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Pardon My Stash

Pardon My Stash

Knitters (and crafters) unite! Come join us weekly for a conversation about knitting, crochet, and yarn crafts all around. With a touch of comedy and sass, we talk about projects, pitfalls, and pointers about the fiber arts. Find more about our content and our cast at


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Would You Rather: Crafting Edition

Tina takes the cast through a fun game of Would You Rather with questions related to the fiber arts and crafting in general. Shenanigans begin to ensue immediately. Drea may have found the only reason why she would use laceweight (but doubled up!). Meg wants the option of unlimited access to patterns over yarn. Nobody wants to teach people over learning a tough technique (even if they were paid!). There are many, many more scenarios the cast is put through. Don't forget to let us know about your choices either on Instagram or on our blog!

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

This episode was sponsored by Jimmy Beans Wool found at

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Crafters' Creative Habits

Drea leads the episode while the cast discuss different habits they have adopted since becoming a part of the fiber arts community. Tina has confessions. Jess has borbs. Drea has CROCHET blankets, not knit blankets. Meg has a sweater on a coworker she would love to take a picture of (and it's NOT creepy!).

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

This episode was sponsored by Jimmy Beans Wool found at

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Expressing Yourself

Meg leads the episode with a quick segment regarding sponsorship for the podcast. Then, we dive into the main topic which is about expressing yourself and how you do so in your projects, creations, and ways you craft. Meg talks about how she knits often with blue colorways. Jess talks about their passion for dragons inside their crafting. Tina discusses how she doesn't keep most of her makes, and tends to create items for other people. Drea initially can't think a theme or trend that applies to her, but Tina suggests her love for texture. Drea reveals her history of buying yarn based on her current feelings of the moment, and that affects the color.

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

This episode was sponsored by Jimmy Beans Wool found at

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Yarn Tragedies

Jess leads the episode talking about different various sad times during their yarn experiences, starting with when the pins gave up on life on their older yarn swift, retiring dramatically, as put by Meg. Tina talks about the swift that Drea now has inherited, and how the yarn swift completely dropped off the table with the yarn skein, throwing the swift and yarn on the ground. Drea talks about a time that the umbrella holding piece in the middle needs a binder butterfly clip to hold it up, and it decided to not do its job anymore becoming a tangled mess. The episode in general features a lot of sad trombone noises from Tina's soundboard.

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

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Problematic Stash Terminology

Tina leads the episode starting a discussion about the word verbiage inside the fiber arts community. The usage of "illness" words when describing our yarn collections in particular is the focus of the topic. First, they talk about their own personal feelings regarding these types of words, as well as if and when they can be problematic. Jess mentions their love for dragon "hoards", so it doesn't need to have a negative connotation. Tina mentions the type of hashtags she used in the beginning to go viral, and the popular usage of "yarn addict" or "yarn addiction". Drea and Meg think "stash" is something that's not as problematic as words like "addiction". Especially as "addiction" is something that should not be made light of, and the community should be more aware of it. Meg compares the term "OCD" to how folks don't fit a specific mold when it is used in a casual way.

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

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Pattern & Design Ethics

Drea leads the episode to talk about making pattern designs in terms of when it's inspiration or when it's blatant theft. Meg starts the discussion with what you might be able or not be able to copyright, considering stitches can be thousands of years old. Jess makes an analogy comparing piano keys & notes with stitches & designs. Tina makes comparisons and thoughts based on her own pattern designs, like the Seed Dot Beanie, how she put a copyright on her patterns as a copyright of the arrangement of the pattern itself, rather than the stitches themselves. Jess and Tina discuss the idea of direct, word for word copying of the pattern versus coincidentally put together similar stitches to create a design. It definitely gets murky, and the topic is controversial; join the cast for this topic and then be sure to voice your opinion!

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website Leave us a comment on your thoughts on our episode blog posts, or through our social media accounts!

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The Fellowship of the String

Meg leads the episode discussing the journey of being a crafter - the beginning, the "aha!" moment, and where you plan to go with your passion for crafting. They begin with where they decided the fiber arts were for them; they remember their moment of realization that this is what they wanted to do. Drea discusses her kevlar Doctor Who scarf. Meg mentions that she finally let go of her sock yarn blanket. Drea tells Kevin to wear his battle bonnet. They also talk about leveling up and their next steps with crafting.

The cast also reminds themselves that the current Matchy Makealong ends on June 30th, 2024.

