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Saved Not Soft

Saved Not Soft

Navigating the Christian lifestyle is beyond challenging, especially facing the obstacles of today?s world. Each week, we?ll be diving into topics of; how to rise up from culture, modeling Christ to others, theology, hot topics and much more! Buckle up with your host, Emy Moore; we?re going on a fruitful journey!


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Stop Putting Second Things First

The Beauty of God ft Ally Yost

Join me and Ally while we navigate a handful of conversations! Ally first opens up about her testimony and her early stages of first finding Jesus. From there: we talk about remaining in the awe of God, how to read your bible, and expectations we're supposed to have as Christians.

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Jesus Died So You Could Live!

Check Your Heart!

A lot of the times, we fail to check our own hearts and motives on a daily basis. We cry out to God and ask Him for us to make us pure; but we must look at the deepest parts of our hearts to then examine it. Check your heart, sets you on the path for repentance in order to progress in purity. This episode talks about the depths of analyzing your own heart and continuously discovering freedom in Christ!

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Triumph Over Your Trauma

Sometimes we allow our current or past circumstances to get in the way receiving the joy we have been promised. Most of the time without even realizing it, we allow our trauma to triumph over our life. God wants to flip the script and have us step into a position of authority through to turn our pain into power! Your circumstances do not decide your destiny, God does! This episode dives into how and why the Lord calls us to triumph over our trauma.

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Dating for Purpose NOT Potential ft Malik Brookins

When it comes to choosing a partner; sometimes we can choose people off of potential and pleasure rather than purpose. This episode really dives deep into what to look for in a relationship, what the dating pool looks like as a Christian, and how to take advantage of your singleness 

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Your Struggle is a Set Up.

Change the perspective of your season. Maybe God is bringing you through the fore so you never go back to the smoke. God wants to elevate you into the next without carrying your mess!

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Hot to Holy

When it comes to giving your "Yes" to Jesus, what does that look like? This episode goes over what it's like going from a "Hot Girl" to a "Holy Girl." 

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The Power of Change

Stepping in 2024.. what are some take always we can bring from the previous year? How do we stay disciplined and hold ourselves accountable for the season God is wanting us to step into? This episode talks about all things for stepping into a new season and the power of transformation!

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Easier Said Than Done

Some things are easier said than done! This episode talks about walking through suffering and being joyous even in our roughest seasons. 

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Friends with Benefits

We can often times focus on how only us as individuals can give God the glory but can become passive when it comes to relationships. Your circle MATTERS! In this episode; we will be talking about how to healthily steward into your friendships, how to choose your friends wisely, and how to examine the fruits of the Spirit in your friendships.

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Protect Your Peace!

Know you have peace through Jesus. Take every thought captive. Take cover under God?s protection. PEACE IS FOUND TODAY!

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Is God Real?

Talking about the existence of God and the importance of FAITH!

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The Responsibility of Influence


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The Fear of Missing Out.

This episode is exposing the ?fear of missing out? and what that entails, while also looking at biblical applications to be better servants of Christ.

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Questions and Answers

God Uses Broken People.

If you don?t think God can use you.. HE CAN!

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Break Your Addictions!

In this episode I?ll be sharing my testimony of fighting addiction. What does the Lord say about being sober minded and why do we make our addictions our idols? Tune in!

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Resting as a Workaholic

I?M BACKKKKK! Season 2 let?s go! I am so excited to be back and share with you guys what i?ve learned on my resting period!

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Crucify your fantasies.

Fantasies are pleasing to the eyes but yet poisonous to our souls. The more we indulge in imaginary scenarios, the more we stray ourselves from the reality of God?s goodness. In this episode, we will be address the circumstances of our fantasies, why we indulge in them so much, and how we can display noble thinking while also protecting our hearts. 

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Boundaries. Why don?t we set enough of them? Today we will be discussing the topic of setting healthy boundaries with guidance from God?s Word. In the book of Nehemiah, we will be learning how he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, just like how we need to rebuild our boundaries!   

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Don?t forget that God is good.

