in typical work situations, helping you communicate more effectively with your colleagues and sound like a native speaker. 

Whether you're discussing projects, attending meetings, or just chatting with your team, these phrases will improve your confidence and professionalism in speaking English. Make sure to practice these key phrases regularly to enhance your business English skills. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 487

In this podcast episode, you will learn 12 ways to say 'thank you' in English. This lesson is perfect for non-native speakers looking to improve their speaking skills and master conversational English. Discover 12 unique phrases that will help you speak natural English in daily conversations. These phrases will make your English sound more fluent and natural, just like a native speaker.

Perfect for anyone wanting to improve their conversational English, these phrases are great for everyday use and will help you communicate more effectively. Whether you?re at work, with friends, or in any social situation, these alternatives to "thank you" will boost your English language skills and confidence.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 486

In this podcast episode, discover essential verbs to describe different types of reading. Perfect for English learners aiming to expand their vocabulary and understand how to use these verbs in context. These verbs are crucial for those preparing for proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or CAE. 

Learning these words will help you speak more naturally and improve your English skills. By using these verbs, you'll be able to describe your reading habits and experiences more descriptively. Ideal for advanced learners looking to master advanced language and sound like a native speaker.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 485

Improve your English with easy-to-understand phrases and idioms that help you talk about not-so-great experiences. This video is perfect for non-native speakers who want to enhance their conversational skills and express dissatisfaction like a native. Whether it's a bad meal, a disappointing event, or a worn-out gadget, you'll learn simple English expressions to express your feelings clearly and effectively.

Avoid sounding like a beginner, use these natural English expressions in your daily conversations to communicate more precisely and confidently. This lesson is perfect for anyone looking to improve their English speaking skills and vocabulary. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 484

Upgrade your English from basic to advanced with these advanced English vocabulary words and phrases. This lesson is for ESL students looking to enhance their English speaking skills through advanced vocabulary. It?s designed to boost your fluency and confidence, helping you communicate in English like a native speaker.

We introduce 10 word pairs, starting with basic terms and progressing to more advanced descriptive alternatives. This approach will expand your vocabulary and improve your ability to express ideas clearly and effectively. Each pair is carefully selected to make your English more engaging and natural. With each new word, you?ll take a step towards mastering English, increasing your fluency and enhancing your conversations. Ready to sound like a native? Let?s improve your English.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 483

If you aim to enhance your fluency and sound more like a native speaker, this episode is perfect for you. Learn adverb collocations crucial for smooth communication and particularly beneficial for those preparing for English proficiency exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or CAE.

Learn essential adverb phrases used frequently in professional and casual settings. By incorporating these collocations into your vocabulary, you will find it easier to express yourself clearly and effectively in both speaking and writing.

Explore advanced English vocabulary that will improve your daily conversations and give you confidence. Expand your language skills with us and make your English interactions as effective as possible!

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 482

In this podcast episode, you will learn useful English collocations. Learn how to express joy, happiness, and other positive feelings in English. This lesson is beneficial for intermediate learners who want to take their English to the next level.

Understanding how to describe your emotions effectively is key to boosting your English vocabulary and improving how naturally you communicate. This skill will not only help you connect better with native speakers but also enhance your ability to enjoy and understand English media like movies, books, and conversations.

These phrases and expressions are also vital for those preparing for proficiency exams like IELTS, CAE, or TOEFL. Knowing how to use advanced collocations can make a big difference in your scores.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 481

How to ask for something politely in English? Boost your English skills by learning how to make polite requests just like a native speaker! This English lesson is ideal for intermediate learners looking to improve their confidence and master daily conversations. You'll discover essential phrases which are crucial for polite English communication. These phrases not only broaden your vocabulary but also boost your confidence in speaking, as you'll know exactly which phrase to use in any situation, whether in personal or professional settings. 

