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The World We Are Building

The World We Are Building

"The World We Are Building" is a podcast that seeks to broaden the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) by highlighting the diverse array of individuals and efforts contributing to the development of AI technology. Hosted by Allison "Ally" Cohen with producer Peter Kurzwelly, the podcast aims to inject hope, agency, and critical thinking into the AI hype cycle, moving beyond the dominant narratives that often focus on a narrow subset of voices and perspectives.


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03 Intro SciFi-story: The Orange Run: Revolutionizing the role of Data Annotators

This is an intro to E03 with Krystal Kauffman

Step into a world where data is the new gold, and those who refine it hold the keys to the future. This episode of "The World We're Building" tells the dramatic sci-fi story of the Orange Run, an audacious act of civil disobedience by data labelers in 2024. These unsung heroes, once sidelined, banded together through the subreddit RejectU to challenge mass rejections and expose the biases riddling their work.

Through meticulous coordination and solidarity symbolized by their copper necklaces, these artisans not only showcased the critical flaws in AI datasets but also ignited a transformative movement in the AI industry. Discover how their strategic defiance brought about a profound shift in recognition, compensation, and career opportunities, turning data labelers from invisible cogs into respected collaborators in the AI development lifecycle.

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03 Krystal Kauffman - Empowering Gig Workers in the AI Era. Annotators and the value of their work, Gig workers role in data labeling, Mechanical Turk and the value of community

In this episode, we explore the often-overlooked human element behind artificial intelligence, focusing on the rights and experiences of gig workers who contribute to AI development through data annotation platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk. Ally is joined by Krystal Kauffman, whose unique journey from political campaigning to advocating for gig workers provides a critical perspective on the intersection of technology and labor rights.

Krystal has a rich background in politics and community organizing, which she has leveraged in her roles at Turkopticon and DAIR to advocate for the rights and fair treatment of gig workers. Her experience as a gig worker herself, coupled with her academic pursuits in geology, provides her with a unique insight into the challenges faced by workers in the digital economy.

Learn about the significant yet often invisible role that gig workers play in the AI industry, the challenges they face, and the potential for systemic change. Krystal discusses the ethical considerations of AI development, the impact of big tech's power dynamics, and her efforts to ensure fair treatment and equitable pay for gig workers globally.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the critical intersections of technology, labor, and ethics. Tune in to gain a deeper appreciation for the contributions of gig workers and the pressing need for advocacy and reform in the tech industry.


Krystal on LinkedIn

Turkopticon - Blog


The World We Are Building

If you want to get in touch with us, feel free to reach out to ??Allison Cohen?? and/or ??Peter Kurzwelly?? on LinkedIn, or both of us on ??Twitter/X??.

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02 Intro SciFi-story: Citizen Collect: Revolutionizing Democracy Through AI and Virtual Reality

This is an intro to the episode with Sacha Alanoca

This story introduces "Citizen Collect," a virtual reality platform used in Japan to engage citizens directly in policy-making through immersive VR games that simulate complex ethical scenarios.

This innovative approach has skyrocketed political engagement rates, transforming traditional democratic participation and leveraging AI to synthesize public opinion into actionable policy measures, specifically around the use of facial recognition technology and AI in consumer pricing and mental health accommodations in educational settings.

This episode explores how such technologies might redefine civic engagement and democracy, reflecting on the balance between technological potential and ethical governance.

Tune into the full episode to delve deeper into these themes with insights from AI governance expert, Sacha Alanoca.

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02 Sacha Alanoca - AI Governance and fairness, and what's the difference compared to Responsible AI + next generation of leaders in AI

Welcome to the second episode of The World We Are Building, the podcast which aims to bring hope, agency, and critical thinking into the AI hype cycle

Today?s guest, Sacha Alanoca, has extensive experience in AI governance, currently studying at Harvard and holding significant positions related to AI policy and technology.

Sacha underscores the importance of ethical considerations in AI development, calling for policies that not only address the immediate impacts of AI technologies but also their long-term effects on society. Her work aims to balance innovation with responsibility, promoting an AI future that is inclusive and fair for all.

Main Points in this episode:

Background and Influence:

Personal Journey: Sacha?s interest in AI was piqued by her background in politics, philosophy, and economics, combined with a deep curiosity about human society and its evolution.

Cultural Influence: Sacha discusses her multicultural background (Franco-Chilean) and how the loss of indigenous languages within her family sparked her passion for cultural representativity and inclusion in AI, emphasizing the risks of standardizing behaviors that could erase unique cultural identities.

AI Governance and Fairness:

Tech as a Human Reflection: Sacha argues that technology reflects its creators?highlighting the importance of inclusive and fair tech policies that consider all of society.

AI Fairness: She is heavily involved in promoting AI fairness, ensuring technology equitably benefits all parts of society. This includes challenging the homogenization that tech often perpetuates.

Regulatory and Societal Challenges:

Challenges in Fairness: The ?Gender Shades? project revealed significant biases in commercial AI systems, sparking a debate on acceptable error rates and the societal implications of biased AI systems.

Policy Development: Sacha discusses the importance of involving diverse societal voices in developing AI policies that manage fairness, transparency, and accountability comprehensively.

Future Directions and Personal Goals:

Impact of AI on Society: Looking towards the future, Sacha stresses the importance of AI technologies that do not compromise societal integrity and cohesion

Role of Policy Makers: She advocates for dynamic and responsive AI policies that can quickly adapt to technological advances, ensuring that regulatory frameworks can effectively manage emerging AI risks without stifling innovation.

If you want to get in touch with us, feel free to reach out to ?Allison Cohen? and/or ?Peter Kurzwelly? on LinkedIn, or both of us on ?Twitter/X?.

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01 Allison Cohen - Welcome to The World We Are Building

Welcome to the first episode of "The World We're Building," podcast! Forget the headlines about AI taking over the world, this podcast is designed to shed light on the people, ideas and stories that rarely make the front page. We´ll be speaking with people who are working with passion and intention to make the world we're building a better place for all.

Our guests will include data labelers, activists, designers, and policymakers (among others) and our interviews will be bolstered with sci-fi narratives to promote collective engagement in and criticism of the world of tomorrow.

If you want to get in touch with us, feel free to reach out to Allison Cohen and/or Peter Kurzwelly on LinkedIn, or both of us on Twitter/X.

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