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The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastfeeding Support

The Boob Group: Judgment-Free Breastfeeding Support

We support parents who are passionate about providing breast milk to their babies. Each week, a group of experienced moms openly discuss their success, their struggles and society?s impact on how they feed their babies. The show helps guide listeners by providing an honest, natural and judgment-free approach to breastfeeding, pumping, milk sharing and more.


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Lose Weight While Breastfeeding and Maintaining Your Milk Supply

You're a breastfeeding mom and you still have nine months of pregnancy weight hanging around after the birth of your baby. How can you successfully lose the extra pounds while still maintaining a healthy milk supply for your little one? How many calories are needed to keep your supply and what are some healthy meals to help you keep on track? Plus, how to keep your body from producing too much lactic acid. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Ways to Combat Nursing in Public Harassment

Despite federal and state laws protecting a mother's right to breastfeed in public, many women still face harassment and ridicule when feeding their babies outside the home. What are some of the ways women are harassed? What should you do if asked to cover up? And what resources are available for women who's rights have been violated? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Should I Wear a Breastfeeding Cover?

To cover or not to cover, that is the question! Picture this: you?re walking through the store, your baby gets hungry. What do you do? Do you find a seat in the middle of the mall, unclip your nursing bra and let your little one go to town? Or do you reach into your baby-bag and whip out your trusty nursing cover? Today we?re talking about all breastfeeding covers- should you or shouldn?t you? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Milk Sharing: Mother to Mother

You planned to exclusively breastfeed your baby, but there have been some bumps in your breastfeeding journey. One option is to supplement your baby with another mother's breast milk. And social media has paved the way for many mothers to bypass the milk banks and find mothers who are donating their own milk. But is this safe? What are the main risks and benefits? Learn more from women who have both donated and received milk directly from another mother. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding After Previous Low Milk Supply

When a mother experiences a chronic low milk supply with one of her babies, she may wonder what she could do the next time around to have a greater milk supply. What are some possible causes of low milk supply? What are some recommended ways to increase supply? And how do you handle the constant worry and possibility of not being able to provide enough milk for your little one? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Your Baby in the NICU

If your baby has been placed in the NICU, the separation between mom and baby can sometimes cause a challenge with breastfeeding. How can a mom maximize her breastfeeding success when in this situation? What are your options when it comes to supplementation? And how do you maintain a good milk supply when separated from your baby? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Back to Work: Your Pumping Rights

Your return to work after maternity leave can be challenging. Combine that with an employer who less-than-supportive of your pumping rights and you have even more stress. What are your pumping rights when you return to work? How can you ensure these laws are upheld? And what's the best way to handle your break times and make them work for you?? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Dos and Don'ts of Nipple Shields

What exactly is a nipple shield and how is it used? What types of babies typically benefit from using a nipple shield? Also, what are some of the difficulties of using one and why would you want to wean your baby from it as soon as possible? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Tips When Breastfeeding and Pumping Abroad

As a new mom, you may be familiar with how breastfeeding and pumping is perceived within your own community, but what happens when you need to travel to another country? What about important issues such as breastfeeding in public and finding quality places to pump? How do you stay respectful of other cultures while still pursuing your own personal feeding goals? And where do you turn if you need help?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding While Pregnant

You're pregnant and had no intentions to suddenly stop breastfeeding. While the thought of being pregnant while breastfeeding your little one can be daunting, it is possible for most moms. What type of changes could you experience early in your pregnancy? Should you expect a dip in your milk supply? Plus, tips for the nursing two children shortly after giving birth.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Oral Anatomy and the Affect on Breastfeeding

A baby's latch may look perfect from the outside, but it's what's happening on the inside that's causing the breastfeeding challenge. How can a baby's oral anatomy impact their ability to breastfeed? What are some of the most common issues babies face? And how have our panelists overcome their personal struggles? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Birth Interventions: The Impact on Breastfeeding

Cesarean, induction and epidural rates are at an all-time high. How can birth interventions, such as these, impact your ability to breastfeed your baby? Which type of birth interventions have the greatest risk for negatively impacting breastfeeding? And what can you do, after your birth to minimize these challenges? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Toddlers: Night Nursing and Weaning

We're continuing our popular discussion on what it's like to breastfeed a toddler. What are some great night nursing strategies as well as ways to get your little to sleep without breastfeeding? What's the difference between producing less milk and not enough milk? Plus how to you start the weaning process if that's something you're hoping to do. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What Do You Learn In a Prenatal Breastfeeding Class?