Learning how to ask for something politely in English will help you communicate more clearly and confidently. This knowledge is key for succeeding in daily English conversations, improving both your social and professional interactions. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 480

Learn different ways to say "I'm sick" in English! This lesson is perfect for English learners at all levels who want to expand their vocabulary with phrases that are used daily by native speakers.

In this episode, you'll learn a variety of expressions to describe being unwell, from having a cold to feeling nauseous. Knowing these phrases is vitally important for effective communication in English, especially in situations where you need to discuss health issues.

This episode will help you improve your fluency and understand how these expressions are used in everyday English conversations. You'll gain confidence in your speaking abilities and be better prepared to express yourself clearly in English.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 479

How to describe physical appearance in English. In this lesson, you will learn C1 Level advanced English adjectives used to describe physical appearance, a must-know for boosting your English vocabulary. Perfect for non-native speakers aiming to refine their English speaking skills, this lesson offers clear explanations and examples to help you describe people in detail. Whether you're preparing for exams like TOEFL, IELTS, or CAE, or you want to improve your everyday English, these adjectives will make your language more exact and help you speak with confidence.

Each adjective is explained in simple terms to ensure you understand its context and use, which is essential for anyone looking to improve their English skills. By expanding your vocabulary with these descriptive words, you'll be able to share your thoughts more clearly and directly.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 478

This episode will help you grow your vocabulary with advanced English verbs that will make your English sound more natural and fluent. Learn 12 verbs of motion in English. Learning these verbs is crucial for anyone looking to improve their speaking and writing skills. By adding these verbs to your daily conversations, you'll find it easier to describe actions and movements, helping you communicate more effectively and with more confidence.

Understanding and using these advanced vocabulary words will greatly enhance your ability to express yourself in English. Whether you're aiming to speak like a native or just want to feel more confident in your language skills, this episode makes it easy for you. Boost your fluency and be able to explain yourself clearly. With practical examples and clear explanations, you'll soon be using these motion verbs easily in your conversations and writings, taking your English to a higher level.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 477

 This episode is made for ESL learners who want to use everyday expressions, idioms, and phrasal verbs just like native speakers do. Boost your English with essential vocabulary related to relaxation and rest. Learning these phrases will help you speak English more fluently and confidently, making your conversations sound more natural.

If you're looking to talk about taking it easy or hanging out with your friends in a relaxed way, this episode is for you. It's great for intermediate and advanced English learners who want to add real-life examples to their vocabulary. My clear explanations make it easy to use these expressions in your everyday English conversations.

Make your English conversations sound more real and enjoyable. Get ready to add these essential expressions to your vocabulary and see how much more fun and easy speaking English can become.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 476

Welcome to today?s podcast episode! If you're looking to improve your speaking skills and sound more like a native, this lesson is for you. We'll go over 10 important phrases that are perfect for giving recommendations in English. These popular English phrases will help you in everyday conversations and when making small talk.

I?ll show you how to use each phrase with easy examples, so you can start using them in your conversations right away. Learning these English phrases will not only help you sound more natural but also increase your confidence in speaking English. Join me to learn useful vocabulary for daily use and see how simple it can be to recommend things in English like a pro. This lesson is all about making your English conversations fluent and more engaging.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 475

Build your vocabulary and speak like a native with  20 advanced C1 & C2 level adjectives for total English fluency. This English lesson is useful for students studying for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, and other English proficiency exams, as well as those looking to improve their written and spoken English.

By the end of this video, you'll be able to incorporate these adjectives into your speaking and writing, and you'll notice a significant improvement in your English language proficiency. Learning these advanced English adjectives will develop both your listening comprehension as well as your speaking fluency. These advanced words will help you build your vocabulary so that you can be more specific when describing people. Bring your English vocabulary to the C1 level and speak confidently in English.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 474

In this podcast episode, you will learn 10 different ways to say you're hungry in English. This English lesson is great for students who already know some English and want to improve their vocabulary. You will learn how to sound more like a native speaker when you talk about being hungry in your daily conversations.

