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Messages by Desiring God

Messages by Desiring God

Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.


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Where Does Technology Come From? 2024 Scudder Lecture

Tony Reinke | How should Christians orient toward technology? Should we ignore it, embrace it, be suspicious of it, or shun it altogether?
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Before Division Comes: A Playbook for Pastoral Unity

David Mathis | Even among pastor-elder teams, conflict comes. Disagreements are inevitable. How then might we navigate conflict with a constant eye toward God-honoring unity?
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The Word of God Kept Him: Funeral Message for Sidney Boyd (1948?2023)

Why do God?s people wake up as believers day after day until they die? Because the same word that made us goes on keeping us to the end.
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Live Like Death Is Gain

Marshall Segal | How can we make Jesus look good in life and in death? By enjoying him as better than anything life could ever give ? and better than anything death could ever take.
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The Thickest Joy on Earth: Why We Love Philippians

David Mathis | Why do so many Christians love the book of Philippians? Among other reasons, because the letter is brief, accessible, memorable, and teeming with joy.
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The Most Important People in the World: Why Christians Prioritize the Church

David Mathis | The Father prioritizes the church by choosing her, the Son prioritizes her by purchasing and purifying her, and the Spirit prioritizes her in his power. So, how do we prioritize the church?
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Leaders in the Church: Speaking and Living God?s Word

Does church leadership seem endlessly complicated? Take heart. Christian leaders guide God?s people from where they are to where God wants them to go, using God?s methods.
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How Jesus Knew the Word: His Secret to Scripture Memory

David Mathis | How did Jesus know Scripture so well? The same way we can today: through patient, prayerful meditation on the word of God.
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Only One Life: Christ?s Invincible Gospel and Global Mission

God is sovereign, and he has purposed his gospel to spread to the ends of the earth. Those who give themselves to that purpose are invincible, even through suffering.
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How Jesus Met with God: The Pace and Patterns of a Perfect Life

David Mathis | Jesus had a full and fruitful ministry, but unlike us, he never seemed hurried or frantic. What can we learn by observing his holy habits during his earthly life?
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His Voice in Yours: How Christ Wins the World

God will have worshipers from every nation on earth. He will win them, and do so through us. We have only to tell them.
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How to Please a Happy God: Six Glimpses of the Christian Life

David Mathis | What does it look like to walk in a way that is pleasing to God ? to live so that God delights in the aroma of our lives?
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Gain What You Cannot Lose: The Joy of World Mission with Jesus

When Christ calls us to the mission field with him, he calls us to deny shallow pleasures, die to ourselves, and enjoy greater and greater delight in him.
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One Countercultural Calling: Good and Happy Pastors, Part 3

David Mathis | Of the fifteen elder qualifications, ?one-woman man? and ?not quarrelsome? may be the two most at odds with our promiscuous, petty age.
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Two Main Tasks in Ministry: Good and Happy Pastors, Part 2

David Mathis | Scripture says elders should be ?able to teach? and ?sober-minded? ? but why? The two correspond to a pastor?s most important tasks: feeding and leading.
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Two Ways to Deal with Jesus: Learning Worship from the Wise Men

Matthew?s Christmas story shows two ways to deal with Jesus: try to get rid of him like Herod, or fall down and worship him like the wise men.
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Three Contrasts in a Leader?s Heart: Good and Happy Pastors, Part 1

David Mathis | What does Christ call church leaders to be and do? Like him, they labor heartily and happily, not for selfish gain, but for their people?s joy.
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Christmas Was and Christmas Is: The Whole Story of Advent

David Mathis | How do you need God?s help this Advent? What need seems most pressing? Press into the message of Christmas, and you?ll find hope and help in time of need.
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If God Speaks: One Voice That Changes Everything

David Mathis | To read the Bible is to read the very words of God. Do we grasp the significance, the reality-shaking impact, of this seemingly simple truth?
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Jesus Came to Save: Ten Great Realities of Christmas

The birth of John the Baptist was great, but the birth of Jesus Christ was infinitely greater. John prepared for salvation, but Jesus purchased it.
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Man of War and Grace: The Greatest of Israel?s Kings

David Mathis | Some may not think of David, the shepherd king, as particularly masculine, but Scripture paints him in a far more manly and glorious light.
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Do Not Believe Every Spirit: The Threat and Defeat of False Teaching Today

Are biblical warnings about false prophets still relevant? Yes, the threat looms as large today as in the first century.
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Before You Quit the Ministry: Learning to Count Like Jesus

David Mathis | Good pastors are not naive: ministry comes with many costs. Even so, Christ has not called us to an impossible, joyless task. The cross proves otherwise.
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What?s It Like to Be a Christian? Faith, Obedience, and Living as Strangers

