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The Ancient World

The Ancient World

LATEST SERIES: Carchemish (C Episodes) - tracing the life and death of the Neo-Hittite kingdoms; PREVIOUS SERIES: The Ancient World - from the earliest human civilizations down through 500 BC; Rediscovery (R Episodes) - the stories of the modern scholars and adventurers who rediscovered the ancient world; Bloodline (B Episodes) - tracing the descendants of Mark Antony and Cleopatra over ten generations; Thea (T Episodes) - tracing the disintegration of the Seleucid Empire


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Episode S8 - Decumbo

Synopsis: Part 2 of a two-part Spotlight series on the rise and fall of the Roman Emperor Galerius: refugee, herdsman, soldier, Caesar, Augustus, Tetrarch, conqueror, schemer, would-be ruler of the (Dacian?) Empire, and persecutor of the Christians. A rollicking Third Century romp inspired by my current residence in his former tetrarchal capital of Thessaloniki, Greece. ?Galerius?was born to wipe out the disgrace incurred by Valerian?s capture.? ? The Historia Augusta ?Had I a hundred mouths, a hundred tongues, A voice of brass, and adamantine lungs, Not half the dreadful scene could I disclose.? ? Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors ?Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode S7 - Ascendo

Synopsis: Part 1 of a two-part Spotlight series on the rise and fall of the Roman Emperor Galerius: refugee, herdsman, soldier, Caesar, Augustus, Tetrarch, conqueror, schemer, would-be ruler of the (Dacian?) Empire, and persecutor of the Christians. A rollicking Third Century romp inspired by my current residence in his former tetrarchal capital of Thessaloniki, Greece. ?Galerius?(was) trained to arms in the severe school of Aurelian and Probus.? ? Edward Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ?In this wild beast there dwelt a native barbarity and a savageness foreign to Roman blood; and no wonder, for his mother was born beyond the Danube.? ? Lactantius, On the Deaths of the Persecutors Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C30 - The Death of Kings

Synopsis: Faced with a series of disloyal vassals, Sargon conquers the remaining Neo-Hittite kingdoms and absorbs them into his empire. The Cimmerian invasion of Anatolia leads to the deaths of two powerful kings. In their absence, the preservation of peace and stability falls to local rulers such as Azatiwadas of Quwe. ?I am Azatiwadas, the Sun God?s man, servant of Tarhunzas, whom Awariku, king of Adanawa, made great. Tarhunzas made me mother and father to Adanawa, and I caused Adanawa to prosper. I extended the plain of Adanawa on the one hand towards the west and on the other hand toward the east, and in my days Adanawa had all good things, plentiness, and luxury. I filled the Paharean granaries, and I made horse upon horse, and I made army upon army, and I made shield upon shield, all with the help of Tarhunzas and the gods.? ? Bilingual (Luwian/Phoenician) inscription of Azatiwadas, late 8th/early 7th century BC, recovered from the stone gates of his fortress at Azatiwadaya (Karatape-Aslantas, Turkiye).  Information on the Neo-Hittite fortress of Azatiwadaya (Karatepe-Aslantas, Turkiye): Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Anatolia: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: List of Regional Kings: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C29 - City of the Raven

Synopsis: Rusa of Urartu wins early victories against Assyrian armies, but his intrigues in the Zagros kingdom of Mannea earn him Sargon?s wrath. After a crushing defeat by Cimmerian invaders, Rusa?s unable to prevent Sargon?s destruction of his kingdom. ?I caused there to be lamentation in the wide land Urartu and in all the mountains, and I made Rusa, their king, use flint blades, razors (and) scalpels to slash himself in mourning for as long as he lived. I made Musasir part of the territory of Assyria and assigned it to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the palace herald. The awesome splendor of the god Assur, my lord, overwhelmed Rusa, the Urartian, and so with his own iron dagger he stabbed himself in the heart like a pig and put an end to his life.? ? The Annals of Sargon II Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of the Iron Age Zagros Mountains: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C28 - The Fall of Carchemish

Synopsis: After defeating Syrian rebels at Qarqar and extending his dominion to the borders of Egypt, Sargon II labors to defend Tabal from the advances of Midas of Phrygia. Letters to Midas from Pisiri of Carchemish give Sargon a pretext to depose the Country Lord and annex his kingdom to Assyria. ?In my fifth regnal year, Pisiri of the city Carchemish sinned against the treaty sworn by the great gods and repeatedly sent messages hostile to Assyria to Midas, king of the land Musku; he held me in contempt. I threw (Pisiri), together with his family, in iron fetters. I opened his palace, his treasure house. I carried off as booty 10 talents of refined gold, (and) 2,100 talents of silver, (along with) arhu-copper, tin, iron, elephant hides, elephant ivory, battle-gear, and the guilty people among the city Carchemish who had sided with (Pisiri), along with their possessions, and brought them to Assyria. I conscripted 50 chariots, 200 cavalry and 3,000 foot soldiers from among them and added them to my royal military contingent. I settled Assyrians in the city Carchemish and imposed the yoke of the god Assur, my lord, upon them.? ? The Annals of Sargon II Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Anatolia: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C27 - True King