You?re pregnant and you?re planning to breastfeed your baby. But how? Putting your newborn baby at the breast seems pretty basic. Still, you may have many questions, and that?s why many moms are choosing to take a prenatal breastfeeding class! What can you expect from taking one of these classes? What do you really need to know before your baby is born?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Biological Nurturing and Laid-Back Breastfeeding

Mothers have breastfed their babies since the beginning of time- otherwise, the human race wouldn't have survived. So, why does it seem that more and more women are having trouble? Are we missing something that our babies are trying to tell us? Today we're learning all about biological nurturing, which encourages your own breastfeeding instincts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Challenges: Weaning Your Baby

The time has come to wean your baby from breastfeeding. Perhaps it?s your choice or maybe you?re letting your child choose when it?s time to wean. Regardless, it can be a challenge both mentally and physically for both of you. Today we're talking with moms about the practical side of what it takes to wean their babies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Designing Clothes for Breastfeeding and Pumping Moms

Breastfeeding and pumping for your baby isn't always convenient, but having the right clothing always helps! Thankfully, moms have more choices than ever when looking for comfortable clothes that offer the perfect amount of coverage for you and your baby. So, how do companies create these clothes for breastfeeding and pumping moms? What options are out there, and how can the right clothing help you accomplish your personal feeding goals? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Successful Breastfeeding Stories: April King

?We all have our own unique breastfeeding challenges. Overcoming those challenges and persevering can greatly empower you on your breastfeeding journey. April learned about her aggressive cancer just 11 days after giving birth to her fourth child. Determined to breastfeed her baby, April pumped and dumped her breast milk throughout her chemo treatments in order to keep her milk supply. This is her amazing story of strength and determination.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What Does Evidence-Based Information Really Mean?

Having a baby is a big deal. There are so many choices to make. And to make those educated choices, we need information about our options. You may have heard of the term ?evidence-based? information, but what exactly does that mean? And how does it differ from other kind of information out there?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: First 24 Hours

The first 24 hours of your baby's life can make a huge impact on your breastfeeding relationship. What can you do during those first 24 hours to maximize your success? How important is skin to skin contact? And what should you do if you are separated from your baby and are unable to breastfeed?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Traveling with the Breastfeeding Baby

Traveling with a breastfeeding baby or toddler can be anxiety provoking for any parent. What are some great tips to help you thrive during long road trips? Or how about traveling on a plane? What supplies are absolutely necessary and what can you leave at home? Plus, some advice about crossing state lines and visiting different cultures. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Support Through Social Media

More mothers are seeking breastfeeding support through social media. What resources are they typically using to get additional support? What are the benefits of seeking support online rather than in-person? And how crucial are these connections in accomplishing their overall breastfeeding goals? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Challenges: When Babies Bite

Ouch! That's what happens when your sweet, little baby clamps down on you like you're a teether! Sometimes it's on accident and sometimes it's on purpose (followed by a cute smile), but it's never enjoyable for mom. So, when do babies start biting? And how do you get them to stop? Our moms share what's worked best for them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding in Rural Communities

We often take for granted having modern conveniences at our fingertips. But for many moms who do not live in urban communities, these plans look a little different. What if the nearest hospital was 40 minutes or more from your house? What if you only have one health clinic in your town? What does it look like for a mom seeking breastfeeding support right after birth in these circumstances? Today we?re talking about what it?s like to breastfeed in a rural community.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Nursing Strikes: Refusing to Breastfeed

Breastfeeding is going well, and then all the sudden your baby seems uninterested. Sound familiar? Many moms associate this disinterest with signs that your baby is ready to wean, but that isn't always the case. What are some of the main reasons babies go on nursing strikes? How do you overcome them and how do you protect your milk supply in the meantime?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Why is my Milk Supply Decreasing?