These natural English phrases are easy to understand and are often used by native speakers and people who speak English well. Learning these phrases is good for anyone who wants to improve their English speaking skills. It helps you improve your English conversation skills and sound more natural and confident when you speak. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 473

This episode is about ten daily expressions that will help you develop fluency in English. You will learn 10 daily expressions with 'get'  that make English conversations sound more natural, just like a native speaker's. This lesson is perfect for anyone learning English who wants to know more words, say things the way native speakers do, and get better at understanding and speaking the language. 

It's especially useful if you're getting ready for big tests like the IELTS, CAE, or TOEFL. I've picked each idiom with 'get' carefully and will show them to you with easy-to-follow examples from everyday English. This way, you can understand them better and start using them when you speak English. This lesson is all about helping you with your vocabulary, making real English expressions clear, and helping you speak English more fluently.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 472

In this podcast episode, I'm focusing on 3-part phrasal verbs, an essential part of boosting your vocabulary and speaking skills. Phrasal verbs can seem tricky at first, but with practice, they can significantly improve your English speaking abilities.

Today, you'll learn about different 3-part phrasal verbs that are commonly used in everyday English. I explain each in simple terms, making it easier for you to understand and remember them. By adding these phrasal verbs to your vocabulary, you'll find yourself speaking more fluently and confidently. I cover examples in real-life contexts to show you how these phrasal verbs are used in conversations. This approach helps you not only learn their meanings but also how to use them correctly when you speak or write in English.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 471

In this podcast episode, you will learn 10 essential phrases that will enhance your CV and cover letter. If you're seeking a summer position, have recently graduated, or are aiming for a role in an international company, these English phrases will prove invaluable.

These English phrases are great for anyone wanting to improve their vocabulary and learn useful phrases for business English. You'll learn how to talk about your skills and what you've done in a way that makes employers take notice.

Using the right words can really help you in your job search, especially if you're interested in working in an English-speaking company. By the end of this episode, you'll know some powerful English phrases that can change the way employers see your CV and cover letter.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 470

Learn 40 advanced adjectives that will improve your English speaking and writing from good to great. Whether you're aiming to impress in academic settings, stand out in business English, or simply communicate more effectively in daily conversations, these adjectives help you improve your language skills.

In this episode, you'll not only learn each adjective's meaning but also see it used in context, helping you understand how to incorporate these words into your own English conversations and writings. These advanced adjectives are especially beneficial for those preparing for proficiency exams like CAE, IELTS, TOEFL, and others. Enhance your vocabulary, boost your fluency, and start speaking like a pro with these essential advanced adjectives.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 469

Do you want to sound more like a native speaker and less like a textbook? Today, we're unlocking the secret to speaking English fluently with essential phrases using the word 'Think'. Whether it's deciding what to say in a meeting or expressing your opinions confidently, mastering these phrases will transform your English conversations.

In this podcast episode, you will learn common expressions with 'Think' that native speakers use all the time. From 'think straight' to 'think twice', we cover the phrases that make your English sound natural and effortless. Perfect for intermediate learners, this lesson is packed with practical examples to help you understand and remember each phrase. Expand your vocabulary, improve your speaking skills, and take a big step towards fluency. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make your English conversations smoother and more natural. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 468

? Learn informal phrases that will enrich your English vocabulary. 10 Unique ways to say 'good' in English. This episode is ideal for advanced English learners who want to sound more like native speakers in their everyday conversations.

These must-know English phrases are not only easy to learn but also commonly used in daily English. These expressions will help you communicate more effectively and naturally. Each phrase is explained with clear examples, showing you how to use them in real-life situations. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 467

??? Learn English vocabulary words for car accidents. This lesson is created for non-native English speakers who want to expand their vocabulary in a practical and fun way.

It's a great opportunity to learn vocabulary that you'll use in daily English conversations. Talking about traffic accidents is important, as they are a common topic. Plus, knowing these advanced verbs helps you sound more like a native speaker. 