Synopsis: Shalmaneser V succeeds his father to the thrones of Assyria and Babylonia, then deals with rebellions in Samaria and Tyre. But his reign is cut short by the violent coup of Sargon II. After losing his hold on Babylonia, Sargon marches west to confront a Syrian alliance under Yaubidi of Hamath. ?With regard to the city Assur?Shalmaneser V, who did not revere the king of all the world, raised his hand against that city with evil intent?He oppressively imposed state service and corvee-duty upon its people and treated them as if they were of the lower class. At that time, the Enlil of the gods angrily overthrew his reign. As for me, Sargon?he exalted me and had me take hold of scepter, throne, and crown.? ? The Assur Charter of Sargon II Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Anatolia: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C26 - Damascus

Synopsis: Tiglath-pileser crushes rebellions in Patin and Luash and annexes their territories to Assyria. King Rasyan of Aram-Damascus forms a coalition of southern kingdoms - including Israel, Edom, Phoenicia and Philistia - to challenge Assyrian dominance, but betrayal by allies and the brutal tenacity of Tiglath-pileser lead to his kingdom?s downfall. ?I am Bar-Rakib the son of Panamuwa, king of Sam?al, servant of Tiglath-pileser the lord of the four quarters of the earth. Because of the righteousness of my father and my own righteousness, I was seated by my Lord Tiglath-pileser upon the throne of my father. The house of my father has profited more than anybody else, and I have been running at the wheel of my Lord, the king of Assyria, in the midst of mighty kings, possessors of silver and possessors of gold.? ? Stele of King Bar-Rakib of Sam?al Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Thanks HelloFresh! Go to and use code ancientfree for FREE breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C25 - Arpad

Synopsis: Matti?el of Arpad turns his back on the Treaty of Katikka and allies with Sarduri II of Urartu. The usurpation of Tiglath-pileser III heralds an Assyrian resurgence and the kingdom of Arpad?s destruction. ?Matti?el the son of Attar-shumki (II) fomented a rebellion against Assyria and violated his loyalty oath. To the kings of Hatti and Urartu he sent hostile messages against Assyria and made the lands hostile. Sarduri of Urartu, Sulumal of Malatya and Tarhulara of Gurgum came to his aid.? ? The Annals of Tiglath-pileser III Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Thanks HelloFresh! Go to and use code 50ancient for 50% off plus free shipping! Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Update and Patreon Offer

First off I wanted to let everyone know that I am deep into researching and writing the upcoming season of ?The Ancient World ? Carchemish.? It?s got lots of fun stuff: Tiglath-pileser III, Sargon II and - most importantly - the final demise of the Neo-Hittite and Aramean kingdoms. Just a really interesting period and I?m looking forward to sharing it with you. So keep an eye out for new Episodes starting around mid-October. I also wanted to update you all that there is a whole extra season of ?The Ancient World ? Carchemish? already available on the Patreon site. Over the past year I?ve produced 12 mini-Episodes ? which basically equate to a full 6-episode season - running alongside the current series. They flesh out events in Babylonia, Phoenicia, Syria and the Zagros Mountains ? and also include a fun 2-parter on the Libyan pharaohs of Egypt. The best part is you can have access to all of them at this very moment ? along with new monthly mini-Episodes going forward ? by signing up at the ?Lugal? tier at To sweeten the deal I?m doing a special Limited Time Offer: Sign up for a year at any level and I will shoot you a signed PDF script of your favorite episode from any season of the series. The offer?s only good through September 30, 2023 so please join up now to take advantage. That?s it for now. I?ll see you all again in October and thanks again for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C24 - A Kingdom of Sand

Synopsis: Sarduri II rules at the pinnacle of Urartian power, conquering lands from the Black Sea coast to the Zagros Mountains to the kingdoms of northern Syria. Matti?el of Arpad unifies Aramean lands north of Damascus then allies with Urartu against the Assyrians. His defeat by the mysterious ruler of KTK only results in a temporary setback, and an Assyrian Empire pressed on all fronts seems destined for imminent collapse. ?I am the ruler Yariri - the prince beloved by the Storm God, Kubaba, Karhuha and the Sun. The gods have made me strong and exalted over Carchemish. I strengthened Carchemish and I exalted my lord?s house in Carchemish. I caused the river to pass (here)?I built the temple of the god of Harmana and I made my own statue...I brought up Kamani as a successor, wherefore I showed virtue above all kings. And I brought up his younger brothers, I let them in as brothers and I extended protection to them, the children of my lord Astiruwa.? ? Yariri?s inscription on the Royal Buttress at Carchemish Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C23 - Eclipse