Just when you feel like you've got a handle on this whole "breastfeeding thing", you experience a sudden drop in your supply. What are some possible reasons for this? How can going back to work impact your supply? What about baby sleeping through the night, eating solid foods and the return of your monthly period? Plus, some great tips for increasing your milk supply from the beginning and protecting it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding the Jaundice Baby

A jaundiced baby is usually separated from its mother, which means supplementation may be needed. How can a mother help her baby get rid of the jaundice without compromising her breastfeeding goals? Plus, more information about jaundice, what causes it and how it's typically treated. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding with Larger Breasts

Women with large breasts often have concerns when breastfeeding their babies. Will you somehow smother your little one? Could you produce too much milk and become engorged? Will your flow be faster and more uncomfortable for your baby? Today you'll hear from large breasted women who are successfully breastfeeding their babies about what works best for them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Myths and Misconceptions: Milk Supply

There are some many myths and misconceptions about breastfeeding, especially when it comes to milk supply. We're answering some of your top questions including whether or not breast size can be used to gauge effective milk production. Does pumping output equal the same amount your baby is taking at the breast? Is colostrum really enough for your baby in the first few days? Plus, ways to increase milk supply after the first couple of weeks.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Nutrition Tips for the Breastfeeding Mom

We know proper nutrition is important for breastfeeding moms, but what exactly does a well-balanced diet look like? What specifically should we be looking for or avoiding in our food? And what effect does this have on our milk supply and keeping a postpartum mom healthy? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Peaceful Sleep for Breastfeeding Moms

New moms typically struggle with the challenge of feeding their newborn babies while trying to get some decent sleep. What exactly does "normal" sleep look like for your baby? What type of night wakings can you expect during your baby's first year? Plus, what's the best nighttime routine and sleep arrangements for your family?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding for Moms 40 and Older

Are you age 40 or older and wondering if you can still breastfeed your baby? How does your body's ability to produce a full supply of milk change with age? What are the risk factors and potential challenges? And how can you better prepare yourself prenatally?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Body Image and Breastfeeding

As mothers, our bodies go through an incredible amount of change in a short period of time. We spend about nine months growing a baby, and after our babies are born, our bodies create breast milk (the most nutritious food possible) to help them grow and keep them healthy. Our bodies are truly amazing, and still many of us don?t view them that way. So, what?s the problem? And how can these negative feelings impact our breastfeeding goals? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Tips for the Working Mom

Returning to work after having a baby can be quite emotional for a new mom. Add pumping and keeping up with your milk supply and your life can seem pretty stressful. How can you make this transition as smooth as possible? What should you expect from your colleagues, your boss and human resources? And how can you help other breastfeeding moms who may find themselves in the same situation as you? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding and Drinking Alcohol

We're often told to avoid alcohol when breastfeeding. That's the "safe" answer, but it's not always practical. So, if you're going to have a drink, what do you need to know to protect your breast milk? How long should you wait to breastfeed your baby? How much alcohol is actually getting into your milk and how can that impact your baby? Can beer actually boost your milk supply? Plus, learn some alternatives to the dreaded "pump and dump". Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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How Small Businesses Can Help Breastfeeding and Pumping Moms

Nursing rooms have now become a popular thing. More and more venues, public spaces and businesses are recognizing the importance of accommodating moms who breastfeed and breast pump. So, how can small businesses support moms coming into their stores? What's really needed to create a nursing room? What are other options for helping moms if you don't have much space? And how can you promote these services and help grow your business?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding for One Year (How Experienced Moms Made it Work)

How long will you breastfeed your baby? Do you have any goals in mind? There are different recommendations out there, but most experts say giving your baby breast milk for the first six months to one year is ideal. But, how do you actually make this happen? Today we?re exploring the practical side of breastfeeding- featuring moms who?ve been there, done that. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Are You a Lactivist?

