Two friends and the occasional guest take listeners on a chapter-by-chapter exploration of the stories of J.R.R. Tolkien by treating them as sacred texts worthy of close study. One is a relative newcomer and one has been calling herself a hobbit since the age of 8. Each week, we will cover a chapter through a different motif and use sacred practices to dive deep into the lore of Middle Earth.
The podcast A Sacred Fellowship is created by [email protected]. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Lorienne and Kathryn read three poems written by JRR Tolkien and discuss what comes up for us from other cultural sources. Happy New Year.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the last three episodes of Rings of Power and how they fit with general Tolkien themes, especially SPBMI: Shall Prove but Mine Instrument. In other words, how does tragedy or grief become a gift for us? Please share your own stories as you reflect on the theme and share your thoughts on what we discussed. Did we miss your favorite character or scene? Let us know!!
Content warning: suicide is mentioned and both Lorienne and Kathryn strongly urge you to find help if you need it. We are in the front lines. We love you. We want you around. Click HERE for help or TREVOR PROJECT if you want to talk to somebody.
Escape, Recovery, Consolation, and Joy. Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the essay On Fairy Stories and especially eucatastrophe.
Lorienne and Kathryn resume the conversation about Tolkien's essay entitled On Fairy Stories. Tolkien's deep respect for children is awe inspiring. What modern stories are Faerie to you?
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the first five episodes from Rings of Power, Season 2. Looking for some genuine laughter and a non-toxic conversation, this is it!
To help support Kathryn's marathon fundraiser for the Jimmy Fund, please click HERE.
Kathryn and Lorienne are back together at last and talking Tolkien and faërie. We begin our conversation on Tolkien's essay, On Fairy Stories and find there is much to discuss!
Support Kathryn's walk on October 6 HERE.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the final chapter of Prince Caspian through the theme of Commencement.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the penultimate chapter of Prince Caspian and listener Phil raises the terrifying spectacle two Loriennes.
In which Prince Caspian and the High Kings arrange their duel with King Miraz while the Lords G & S have something else in mind for Miraz. Our theme is RESTORATION and we find much to admire in the leadership of King Peter.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the confrontation in Prince Caspian between Nikabrik, the hag, and the werewolf with Caspian, Doctor Cornelius, and Trufflehunter. Satisfaction has legal, religious, and emotional meanings and the lack of it can be jarring.
Kathryn and Lorienne reviews Chapters 10 & 11 in Prince Caspian through the theme of blindness. The term blindness has had metaphorical meaning for centuries. Where do you see blindness, confusion, obstacles? Why can't the children see Aslan?
We love Lucy! Belief is our theme, as in trusting when you don't know, having faith when you are not certain. Let's here it for the thin places where we are off balance and have to trust what comes next.
“Psalm 131
Song of Quiet Trust
A Song of Ascents. Of David.
1 O LORD, my heart is not lifted up,
my eyes are not raised too high;
I do not occupy myself with things
too great and too marvelous for me.
2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a weaned child with its mother;
my soul is like the weaned child that is with me. [245]
3 O Israel, hope in the LORD
from this time on and forevermore.”
Excerpt From
NRSV Bible, eBook
This material may be protected by copyright.
Kathryn and Lorienne take on Chapter 8 of Prince Caspian. In a chapter Lorienne thought was unnecessary, we find great examples of equity, justice, and righteousness.
Kathryn was reminded of this speech here. Lorienne had very strong feelings about expectations and the phrase "no offense."
Lorienne raves connects and confuses Doctor Constantine and Doctor Cornelius. Kathryn helps us feel empathy for a clumsy giant. Caspian is clearly the right king for the job.
Kathryn and Lorienne look at how Prince Caspian begins to form found family around him among various beings in the woods from Old Narnia. From Bulgy Bears to a mouse, there are customs, cultures, mores, and even prejudice to fold into this new family. Kind of like a dreamy dance.
Kathryn muscles through a cold while she and Lorienne discuss Chapter 5 of Prince Caspian. Our orphan gets away from his abusers and runs into a very interesting trio.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss alienation in Chapter 4 of Prince Caspian. Kathryn sees Huckleberry Finn and David Tennant, Lorienne sees Harry Potter and Hamlet. We both see the call to celebrate diversity, own the past, and move toward greater unity.
Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side. And a scribe came up and said to him, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Another of the disciples said to him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” And Jesus said to him, “Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their own dead” (Matthew 8:18-22).
The four children meet a dwarf!