Synopsis: A siege by Adad-nirari?s subordinate, Nergal-Eresh, finally breaks the Damascene hold over southern Syria and Canaan. The Urartian kings Menua and Argishti press Assyria?s frontiers, even as they conquer and secure new territories in the Araxes River valley. In the reigns of Adad-nirari?s sons, the Empire is beset by plague, rebellions, and disturbing omens. ?Through the god Haldi?s power, Argishti, son of Menua, speaks: a city for my power I erected, and gave it the name of Argishtihinli. The land around was never inhabited, nothing was established here, therefore I have led four canals from the Manu river, I had vineyards and orchards established, I have done good things here. I am Argishti, son of Menua, powerful king, the great king, the king of the Land Biai, the Lord of the city of Tushpa.? ? Inscription of Argishti of Urartu Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C22 - Shammuramat

Synopsis: Emerging triumphant from civil war, Shamshi-Adad V devotes his energies to humbling Babylonia. Upon his death, his wife Shammuramat acts as regent for their son, Adad-nirari III, and both campaign across the Euphrates to confront a resurgent Arpad. Under its vigorous king Menua, Urartu begins the military conquests that would end with its regional dominance. ?When Suppiluliuma, king of Kummuh, caused Adad-nirari, king of Assyria and Shammuramat, queen, to cross the Euphrates river; I smashed Attar-shumki, son of Hadram, of the city Arpad, together with eight kings, who were with him at the city Paqarhubunu, their boundary and land?In that year they put up this boundary stone between Suppiluliuma, king of Kummuh, and Halpartuntiya, son of Larama, king of Gurgum.?? ? the Pazarcik Stele Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Regional Kings List: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C21 - Son of a Nobody

Synopsis: During Neo-Assyria?s absence from the region, King Hazael of Aram-Damascus forges an Aramean Empire that extends to the borders of Egypt. ?And Hazael said, ?Why does my lord weep?? He answered, ?Because I know the evil that you will do to the people of Israel. You will set on fire their fortresses, and you will kill their young men with the sword and dash in pieces their little ones and rip open their pregnant women.?? ? 2 Kings 8:12, English Standard Bible Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C20 - Like a Fire

Synopsis: In Shalmaneser?s final years, his eldest son ? the crown prince Assur-danin-pal ? enters into rebellion, while his younger son, Shamshi-Adad, struggles to defend his father?s legacy. ?Where my brother Assur-danin-pal, in the time of Shalmaneser, his father, acted wickedly, bringing about sedition, rebellion, and wicked plotting, caused the land to rise in revolt, prepared for war, brought the people of Assyria, north and south, to his side, and made bold speeches, brought the cities into the rebellion and set his face to begin strife and battle? 27 cities, along with their fortifications? revolted against Shalmaneser, king of the four regions of the world, my father, and? had gone to the side of Assur-danin-pal.? ? Annals of King Shamshi-Adad V Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: Regional Kings List: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C19 - The Anointed

Synopsis: Hazael of Aram-Damascus and Jehu of Israel bring desolation to the house of Omri. After decades of leading Assyrian campaigns, Shalmaneser III dispatches his turtanu, Dayan-Assur, to fight the newly-formed kingdom of Urartu. ?And the Lord said unto (Elijah), Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: And then thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria: And Jehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel:? And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay.? ? 1 Kings 19: 15-17 Map of the Iron Age Near East: Map of Iron Age Northern Syria: Map of Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: Regional Kings List: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C18 ? Qarqar

Synopsis: A coalition marshalled by Hadad-ezer of Aram-Damascus and Urahilina of Hamath successfully defends southern Syria from further Assyrian encroachment. But a decade of campaigning by Shalmaneser begins to take its toll. ?I destroyed, devastated, and set fire to Qarqar, his royal city. Urahilina brought twelve kings to his support; they came against me to offer battle and fight: 1,200 chariots, 1,200 cavalry, and 20,000 soldiers belonging to Hadad-ezer of Damascus; 700 chariots, 700 cavalry, and 10,000 soldiers belonging to Urahilina of Hamath; 2,000 chariots, and 10,000 soldiers belonging to Ahab, the Israelite; 500 soldiers belonging to the Gueans; 1,000 soldiers belonging to the Musreans; 10 chariots and 10,000 soldiers belonging to the Irkanateans; 200 soldiers belonging to Matinuba?il the Arwadite; 200 soldiers belonging to the Usanateans; 30 chariots and 1,000 soldiers belonging to Adunu-ba?il the Shianean; 1,000 camels belonging to Gindibu? the Arabian; and 1,000 soldiers [belonging to] Baasha, son of Ruhubi, the Ammonite. Trusting in the exalted might which the lord Assur had given me, in the mighty weapons, which Nergal, who goes before me, had presented to me, I battled with them.? ? The Kurkh Stele of Shalmaneser III Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: The Kings of Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C17 ? The House of Omri