You'll learn 10 important English verbs and phrasal verbs that are not only useful but essential for understanding and talking about these situations. We cover words like 'skid', 'swerve', 'collide', and phrases such as 'run over' and 'jackknife'.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 466

English phrasal verbs with COME are very common, and sometimes hard to learn. Learn advanced phrasal verbs in 30 minutes. Perfect for non-native English speakers, this lesson is designed to help you enhance your vocabulary and sound more like a native speaker. ? 

? Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your English skills, this lesson is packed with practical examples and everyday situations where you can use these phrasal verbs in context. ? Learn phrasal verbs like 'come across,' 'come up with,' and 'come over' effortlessly. I break down each phrasal verb, providing clear explanations and real-life examples to make English learning a breeze. ??

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 465

Learn important English phrases for daily conversations. These common English phrases are useful for real-life situations when you would like to express your disagreement. These important English phrases will make your English more natural and fluent, and help you speak like a native speaker. There are many times when you need to express your disagreement. Learn how to disagree in English politely with these 10 crucial phrases.

The goal is to make you feel more confident and comfortable when expressing yourself in English, whether you're having a casual chat or a more formal conversation in English. Learning these 10 crucial English phrases will help you boost your confidence and comfort in expressing yourself in both casual and formal English conversations. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 464

Boost your vocabulary and learn English words and expressions to help you speak and write fluently in English. In this lesson, I will teach you 10 English collocations related to achievements?a topic that often comes up in IELTS and other English proficiency exams. Learn how to talk about your achievements and goals in English.

Learning collocations is a smart way to build and improve your vocabulary in English. Collocations are natural combinations of words that native speakers use in their daily conversations and written English. Using collocations in English speaking and writing will help you achieve fluency in English.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 463

In this episode, you'll learn how to say sorry and apologise in English. Saying sorry and admitting fault phrases are crucial for developing your English vocabulary and improving your English speaking skills. Learn formal and informal ways to say 'sorry' in English. 

Learning how to apologise after making a mistake is challenging but important for everyday conversations. Learn better English vocabulary phrases to sound like a native speaker. Enhance your English with these phrases and boost your confidence in daily communication.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 462

In this episode, you will learn ten daily expressions that will help you achieve total English fluency. These English idioms for celebrating are used by native speakers in daily conversations. Learning these advanced English expressions will help you to develop confident speaking and sound more natural in English.

This lesson is perfect for advanced English learners seeking to improve their fluency in daily English conversations. Discover useful English phrases for daily conversation that will help you express yourself better. Boost your confidence in everyday English conversations, and improve your communication skills. Take your English to the next level with this advanced English lesson.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 461

In this episode, you'll learn important English phrases that will help you talk about physical appearance in a more detailed way. This vocabulary is useful for real-life situations and can also help you if you're getting ready for exams like IELTS, TOEFL, or CAE. 

We'll go beyond basic descriptions and focus on phrases that will make your English sound more natural and fluent, just like native speakers. You'll learn how to describe facial features, hair, and body structure in a way that captures the details.

The goal is to make you feel more confident and comfortable when expressing yourself in English, whether you're having a casual chat or a more formal conversation in English.

By the end of the episode, you'll be able to speak and write confidently about physical appearance in English. Improve your English skills and start expressing yourself like a native speaker!

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 460

Native speakers use these vocabulary words and phrases all the time in their daily conversations. This vocabulary related to thinking is a crucial part of becoming proficient in English. So, by mastering these must-know phrases relating to thinking and expressing your thoughts in English, you're taking a big step toward sounding like a native speaker. 

It's not just about improving your vocabulary; it's about feeling at ease when you have daily conversations in English. And remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use these English words in your conversations, the more confident and proficient you'll become in expressing yourself in English. Unlock English fluency secrets and improve your English speaking skills with this essential advanced vocabulary.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 459

In this episode, you will learn phrasal verbs crucial for your speaking skills. This is the most popular topic in English for small talk conversations and also the easiest for starting a conversation with a native speaker to sound natural. 