Find out more about the podcast as well as our cast Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at our website

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Process vs. Product

Tina leads the episode to get deeper into the idea of process vs. product and what makes more sense for each of our cast members. Drea avoids doing things that people ask her to do. Meg talks about her version of a "no new projects on Friday". Jess determines it on a case by case basis, based on their interest in the project process itself, or the inate desire for the finished product. The queue shows us our immediate regrets, while Jess ignores it entirely. The four also mention different ways they feel motivated to get through specific projects, and certain types of stitches that really get them excited.

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Fiber Arts Curses, Blessings, and Beliefs

Welcome back, Pardon My Stash! To kick off Season 4 (already?!), Jess leads the episode starting off quickly with talking about how their January time off went from the podcast. Jess brings up different types of superstitions that exist in the fiber arts, and the cast discusses these as well as different beliefs they have of their own. Between sweater curses, bad news Fridays, and more, Jess teaches everyone the different belief systems we have within our fiber arts community.

Find out more about the podcast and our membership program for more content from Meg, Drea, Tina, and Jess at

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Holiday Special Bloopers

Tina takes you on a journey through various clips from our 2023 Season 3 episodes. From Batman knitting to White Christmas, Drea wants you to know that she doesn't know! The bloopers this year are so good this year, that you would think we were making the blooper reel instead of the actual podcast. Tina goes over information about the upcoming new year makealong, as well as our membership program through our website for more exclusive episodes about non-fiber content. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Cast Ons and Their Uses

Drea hosts the episode wanting to talk about different cast ons and their uses in various projects. Tina mentions Twisted German, a version of long tail, while the others discuss different forms of long tail. Jess brings up the use of the cable cast on while comparing it to the crochet cast on for its similarities. Meg is a steadfast long tail fan. The cast goes over provisional, backwards loop, and so many others! Specific ones work best for specific projects, while others are options for multiple different kinds of projects. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Holiday Craft Fair Experiences

Meg leads the episode talking about different holiday craft fair experiences and what to expect as a customer and as a vendor, as well as tips and tricks to finding good items, supporting small businesses, and what to bring with you to have a good holiday craft fair experience. The cast discusses how to find different craft fairs in your area, and Drea mentions her grandparents vending with wood crafts. Tina tells you to go to the back of the fair first and work your way back. Meg mentions a couple items to bring along with you to make your experience easier, and grab it when you see something you love! Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Commonly Misunderstood Terms

Jess leads the episode talking about commonly misunderstood terms such as ply vs. weight, etc. The others chime in about their experiences with other confusing terms and provide explanations for the differences between them. The cast also briefly mentions their experience at the NY Sheep and Wool festival at Rhinebeck this year, and how awesome it was to meet listeners of the podcast. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Road to Rhinebeck 2023

Tina has a Yakkin' About Yarns segment regarding Hundred Ravens yarns based in New Hampshire, with a super interesting about page of their origins. The cast gets into their details about their annual Sunday trip at Rhinebeck's NY Sheep and Wool Festival 2023. Tina surprised the rest of the cast with black jackets with their sign on names on them. Pardon My Stash will be hosting a small meetup from 12pm to 12:30pm near Gate 1 on the grassy knoll area. They hope for a drop in temperature for a colder festival this year, and what they plan on wearing project-wise. Usually between 10am to 1pm, Drea will post stories on where we are in the festival as well, in case you want to experience it remotely! They also discuss some fond memories and what they are going to be looking for in terms of experience this year. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Indecisive Yarns

Drea leads the episode to discuss yarns that don't want to cooperate. Whether they disagree with the project you are making with it, or the yarn isn't speaking to you for which project works best with it, we try to figure out new ways to utilize these tough-to-decide yarns. The cast also discusses material differences as well as utilizing a different craft type in general as it may look better in a different style. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Hot Takes: Opinions About the Craft - Part 2

Tina starts the second segment about her preference to buy patterns direct from a pattern designer rather than through third parties. She also brings up pattern designers, size inclusivity, and detailed pattern design in different sizing. Meg discusses her "living room", aka how her social media posts are about her life. Tina talks about different types of engagements she has on her social media account, while Meg brings up an instance that occurred to a blogger she follows. Please remember these are personal opinions and if you disagree, that's OK! Because the cast has a lot of different takes on this topic, this is a two part episode. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Hot Takes: Opinions About the Craft - Part 1