Kathryn is walking a marathon in October to support the Jimmy Fund. If you'd like to support her, reach out at [email protected].
Lorienne recommends Too Big for A Single Mind. A true page turner.
Everybody: Watch Blink!
Coming Home is our theme for Chapter Two of Prince Caspian. As we stroll the apple orchard with the four Pevensies, we see different kinds of coming home, Lorienne just says the word carbuncle a bunch of times, and Kathryn bats a thousand with french and greek pronunciation.
Lorienne and Kathryn rejoin the Pevensies as they are pulled back to Narnia. Our theme is Welcome What Comes and enjoy as we follow the various characters as they respond to their return.
Kathryn and Lorienne honor Tolkien reading day with Holly Ordway's book "Tolkien's Faith: A Spiritual Biography." We look at 4 chapters dealing with choice, fellowship, loss, and the tree itself.
In which Kathryn and Lorienne reach the end of the LWW. Our last chapter theme is fellowship and it abounds in this final chapter.
Are you satisfied by the ending? Let us know.
One person who is not has an article HERE.
Kathryn and Lorienne bound and romp through a thrilling chapter of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Mr. Tumnus is back and we meet all the other statues as they spring back to life. Oh, and the witch takes a dirt nap.
Aslan lives! Lorienne and Kathryn review this dramatic chapter through the theme of foresight. Have you ever played with a thunderstorm?
In which Lorienne and Kathryn grapple with one of the toughest chapters in all children's literature. Tears were shed.
CW--Lorienne mentions her mother, mental illness, and suicide.
We quote 2 Nephi 5-7 which is also Isaiah 50: 5-7. And that makes us quote lots of Handel.
Kathryn and Lorienne give in fully to allegory and ponder Edmund's undocumented conversation with Aslan.
Lorienne recommends The Peacock's Tail Feathers, by Kenneth McIntosh.
Chapter 12 of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe through the theme of recognition. Lorienne gets really hung up on Susan's blister and Kathryn brilliantly steers us through this short and rich chapter.
What does Edmund SEE? Kathryn and Lorienne discuss SPITE in Chapter 11 of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Kathryn shared the great example of Antigone written in 1944 in occupied France. Read about it HERE. We also mention the great Trevor Project again.
Kathryn and Lorienne explore the theme of movement through Chapter 10 with Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and three of the Pevensies. We grapple briefly with Jack's sexist comment and ponder whether the cordial from Mrs. Beaver is licorice-y or liquorishy.
Lorienne and Kathryn discuss projection in Chapter 9 of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We find Edmund working over time with his schemes and twisted logic to do anything he can to avoid blame. Lorienne shudders over a child being treated so cruelly by his author. And Kathryn says "In a world of Edmunds, be a Lucy."
Kathryn and Lorienne stick their toes into the historical pools of Lilith, Genesis Giants, and Stone Lions. Chapter 8 of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe sees the full truth about Edmund and the rest of the fellowship begins to head to the meeting with Aslan.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss hospitality as a two way street and get really hungry thinking about fresh fish. And we say SHIBBOLETH way more than we ever have in our lives, probably.
Interesting article about language HERE.
Interesting article about PIE HERE.
Kathryn and Lorienne find TRUTH in Chapter Six of the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
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Kathryn and Lorienne offer a little gift of some great writing that should be heard, not just read. Enjoy this darling story from Dylan Thomas, A Child's Christmas in Wales. See you in 2024 dear fellowship!
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss Chapter 5 of LWW, On the Other Side of the Door, through the theme of intuition. What is it about Chapter 5 in so many books? Intuition is our theme and we ponder who the Professor is and whose house this is with so many secrets.
If you have a secret and you need to share it and don't feel safe with the people around you, please contact the Trevor Project. They have loving, accepting people standing by ready to listen to you.
In which Kathryn and Lorienne recoil at the culture of grooming and the surveillance state in Narnia. The White Witch finds an easy target in Edmund and we all get introduced to Turkish Delight. We discuss the adult themes behind the child-like tale and we want anyone listening to feel safe. Please know that the Trevor Project is there for you day and night. You are all precious to Kathryn and Lorienne so be safe and be well and Merry Christmas.
Chapter Two of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe through the theme of Integrity. Kathryn and Lorienne plumb the depths of Lucy's first encounter in the Land of Winter with no Christmas.
Kathryn and Lorienne begin our deep dive into Narnia from high above the world of the books and finally zoom into the delicate lace fabric that is the first chapter. We find refuge in these three pages that surprise us and we hope delight you.