Synopsis: Political intrigues in Iron Age Israel end with the rise of King Omri. The kingdoms of Hamath and Aram-Damascus leverage military power and regional diplomacy to prepare for the coming of Shalmaneser. ?I am Urahilina, son of Paritas, king of Hamath?I made my own seat for every single god. But this seat I built for Ba?alat, and I put my name and Ba?alat?s on it?During the time of my father and grandfather, the temple of Ba?alat lacked income. They did not burn the burnt offering, a sacrificial ox, up and down to the god. But myself, in my times, it shall not lack income.? ? Building inscription of King Urahilina of Hamath, recording the construction and endowment of a temple to the goddess Ba?alat Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: The Kings of Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C16 ? Kar Shalmaneser

Synopsis: Shalmaneser?s Syrian invasions were countered by a coalition forged by King Ahuni of Bit-Adini. But repeated campaigns wore down his rivals and ended in Assyrian dominance. ?Ahuni, terrified by my terrible, awe-inspiring weapons and my grim warfare, crossed over the Euphrates to save his life, and made his way to other lands. At the command of my lord Assur, the great lord, I annexed Til-barsip, Aligu, Nappigi and Rugulit as royal cities. I settled Assyrians there and built palaces in them for my royal residence.  I renamed Til-barsip as Kar-Shalmaneser.? ? Inscription of Shalmaneser III on the Kurkh Monolith ?Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Northern Syria: The Kings of Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C15 - The Merciless Weapon

Synopsis: The Syrian campaigns of Ashurnasirpal II cemented Assyrian dominance. Tribute from the western kingdoms fueled construction of the king?s magnificent new showpiece of Kalhu. ?Ashurnasirpal, strong king, king of Assyria, designate of the god Sin, favorite of the god Anu, loved one of the god Adad who is almighty among the gods, I, the merciless weapon which lays low lands hostile to him, I, the king, capable in battle, vanquisher of cities and highlands, foremost in battle, king of the four quarters.? ? Inscription of King Ashurnasirpal II at Kalhu Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Northern Syria: The Kings of Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C14 - The House of Suhi

Synopsis: The Country Lords of Carchemish adorned their city with temples and monuments. But Assyrian conquests in the Khabur River valley heralded a growing eastern threat. ?I am the ruler Katuwa, Country Lord of Carchemish, son of the Country Lord Suhi (II), grandson of the Country-Lord Astuwatamanza. The gods raised me by the hand and they gave to me my paternal succession. And because of my justice the gods raised me in strength?.I myself then constructed the temple for the Storm God of Carchemish with that abundance, and I established for him seasonal offerings.? ? Inscription of Katuwa on the King?s Gate at Carchemish, late 10th/early 9th century BC Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Northern Syria: Rulers of Carchemish: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C13 - The Hand of Shishak

Synopsis: The Canaanite cities of Tel-Rehov and Beth-Shean were re-founded by the Pharaoh Thutmose III in the wake of the Battle of Megiddo. By the early Iron Age, their size, location and wealth drew the attention of the Pharaoh Shoshenq I. ?(Thutmose) was in their center, Amun being the protection of his person in the melee, and the strength of Set pervading his members?Then (the enemy) saw his majesty prevailing over them, and they fled headlong to Megiddo with faces of fear.? ? The Battle of Megiddo Inscription Map of the Early Iron Age Near East: Map of Early Iron Age Southern Syria and Canaan: Episode Images: References and Further Reading: Please contact [email protected] if you would like to advertise on this podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Method to My Madness

A brief history of The Ancient World. Plus: a new season, a new partnership and a new Patreon page! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode S6 ? Castle of the Slave

Synopsis: Joseph and Hyrcanus of the Tobiad clan served as tax farmers in Coele Syria for nearly half a century, weathering the transition from Ptolemaic and Seleucid control along with the constant maelstrom of Jerusalem politics. ?Hyrcanus determined not to return to Jerusalem any more, but seated himself beyond Jordan, and was at perpetual war with the Arabians, and slew many of them, and took many of them captives. He also erected a strong castle, and built it entirely of white stone to the very roof, and had animals of a prodigious magnitude engraven upon it?And he ruled over those parts for seven years, even all the time that Seleucus was king of Syria. But when he was dead, his brother Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes, took the kingdom.? ? Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XII, Chapter 4 Map of the Decapolis region: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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A Quick Note

So, first the bad news: Episode C12 wraps the second ?season? of ?The Ancient World ? Carchemish.? The show?ll be on hiatus for the next few months as I turn my attention to a few other projects. Then I?ll be back with another new season this summer. The good news is that next season will not only cover the emergence of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, but ? as a consequence ? will also have the benefit of the detailed records the Assyrians made of all their ?interactions? with the kingdoms and peoples of early Iron Age Syria. So stay tuned for that, stay subscribed, and I?ll see you all in a few months! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C12 ? The Two Temples

Synopsis: The growing power of the Israelites and Arameans is reflected in the construction of new temples to Yahweh in Jerusalem and Hadad-Rammon in Damascus. A resurgent Egypt ? under increasing influence of the Libyan Meshwesh ? begins to eye its former Levantine holdings. ?And God stirred him up another adversary, Rezon the son of Eliadah, which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah. And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah; and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus. And he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon, beside the mischief that Hadad did; and he abhorred Israel, and reigned over Syria.? ? 1 Kings 11:23-24 Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C11 ? The House of David

