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Sea Control

Sea Control

Sea Control is CIMSEC's Flagship podcast. We focus on maritime security, history and all things naval.


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Sea Control 520 - Witness to Neptune's Inferno with Dr. David Winkler

Sea Control 519 - NATO and the Baltic Approaches with Dr. Peter Bogason


1.  NATO and the Baltic Approaches, 1949-1989 ? When Perception was Reality, by Peter Bogason, Walter De Gruyter GmbH, 2023.

2. Peter Bogason

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Sea Control 518 - The Royal Navy and Caribbean Contraband Trade with CDR Ryan Mewett, Ph D


1. ?It is ticklish meddling with the navy?: The British navy and Caribbean contraband trade, c. 1713?1750, by Ryan Mewett, International Journal of Maritime History, December 10, 2023.

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Sea Control 517 - Understanding Maritime Security with Dr. Christian Bueger and Dr. Tim Edmunds

Sea Control 516 - US Navy Alliances in the Cold War with Dr. Corbin Williamson


1. The US Navy and its Cold War Alliances, 1945-1953, by Corbin Williamson, University of Kansas Press, 2020. 

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Sea Control 515 - A New Age of Naval Power with Dr. Alessio Patalano


1. "The New Age of Naval Power," by Alessio Patalano, TIME, March 5, 2024.  

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Sea Control 514 - Explaining Ethiopia's Port Deal with Samir Bhattacharya


Understanding Ethiopia?s port deal with Somaliland and its geopolitical implications, by Samir Bhattacharya, ORFOnline, January 25, 2024. 

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Sea Control 513 - The US Army in the Pacific with Tim Devine


 To Upgun Seapower in the Indo-Pacific, You Need an Army, By Gen Charles Flynn and Lieutenant Colonel Tim Devine, US Naval Institute Proceedings, February 2024.Fire and Fortitude: The U.S. Army in the Pacific, 1941-1943, by John C. McManus, Dutton Caliber, July 30, 2019.Island Infernos: The U.S. Army's Pacific War Odyssey, 1944, by John C. McManus, Dutton Caliber, November 9, 2021.Sea Control 181 - The "Amphibious" 8th in the Pacific War, CIMSEC, June 7, 2020.Sea Control 269 - USMC Commandant General David Berger on Force Design, CIMSEC, August 20, 2021. 
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Sea Control 512 - Europe's Marines with Dr. Sidharth Kaushal


1. ?Europe?s Marines in the Future European Littoral Operating Environment,? by Sidharth Kaushal, War on the Rocks, February 5, 2024. 

2. ?Amphibious Futures: The Royal Marines in Contested New Operating Environments,? by Sidharth Kaushal and Mark Totten, RUSI, January 9, 2024. 

3. Sea Control 423: The First Unmanned Raid on Sevastopol with Dr. Sidharth Kaushal, CIMSEC, March 30, 2023. 

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Sea Control 511 - Cornish Wrecking with Dr. Cathryn Pearce


1. Cornish Wrecking 1700-1860 ? Reality and Popular Myth, by Cathryn Pearce, The Boydell Press, 2010.  

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Sea Control 510 - The Fortress Fleet with Lt Col Nathan Jennings, Ph D


1. "The Army and the Fortress Fleet: Reimagining Landpower in Maritime Warfare," by Nathan Jennings, Modern War Institute, March 5, 2024.

2. "To Upgun Seapower in the Indo-Pacific, You Need an Army," by General Charles Flynn and Lieutenant Colonel Tim Devine, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, February 2024.

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Sea Control 509 - Sri Lanka's Evolving Role in the Indian Ocean with Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy


1. Sri Lanka?s evolving role in the Indian Ocean, by Aditya Gowdara Shivamurthy, Observer Research Foundation, January 24, 2024. 

2. Sea Control 283 - Maritime Sri Lanka and Japan with Dr. Satoru Nagao, CIMSEC, October 10, 2021. 

3. Sea Control 234 - Maritime Sri Lanka with Dr. Chulanee Attanayake and Dr. Jivanta Schöttli, CIMSEC, March 21, 2021. 

4. ORF Online.

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Sea Control 508 - Australian Capabilities in the Littoral with Jennifer Parker and Peter Jones


1. "Australian Naval Capabilities in the Littoral: Past, Present and into the Future," by Jennifer Parker and Peter Jones, The Australian Naval Institute, December 6, 2023. 