We refer again to The Trevor Project. Please read about what they do, volunteer if you are able, and ask for help if you need it. It's a refuge.
The Hero's Journey ends with a return to status quo and a call to the next adventure. Kathryn and Lorienne discuss various ways that is shown in this final chapter of the Lord of the Rings. Who do you think is the hero of the Lord of the Rings? Kathryn mentioned The Trevor Project. And we honor our transgender siblings.
Kathryn and Lorienne get caught up after our long break. We have announcements and a special treat! Enjoy.
Three years and one day after we began, Kathryn and Lorienne approach the end again of Lord of the Rings. We look at return and resolution in the hero's journey and how they are manifest in Many Partings, Homeward Bound, and Scouring of the Shire.
A good article on the return in the hero's journey is here:
Kathryn and Lorienne linger in the Field of Cormallan and spend time with the Steward and the King to look for new life. Meet us in the City of the Tower of the Sun.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss Crossing the Threshold as part of the Hero's Journey. We look at the Chapters Mount Doom, The Last Debate, and The Black Gate Opens. There are metaphorical and actual thresholds to cross in these chapters as we approach the end of the Quest. The armies race north and Frodo and Sam head south.
Kathryn and Lorienne speak of death as real and as metaphor is two of the most difficult chapters we've ever read in terms of what the characters are experiencing. Join us and look for that star in the night!
Kathryn and Lorienne face two fabulous chapters with the help of the hero's journey. Wouldn't it be a lovely world if we all acknowledged that we are always on the road of trial, or have been, or will be again?
How fitting that for our "gross" episode, Kathryn and Lorienne get to the greatest "not-men" in the book and their spine tingling encounter on the fields of the Pelennor. We look at all kinds of supernatural aid, from weapons, to advice, knowledge, assistance, darkness, weather, to the appearance of wind, and to the precision of time. All hail Eowyn and Merry!
Kathryn and Lorienne go through all (most) the characters in The Grey Company, The Muster of Rohan, and the Siege of Gondor. Looking through the lens of the Call to Adventure brings out so much that might be missed on a first reading. Eowyn and Merry and their shared fellowship. Gandalf and Pippin as the ship of fools. And the greatest friendship of all shines through the paths of the dead. HASHTAG TEAM GIMLI!
Remember, you are a small AND significant part of the larger story going around you. Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the theme ORDEAL from the hero's journey and how it relates to Sam, Frodo, Sméagol, Shelob, Shagrat, and Gorbag.
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Sorry about the split episode. We pick up Episode 141 (REWARDS) with our sacred practice and Katherine picked a great passage to discuss.
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Lorienne and Kathryn look at the theme of reward in the hero's journey as it applies to the chapters in Ithilien in Book IV.
In which Kathryn and Lorienne look at the theme of Approach in the Hero's Journey and how it plays out in the opening three chapters of Book IV of LOTR. Here is some great advice for when you are anxious.
Everyone feels anxious now and then. But there are things you can do to minimize those feelings. Mayo Clinic Health System staff suggests trying the exercise below the next time your mind is stuck on the worry setting.
Sit quietly. Look around you and notice:
Kathryn and Lorienne continue to look at the LOTR through the Hero's Journey. In this episode, we look at The Voice of Saruman, the Palantir, and Minas Tirith through the theme of the Road of Trials. Enjoy!
In which Kathryn and Lorienne are rewarded by looking at how various characters get their just desserts.
Our theme--ordeal--appears whenever our characters, the three hunters or the two halflings, have no control over their situation. Kathryn and Lorienne discuss how these characters face their ordeals, manage expectations, and find whatever control they do have.
In which Kathryn and Lorienne depart from Lórien and navigate down a lazy river where the logs have eyes and Legolas wears a crown of stars.
Navigation, whether literal or relational, is a fruitful theme in the Lord of the Rings, as well as a big piece of the hero's journey. Listen while Kathryn and Lorienne discuss navigation of relationships and decisions; navigation through fear, mistrust, and prejudice; and navigating one's purpose, vocation, calling, and doom.
Kathryn and Lorienne look at Vigilance as the opposite of idleness and see how Strider teaches it to the hobbits. We see how vigilance plays a part in the Hero's Journey as it appears in the Lord of the Rings. And, Lorienne sings a song about Borodin.
Kathryn and Lorienne begin a review of the Lord of the Rings through the great theme of the Hero's Journey. We get to the outskirts of Bree examining the ways in which Departure is key to the beginnings of the story.