These phrasal verbs will immediately take your English vocabulary to a different level and improve your confidence in speaking. They are a must if you are preparing for English proficiency exams like IELTS, CAE, TOEFL. Use these phrasal verbs in your speaking to impress your examiner and get a better score.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 458

In this podcast episode, you'll learn easy tips to speak English more naturally and confidently. Discover exciting words to improve your vocabulary and make your daily conversations in English more interesting. Learn 12 other ways to say "big: in English and sound more like native speakers in your everyday English speaking! ?

This lesson improves your speaking and allows you to express your thoughts in English more precisely in daily conversations, writing, and even in more formal situations. If you're just starting or already speak English well, this vocabulary is for you. New vocabulary words will help you speak better, not just in everyday conversations but also for exams like IELTS, CAE, FCE and other proficiency tests. Sound natural in English and feel more confident. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 457

Unlock English fluency secrets and learn crucial words for descriptive English.  Learn 21 essential English adjectives will help you build your advanced vocabulary and help you enhance your writing and speaking skills. 21 crucial B2, C1 & C2 level adjectives for total English fluency. 

This English lesson is particularly useful for students studying for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, and other English proficiency exams.

By the end of this episode, you'll be able to incorporate these adjectives into your speaking and writing, and you'll notice a significant improvement in your English language proficiency.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 456

In this episode, you will learn ten daily expressions that will help you achieve total English fluency. These motivational English idioms are used by native speakers in daily conversations. Learning these advanced English expressions will help you to develop confident speaking and sound more natural in English.

This lesson is perfect for advanced English learners seeking to improve their fluency in daily English conversations. Discover useful English phrases for daily conversation that will help you express yourself better. Boost your confidence in everyday English conversations, and improve your communication skills. Take your English to the next level with this advanced English lesson.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 455

Unlock fluent English conversations with these phrases about habits. In this episode, learn how to talk about present and past habits in English. This will help you get better at speaking English confidently.

Practice these key phrases when discussing habits in English conversations to improve your vocabulary and your overall English language skills.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 454

In this podcast episode, you will learn to write essays in English like a pro. I'll give you 15 important phrases that you can use in your essays. These essential English phrases will improve your writing and will help you get better at writing essays. My expert tips for essay writing will help you boost your confidence when writing in English. 

15 formal English phrases are especially useful if you're preparing for an IELTS essay or working on a business presentation in English. Impress your IELTS examiner and elevate your English writing skills!

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 453

Build your vocabulary, enhance your English skills and sound like a native by mastering these 15 critical phrasal verbs for fluent English. This podcast episode benefits both those who want to learn new vocabulary in context and advanced English learners looking for a refresher. Learn commonly used phrasal verbs for natural daily conversations.

By the end of this lesson, you'll be proficient in using these common English phrasal verbs in everyday conversations, improving your English speaking skills and fluency. Mastering these phrasal verbs improves listening and speaking skills, allowing you to express your thoughts, opinions, and ideas more precisely. Boost your English fluency and speak with confidence.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 452

In this podcast episode, you will learn useful vocabulary for speaking. Other ways to say 'sad' in English. Formal and informal. I've got 11 ways to say 'sad' to learn today. By learning these English words to express sadness, you can improve your English skills and expand your vocabulary. 

This improves your speaking and allows you to express your feelings in English more precisely in everyday conversations, writing, and even in more formal situations. I'll give you the meaning, and I'll provide examples for each word. Learning these English vocabulary words will not only enhance your language abilities but also boost your confidence in using English effectively.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 451

Learn some special English phrases to make you sound better! In this lesson, you'll learn advanced English idioms that can help improve your speaking and make you better at English. Learn to talk about problems and difficulties in informal English. By the end of this lesson, you'll know more English phrases, and you'll be able to use them in your daily conversations and speak more like a native speaker. 