2. Sea Control 198 - Australian Amphibious Capabilities with Col Kim Gilfillan, CIMSEC, September 6, 2020. 

3. Sea Control 472 - Littoral Security with Dr. Prakash Gopal, CIMSEC, October 19, 2023. 

4. Saltwater Strategists podcast.

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Sea Control 507 - Islamic Maritime Law with Emilia Justyna Powell & Michael Atkins


1. Islamic Law and International Law: Peaceful Resolution of Disputes, by Emilia Justyna Powell, Oxford University Press, 2022

2. The Peaceful Resolution of Territorial & Maritime Disputes, by Emilia Justyna Powell and Krista E. Wiegand, Oxford University Press, 2023

3. "Ghosts of Kosovo: A Test for International Criminal Law in the Balkans", by Michael Atkins, The Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution, January 2022

4. "Regulations Usher in Era of Cleaner Emissions at Sea", by Michael Atkins, American Bar Association, Environmental Enforcement and Crimes, April 20,2022

5. Sea Control 461 - Peaceful Resolution of Territorial and Maritime Disputes with Dr. Emilia Justyna Powell and Dr. Krista Wiegand, by Nathan Miller, CIMSEC, September 10, 2023

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Sea Control 506 - What Wargames Reveal with Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider

Sea Control 505 - Pirates of the Slave Trade with Dr. Angela Sutton

Sea Control 504 - Chinese Maritime Interests in the Indian Ocean with Commodore Venugopal Vengalil


1. ?Assessment of Chinese Maritime Interests in Indian Ocean Region,? by Commodore Venugopal Vengalil, Chennai Centre for China Studies, December 7, 2023.

2. Commodore Venugopal Vengali?s X Feed.

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Sea Control 503 - The British Special Service Squadron with Heather Johnson

Sea Control 502 - Wartime Command and Control with Admiral Scott Swift (ret.)


1. "Wartime Command and Control," by Admiral Scott Swift (ret.), Proceedings, January 2024.

2. Sea Control 254 - Defining Readiness with Admiral Scott Swift (ret.), CIMSEC, May 28, 2021.

3. "Admiral Scott Swift on Leadership, Risk, and a Life in the U.S. Navy," by Christopher Nelson, CIMSEC, August 14, 2017.

4.The American Sea Power Project.

5. "To deter China, the US and Taiwan should seek asymmetric symmetry," by Admiral Scott Swift (ret.) Heino Klinck, Defense News, January 25, 2024. 

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Sea Control 501 - Multilateral Approaches to Maritime Security in Oceania with Zach Ota

Sea Control 500 - The UK's Indo-Pacific Engagement with Dr. Peter Chalk


1. ?The United Kingdom?s Indo-Pacific Engagement,? by Peter Chalk, War on the Rocks, November 30, 2023. 

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Sea Control 499 - The US Navy and Diplomacy in South America with Dr. Katrina Ponti


1.  Seapower by Other Means, edited by J. Overton, ISPK Seapower Series, 2023. 

2. Sea Control 487 - Naval Exploration and Global Empire with Dr. Michael Verney, CIMSEC, December 28, 2023. 

3. Dr. Katrina Ponti

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Sea Control 498 - The Academy with David Poyer


1. The Academy - A Dan Lenson Novel, by David Poyer, St. Martin's Press, December 2023. 


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Sea Control 497 - Citizen Sailors with Joshua Taylor & Scott Humphrey


1. ?Citizen Sailors: The Missing link in Maritime Force Structure,? by Joshua Taylor and Scott Humphrey, War on the Rocks, November 15, 2023. 

2. ?The U.S. Navy Needs Its Own Bonds to Be Ready for China,? by Joshua Taylor, Foreign Policy, November 5, 2021. 

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Sea Control 496 - Naval Presence and the Interwar US Navy with BJ Armstrong


1.  Naval Presence and the Interwar US Navy and Marine Corps, Forward Deployment, Crisis Response, and the Tyranny of History, by Benjamin Armstrong, Routledge, 2024.

2. Sea Control 239 - Things Done By Halves with Dr. BJ Armstrong, CIMSEC, April 11, 2021. 

3. Sea Control 311  - Developing the Naval Mind with BJ Armstrong and John Freymann, CIMSEC, January 20, 2022. 

4. Sea Control 209 - Learning War with Trent Hone and Sebastian Goldstein, CIMSEC, November 1, 2020. 

5. Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, by William Murray and Allan Reed Millett (eds), Cambridge University Press, August 13, 1998.

