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Traditional Catholic Audiobooks

Traditional Catholic Audiobooks

A collection of Free Catholic Audiobooks in the Open Domain Subscribe to this podcast, many will still come. If they are not public, please share with me and I'll remove. Personal favorites: Imitation of Christ and Dark Night of the Soul Supported by on Twitter


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Tertullian - On Shows and On Patience

Two texts - Read by Maria Lectrix

Text 2 starts at 1h21m20 seconds

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Banquet of the Ten Virgins (Methodius)

Banquet of the Ten Virgins (Methodius) - Read by Maria Lectrix

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On the Life of St. Martin (Sulpitius Severus)

On the Life of St. Martin (Sulpitius Severus) - Read by Maria lectrix

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On Holy Images - St John Damascene

On Holy Images - St John Damascene - Read by Maria Lectrix 

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Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures [2/2]

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures  - Maria Lectrix

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Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures [1/2]

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures - Maria Lectrix

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Lent Homilies from the Church Fathers

Lent Homilies from the Church Fathers

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Orthodoxy - GK Chesterton

Read by David Grizzly Smith: 

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The Apocalypse Of Saint John (Knox Bible)

The Apocalypse Of Saint John

read by Hugh Thwaites SJ

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Acts Of The Apostles (Knox Bible)

Acts Of The Apostles

read by Hugh Thwaites SJ

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The Gospel According To Saint John (Knox Bible)

read by Hugh Thwaites SJ

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The Gospel of Luke (Knox Bible)

The Gospel of Luke (Knox Bible) ? Read by Hugh Thwaites SJ 

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The Gospel of Mark (Knox Bible)

Read by Hugh Thwaites SJ 

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The Gospel According to Matthew (Knox Bible)

Read by Hugh Thwaites SJ 

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On the Holy Spirit - St Basil


This classic exposition of Trinitarian doctrine eloquently sets forth the distinction yet perpetual communion of the divine Persons. Without explicitly calling the Spirit "God, " St Basil demonstrates that He, like the Son, is of the same nature with the Father.

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Confessions [2/2] - St Augustine

Confessions is generally considered one of Augustine's most important texts. It is widely seen as the first Western Christian autobiography ever written, and was an influential model for Christian writers throughout the Middle Ages. Professor Henry Chadwick wrote that Confessions will "always rank among the great masterpieces of western literature."

The work is not a complete autobiography, as it was written during Saint Augustine's early 40s and he lived long afterwards, producing another important work, The City of God. Nonetheless, it does provide an unbroken record of his development of thought and is the most complete record of any single person from the 4th and 5th centuries. It is a significant theological work, featuring spiritual meditations and insights.

In the work, Augustine writes about how he regrets having led a sinful and immoral life. He discusses his regrets for following the Manichaean religion and believing in astrology. He writes about his friend Nebridius's role in helping to persuade him that astrology was not only incorrect but evil, and Saint Ambrose's role in his conversion to Christianity. The first nine books are autobiographical and the last four are commentary and significantly more philosophical. He shows intense sorrow for his sexual sins and writes on the importance of sexual morality. The books were written as prayers to God, thus the title, based on the Psalms of David; and it begins with "For Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee." The work is thought to be divisible into books which symbolize various aspects of the Trinity and trinitarian belief.

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Confessions [1/2] - St Augustine


Confessions is generally considered one of Augustine's most important texts. It is widely seen as the first Western Christian autobiography ever written, and was an influential model for Christian writers throughout the Middle Ages. Professor Henry Chadwick wrote that Confessions will "always rank among the great masterpieces of western literature."

The work is not a complete autobiography, as it was written during Saint Augustine's early 40s and he lived long afterwards, producing another important work, The City of God. Nonetheless, it does provide an unbroken record of his development of thought and is the most complete record of any single person from the 4th and 5th centuries. It is a significant theological work, featuring spiritual meditations and insights.

In the work, Augustine writes about how he regrets having led a sinful and immoral life. He discusses his regrets for following the Manichaean religion and believing in astrology. He writes about his friend Nebridius's role in helping to persuade him that astrology was not only incorrect but evil, and Saint Ambrose's role in his conversion to Christianity. The first nine books are autobiographical and the last four are commentary and significantly more philosophical. He shows intense sorrow for his sexual sins and writes on the importance of sexual morality. The books were written as prayers to God, thus the title, based on the Psalms of David; and it begins with "For Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee." The work is thought to be divisible into books which symbolize various aspects of the Trinity and trinitarian belief.