Synopsis: In the latter half of the 11th century BC, southern Syria witnessed the increasing prominence of semi-nomadic Semitic peoples ? including the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites and Israelites. ?Kings came, they fought, the kings of Canaan fought. At Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo, they took no plunder of silver. From the heavens the stars fought, from their courses they fought against Sisera. The river Kishon swept them away, the age-old river, the river Kishon.? ? The Song of Deborah Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C10 ? These Are Not Foolish Travels

Synopsis: The fracturing and diminishment of Egyptian power in the early Iron Age is captured in ?The Report of Wenamun.? I found (King Zakar-baal of Byblos) seated in his upper chamber with his back against a window, and the waves of the great sea of Phoenicia broke behind his head. I said to him: ?Blessings of Amun!? He said to me: ?How long is it to this day since you came from the place where Amun is?? I said to him: ?Five whole months till now.? He said to me: ?If you are right, where is the dispatch of Amun that was in your hand? Where is the letter of the High Priest of Amun that was in your hand?? I said to him: ?I gave them to Smendes and Tentamun.? Then he became very angry and said to me: ?Now then, dispatches, letters you have none. Where is the ship of pinewood that Smendes gave you? Where is its Phoenician crew? Did he not entrust you to this foreign ship?s captain in order to have him kill you and have them throw you into the sea? From whom would one then seek the god? And you, from whom would one seek you? ? The Report of Wenamun Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C9 ? Horse to Horse, Army to Army

Synopsis: In the mid-11th century BC, the Hittite kingdoms of northern Syria are joined by others? in the Philistine pentapolis, the Amuq plain and the region of Classical Cilicia ? with ties to the former Mycenaean Greeks.  The Phoenician cities of the Levantine coast begin to step from the shadow of post-Collapse Egypt. ?I am really Azatiwada, Man of my Sun, the servant of Thunder God, Rendered superior by Awariku, and the ruler of Adanawa, Thunder God rendered me Mother and Father of Adanawa city, and I am the one, who developed Adanawa city, And I expanded Adanawa country, both westward and eastward, And during my reign, I made Adanawa city taste prosperity, satiety and comfort, and I filled the grain warehouses, I added horse to horse, shield to shield, army to army, everything for Thunder God and the deities?? The Karatepe Bilingual Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C8 ? The Heirs of Hatti

Synopsis: The Great Kings of Carchemish continue ruling over a Hittite rump state in northern Syria as they support the region?s recovery.  After an attack by the Assyrian king Ashur-bel-kala, the Carchemish dynasty is supplanted by the house of Suhi. ?In that year, in the month Kislev,?from the River Khabur of the land Kharku to the city of Carchemish of the land Hatti he plundered.  He crossed the Euphrates after them in rafts made of inflated goatskins.?  ? The Broken Obelisk (of Ashur-bel-kala) Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C7 ? The Heirs of Babylon

Synopsis: Even as Anatolia, Syria and Egypt confronted the Bronze Age Collapse, the eastern kingdoms of Assyria, Babylonia and Elam continued their ancient cycle of dynastic conflict. ?Why I ? who am a king, son of a king, seed of a king, scion of a king, who am king for the lands, for the land of Babylonia and the land of Elam, descendant of the eldest daughter of the mighty King Kurigalzu ? why do I not sit on the throne of the land of Babylonia?  I sent you a sincere proposal; you, however, have granted me no reply.  You may climb up to heaven, but I?ll pull you down by your hem; you may go down to hell, but I?ll pull you up by your hair!  I shall destroy your cities, demolish your fortresses, stop up your irrigation ditches, cut down your orchards, pull out the rings of the sluices at the mouths of your irrigation canals.?  ? Letter to the Kassite court by the Elamite king Kutir-Nahhunte. Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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New Episodes Coming Soon

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Episode C6 ? The Splendid Flame

Synopsis: In the wake of the Sea Peoples, the Hittite Great King Kuzi-Teshub focuses on rebuilding and strengthening his kingdom.  A powerful new threat soon emerges in the form of King Tiglath-Pileser I of Assyria. ?In the service of my Lord Ashur, my chariots and warriors I assembled; I set out on my march. In front of my strong men I went to the country of the Aramaeans, the enemies of my Lord Ashur. From before Tsukha, as far as the city of (Carchemish) belonging to the country of (Hatti), I smote with one blow. Their fighting men I slew; their movables, their wealth, and their valuables in countless numbers I carried off.? ? Inscription of Tiglath-Pileser I Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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From Bronze to Iron