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Sea Control 495 - Cocaine Codfish with Aaron Delano-Johnson


1. ?Cocaine Codfish: How the War on Drugs Can Inform the Fight Against Illegal Fishing,? by Aaron Delano-Johnson, War on the Rocks (October 16, 2023). 

2. ?A Plan to Push Back Against China?s Fishing Practices? by Aaron Delano-Johnson and Chris Bernotavicus, War on the Rocks (December 2, 2022). 

3. Sea Control 219: USCG Commandant Admiral Karl Schultz, CIMSEC (December 27, 2020). 

4. Sea Control 256: Reporting From the Sea With Ian Urbina, CIMSEC (June 6, 2021). 

5. The Outlaw Ocean Project

6. ?Memorandum on Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Associated Labor Abuses,? The White House (June 27, 2022). 

7. ?Future IUU Fishing Trends in a Warming World: A global Horizon Scan,? by Lauren Young, Cathy Haenlein and Grace Evans, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) March 1, 2023.

8. Move the IUU Fight Up the Food Chain,? by Conor Sullivan, USNI Proceedings (November 2023). 

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Sea Control 494 - Global Force for Good with Dr. John Sherwood


1. A Global Force for Good: Sea Services Humanitarian Operations in the Twenty-First Century, by John Sherwood, Naval History and Heritage Command, September 2023.

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Sea Control 493 - ?Assertive Transparency? in the Gray Zone with Ray Powell

?Game Changer: The Philippines? Assertive Transparency Campaign: How the Philippines Rewrote the Counter Gray Zone Playbook in 2023?, by Col. Raymond Powell US Air Force (Ret) and Benjamin Goirigolzarri Ph. D., Stratbase ADRi, January 12, 2024Sea Control 456 - China?s Maritime Gray Zone Tactics and SeaLight with Ray Powell and Gaute Friis, by Jared Samuelson, Sea Control Podcast, August, 24, 2023
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Sea Control 492 - Challenges in the Gulf of Guinea with Ebunoluwa Ojo-Ami


Navigating security challenges in West Africa, by Ebunoluwa George Ojo-Ami, International Security Journal, August 9, 2023. 

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Sea Control 491 - Written in Black and Red: Asymmetric Threats and Affordable Unmanned Vessels With Michael Knickerbocker


1. ?Written in Black and Red: Asymmetric Threats and Affordable Unmanned Vessels,? by Michael Knickerbocker, War on the Rocks, January 3, 2024

2. ?Trashing Energy Needs: A Cast for Expanded Plasma Gasification Use by the US Military,? by Michael Knickerbocker, The Defense Post, October 23, 2023.

3. ?Episode 101: UUVs: Underwater Drones and Seabed Warfare,? by The Red Line Podcast, August 8, 2023. 

4. ?Sea Control 426: ?Every Ship A SAG? with Lt Kyle Cregge,? by Andrea Howard, CIMSEC, April 13, 2023.

5. ?Autonomous Pickets for Force Protection and Fleet Missile Defense,? by Walker D. mills, CIMSEC, May 8, 2019.

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Sea Control 490 - Islamic Maritime Law with Dr. Hassan Khalilieh

Sea Control 489 - The Strategic Importance of NATO's North Flank with Julian Pawlak


Collective Defence and Bastion: The Strategic Importance of NATO?s Northern Flank, by Julian Pawlak, German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies, March 2022.
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Sea Control 488 - Disaster at Honda Point with Robert Kolker


1. "Dead Reckoning," by Robert Kolker, The Atavist Magazine, No. 142, August 2023. 

2. Robert Kolker's official website.

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Sea Control 487 - Naval Exploration and Global Empire with Michael Verney

A Great and Rising Nation ? Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic, by Michael A. Verney, The University of Chicago Press, 2022.
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Sea Control 486 - Force Writers Room with Captain Ric Arthur and Dava Casoni

Sea Control 485 - Napoleonic Wars in the Adriatic with Dave Watson


The Frontier Sea: The Napoleonic Wars in the Adriatic, by Dave Watson, Balkan Military History, 2023.Balkan Military History 
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Sea Control 484 - LST-325: From Normandy to Indiana with Ken Rupp


1. USS LST-325 Ship Memorial Website.
2. Bringing Back a Hero, by Robert D. Jornlin, Jornlin Farm, 2014.

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Sea Control 483 - The Transformation of Maritime Professions with Dr. Karel Davids


1. The Transformation of Maritime Professions: Old and New Jobs in European Shipping Industries, 1850-2000, edited by Karel Davids and Joost Schokkenbroek, Palgrave MacMillan, 2023.