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Eugenics and Other Evils - G K Chesterton

read by David Grizzly Smith. Source:

In Eugenics and Other Evils, Chesterton attacked eugenics as Parliament was moving towards passage of the Mental Deficiency Act 1913. Some backing the ideas of eugenics called for the government to sterilise people deemed "mentally defective"; this view did not gain popularity but the idea of segregating them from the rest of society and thereby preventing them from reproducing did gain traction. These ideas disgusted Chesterton who wrote, "It is not only openly said, it is eagerly urged that the aim of the measure is to prevent any person whom these propagandists do not happen to think intelligent from having any wife or children." He blasted the proposed wording for such measures as being so vague as to apply to anyone, including "Every tramp who is sulk, every labourer who is shy, every rustic who is eccentric, can quite easily be brought under such conditions as were designed for homicidal maniacs. That is the situation; and that is the point ... we are already under the Eugenist State; and nothing remains to us but rebellion." He derided such ideas as founded on nonsense, "as if one had a right to dragoon and enslave one's fellow citizens as a kind of chemical experiment". Chesterton mocked the idea that poverty was a result of bad breeding: "[it is a] strange new disposition to regard the poor as a race; as if they were a colony of Japs or Chinese coolies ... The poor are not a race or even a type. It is senseless to talk about breeding them; for they are not a breed. They are, in cold fact, what Dickens describes: 'a dustbin of individual accidents,' of damaged dignity, and often of damaged gentility."

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GK Chesterton - Two Short Essays

Why I am Catholic 

An introduction to the Book of Job

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The Everlasting Man [2/2] - GK Chesterton

Read by David Grizzly Smith: The Everlasting Man is a Christian apologetics book written by G. K. Chesterton, published in 1925. It is, to some extent, a deliberate rebuttal of H. G. Wells' The Outline of History, disputing Wells' portrayals of human life and civilisation as a seamless development from animal life and of Jesus Christ as merely another charismatic figure. Chesterton detailed his own spiritual journey in Orthodoxy, but in this book he tries to illustrate the spiritual journey of humanity, or at least of Western civilisation. The author Ross Douthat credits that, "Chesterton's somewhat loosey-goosey outline of history doubles as the best modern argument for Christianity I've ever read. You have to give in to the Chestertonian style, but if you do, be careful ? you might just be converted."
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The Everlasting Man [1/2]- GK Chesterton

Read by David Grizzly Smith: The Everlasting Man is a Christian apologetics book written by G. K. Chesterton, published in 1925. It is, to some extent, a deliberate rebuttal of H. G. Wells' The Outline of History, disputing Wells' portrayals of human life and civilisation as a seamless development from animal life and of Jesus Christ as merely another charismatic figure. Chesterton detailed his own spiritual journey in Orthodoxy, but in this book he tries to illustrate the spiritual journey of humanity, or at least of Western civilisation. The author Ross Douthat credits that, "Chesterton's somewhat loosey-goosey outline of history doubles as the best modern argument for Christianity I've ever read. You have to give in to the Chestertonian style, but if you do, be careful ? you might just be converted."
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Fulton Sheen on Communism and other topics

Several radio programs by the man himself


Communism and the Church

The Philosophy of Communism

How to meet Communism

Daily Holy Hour

Crisis in Christendom - Some Barnacles on the Ship Democracy

Good and Evil

Spectators and Actors in the Drama of the Cross

The Mass

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Open Letter to Confused Catholics - Archbishop Lefebvre

A popular study of the crisis in the Church written for all to understand. Covers the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc., and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands; certain to become a classic.