First off I really hope you?ve been enjoying ?The Ancient World ? Carchemish.?  From the beginning I?ve touted this as a series on the Neo-Hittite kingdoms.  But since the first Neo-Hittite kingdom was centered on Carchemish, I thought it?d be fun to start the series with the original Hittite conquest of the city under Suppiluliuma I.  Which gave me an excuse to do a deep dive into Late Bronze Age Hittite history.  And to say Suppiluliuma a lot.  Suppiluliuma.  Try it, it?s just really fun to say. The first arc of this series will be 6 episodes, taking us all the way from the conquest of Carchemish through the immediate aftermath of the Bronze Age Collapse.  Episode C5 just posted, and the last episode of this arc (Episode C6) will be posting a week late ? so look for it on Friday June 25.  After that the real series starts: the story of the life and death of the Iron Age Neo-Hittite Kingdoms.  Though they?re typically relegated to an occasional punching bag of the Neo-Assyrians, the Neo-Hittites have their own very interesting history ? one I?m looking forward to digging into. When will the next arc of the series start up?  That?s the part I?m not too sure about.  I?m hoping to get at least 6 more episodes out sometime later this year.  But I?m balancing that with working on the book (yes, that?s still happening, slowly, in the background) ? as well as my day-job and lots of other stuff.  So please stay subscribed and hopefully I?ll have an update for you soon. In the meantime ? and I swear this is my last big push ? I do happen to have a new 15 to 20-episode series launching on June 27 ? which is right after I post episode C6.  It?s my ?The Bronze Age? course on  It?ll be two half-hour episodes per week for around 8 to 10 weeks total.  Tons of brand-new material, discount pricing, 100% satisfaction guarantee, all that good stuff.  Along with the Near Eastern regions you?re used to hear me talking about, I?m also going to be making broader linkages to other civilizations outside the Near East ? including the northern steppe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia ? then see how those influences feed into Near Eastern civilization.  You get a deeper dive on the Hurrians, an introduction to the Oxus Civilization ? again just lots of new content. So if you?ve ever wanted to help out the show, or just want to hear an updated and expanded version of my early podcast episodes, please go sign up right now at  I hate promoting myself, but I?m also really proud of the course and I really think you?ll enjoy it. That?s it for now.  Take care and thanks again for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C5 ? The Sea Peoples

Synopsis: The Sea Peoples cut a swath of devastation across the Levant before their final confrontation with the pharaoh Ramesses III of Egypt. The Hittite Great King Suppiluliuma II abandons the capital of Hattusas before its final destruction. ?Regarding what you wrote me before: ?Enemy ships were observed at sea!?  If it is true that ships were observed, reinforce yourself.  Where are your troops and chariots?  Are they not with you?  If not, who will deliver you from the enemy?  Surround your cities with walls and bring your troops and chariots into them.  Watch out for the enemy and reinforce yourself well!? ? Letter from the King of Alashiya to King Ammurapi of Ugarit Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C4 ? The Great Kings

Synopsis: The Great King Tudhaliya?s sons, Arnuwanda and Suppiluliuma, take power in a time of growing famine.  The collapse of Mycenaean Greece intensifies the predations of Aegean and Mediterranean pirates, who threaten Hittite grain shipments and ally with the Libyans to launch an invasion of Egypt.  Among the earliest victims of the seaborne invaders is the storied city of Troy. ?But when the whole host reached the walls of Troy, into the city of Priam, breathing rage of fight, with reckless battle-lust they poured; and all that fortress found they full of war and slaughter, palaces, temples, horribly blazing on all sides; glowed their hearts with joy. In deadly mood then charged they on the foe. Ares and fell Enyo maddened there: blood ran in torrents, drenched was all the earth, as Trojans and their alien helpers died.?  ? Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy, Book 13 (translated by A. S. Way) Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C3 ? The Eternal Treaty

Synopsis:  Hattusili III?s diplomacy with the pharaoh Ramesses II culminates in the world?s first peace treaty.  After his death, his son Tudhaliya IV drives out the Ahhiyawans, then defends northern Syria against Assyrian aggression. ?The Kings who are my equals in rank are the King of Egypt, the King of Babylonia, the King of Assyria, [and the King of Ahhiyawa]?Since the King of Assyria is the enemy of My Majesty, he shall likewise be your enemy.  Your merchant shall not go to Assyria, and you shall not allow his merchant into your land?You shall not allow any ship of Ahhiyawa to go to the King of Assyria.?  ? Treaty Between Tudhaliya IV of Hatti and Shaushga-Muwa, King of Amurru Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Bronze Age ? Update

I just wanted to give you a quick update about my ?The Bronze Age? course on  First off, I?m happy to report that we?ve exceeded the threshold for launching the course ? so it is officially happening.  Thank you so much to everyone who?s already signed up; trust me, it?s going to be lots of fun.  Second, if you haven?t had the chance to sign up yet, I wanted to mention that the discount pricing is only in effect for a few more days.  Starting May 1, the price goes up.  So please sign up as soon as possible at  Still 100% satisfaction guarantee, all that good stuff.  Thanks for supporting The Ancient World, and thanks again for listening. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C2 ? Tarhuntassa