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Sea Control 482 - ?An Honorable Place in American Air Power": Civil Air Patrol Operations, 1942-1943 with Dr. Frank Blazich

Sea Control 481 - Logistics Interdiction in Taiwan Unification Campaigns with Michael Hugos and Dr. Ed Salo


1. Logistics interdiction for Taiwan Unification Campaigns, by Jacob Maywald, Benjamin Hazen, Edward Salo, and Michael Hugos, War on the Rocks, August 21, 2023.

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Sea Control 480 ? Ill-Fitting Immersion Suits with Dr. Rosemary Ricciardelli


1. Ethnographic and lived experience of cold-water immersion: The compromised survival of women at sea due to ill-fitting immersion suits. by Rosemary Ricciardelli and Heather Carnahan, Journal of Maritime Research, February 6, 2023

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Sea Control 479 - The Life of a Flag Aide with Major Lauren Serrano


1. "Aides Are More than Bag Carriers," by Major Lauren Serrano, Proceedings, July 2023.

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Sea Control 478 - A Sober Analysis of Ukrainian Success in the Black Sea with Thord Are Iversen


1. ?On Understanding the Naval War,? by Thord Are Iversen, Reports by T.A. Iversen, October 5, 2023.

2. Reports by T.A. Iversen.

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Sea Control 477 - Scandinavian Responses to Great Power War at Sea with Dr. Steve Murdoch


1. Ideologies of Western Naval Power, c. 1500-1815, edited by J.D. Davies, Alan James, Gijs Rommelse,Routledge, 2019.

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Sea Control 476 - Titanic & the City of Widows with Julie Cook


1. The Titanic and the City of Widows It Left Behind ? The Forgotten Victims of the Fatal Voyage, by Julie Cook, Pen and Sword History, April 6, 2020.

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Sea Control 475 - Island Campaigns and the Founding of the PLA Navy with Dr. Toshi Yoshihara


1. Red Star Over the Pacific: China?s Rise and the Challenge to U.S. Maritime Strategy, second edition, by Toshi Yoshihara and James Holmes, USNI Books, 2018. 

2. Mao?s Army Goes to Sea: The Island Campaigns and the Founding of China?s Navy, by Toshi Yoshihara, Georgetown University Press, 2022. 

3. "China?s Lessons from the Pacific War and Implications for Future Warfighting," by Toshi Yoshihara, CIMSEC, March 22, 2023. 

4. "China as a Composite Land-Sea Power: A Geostrategic Concept Revisited," by Toshi Yoshihara, CIMSEC, January 6, 2021.

5. "How China has Overtaken Japan in Naval Power and Why It Matters," by Toshi Yoshihara, CIMSEC, June 22, 2020.

6. "Assessing the Military Balance in the Western Pacific with Dr. Toshi Yoshihara," by Cris Lee, CIMSEC, November 5, 2018.

7. Sea Control 288: Chinese Civilian Shipping and the Threat to Taiwan with Tom Shugart, CIMSEC, October 28, 2021. 

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Sea Control 474 - AUKUS, Naval Procurement & Grand Strategy with Dr. Jonathan Caverley


"AUKUS: When naval procurement drives grand strategy," by Dr. Jonathan Caverley, International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis, September 2023. 

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Sea Control 473 - Doctrine Man, Leadership & Superheroes with Steve Leonard


1. Power Up: Leadership, Character, and Conflict Beyond the Superhero Multiverse, edited by Steven Leonard, Jonathan Klug, Kelsey Cipolla and Jon Niccum, Casemate, 2023.

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Sea Control 472 - Littoral Security with Dr. Prakash Gopal

Dr. Prakash Gopal joins the program to discuss his dissertation topic, littoral security. Dr Prakash Gopal is a former Indian naval officer with over two decades of experience in maritime security operations, policy and strategy. He was a Research Fellow at the National Maritime Foundation, India from 2016-18. In 2018 Prakash took up a PhD position at the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security, University of Wollongong. He completed his PhD in April 2023. This episode was edited and produced by Jonathan Selling.
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Sea Control 471 - British Coastal Forces with Andrew Young

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