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The Thing About Pam

The Thing About Pam

Two days after Christmas, 2011, Russ Faria came home from game night to find his wife, Betsy, dead. He was soon charged and convicted of her murder. But Russ Faria insisted he did not kill his wife. Betsy?s brutal murder set off a chain of events that would leave one man dead, another man implicated, and expose a diabolical scheme. It would also see Dateline NBC?the true-crime original?become a part of the never-ending saga that proves the old adage: Truth is stranger than fiction. This original series from Keith Morrison and Dateline defies all expectations.


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The Thing About ?The Thing About Pam?

Keith Morrison talks with Renée Zellweger about how and why she made her scripted series. 

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Return to Lincoln County

Pam Hupp is charged with the murder of Betsy Faria.
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6 - Anything Can Happen

Another thing about Pam?
Watch the full Dateline NBC episode here.

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5 - I'm a Little Cold

A 911 call. An intruder killed. Or was it something more sinister?

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4 - Say Hi to Cathy

The greeting seemed innocuous, but not for long. 

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3 - Manna from Heaven

An unexpected call changed everything. 

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2 - A Matter of Trust

The prosecution believed it was a case about greed. The defense did, too.

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1 - They're Still Counting

The evidence pointed to a crime of passion. But was it?

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Trailer: Introducing The Thing About Pam

Two days after Christmas, 2011, Russ Faria came home from game night to find his wife, Betsy, dead. He was soon charged and convicted of her murder. But Russ Faria insisted he did not kill his wife. Betsy?s brutal murder set off a chain of events that would leave one man dead, another man implicated, and expose a diabolical scheme. It would also see Dateline NBC?the true-crime original?become a part of the never-ending saga that proves the old adage: Truth is stranger than fiction. This original series from Keith Morrison and Dateline defies all expectations.

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