Meg leads the episode where the cast says "the quiet part out loud" and provides things that are "unpopular" opinions they might have individually regarding the craft. Drea, as predicted, thinks laceweight is BS. Meg and Tina rant about how overrated alpaca is, as well as any potential exceptions (spoiler alert: they also happen to be allergic to it). Meg mentions the overuse of merino in the wrong type of projects. Tina brings a news flash: it doesn't matter what yarn type you prefer, it's OK to prefer any type of yarn because that's why it's a preference. Drea lets us know the yarn police do not exist. Please remember these are personal opinions and if you disagree, that's OK! Because the cast has a lot of different takes on this topic, this is a two part episode. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Project Relationships & Quickies

This week, Jess hosts the episode where the cast discusses their current existing (or non-existent) commitments to their works in progress, or WIPs. Jess declares themselves a "switch hitter". Tina is apparently walking around with a "harem of WIPs". Drea discusses her differences with feelings about deadlines compared to Tina. Meg declares herself a "serial dater". Tina says Drea is "married and going to couple's therapy every week" because she's so dedicated to working on a single project at a time. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Christmas in July

For this episode, Tina hosts and the cast discuss Christmas in July! They discuss how to handle projects you want to get done for the upcoming fall/winter season for the northern hemisphere, whether it is a project you want to complete as a gift, something you want to wear during the colder weather, or items to sell at markets. They also mention what projects they themselves are planning for the upcoming season. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Tools of the Trade, Part 2

The second part of this topic starts right back up where the last episode ended, where Tina gets into her cord stoppers and Jess discusses their needle wranglers that are great for double pointed needles (DPNs). Meg and Jess amaze Tina and Drea with the idea of using a pocket pharmacy for stitch markers, and the cast talk about how their preferences may or may not have changed in terms of needles and hooks. This turns into an ergonomics discussion regarding tools. Big box stores seem to only provide the most random needle and hook sizes, especially those massive ones no one seems to use. Drea confesses about her pile of a certain size of needles. Lots of great information in this episode available! None of the products mentioned are sponsoring our podcast in any capacity; we recommend these products personally. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Tools of the Trade, Part 1

This week, the cast dive back into everything but yarn to discuss what they recommend and like best. Part 1 discusses bags, bags, bags, and a nifty swiss army knife type of tool to keep for emergencies. None of the products mentioned are sponsoring our podcast in any capacity; we recommend these products personally. Due to recording quite a bit of content for this episode but wanting to keep the episodes around the 30 minute mark, we split the content into two separate episodes. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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State of the Current Crafting World

On a more serious note, the cast dives into the current state of the crafting world, from many small businesses closing to the consumerist mindset to how fiber arts are regarded. Jess discusses the disconnect between the seller and consumer on how items are actually made. Tina wants someone to start a fiber arts crafting guild to join together and sell their wares. Meg talks about a time where designers were regarding each other as competitors and the idea of competition in the crafting world. Drea talks about how there's something for everybody because everyone brings their own unique. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Q&A From Our Listeners #5

For this episode, the cast answers questions posed to our followers on our Instagram account through the Stories feature. Some of the questions include dealing with brioche, our "wet dreams" in the fiber arts (which gave us all a chuckle), projects you hate but love, and a few more. Join the cast down the question rabbit hole. Questions the cast felt could be an entire episode were omitted so they can dedicate an episode to it. Find out more about this episode and the cast at
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Yarn Breaks: Planned & Impromptu

Tina hosts the episode this week, with a segment about how to handle yarn substitution as well as things to try to help you find a suitable yarn to replace what your pattern calls for. They remain on the topic of yarn and talk about planned or impromptu yarn buying breaks, where you end up not buying yarn for a significant amount of time. Tina talks about how in September, she will have met her goal for not buying yarn for an entire year, and how that went. Drea tells the cast about how she has cut down her spending dramatically without realizing it or trying to. Meg and Jess discuss how they still buy other indie dyers yarn to support other small businesses, and how they will share yarn between them. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Hyperfixation is Fun

Drea leads the episode and needs to vent - she's very focused on a different craft other than fiber arts, and she doesn't know what to do! The group discusses how hyperfixations affect them in different ways, and the different ways they work with or around their impulses. Tina talks about an app she uses to keep her on task. Jess describes how their hyperfixations are staggered and they cycle through them, including rivals that don't know they are Jess' rival. Pokemon game anyone? Everyone chimes in about smaller, short activities that help clear your brain for more activities. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Taking a Step Back