Doom, or destiny, is not negative, and there are many ways in which that theme is played out in the Hobbit. Kathryn and Lorienne reflect on that theme both in the Hobbit and in other sources of the writings of Tolkien. Not surprisingly, we can find our own doom in our lives, even if not as much is at stake. Store up your treasures in your fellowships, not your arkenstones!
Lorienne and Kathryn find the good disorder and the troubling disorder in the chapters from The Frying Pan to the Warm Welcome in the Hobbit. Kathryn sings an interesting Christmas Carol and Lorienne tries not to imitate Benoit Blanc. Enjoy and write us a review please!
You can't disinter Durin... Kathryn and Lorienne look at the theme of Undertaking as it relates to Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin & Co. We spiral out to consider the orcs, Elrond, and others and we consider the whole history of Middle Earth as it is playing out in these pages.
As a treat near the holidays, Kathryn and Lorienne look at the theme of kindness and where it appears in the writings of Tolkien.
The latest in ASMR as Lorienne opens a brand new book. Also, Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the range of priorities among different characters in Rings of Power and find inspiration for situations in our own lives.
Kathryn and Lorienne talk about our favorite topic with a few Doctor Who tangents through the lenses of Accountability and Honoring the Past. Sometimes, the best way to do both is to move forward and don't look back! We look at major characters in the books, Peter Jackson films, and the recent Rings of Power to see how they do or do not manage to balance both themes.
It is gift giving season! At work? For November writing challenges? For Christmas and Hanukkah? Give them all a gift from The Hero's Journal.
Kathryn and Lorienne do the unimaginable. Every chapter of the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion, plus some extra chapters from Unfinished Tales, has been covered. Oh, but we are NOT done. Enjoy as we sing your praises and thank you for your fellowship over the past two and a half years.
Kathryn and Lorienne look at the evolution of the relationship between Galadriel and her author. Our theme is persistence and she shows it in her life of long defeat, her continuing development up to the last month of Tolkien's life, and in her continuing presence in our culture.
Whether for NaNoWriMo or the winter holiday season, be sure to stock up on The Hero's Journal!
We have reached "On the Rings of Power and the Third Age" (OTROPATA) and Lorienne just had a dream that there were more chapter to The Silmarillion. For the real world, we will draw this out with a two episode discussion interrupted by a discussion of a very interesting Elf.
There is a very special surprise towards the end of this episode, so listen through! Lorienne and Kathryn talk about Episodes 1 through 5 of The Rings of Power. We look for trust between characters and examine our own trust of the series and direction. Not all who wonder or wander are lost.
When are you no longer an Exile? When are you faithful and when are you just stuck in the past? How can I change a curse to a gift? Kathryn and Lorienne look at these and other questions in the second half of the Akallabeth.
Remember, for your own quests, try It will fit on your boat to Middle Earth, in your backpack on the Camino, or on your office desk.
Lorienne and Kathryn manage not to discuss Rings of Power TOO much while delving into the early history of Numenor leading up to the capture of Sauron.
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Kathryn takes a break while Lorienne discusses some of the surrounding literature about the Akallabeth with a couple of Chads and an Arthur. We discuss the first two episodes of Rings of Power without any spoilers, too. Who do you think is the Stranger? Do you think one of us has the right guess?
Thank you to Chad Bornholdt, Arthur Harrow, and Chad High for your generous gift of time and wisdom and humor.
Kathryn and Lorienne are in fellowship recording in the SAME ROOM!!! We look at Fellowship in the final chapter of the Saga of the Silmarils.
Get your Hero's Journal. Or get a dozen.
Ay-ah-ren-deel? Ay-uh-ren-dil? Ee-ar-en-deal? Gondolin is in flames, there are balrogs and dragons everywhere, and we are doing the deep dive on how to pronounce Eärendil! Seriously, we could go down any rabbit hole to prevent coming to the end of the Silmarillion!
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Kathryn and Lorienne take a brief step away from the Silmarillion to examine Turin once again through the fantastic chapter in Unfinished Tales. Does your perspective on Turin change with this version? We note especially the love and pity and empathy he shows in Unfinished Tales that did not make it to the Silmarillion. Share your thoughts with us!
We get the brief version of the end of Hurin's sufferings and the after effects on Doriath. Doesn't look too good for Gondolin either, TBH. We found ourselves wondering about Galadriel in this chapter. Her voice is missing and she likely witnessed and participated, so we imagined a bit of what she might have seen, said, and done.