David Mathis | What is Christian faith? Hebrews 11 not only answers the question but tells us what faith feels like, and how it leads to obedience, and living as exiles in this world.
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Whose Son Is the Messiah? King David and the God of Israel

When Jesus asks the Pharisees how David calls the Messiah ?Lord,? they refuse to answer. What made that seemingly simple question so incendiary?
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God Is: The Life-Altering Reality of Sheer Divine Existence

God is. No reality is more mind-boggling, more valuable, more life-altering, more electrifying than the absolute being of God.
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Grace Will Order All Your Pain: Retirement Message for Dana Olson

What is sovereign, sustaining grace? It is not grace that spares us pain, but grace that orders our pain ? and then sustains us through the pain.
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The Leader You Long to Follow

David Mathis | From principals to presidents, leadership failures fill the news. We long for someone in power to lead with wisdom and fairness. Praise God, the ideal king has come.
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The Spell That Opened Heaven: Funeral Message for Daniel Fuller (1925?2023)

Romans 8:32 is perhaps the greatest verse in the Bible. No other text quite describes how far God has gone for our salvation and will go for our joy.
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The Final Hours of Suffering: Funeral Message for Nancy Nelson (1952?2023)

God?s word speaks to the mysteries of suffering. We will only bear pain well as we begin to see it like he does.
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Happy Pastors Make Healthy Churches

Christ?s blood bought more than our pardon, precious as it is. His death also purchased the power we need to live a radical Christian life.
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Why We Sing About the Blood

David Mathis | Why do Christians sing about blood? Because of what happened at the cross, the otherwise morbid topic becomes one of glory, thanks, and praise.
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More Thrilling to Be Saved Than to Succeed

What excites a Christian most? Our deepest, truest joy does not flow from completed degrees or flourishing ministries, but from the God who saved us.
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Do Outsiders Still Matter? An Overlooked Qualification for Pastors

David Mathis | For pastors to be ?well thought of by outsiders? certainly isn?t everything, but it made God?s list of requirements. Is it still on ours?
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Why Bethlehem Has a College: Biblical Foundations for Church-Based Education

What makes a college distinctly Christian? Education is not an end in itself, but a means to knowing and loving Christ.
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Hamilton: An American Prodigal

David Mathis | Neither biographers nor Broadway can ignore Alexander Hamilton?s late-flowering Christian faith. He, like the prodigal son, finally came home after his journey into the far country.
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Danger Averted, Destiny Attained: Funeral Message for Lois Nelson (1919?2023)

When a Christian goes home to be with the Lord, we who remain have the chance to rehearse God?s loving design in every believer?s death.
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Not Dead Yet: Fighting Nine Fears of Old Age

As we age, fears can multiply like wrinkles. But for every concern, we have a blood-bought promise far, far older than our fears.
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The Demons, the Fever, and the Word of the King

While on earth, Jesus spoke with unmatched power. Demons obeyed him, and fevers fled at his word. Everything was subject to him ? then and now.
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Press Afresh into Jesus: Four Truths About Genuine Faith

David Mathis | Genuine faith welcomes, enjoys, fears, strives after, and rests in God. And in doing so, genuine faith perseveres.
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What Will Man Be Like for Countless Future Ages?

When our hearts run dry, and our good works languish, the Bible bids us: ?Consider the end.?
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Ordinary Elders, Part 2: Governing as Men Who Teach

David Mathis | Pastors are first and foremost teachers, but they are not only teachers. They feed the sheep and lead the sheep ? and they lead by feeding.
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Ordinary Elders, Part 1: Working for the Joy of Others

David Mathis | The pastors we all want are men who want to pastor, who want to see God move in them and through them for the joy of others.
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The Story of the Greatest Coronation

David Mathis | When Christ ascended into heaven, an otherworldly ceremony commenced. Here was the long-awaited Son of David, the only man angels ever worshiped.
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How Majestic Is Our Lord?

David Mathis | When speaking of God, we grope for fresh language to name the greatness of God. Might we learn to reach more often for the word ?majesty??
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The Lord Governs My Good and Is My Good: All of Psalm 16 for a New Year

When we pray for God to preserve us, we ask that he would be not only our Lord, but our life ? not only our God, but our highest and everlasting good.
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Ten Looks at Jesus, Part 2

David Mathis | ?For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.? How happy might we be if we heeded Robert Murray M?Cheyne?s counsel?
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Prince of What Peace? How Christmas Overcomes Our Conflicts

At the root of all conflict is man?s conflict with God. At Christmas, we celebrate that God took the initiative to establish true peace.
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Ten Looks at Jesus, Part 1

David Mathis | ?For every look at yourself, take ten looks at Christ.? How happy might we be if we heeded Robert Murray M?Cheyne?s famous counsel?
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Secret Liturgies: The Private Worship of a Public Leader

David Mathis | Blessed is the leader who meditates on God?s law day and night ? not just in public, but all the more in secret.
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