Meg leads the episode and lets the cast know about the latest news regarding the Stitches events. The topic dives into the opposite of last week, where you realize a project isn't working, where to go for help, and what to do when you figure out something isn't working for you. Drea has a hard time breaking her monogamous knitting where Tina has the attention span of a goldfish. Jess talks about the "doom feeling". Meg gets into what's a good fallback pattern, or "old reliable". Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Taking the Next Step

Jess leads this week's episode talking about when and how to take the next step in your knitting or crochet. Whether it's learning to purl or steeking, everyone's journey is their own! The cast discusses the pressure of making certain projects to be deemed "real crafters". Each cast member talks about how they take next steps or learn new skills with knitting or crochet, and crafting in general. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Creativity vs. Business

Tina has a yarn segment about nice quality, affordable yarn, and provides her top five favorites. The cast talks about how to handle creative businesses, and tips they would offer for those looking to start an indie dye business, readymade wares, as well as pattern making. Drea discusses briefly how to deal with people when you don't actually have a business but people insist you sell to them things you are wearing. There's more to creative businesses than just creating - you need someone to handle paperwork and finances as well! Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Crafting Rituals

Drea leads the episode with discussing different rituals we do surrounding our crafting process, whether it be knitting, crochet, or otherwise. Drea and Tina discuss their couch recliner blankets, snacks, and trash TV. Jess and Meg discuss getting through different TV series for the background while they handle their knitting or crochet. After discussing different TV shows, Tina gets into her ritual for creating new items for new babies born into her extended family, and the group discusses the need for at least one to-go project so they have something to do while out and about. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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?Eff Around and Find Out

This week's episode has Meg asking the cast random questions to find out more about the cast with insightful questions. This is a great episode to get to know the cast better! Drea gives Chester a voice. Tina tries to remember things. Jess picks their favorite color. Meg thinks about the woods. And that's just the first few! Listen in for the rest of the questions they answer! Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Dealing with Negativity

Jess has a Mystery Box segment about increases and decreases, and the cast talk about their preferences. The conversation for the week centers around dealing with negative thoughts and opinions internally and externally. Each cast member talks about how they deal with negative self doubt, making mistakes, and how they keep a positive mindset when the world just - isn't! This episode is really important to the cast, and so it is longer than our normal episodes. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Irreplaceable Yarn

This week, Tina guides the cast through a question submitted from their website forms - how do you manage yarn that you deem to be irreplaceable to you? Whether it's a yarn or dyer that is discontinued or a special gift you received from a friend, yarn like that tends to sit and wait for the perfect project. The cast provides tips on how to integrate those yarns into projects and tips on letting go of the fear of "ruining" your special yarn. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Make Alongs

Drea leads this episode while Jess brings up our new make along called Tea Time Cozy that we are offering, with sign ups open until March 31st, and the make along running from April 1st to September 1st. The cast talks about what they are going to make during the event for their Tea Time related item. Then, they discuss different things about make alongs that they enjoy when they participate in one, from having a hard deadline, having a sense of community, and PRIZES! Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Misconceptions About the Fiber Arts

Meg leads the episode with Drea, Tina, and Jess with the topic of debunking misconceptions and assumptions about the fiber arts. She introduces the idea of Old Lady Level Grinding, There is a lot of misunderstandings of the cost of materials from non-crafters and other crafters alike. Minecraft sheep breeding comes up somehow regarding color theory, and the idea of making your own items seems lost in a modern world. They also discuss the benefits of making your own crafts - from clothing to woodworking - because you are able to get exactly what you want. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Lessons Learned in Crafting

This week, Jess takes us on a journey realizing the hard lessons we have learned during our crafting experiences. Apparently, forts. Swatches still incite strong feelings in all. Knitted Parachutes? The pressure to monetize your crafts comes up, as well as trying to avoid turning the slow fashion into a consumerist hobby. One of Drea's lessons is the art of how to say no. Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Knitting with Intention

The cast thinks about how to use mindfulness while creating their projects. Jess wants to go by how they are feeling at the moment, Meg wants to learn new things, Drea wants to keep it practical, and Tina wants to bring other joy with gift bombing. The cast also talks about keeping in line with their new year's goals of ditching the deadlines. How can you be intentional with your knits? Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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We're Back and Frogging

The cast return from their respite from podcasting over the month of January, and let us know what they have been up to. Drea and Tina watched trash TV, Jess had surgery and played Zelda with Drea, and Meg had grad school shenanigans. They move onto the topic of frogging - horror frogging stories, why it's good to frog a bad project, best yarns for frogging and which ones you really shouldn't frog if you can do so, and also, why is it called frogging in the first place? Find out more about this episode and the cast at

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Looking Forward to the New Year

The cast originally were going to provide their New Year's Resolutions, but it turned more into Things They Are Looking Forward To Next Year. Drea and Jess do not like to give themselves firm deadlines to themselves, Tina does not want to do resolutions, but instead, goals, with a focus on doing her best for herself, and Meg wants to focus on intention with her crafts. Listen in on the specifics of each of their "goals" and what the new year looks like for Pardon My Stash.