Sometimes in the midst of our suffering, we can often forget that God is always good. In this episode, we will touch on God?s goodness and answering hard questions like, ?If God is good, then why is there suffering?? 

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Let it Go.

You can?t receive if you don?t let go! 

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Audience of One

Let?s talk.

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I Know a Friend who Knows a Friend.

We are children of Christ, but how should we treat one another? How can we unify better as a Church? What does it mean to love one another and to fish for men? In today?s episode, we will be discussing what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and how we should stay unified as brothers and sisters!

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Identity Crisis

What is my purpose? What is my calling? Who am I? What is my life going to look like? These are all questions we are going to face; we can find the answer in Christ! Because that we are made in His image, we immediately know that our identity stems from God.

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Faith Over Feelings

While emotions are a great indicator, they are not a reliable compass. Sometimes we can often pursue actions through feelings rather than through faith. In this episode, we will discussing how wisdom is an essential principle to excel in your faith. God wants to move through FAITH and not feelings! 

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HELP!! Can you not hear God? Does this season feel silent? Maybe God?s silence isn?t a bad thing, but just another way that He communicates! Today?s episode will be discussing the ways God speaks and how we can be more attentive to how He operates!

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Leg Day

How to find your strength in times of weakness! We must decrease so He can increase! In this episode; we will be talking about how Jesus wants to use our weakness as a platform to show His power. In our weakness, God is able to be God!

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Watch Your Mouth!

WATCH YOUR MOUTH! The power of the tongue declares life or death, how are you using your tongue? Are you claiming something over your life that might actually be cursing yourself? We we will be talking about the power of the tongue; the blessings and curses of it, but most of all.. how we can replicate Jesus with how we speak!

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God will work it out.

Having a hard time trusting in God? In this episode, we will be observing how God operates and how we can better understand Him. 

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New year, New me?Same God!

Are you tired? Worn out? Burnt out on religion? The Lord is ready to get rid of the old, and bring in the new you! In this episode; we will be discussing how God always remains the same, but how we must renew our minds to best be in relation with Him!

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The Addiction of Hiding

Everyone has hid from God. Whether it?s from your deepest darkest secret, all the way to just feeling sad at times. It?s time we expose our toxic hiding place and find a new one in Jesus! In this podcast episode, we will give exposure to our hiding place and let God come in, to lead us away.

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Everything Happens for a Reason (Part 2)

Understanding the trials and struggles of life can be challenging as a christian. Is this ordained by God, or do these things happen based off of our own decisions? In this episode; we will be talking about how God ultimately has control but how He has given us the authority to make our own decisions. The beauty of freedom is a hard concept to understand; we will be discussing how to best follow God?s will and why we should trust Him! 

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Everything Happens for a Reason (Part 1)

In this episode, we will be discussing the will of God. We often ask God for clarity of what our purpose is, but do we know who we?re asking? Do we know the characteristics of God? This episode will be diving deep into God?s character and how knowing the Father first is where we receive Kingdom riches.

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13 Reasons Why Not

In this episode, truth will be the light to the darkness! Not only will we be talking about the downsides to mental health and the universal issues as to why self-harm is at it?s all time high, but we will be sharing about the good news God brings to the table. He weeps with us in our times of suffering; He holds our hand. There is assigned purpose that God has prepared for us in advanced; for we are His handiwork!!

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Catfished Christianity

God truly wants to pursue you for who you are and not a fake version! The Lord intentionally pursues you in your times of struggle, unreadiness, and pain. In this episode we?ll talk about how Jesus seeks us and how us as a church should implement the fruits of the Spirit to those who are coming to Christ.

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If God?s not trippin.. why am I?

Anxiety is a worldwide issue that lacks truth. In this episode; we?ll be discussing how to conquer anxiety by letting the hands of Jesus take full action! 

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God Insurance

Us as Christian have a tendency of only coming to God in times of tragedy when we need ?insurance.? God is not a safety plan or an escape route, He?s a person! In this episode we?ll be discussing salvation and what it means to be saved while dodging ?God Insurance.?

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My Testimony

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