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We?re Not Kidding with Mehdi & Friends

We?re Not Kidding with Mehdi & Friends

We?re Not Kidding is a show where funny people talk about serious things, hosted by Zeteo founder and CEO Mehdi Hasan and regularly featuring internationally acclaimed comedian Bassem Youssef. Each episode, Mehdi is joined by a renowned guest host for a sometimes lighthearted, sometimes vulnerable conversation about topics they can't discuss anywhere else.


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On Taylor Swift and Intifada

Palestinian-Lebanese-American comedian, Sammy Obeid, who rose to fame because of his viral jokes on Palestine and his Netflix show 100 Humans, joins Mehdi to guest host the second episode of ?We?re Not Kidding.? They dive into the student protests, DNA tests, pushing back against misinformation with comedy, the power of slogans, and doing 1001 nights of stand-up. 

?We?re Not Kidding? will release episodes twice a month, with Mehdi, Bassem and a cast of rotating guest co-hosts from the worlds of comedy, entertainment, and the media. Funny people talking about serious topics. 

The full video of episode 2 will be available on YouTube and Spotify on May 14. And the next episode of ?We?re Not Kidding? with Bassem will come out on Substack on May 23. 

Friendly reminder: All of our content is currently available to all subscribers, free or paid. But this will only be for a limited, promotional period. Building and sustaining an independent media company like this requires, above all else, money. If you appreciate the work we are doing, and want to be a part of this effort, please consider supporting us by becoming a paid subscriber. 

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How Mehdi and Bassem Cope with What?s Happening in Gaza

In the very first episode of the new Zeteo podcast, 'We're Not Kidding,' Mehdi and guest co-host Bassem Youssef sit down and talk about what their brown parents make of their career choices, becoming famous for the right reasons, pushing back against the media?s coverage of Gaza, and Mehdi?s new hoodie. 

'We're Not Kidding' will air twice a month, with Mehdi, Bassem, and a cast of rotating guest co-hosts from the worlds of comedy, entertainment, and the media. Funny people taking on serious topics.

Watch the first episode above! (And for paid subscribers, let us know what you think in the comments ? and who we should try to bring on next.)

You can also subscribe and listen to ?We?re Not Kidding? wherever you listen to your podcasts:


Apple Podcasts


Friendly reminder: All of our content is currently available to all subscribers, free or paid. But this will only be for a limited, promotional period. Building and sustaining an independent media company like this requires, above all else, money. If you appreciate the work we are doing, and want to be a part of this effort, please consider supporting us by becoming a paid subscriber. 

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Announcing 'We're Not Kidding with Mehdi & Friends'

Introducing Zeteo's flagship podcast, 'We're Not Kidding,' a show where funny people talk about serious things, hosted by Zeteo founder and CEO Mehdi Hasan, and regularly featuring internationally acclaimed comedian Bassem Youssef. Each episode, Mehdi is joined by a renowned guest for a sometimes lighthearted, sometimes vulnerable conversation about topics they can't discuss anywhere else.

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