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The British History Podcast

The British History Podcast

The BHP is a chronological retelling of the history of Britain with a particular focus upon the lives of the people. You won?t find a dry recounting of dates and battles here, but instead you?ll learn about who these people were and how their desires, fears, and flaws shaped the scope of this island at the edge of the world. And some of those desires are downright scandalous.


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Medieval Medicine Sample: Trotula Edition

We?re joining the Sisterhood of the Travelling Uterus for this one.

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452 – Odo? Oh Yes.

Somewhere around the time  William the First was bursting out of his tomb like roasted chestnut and  William the Second was making it rain with his dead dad?s money?.something was turning in western culture as a whole.

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451 – The Lucky Few

You know, I almost titled the last episode  ?The Gang Goes To A Funeral? but the trouble was that the gang /didn?t/ go to the funeral. All of them decided they had somewhere else to be. 

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450 – Begin With A Bang

It was early September of 1087, and for weeks?nearly two months, in fact? people had been discussing William?s impending death, and worrying about what would happen next.  And for good reason. This family, which ruled over Normandy, had a history of infighting and civil wars, especially during times of succession.

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449 – Chapter Ten: The Boys

Strap yourselves in. These kids are something else.

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448 – The Death of William the Conqueror

The story of William and the conquest has been a long road, and I?ve heard from some of you that this season has been challenging to listen to.   I get it.  No matter how awful William is he never seems to face any real consequences?

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447 – The End of the Conquest

If the last few episodes have seemed a little confusing, then you?re hearing them right. Europe at the end of the 11th century was a rapidly changing world and it is all going to have a profound impact on the history of Britain. I want you to really have a good understanding of what is [?]

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446 – Death and Taxes

When we left off, things were looking pretty bad for William and William?s hope of a legacy. Maine was once again in rebellion against Normandy. But this time half of France seemed to be looking for an excuse to join them. Denmark was preparing an invasion of England ? and even William?s brother-in-law, Count Robert [?]

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445 – Feeding Frenzy

Matilda was dead and now things were coming apart at the seams.

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444 – Holy Beef

Based on the e-mails I have been getting, some of you are having a hard time understanding why on god?s green earth did Odo think he could just trot down to Rome and become the new Pope.  The truth is he was less crazy than we might think, and I?m going to take a moment [?]

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443 – We’re Bigger Than Jesus

In this episode we delve into the tumultuous reign of King Gruffydd ap Cynan of Gwynedd and the political intricacies of William?s relationship with Matilda and his ambitious half-brother, Bishop Odo. It is an intricate web of power struggles, betrayals, and shifting dynamics between church and state that will only grow more complex and dangerous. [?]

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442 – Mynydd Carn

Norman interventionism into their neighbors was only just beginning? and the events at Mynydd Carn gave them just the excuse they needed.

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441 – God Bothering

Tensions rise as rebellion and violence sweep through Northumbria. As news of the uprising reaches the south, King William, though initially absent, takes action and sends his half-brother, Bishop Odo, to deal with it. Odo?s reputation for cruelty was well earned and the people of Durham suffer greatly at his hands. In the midst of [?]

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440 – This is Fine

King Malcolm and the Scots have been raiding the northern reaches of England, leaving the Northumbrians to deal with the aftermath. Meanwhile, William is not speaking to his son Robert and is spreading rumors about him to anyone who will listen. Robert?s enemies are enjoying the show, but not everyone is amused. The powerful members [?]

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439 – Juggling Responsibilities

William, the Duke of Normandy and King of England, has been humiliated by his son Robert. Despite years of mocking and disrespect from William, Robert has defeated him in battle and spared his life. This has weakened William physically and reputationally. Meanwhile, Robert travels through Europe, attending tournaments and gaining support from powerful nobles who [?]

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438 – Robert’s Rebellion

In a fit of rebellion, Robert, the eldest son of William the Conqueror, marches out on his own, defying his father and seeking adventure. However, reality sets in as he realizes the challenges and consequences of his actions. With the support of his companions, who are wealthy and politically connected, Robert launches a rebellion against [?]

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437 – Everyone’s Pissed

Crown Prince Robert and his knights had been humiliated by Rufus and Henry and the royal hall erupts into chaos. This unprecedented public disgrace challenges the honor culture deeply ingrained in Norman society, sparking outrage and a quest for vengeance. The altercation underscores a volatile rivalry within the royal family, exposing deep-seated tensions and ambitions [?]

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436 – Taking the Piss

William the Conqueror, preferring Normandy over England, spends his later reign focusing on continental politics and property disputes, often resolving them personally alongside his politically influential wife, Matilda. Meanwhile, their heir Robert grows increasingly frustrated by his limited role and lack of authority within his family?s dominion, feeling sidelined in critical military and political decisions. [?]

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435 – Trials and Tribulations

In the turmoil of William the Conqueror?s reign, Waltheof, the last English-born Earl, becomes entangled in a complex web of loyalty, rebellion, and the pursuit of justice. His long imprisonment and eventual execution for alleged treason showcase the intricate dance between Norman law and the expectations of nobility, highlighting the deep divisions and political maneuvers [?]