Source: (SSPX YouTube)

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On Holiness of Life - St Bonaventure

St. Bonaventure, the Seraphic Doctor, and also called the ?Second Founder? of the Fransican order offers this brief work on the way of holiness. Written at the request and for Blessed Isabella a Poor Clare and friend of Bonaventure (who was the sister of St. Louis King of France) it is a brief, but complete treatise on ascetical and mystical theology.  Wit and charm abound in the work, such is the chapter where Bonaventure discusses chattering nuns and so is the seriousness of devotion in the Chapters on the passion of Christ.  Most notably is how down to earth the work is, both in being comprehensible and practical which makes it excellent reading for both religious and laity. Source:
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The Life of St. Patrick

St. Patrick was Christs chosen servant to bring the Irish people out of the darkness of paganism and into the light of Christianity.  He was a mighty miracle worker, an apostle of Rome, a healer of lepers, a destroyer of idols, a scourge to evil men, a severe Ascetic,  he had the both the gifts of prophecy and of mystical prayer.  This book written by Father William Morris provides an overview of his entire life from the most reliable historical records and will leave the listener amazed at the mighty power of St. Patrick who perhaps was one of (perhaps even the most)  effective missionary in the history of the Church.    Come and Learn from his life how to be Apostle in the midst of a corrupted world, and take a step towards reclaiming St. Patrick?s day as a day of devotion and love for God, rather than a day of debauchery.

This audiobook is a recording of The Life of Saint Patrick Apostle of Ireland by Father William Bullen Morris and is in the Public domain.

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12 degrees of humility + Saint Bernard the Wonderworker

12 degrees of humility + Saint Bernard the Wonderworker 

Book 1: 

Excerpts of: Mills, Barton Reginald Vaughan. Saint Bernard the twelve degrees of humility and pride. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1929. and is in the Public Domain.

Book 2:

Saint Bernard the wonder worker, excerpts from the Life and Times of Saint Bernard by Abbot Theodore Ratisbonne and Heroic Virtue: A Portion of the Treatise of Benedict XIV on the Beatification and Canonization of the Servants of God Volume III.


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St Bernard Homilies [3/3]: For Christmas Eve and Christmas

St Bernard of Clairvaux is considered the last father of the Church and is called the Doctor Mellifluus, or the honey doctor,  because his Praise of Jesus Christ flowed like honey.

St Bernard instructs us on: The Left Hand and the Right Hand of our infant Lord.  How the pride are blind? The difference between the widom of the world and flesh versus what is peaceable and chaste.  How the infant Christ was the fountain of devotion spoken of by Isaiah.  How the Nativity is medicine from the Good Physician?  How those who are engaged in useful labor and employment are fit to be visited by angels.


Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint. Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent and Christmas : including the famous treatise on the incarnation called ?Missus est?. London: R.T. Washbourne, 1909.


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The Vigil of the Nativity and Advent Homilies of St Bernard [2/3]

Colloquy of the Blessed Virgin and the Angel Part 1 Colloquy of the Blessed Virgin and the Angel Part 2 The Annunciation and the Blessed Virgins Consent Part 1 The Annunciation and the Blessed Virgins Consent Part 2 On the Joy His Birth Should Inspire On the Miraculous Nature of His Nativity Sources

Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint. Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent and Christmas : including the famous treatise on the incarnation called ?Missus est?. London: R.T. Washbourne, 1909.

All of these writings have been published before 1923 and are in the public domain.

Taken from:

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Homilies on Advent and Nativity [1/3] - St Bernard of Clairvaux

The Advent of Our Lord and its 6 Circumstances Part I The Advent of Our Lord and its 6 Circumstances Part II Ask Thee a Sign The Praises of the Virgin Mother The Mission of the Angel Part I The Mission of the Angel Part II Sources

Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint. Sermons of St. Bernard on Advent and Christmas : including the famous treatise on the incarnation called ?Missus est?. London: R.T. Washbourne, 1909.

All of these writings have been published before 1923 and are in the public domain.

Original place:

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The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Saint Matthew - Douay Reims

The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Saint Matthew - Douay Reims

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The Acts of the Apostles - Douay-Reims

The Acts of the Apostles - Douay-Reims

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Our Lady of Fatima [2/2], William Thomas Walsh

Narration is by Francisco J Agraz.

Out of print book published in 1947. About the 1917 apparitions of the Mothe r of God to three Portuguese shepherd children.

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Our Lady of Fatima [1/2], William Thomas Walsh

Narration is by Francisco J Agraz.

Out of print book published in 1947. About the 1917 apparitions of the Mothe r of God to three Portuguese shepherd children.