Synopsis:  King Muwatalli II relocates the Hittite capital to the new royal city of Tarhuntassa near the Mediterranean coast, then faces off against the young pharaoh Ramesses II in the Battle of Qadesh.  After Muwatalli?s death, his son and brother ? Urhi-Teshub and Hattusili ? contend for the Hittite throne. ?For seven years I submitted to the king.  But at a divine command and with human urging, Urhi-Teshub sought to destroy me.  He took Hakpissa and Nerik from me.  Now I submitted to him no longer.  I made war against him.? ? The Apology of Hattusili III Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Bronze Age

Hi everyone!  As you likely know, I really enjoyed making the original ?Ancient World? podcast series ? especially the parts covering the Bronze Age Near East and eastern Mediterranean.  I?ve always hoped for the opportunity to update and expand those episodes with the latest and greatest information and also introduce new topics that I never had the chance to cover.  And I think I?ve finally found a great way to do it.  I?m teaming up with to put together an audio course called ?The Bronze Age.?  It?s a mix of remastered segments of the original episodes combined with significant new content.  So you?ll get a refresher on the Sumerians, the Egyptians and Sargon of Akkad along with new discussion of the Uruk Expansion and the birth of the Hurrian kingdoms.  You?ll get the classic content on Ur III, Babylonia and Elam while also learning about the Oxus Civilization of Central Asia and the Jiroft Culture of Iran. And you?ll hear how the arrival of the horse and invention of the spoke-wheeled chariot came to define the nature of Bronze Age warfare.  I?m very excited to put this together and I think you?ll really enjoy it.  Even better, the course has zero risk and a 100% satisfaction guarantee ? which means that if you don?t like it you can get your money back for up to 30 days after the start of the course.  We need to confirm that there?s enough interest before I start production.  So if you?re a fan of The Ancient World and want to do something to help out the show please sign up right now for ?The Bronze Age? at  That?s  Register by April 30, 2021 ? and if we get enough interest this will definitely happen.  If you have any trouble with the link above, please use this one instead: As always, thanks again for listening! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode C1 ? Carchemish

Synopsis:  In the late 14th century BC, the Hittite Great King Suppiluliuma wrested Syria from the grip of the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni.  Two of his sons would succeed him to the throne, while two others founded new dynasties in the cities of Aleppo and Carchemish. ?The Euphrates is my frontier.  In my rear, I established Mount Lebanon as my frontier.  And all of the cities of the land of Carchemish ? these fortified cities ? I gave to Piyassili, my son? Since Prince Piyassili crossed the Euphrates with Prince Shattiwaza and penetrated to the city of Irrite, all the cities on the west bank which Piyassili my son holds, these belong to Piyassili.? ? The Suppiluliuma-Shattiwaza Treaty ?The gods ran before my father, namely the Sun Goddess of Arinna, the Storm God of Hatti, the Storm God of the Army Camp, and Ishtar of the Field.  He conquered the enemy.? ? Mursili, The Deeds of Suppiluliuma I Map of the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean: The Hittite Royal Family: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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A Young Man?s Fancy

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Episode S5 ? Ordeal by Fire

Synopsis:  In the 4th century AD, the Ethiopian kingdom of Axum converted to Christianity even as the neighboring Himyarites of Yemen converted to Judaism.  Centuries later, Axum?s invasion of Yemen to stop the persecution of Christians triggered a conflict with Persia. Map of the kingdoms of Axum and Himyar: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode S4 ? Children of the Moon

Synopsis:  The Sabaeans and Himyarites leveraged their control over south Arabian aromatics into a lucrative trade that spanned the ancient world.  The region?s remoteness, wealth and active diplomacy afforded some protection from the powerful empires who frequently dominated the north.  Map of the Arabian Peninsula: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode S3 ? Queen Mavia

Synopsis:  A century after Queen Zenobia, another Syrian Arab warrior queen rises to challenge the power or Rome ? and succeeds.  The story of Queen Mavia of the Tanukh. ?Mavia, queen of the Saracens, had begun to convulse the villages and towns on the border of Palestine and Arabia with a violent war, and to ravage the neighboring provinces.? ? Rufinas Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T18 ? Tigranes

Synopsis:  The death of King Philip I marks the official end of the Seleucid line.  Invited by the Antiochenes to rule them, King Tigranes II of Armenia proceeds to conquer all of Syria ? including Cleopatra Selene?s stronghold of Ptolemais-Akko.  But Tigranes? refusal to abandon his ally, King Mithridates VI of Pontus, leads to his empire?s destruction. ?Tigranes?marched forth with an army of such huge proportions that he actually laughed heartily at the appearance of the Romans present there.  He is said to have remarked that, in cases where they came to make war, only a few presented themselves, but when it was an embassy, many came.?  ? Cassius Dio, Rome, Book 36 ?Pompey?expelled Antiochus (XIII), from the government of Syria, although he had done the Romans no wrong?The pretense was that it was unseemly for the Seleucidae, whom Tigranes had dethroned, to govern Syria, rather than the Romans, who had conquered Tigranes.?  ? Appian, The Syrian Wars, Book 10 (Absolutely awesome and super-useful) map of Syria and surrounding territories c. 87 BC Map of the Greater Armenian Empire of King Tigranes II Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T17 ? The Sons of Grypus