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434 – The Boys

As William the Conqueror?s sons grow, their future roles and the weight of their lineage come into sharp focus. Robert, William?s eldest, faces disappointment and tension with his father, revealing cracks in their relationship and Robert?s struggle for recognition and Normandy?s control. Richard, the second son, embodies the chivalric ideal but meets a tragic fate [?]

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433 – North Wales: I Love Mess

In 1075, King Bleddyn of Gwynedd and Powys, a formidable leader aiming for Welsh unification, finds himself embroiled in a complex web of power struggles. His aspirations clash with King Caradog and the turbulent politics of southwestern Wales. Amidst these tensions, King Bleddyn is cunningly assassinated in a meeting, plunging Gwynedd into a succession crisis. [?]

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Bonus Episode on Courtliness

Here?s a 15 minute sample of what we?re talking about on the Member?s feed.

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432 – The Revolt of the Earls

In 1075, Earl Roger and Earl Ralph lead a significant rebellion against King William, spurred by personal grievances and political ambitions. This insurrection, ignited at a wedding, quickly evolves into a major crisis, challenging the king?s authority. The plot thickens with Waltheof?s involvement, revealing intricate alliances and betrayals among the nobility. The uprising, marked by [?]

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431 – The Gang Has A Wedding

In 1075, amidst the backdrop of William?s strained relations with England and his noble court, a grand wedding intertwines political machinations with matrimonial celebration. Earl Roger and Ralph de Gael, leveraging their noble statuses and familial connections, conspire to challenge William?s authority. Their plot, hatched under the guise of marital bliss, seeks to capitalize on [?]

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430 – Is It Good To Be King?

As King William navigates the complexities of ruling England, he faces the challenges of governance, church reforms, and foreign affairs with mixed outcomes. His interactions with the newly installed continental clergy and the ecclesiastical restructuring reflect his struggles with power dynamics, cultural integration, and administrative burdens. William?s ventures into Maine and dealings with internal and [?]

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429 – Power Brokers and Power Breakers

In 1072, the landscape of power in England and Normandy is tumultuous, with William?s conquest still facing resistance. King Malcolm III of Scotland, with ties to the English throne through his marriage to Margaret, sister of Edgar the Ætheling, poses a subtle threat to William. This period sees a blending of cultural and political norms [?]

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428 – Tightening the Grip

Five years post-Hastings, England remains embroiled in resistance against William?s rule, witnessing widespread rebellions across its towns and cities. Despite facing unrelenting opposition, William?s ruthless strategies and disregard for societal norms have enabled him to maintain control. His actions reveal not just a desire for kingship but an imperial ambition, aiming to forge a new [?]

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427 – Hereward: Back Into the Mist

Hereward?s audacious demands for ransom, his tactical raids, and the legendary encounter with Saint Peter reflect his complex role in resisting Norman domination. The narrative blends historical events with folklore, showcasing Hereward?s defiance against Norman oppression through strategic captures, demands for exorbitant ransoms, and subsequent retaliatory actions against betrayals. The tale embodies the merging of [?]

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426 – Everyone Has Their Limits

In 1071, amidst the backdrop of Norman conquest and resistance, the narrative unfolds around the tragic fall of the English nobility and the calamitous effects of William?s policies. This year witnesses the catastrophic fallout from the Battle of Cassel, where pivotal Norman figures, entangled in Flemish civil strife, suffer greatly. Simultaneously, William?s manipulation of English [?]

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425 – Hereward: The Fall of Ely

In 1071, the betrayal by Abbot Thurstan to William, revealing Ely?s defenses, marks a pivotal moment in Hereward?s resistance. Despite starvation and siege hardships, Hereward?s refusal to surrender underscores his unyielding spirit against Norman dominance. William?s struggle to amass a willing army for the final assault, due to past failures, reveals his reliance on promises [?]

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424 – Hereward: ft. Judas Priest

As the siege of Ely intensifies, the story takes unexpected turns with witchcraft, cultural beliefs in the power of water as a spiritual portal, and Hereward?s tactical mastery against Norman forces. William?s repeated failures to breach Ely, despite superior numbers and resources, underscore the resilience and ingenuity of the defenders. The narrative delves into the [?]

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423 – Hereward: The Lion, The Witch, and the War Hero

William?s efforts to conquer Ely, hindered by the resourceful Hereward, climax with a bold yet flawed strategy involving commandeering all boats for a siege. The narrative weaves through a series of mishaps, including an incendiary sabotage by Hereward, resulting in a disastrous loss for the Normans. This account not only highlights the cunning and resilience [?]

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422 – Hereward: The Man, the Myth, The Legend

Hereward the Wake, embodying the essence of a folk hero, engages in a daring operation to infiltrate King William?s camp, armed with only his wit and courage. Disguised as a potter, he navigates through enemy lines, gathering intelligence on the King?s plans. Despite the threat of exposure and the dire consequences of his mission, Hereward?s [?]