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Holiday Special Bloopers

Join Drea and Tina on a journey through exclusive behind-the-scenes bloopers throughout the 2022 podcasting year of Season 2!

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When You Don't Know the Yarn

What would happen if there was a "speed dating" type of event, but for yarn? The cast goes down a bit of a rabbit hole, but may have come up with a fun event idea for local yarn shops. Drea wants to be courted by yarn, Then, the conversation turns to dealing with the yarn chosen by a designer for a pattern and if they decide to use that or not. Tina yells about mohair. In general, it's a random episode about feelings regarding mystery yarn!

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Gifting for Other Crafters

Stemming from last week's episode, you have determined to only make crafts for the holidays if it brings you joy and the recipient is worthy. Now, what do you get your fellow crafty friends in your life? The cast talks about different categories of gifts, ranging from small to huge in size or cost, that could apply to various forms of craft types. We are most likely going to use these ideas for ourselves. Our recommendations are coming from our personal experiences, and are not paid or sponsored by any company.

Find more content at or join us on Patreon!

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Stress and the Struggle Bus

Holiday crafting and gift making can turn into a stressful situation for any crafter, seasoned or not. The cast discuss how they have been feeling this holiday season, and determine what's good for each of their own "joys" individually. They also talk about the importance of focusing on what makes you happy - whether it's making all your crafts for yourself or gifting everything away to charity or something in between, there is no wrong answer. Come join the struggle bus!

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Being Thankful

Meg has a segment about what a makealong/knitalong is, as well as how mystery makealongs work. Pardon My Stash runs a makealong typically once a season, they are free to enter, and they provide prizes based on various tasks you need to complete for the makealong. The podcast has hit some major milestones! They take a moment to be thankful about how the podcast has transformed their lives. Tina provides our current listener numbers, as well as how we are doing on the podcast charts in various countries.

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Starting from Scratch

Jess has a Mystery Box segment about ball bands, or the tags you find on your skeins of yarn when you buy them. They discuss what you should pay attention to on those tags. The main topic goes over how to start from the beginning, whether you are just getting into a fiber art, or if you are a seasoned crafter looking to change up their current stash/tools/processes.

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Technology and Crafting

Tina has a segment featuring Jagger Spun Yarn, and then goes on to ask the cast their thoughts on the ways technology has impacted their crafting adventures. From YOUTUBE to circular needles and more, everyone shares different advancements in tech and inventions that make their lives easier. They also come up with inventions they wish existed but they physically don't know how to make them real.

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The cast discusses why you should bother with blocking and the various ways to get it done, including cost-saving measures as well as tricks to get that perfect edge. Drea has a Friendly Neighborhood Fiber Farm segment about 5 Sisters Farm and their lovely sheep with their owner Meg.

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Competition Knitting

The cast discuss how to get involved with competition knitting at local fairs, and what tips and tricks to look out for with your projects to get that blue ribbon! Apparently there are a lot of different categories and sub categories, and they talk about the best initial project to submit to your first competition. Jess has a Mystery Box segment about yarn barf and how annoying it is.

Find more content at or join us on Patreon!

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Rhinebeck 2022 Recap

Rhinebeck 2022 was EPIC and the cast were so humbled by the outpouring of support from the fans that came up and introduced themselves! Drea gives an update on if she caught the animal parade, and if she was able to touch an alpaca. The cast talks about the #pmscaravan playlist they used on the way there, as well as highlights of moments during the event.

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Road to Rhinebeck 2022

The cast talks about their projects being complete for Rhinebeck ahead of time (yay!), and discuss what the heck is Rhinebeck. They go over the various things you can do there, as well as some quick reminders for those heading to the festival to make sure you have a great time. They will attend Rhinebeck 2022 on Sunday! #pmscaravan

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Stash Busting

Our yarn stashes are the physical representation of either our love for yarn or projects we want to make. Sometimes, it gets a little out of hand and it needs to be culled down to a reasonable size. We have some tips on how to stash bust, and why it's good to do so.

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