Synopsis: With Rome encroaching from the north and south, the sons of Grypus battle Parthians, usurpers and local powers to keep their hold on Syria. ?As he lingered on the banks of the Euphrates, (Sulla) received a visit from Orobazus, a Parthian, who came as an ambassador from King Arsaces, although up to this time the two nations had held no intercourse with one another.  This also is thought to have been part of Sulla?s great good fortune, that he should be the first Roman with whom the Parthians held conference when they wanted alliance and friendship.? ? Plutarch, Parallel Lives, Sulla ?Straton, the tyrant of Berroea?called in Zizon, the ruler of the Arabian tribes, and Mithridates Sinax, the ruler of the Parthians, who coming with a great number of forces, and besieging Demetrius (III) in his encampment, into which they had driven them with their arrows, compelled those that were with him by thirst to deliver up themselves.  So they took a great many spoils out of that country, and Demetrius himself, whom they sent to Mithridates (II).? ? Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XIII, Chapter 12 (Absolutely awesome and super-useful) map of Syria and surrounding territories c. 95 BC Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T16 ? The Sons of Thea

Synopsis: While the Ptolemies intrigue in Coele Syria, Antiochus VIII Grypus and his half-brother Antiochus IX Cyzicenus struggle for seventeen years to win control of the north.  After the rivals die in quick succession, the kingdom comes under control of Seleucus VI and Demetrius III, the allied sons of Grypus. ?Then Grypus proceeded to besiege Antioch, the city where Cyzicenus? wife Cleopatra (IV) was to be found, and when it was captured Tryphaena, the wife of Grypus, ordered that the highest priority be given to hunting down her sister?to ensure that she escape one of the miseries of captivity.  For Tryphaena believed that it was from feelings of jealousy towards herself that Cleopatra had entered this kingdom rather than any other, and that she had declared herself her sister?s enemy by marrying her sister?s foe.? ? Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T15 ? Grypus

Synopsis: Cleopatra Thea convinces her son Antiochus VIII Grypus to return to Syria and share the throne.  But once Zabinas is defeated and the kingdom secure, Grypus decides to avenge his brother?s murder. ?Ptolemy (Physcon)?proceeded to devote his entire strength to the destruction of Alexander (Zabinas?) kingdom, which the latter had acquired by Ptolemy?s resources solely because of his hatred for Demetrius (II).  He therefore sent assistance to Grypus on a massive scale and also gave him the hand of his daughter, Tryphaena, in marriage.?  ? Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39 ?After recovering his father?s throne and being freed from threats from abroad, Grypus became the target of his mother?s treachery.  Through her lust for power she had already betrayed her husband, Demetrius, and killed her other son; now she took it ill that her prestige was diminished by Grypus? victory, and so she set before him a cup of poison.?  ? Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T14 ? Zabinas

Synopsis: Demetrius II returns to Syria, but his unpopularity ? and support for the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra II ? results in a usurper named Alexander Zabinas taking most of his kingdom.  Fleeing a military defeat, Demetrius is denied entry to Ptolemais-Akko by Cleopatra Thea, an act that leads to his death.  The elevation of their son Seleucus V results in a darker tragedy. ?Released from confinement among the Parthians and restored to his throne, Antiochus? brother Demetrius (II) decided to make war on Egypt?For his mother-in-law, Cleopatra (II), promised him the throne of Egypt as the reward for his assistance against her brother.? ? Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39. ?Demetrius (II), for his part, was defeated by Alexander (Zabinas) and, with misfortune besetting him on all sides, he was finally abandoned even by his wife and children. Left with a few slaves, he made for Tyre, intending to use the sanctity of the temple to protect himself; but as he disembarked from this ship he was killed on the orders of the governor.? ? Justin, Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 39. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Episode T13 ? Eunus

Synopsis: A Syrian man from Apamea, enslaved on the island of Sicily, renames himself King Antiochus and launches the first large-scale slave rebellion against the Roman Republic.   ?The Sicilians, through the enjoyment of a long peace, grew very rich, and brought up an abundance of slaves; who being driven in droves like so many herds of cattle from the different places where they were bred and brought up, were branded with certain marks burned on their bodies?.their masters were very strict and severe with them, and took no care to provide either necessary food or clothing for them, so that most of them were forced to rob and steal to get these necessities; so that all places were full of slaughters and murders.? ? Diodorus Siculus, The Historical Library, Book 34   ?Then they made Eunus king, not for his valor or skill in warfare, but on account of his extraordinary tricks, and because he was made the leader and author of the defection?At length, putting a diadem upon his head and graced with all the emblems of royalty, he caused his wife, who was also a Syrian from the same city, to be called queen, and chose such as he judged to be the most prudent to be his councillors.? ? Diodorus Siculus, The Historical Library, Book 34   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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