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421 – The Wake at Ely

King William?s siege of Ely, motivated by Hereward?s defiance, epitomizes the struggle between Norman conquest and English resistance. William?s frustration peaks as he witnesses Hereward not just surviving but thriving, bolstering his legend. The king?s attempts to storm Ely through a makeshift causeway and incentivized bravery culminate in a disastrous and almost comical failure, as [?]

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420 – The Wake and the Earl

Hereward?s raid on Peterborough and subsequent alliance with Danish forces highlight a critical phase in his resistance against Norman oppression. Seeking to protect the Abbey?s wealth from Norman plunder, Hereward?s actions inadvertently lead to the town?s devastation and capture of monks, complicating his mission. This episode reflects the complex interplay of politics, loyalty, and strategy, [?]

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419 – The Wake at Peterborough

Hereward the Wake, a figure of enigmatic life and legendary prowess, reemerges into the historical narrative with stories filled with feuds, exile, and resistance against Norman oppression. After a period of political turmoil, he returns to England to avenge the injustices against his family by the Normans, showcasing his military skill and leadership. Hereward?s actions [?]

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418 – God’s Chosen

Following the Harrying of the North, King William?s grueling campaign through the Pennines during winter reflects the harsh conditions faced by his army, marred by low morale, severe weather, and logistical nightmares. Despite these challenges, William?s strategic manipulation and insistence on pushing forward underscore his determination to consolidate power. The campaign, marked by extreme violence [?]

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417 – The (far more than four) Horsemen

In the aftermath of William the Conqueror?s devastating Harrying of the North, King Malcolm III of Scotland seizes the opportunity to raid Northern England, capitalizing on the chaos and destruction. Amid the scorched earth and displacement caused by William?s campaign, Malcolm?s forces engage in systematic pillaging, exploiting the vulnerability of the English countryside. The narrative [?]

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New Member’s Episode on the Wild Hunt

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416 – The Harrying of the North

In 1069, William the Conqueror?s brutal campaign, known as the Harrying of the North, devastates Yorkshire and surrounding areas. This scorched-earth strategy aims to quash northern rebellions, leading to widespread destruction, famine, and a significant reduction in population. The campaign, criticized even by contemporaries for its ruthlessness, leaves a lasting impact on the region, altering [?]

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415 – Cry Me a River

In 1069, William the Conqueror faces a strategic nightmare as his march north is stymied by natural obstacles and a well-coordinated Danish-led resistance. The rebels? tactical use of geography, destroying bridges and leveraging seasonal weather, forces William into a difficult position. Amidst a backdrop of widespread rebellion and a lack of local support, William?s attempts [?]

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414 – The Uprising

In 1069, the victory at York ignites widespread rebellion across England, challenging Norman dominance. The English, bolstered by alliances with the Danes, leverage this triumph to inspire uprisings, symbolizing a significant shift in resistance against Norman control. This period highlights a critical juncture where experienced leadership emerges, altering the dynamics of English resistance. The narrative [?]

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413 – The D

In the fall of 1069, King Swegn of Denmark launches an invasion of England with a massive fleet, motivated by ambition and the lure of wealth rather than revenge for Hastings. Despite the impressive size of the invading force, their raids along the English coast face unexpected resistance, leading to a series of repelled attacks [?]

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412 – The B Word

Harold Godwinson?s sons, continuing their family?s tradition of piracy, return to England with a fleet from Ireland to challenge the crown. Despite the questionable success of this approach in the past, they inflict generational damage on the southern English coast, highlighting a mix of political motivation and opportunistic plunder. The campaign, however, ends disastrously for [?]

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411 – Tell it to St. Peter

The 1069 turmoil in the North of England sees a chaotic blend of failed leadership, noble mismanagement, and dramatic confrontations with King William. A successful rebellion quickly disintegrates into a farcical retreat as English nobles, initially seizing the moment, falter spectacularly in their strategic endeavors. William, seemingly untroubled, returns to his southern domain, throwing an [?]

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New Members Episode and a Site Update

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410 – The F Word

In 1069, William the Conqueror?s sudden assault on York with a formidable army takes the city by surprise, exploiting strategies learned from previous battles. The city?s defenders, comprising mostly non-combatants, are thrown into chaos, highlighting the harsh realities of warfare on civilian populations. The narrative further delves into the political complexities of the time, including [?]

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409 – The First Sparks

In 1068, a pivotal moment unfolds in Northumbria, where the assassination of Earl Robert at Durham sparks a large-scale rebellion against Norman rule. This event signifies a shift in English resistance, transforming disparate uprisings into a coordinated army ready for rebellion. The construction of a castle in Durham underlines the strategic shift, emphasizing preparedness and [?]

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408 – Kerosene

Happy New Year!  It was 1069? nice? and as the new year dawned?things in England were getting a bit weird.

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407 – Robbing the Hood

I feel for the English commoners in the late 1060?s.  They had nothing to do with the arrival of the Normans? everything they suffered was the result of the actions of the nobles.  Exclusively.  

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