Just how passionate are you about breastfeeding? Do you consider yourself a lactivist? Perhaps you proudly use this term to describe yourself, or perhaps you're hearing this term for the first time? So, what exactly is a lactivist? And what impact does it have on the breastfeeding community? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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How Income Impacts Decisions to Breastfeed and Pump

Moms have many options when it comes to how they chose to feed their babies. You can breastfeed, pump, milk share, formula feed or perhaps a combination of any of the above. Sometimes our decisions on how to feed our babies isn't just dependent on what we want, but income may also play a factor. It?s unfortunate, but it?s also reality for many parents, who simply want what?s best for their family. Today we?re exploring how money impacts these choices. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Twins: Weaning

Each child has his own breastfeeding style and needs, which can make weaning your twins more of a challenge. Who typically makes the decision and how? Is it possible to still breastfeed one twin and wean the other? Plus, does the concept "don't offer, don't refuse" really work for twins? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Using Craniosacral Therapy to Improve Breastfeeding

Since breastfeeding requires a baby has full range of motion with his tongue, jaw and neck, some babies may require a little extra assistance to relax these areas and their central nervous system. One technique is Craniosacral Therapy. How does it work and how can it help improve breastfeeding and other challenges new parents face? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Role of Hospitals in the Promotion of Breastfeeding

We know those first days of life are extremely important in developing your breastfeeding relationship with your baby. So, what happens when most of that time is spent recuperating inside a hospital? What is the hospital?s role in the promotion of breastfeeding? Are hospitals doing enough or are some hospitals going too far to promote breastfeeding? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Successful Breastfeeding Stories: Miriam Valdez

We all have personal stories that help shape our breastfeeding journey. Today you'll meet Miriam Valdez who tragically lost her second child within the first month after birth. Miriam shares her experience breastfeeding through pregnancy and the loss of her newborn baby. Plus, learn how continuing to breastfeed her older toddler helped Miriam heal from this difficult situation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Help! My Breastfed Baby Won't Take a Bottle

Why do some babies simply refuse to take a bottle? When is the ideal time to introduce the bottle and how should you do it? Plus, tips for moms who have a difficult time collecting expressed breast milk. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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How to Wean Yourself from Pumping

It?s time to wean your baby, but how? Weaning from breastfeeding is one thing, but what about our pumping mamas out there? How do you wean when you?re primarily pumping for your baby? How long will it take? How do you know when you?re ready? And what are some of the challenges, both mentally and physically? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Encouraging Teen Moms to Breastfeed

Teen moms may face many challenges while caring for their babies, and as a result, most do not continue to breastfeed their babies after they leave the hospital. Today we'll talk with a young mom who is trying to change those statistics. What common concerns do most teens have about breastfeeding? And how can we help encourage them to make an educated choice on what's best for them and their new baby? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding a Preemie

When we're pregnant, we all hope for a healthy baby and a safe labor and delivery experience. And sometimes the best outcome for mom and baby is giving birth much sooner than expected. How does breastfeeding change as the parent of a preemie? What kind of support can you expect from the hospital? How can you maintain your milk supply even when your baby is too small to feed from the breast? And what are your options when it comes to donor milk? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breastfeeding Twins: Schedules and Positions

Breastfeeding twins can be overwhelming, but with a little planning and some great props, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. What are some great positions to try with your newborns and how can these positions evolve over time? What about tandem nursing and the challenges of latching and nursing two babies at the same time? Plus, the pros and cons of keeping your babies on a feeding schedule. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Breast Milk Storage and Handling

As moms begin to pump, it's important to know how long their breast milk can stay fresh and reusable. How long will breast milk stay fresh in the fridge or freezer? Can you reuse breast milk that's already been poured into a bottle? Plus, the real story on shaking versus swirling your breast milk when heating it back up.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Why Do We Need Lactation Rooms (and Legislation that Supports It)?

We are busy multi-tasking mamas, and many of us are breastfeeding and pumping for our babies on-the-go. So, what happens when you need some privacy when you?re out in public with your baby? What are public nursing or lactation rooms and how can they help? Are these area hurting or helping the breastfeeding/pumping cause? Today we?re talking about the importance of lactation rooms and legislation to support it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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