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The LOV Co. Podcast

The LOV Co. Podcast

The LOV Co. Podcast is for the heart-guided, curious & passionate souls who want to step into their true, highest self, elevate their inner energy & create their dream reality.

In the podcast your host Linda shares channeled guidance, energetics and practical tools on everything from soul purpose to spiritual entrepreneurship, mindset, healing, inner work, money, manifestation and so much more.

Linda is a psychic channel, energy intuitive and a spiritual & business mentor who has worked with thousands of clients from all over the world through her signature Soul Essence Readings??, 1:1 & Group Mentorships and online Masterclasses. Her mission with The LOV Co. podcast is to guide, inspire and empower you on your journey to creating your most abundant and soul-aligned life. 


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May Energies: Breakthroughs, Refocusing your Energy & Activating Past Life Soul Gifts

In this episode, I'm sharing my channeled energy update for May, the 3 key energetic themes for the month, and specific steps for how you can work practically with each energy to move forward towards your dreams, goals, and bigger vision for your life. 

I also share why you shouldn't give up on your dreams even if you are feeling stuck, limited or nothing is happening + what is actually going on & what you should do instead.

This month you have a huge opportunity to make some really impactful and lasting changes to your life. And the changes you make now will not only benefit your human life, but also your soul's evolution as well as the collective. And as if that wasn't enough, we're working with a Master Energy this month (which I see through the colour of the energy of May) which means that the discoveries and steps that you take this month are also connected to your gifts, knowledge and experience from important past lifetimes.

Join The LOV Co. email list/community + be the first to know about my upcoming free event.

Say hi on socials @thelovco

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April Energies, March Recap + What to Expect in the Next Months: Transitions, Turning Points & Shifts into a Higher Timeline

In today?s episode, I share my channeled energy update for April and how you can best work with this energy in your life and on your goals, dreams and bigger vision. I also share a recap of the energies in March as the last month was an important energetic turning point that has the potential to set your life on a whole new course. Finally, I also share a sneak peek of the energies of the next few months ahead, what you can expect & how this will affect your life.

At the end of the episode, I also give you three key questions (plus a bonus one) that you can work with practically to help you move forward with the changes, transitions and new beginnings that you are wanting to make in your life this month and in the months ahead.

Connect with me on Instagram @thelovco

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Everything you Need to Know about Signs, Synchronicities and Messages from the Universe

In this episode I?m sharing everything you need to know about signs, synchronicities and messages from the Universe.

I go deep into why we receive signs and where they are coming from, types of signs & synchronicities, how to know if it is a sign that you?re receiving or something else, how you can ask for your own unique signs AND what happens if you don?t follow the signs you?re receiving.

I also answer one of the most asked questions I get: what?s going on when you ask for a sign and you?re receiving nothing?

Connect with me on socials @thelovco

Download your free guided meditation & visualisation:

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4 Steps to Shifting & Elevating your Energy Anytime you're Feeling Low, Going Through Something Difficult & Want to Feel Happier & In Your Power Again

In todays episode, I?m sharing how you can shift and elevate your energy anytime you?re not feeling your best, you?re struggling with difficult emotions or having an off day & how you can shift back into your highest energy again.

In the episode, I'm sharing 4 specific steps for how you can work with your energy to clear and shift challenging emotions, come back to yourself and your highest energy - and knowing you have the power to do that, regardless of what is happening around you in your external world.

Connect on Instagram: @thelovco

Application for my 1:1 Mentorship is now open:

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February Energies: Reconnecting with & Expressing your Truth, How to Listen to Yourself & Create Empowering Beliefs + Guided Exercise

In this episode I share my channeled energy update for February and how you can work with the energies of this month. February energies are about reconnecting with and expressing your truth, and in the episode I share how you can learn to know what's your own truth & beliefs vs. what's coming from your environment or the collective that may not resonate with you at all (but you might be believing in and taking on as your own truth). I'm also sharing how you can start to shift out of any limiting beliefs or truths that are holding you back from the life you want to live and your dream reality, and instead start tapping into more empowering beliefs that will help you move towards your heart-guided goals, dreams and big visions. I'm also sharing a quick guided exercise that will help you connect with what you need this month, uncover what beliefs or energy you might have taken on from others & shift out of this energy by tapping into your own unique truth and beliefs.

Connect with me on socials @thelovco

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The One Manifestation Practice That Will Change Everything + Guided Visualisation Exercise

In this episode, I?m sharing a practice that has the potential and power to change everything for you. 

Visualisation is one of the most effective tools you can use in manifestation, to call in your dreams and even to transform your energy and your entire reality.

In this episode, I'm going to share why visualization is so effective, but also how to use it in the right way. Because there is definitely a method to using visualization for it to be really effective in manifestation, calling in the dreams that you have or to shift your energy.

? I?m also going to guide you through a visualisation exercise, set to theta frequency music, so you can truly experience what visualisation feels like and get started on calling in your highest reality.

A note on the sound: you'll hear the occasional bird song because Australian wildlife can be loud :)

Say hi on socials: @thelovco

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Weekly Energy, How your Intuition Communicates & How to Take Action towards your Dreams this January

In today's episode, Linda shares a channeled energy update for the first two weeks of January and what you need to know to best work with this energy, to realise your vision, goals & dreams for 2024. Listen in to discover why tuning into your intuition is key this week and to learn the ways your intuition speaks to you. You'll also hear a personal story that illustrates why things not going the way you planned or wanted them to can actually be a blessing in disguise and lead you to where you actually need to be. Plus your invitation to join The LOV Co. 2024 Masterclass!

Say hi on socials @thelovco

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2024 Channeled Energy Update: Acceleration & Expansion, what to expect & how you can work with this powerful year.

In this episode, I share my channeled energy update for 2024, the key energetic theme of the year which is Acceleration and how this will impact us on a personal and collective level. The energy for 2024 is Acceleration with Expansion, Abundance & Growth as key themes, and I dive deep into each of these energies and how you can work with them to step into your next level. I also talk about what events & developments we can expect on a global level, the new generation of highly advanced souls coming to Earth and the rise in frequency that is happening as a result of this and many  more people awakening to their true self. I also announce my next Masterclass on 2024 Energetics!

This episode is part II of the 2024 energy update.

2024 Energetics Masterclass:

Connect on Instagram: @thelovco

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2023 Energetics Year in Review, How Reflection Can Help You Expand into Your Dream Life (+ a Guided Journal Exercise)

In this very first episode of The LOV Co. Podcast, I reflect back on 2023 Energies, the key energetic theme of Renewal and how it's supported us in creating new & more stable foundations for our lives. On the outside, 2023 might have seemed like a year of uncertainty and change, but in the episode I share how these changes are actually helping to move us away from what no longer resonates or supports us, and into a life that is more aligned with our hearts true desires. 

I also guide you through a reflection journal exercise to help you discover the learnings, gifts and purpose in your 2023 and how you can move forward in the most powerful & clear way from here, to call in your highest reality in 2024. And I share the biggest transformation and gift that happened to me in 2023. 

Connect with me on Instagram: @thelovco

Download your free guided meditation:

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