I'll teach you the meaning, and tell you how the idioms are used in context. If you're trying to get better at English, maybe for tests like IELTS, CAE, or TOEFL, or just to speak more like a native speaker with confidence, this lesson will help you improve your English skills. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 450

Say goodbye to mistakes and learn how to use the preposition 'on' correctly in English. Learn 14 prepositional phrases with ON that you can use in your daily conversations. Use these English fluency tips to help you improve your vocabulary and confidence in speaking English.  

Many students find using prepositions in English challenging, but don't worry! This episode is useful for intermediate, upper-intermediate, and advanced English learners, catering to a wide range of students. You'll learn prepositional phrases that native speakers use to sound more natural, making using the preposition 'ON' fun and easy to understand.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 449

In this podcast episode, you will learn  20 advanced C1 level verbs for total English fluency. By the end of this episode, you will learn how to use these advanced English verbs in your speaking and writing. These vocabulary words will help you improve your English skills.

This English lesson is useful for students studying for IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, and other English proficiency exams, as well as those looking to improve their written and spoken English. Impress your IELTS examination by using these advanced English verbs.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 448

In this podcast episode, you will learn useful collocations with 'make' and will never confuse 'make' with 'do'. Learn the difference between 'make' and 'do' and don't 'do' a mistake. Learn 20 English collocations to enhance your English speaking and writing skills and become a confident speaker. 

Many students often confuse 'make' and 'do'. This lesson is particularly important for those students who wish to avoid making mistakes when taking exams such as IELTS, CAE, TOEFL, or any other proficiency exams. This lesson will expand your vocabulary with less common English collocations with 'make' that native speakers use in daily conversations.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 447

In this podcast episode, you'll learn 16 ways to say 'goodbye' in English. Do you want to be more fluent in English? Start using other friendly and informal ways native English speakers use and sound more natural in English. Boost your English vocabulary, start speaking like a native speaker, and feel confident in any situation.

Saying goodbye is an essential part of everyday conversations in English. Expand your English language skills and make your goodbyes more interesting and engaging! 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 446

In this podcast episode, you will learn advanced vocabulary that will be extremely helpful. We'll focus on words for describing sounds and noises in English. Instead of just saying 'bang,' you'll discover how to precisely express yourself in English. We'll cover words that you can use to describe various sounds, accompanied by plenty of examples. Expand your vocabulary and gain confidence in speaking and writing in English.  

This lesson is particularly useful for ESL students preparing for proficiency exams like IELTS, CAE, TOEFL, as it will boost your vocabulary. These words will also be essential for essays. By using these words effectively, you can improve your English speaking and writing skills, and become more fluent.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 445

Build your vocabulary and speak like a native with these 20 must-know speaking phrasal verbs for total English fluency. This English lesson is beneficial not only for students aiming to learn new vocabulary in context but also for advanced English learners as a review. Learn phrasal verbs that are commonly used by native English speakers in daily conversations.

By the end of this episode, you will learn how to use these popular English phrasal verbs in daily conversations. These vocabulary words will help you improve your English skills. Learning these phrasal verbs will develop both your listening comprehension as well as your fluency in speaking. 

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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Speak Better English with Harry | Episode 444

In this podcast episode, you will learn 22 must-know speaking phrases for job interviews in English. Even in your native language, job interviews can be nerve-wracking; now, picture that anxiety when done in English. How to agree with the interviewer? What if you need to ask for clarification in English?  How to buy yourself some time? These useful speaking phrases will help you to prepare for your job interview in English.

Many of these formal English phrases will be also useful during negotiations and business meetings in English. So, if you want to get better at business English, especially speaking, these phrases will be very useful. At the end of this lesson, I will give you tips on how to answer tricky interview questions.

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Advanced English lessons on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry

Online courses start from only ?7.99. Click to enrol today and improve your English speaking skills, grammar and vocabulary.

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