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Sheeko Time

Sheeko Time

I created this podcast for people To learn more about people and explore their stories. I?ll sit down with you guys to talk about their stories, as well as their inspiration, and journey. My first episode is out Now


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Jacayl qabiil diladay

Riyo jayacl o rumo bi laheed aya sameen ku yeshay qudhunka ay ledahay qabyaladan basi reer nimo yasitan ba burburiyay lamane jayl noloshodi ?
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Midho Dhal jacayl

Qof ad calaf isku ledihiin marnaba isma wayasan Qoralka rabiba qoran
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Nitaaq Jacayl

Qisadi labad iyo Nitaaq jacaylku leyhy dhegesi Wacan
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Dhib badana hadalka anad sheegan Kareen

Qisadii wiilki iyada darted isku hagaajiyey yaduna.......Xanuun badana in aad adigu isugu shekayso hadalo aadan u sheegi karin qofkii ad la rabtay ?
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