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3 homilies (on the devil) by St John Chrysostom

1) Against those who say that demons govern human affairs

2) No One Can Harm The Man Who Does Not Injure Himself 

3) That evil comes of sloth, and virtue from diligence

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400 Texts on Love by St Maximus the Confessor

400 Texts on Love by St Maximus the Confessor

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On the Incarnation - St. Athanasius

On the Incarnation - St. Athanasius

Support the reader (Existential Delight YouTube channel):

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The Ladder of Divine Ascent - St John Climacus

The Ladder of Divine Ascent - St John Climacus

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Lives of St Cecilia and St Sebastian

St Cecilia?s Childhood and Engagement. St Cecilia?s Marriage. The Conversion of St. Cecilia?s Husband Valerian. The Conversion of Tiburtius. Valerian and Tiburtius are Arrested. The Interrogation and Torture of Valerian. The Martyrdom of Valerian and Tibertius. The Martyrdom of Maximus and Cecilia Converts Multitudes. The Interrogation of St. Cecilia. The Martyrdom of St. Cecilia.

This audiobooks was made from excerpts of: The Life of Saint Cecilia published in America in 1866, translated from the French of Dom. Prosper Gueranger and is in the public domain.

St. Sebastian was named defender of the Church by Pope St. Caius.  As Captain of the Imperial guard to the Emperor St Sebastian used his position to win converts, strengthen those facing martyrdom and aid Christians with his ability to work miracles.  He also had the rare privilege of being martyred twice for Christ sake.  Be inspired by his heroic life and martyrdom and learn from his most noble heart love of God and country.

This story is taken from the Acts of the Martyrs, translated by Fastre SJ from 1871


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Heretics - G. K. Chesterton

Heretics - G. K. Chesterton 

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The Secret Of The Rosary By Saint Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort

The Secret Of The Rosary By Saint Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort
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The Love Shown to Us By Jesus in His Passion, St Alphonsus Liguori

Learn from St Alphonsus Ligouri, Doctor of the Church, about the intense love of our Lord Jesus Christ that was shown to us in his passion.

As we are Christians we are aware of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The Crucifixes that hang up in our rooms and in our Church?s remind us of the Death and tortures that our Lord and Savior suffered for on our behalf.

Yet, despite this knowledge we can lack tender sentiment or compassion.  The cross can be looked at as a challenge, a demand of strictness rather than as a remedy for illness.  While the Cross does challenge us, demand strictness, and for all Christians to ?pick up their crosses daily and follow me? Luke 9:23.  It is a tragedy to look at the mystery of the Cross from only one angle, and to forget that our Lord Jesus Christ is ?the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.? John 10:11

This Catholic Audiobook: The Love Shown to us by Jesus in his Passion has been made from excerpts from the many writings of Saint Alphonsus Ligouri.  It is our hope that Saint Alphonsus will help you consider not just the tortures of the cross, but the Love in which Jesus Christ bore his sufferings, so that we can be saved from our sins.

For more similar audiobooks:

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Prayer - The Key Of Salvation, Father Michael Mueller [2/2]

Prayer - The Key Of Salvation, Father Michael Mueller  [2/2]

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Prayer - The Key Of Salvation, Father Michael Mueller [1/2]

Prayer - The Key Of Salvation, Father Michael Mueller [1/2]

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The Great Means Of Salvation And Of Perfection, Alphonsus Liguori, Part 2 Of 2

The Great Means Of Salvation And Of Perfection, Alphonsus Liguori, Part 2 Of 2

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The Great Means Of Salvation And Of Perfection, Alphonsus Liguori, Part 1 Of 2

The Great Means Of Salvation And Of Perfection, Alphonsus Liguori, Part 1 Of 2

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All about the Angels - Father Paul O'Sullivan

All about the Angels - Father Paul O'Sullivan

Goodreads link:

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The Wonders Of The Holy Name Of Jesus, Father Paul O'Sullivan

The Wonders Of The Holy Name Of Jesus, Father Paul O'Sullivan

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An Easy Way To Become A Saint, Father P. O?Sullivan

An Easy Way To Become A Saint, Father P. O?Sullivan

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Autobiography [2/2] - St. Teresa of Avila

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Autobiography [1/2] - St. Teresa of Avila

A collection of Free Catholic Audiobooks in the Open Domain

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