Thank you to our sponsor, The Hero's Journal!
We take on the second half of this profound and powerful exploration of human nature at its most frail and fallible. We may aspire to be like the greats and we must also pause to consider when we resemble the tragic hero.
Thank you to The Hero's Journal for sponsoring us!
Was there ever a character who was so present, so mindful, so aware, so trusting! Tuor is trusting and patient and is rewarded with the guidance he needs, the friends, the equipment, even the food, and finally the path. Enjoy our discussion of this chapter from Unfinished Tales.
Do you know somebody going through a change in their lives? The Hero's Journal is the perfect companion for their question. Check them out at
Kathryn and Lorienne are looking at this chapter over a few weeks. Our theme is HUBRIS with a side of HARMARTIA. We welcome your thoughts on this chapter, this tragic character, and anything else Tolkien related.
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Hurin and Huor are heroes, but Kathryn's fantastic pronunciations of some of the greatest quotes by Tolkien are EPIC.
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The episode is too short to properly know the chapter of Beren and Luthien and almost long enough that we needed three. In a first ever split, Kathryn and Lorienne resume discussions of Beren and Luthien. Enjoy the journey!
For the first time ever, we are dividing a chapter. Why not take more time with Beren and Luthien! So enjoy this first part of the chapter and our conversation about WILL, willing, battles of will, etc. Stay tuned for the Eleventy First Episode where we will complete the chapter, do a sacred practice and celebrate this Bilbo-esque milestone.
Remember to check out our sponsor, The Hero's Journal.
Kathryn and Lorienne welcome Chad B. back to help us through this rich chapter on the Fourth Battle. Chad helps us see where bits from other chapters fit into the time line of this one and we solve for once and for all the parentage of Gil-Galad. Really. No more questions or confusions.
Our theme is Growth, mostly positive, some a hint of trouble to come, in the first appearance of Men in Middle Earth. Lorienne and Kathryn have a vicious battle over a possible eucatastrophe and we come out just fine. We ponder how changing our minds can allow us to grow.
And remember if you've got a gift to give, there's nothing better than!
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the comforting kinds of solitude and the isolating kinds, each of which show up in this chapter of the Silmarillion. Who doesn't name their child for TWELVE YEARS???
Please support our sponsors The Hero's Journal.
Kathryn and Lorienne look at different types of judgment as they manifest in Of the Noldor in Beleriand. Meanwhile, Turgon and Finrod begin their great projects, Galadriel drops some knowledge on Melian, and Turgon bans a language.
Check out our sponsor at The Hero's Journal.
Who knew a chapter on geography could lead to a discussion of Jewish humor and prophecy, Hamilton references (well, everybody knew that), and profound revelations about home. Who's afraid of Chapter 14? NOT US! Enjoy, and get your own Hero's Journal here!
Obligation runs through this chapter and secrets are kept, alliances made, saving a loved one triumphs over a feud, and Feanor's oath outlives him. And WHY don't Turgon and Finrod share their dreams with one another??
Lorienne and Kathryn, back at our respective homes, discuss Chapter 11 of the Silmarillion, and a bit of Chapter 9, and a bit of the end of Lord of the Rings, as one does. Exile is a rich theme for this chapter. Let us know what you think.
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LIVE FROM LA, it's A Sacred Fellowship! In this episode, your hosts, Kathryn Olsen and Lorienne Schwenk gather around the same computer and talk about the constructive and destructive examples of community in "Of the Sindar."
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Who's got Attachment issues? In the Flight of the Noldor, nobody is spared. There's definitely a winner in the Attachment Achievement Awards. It's the one, the only, Fëanor!
In which Kathryn and Lorienne, joined by Christine Renner, celebrate the music and poetry of the Legendarium, thus marking 100 episodes of the podcast. Thank you to A Hero's Journal, our sponsor.
Two of Queen B's cats fight and yowl and scream while Kathryn and Lorienne try to discuss Ungoliant and Melkor. Tea got spilled. Forbidden Planet, Doctor Who, and of course Hamilton all made an appearance. Join the party!
What could Feanor have been if he had truly understood his Spirit of Fire? What if the Silmarils had been in the safekeeping of the Valar? How does Melkor know so much about Family Dysfunction and Dynamic?
Hosts Lorienne Schwenk and Kathryn Olsen are joined by a host of wonderful people to discuss the impact of love and friendship in the Legendarium. Feelings get drudged up a lot.
Hosts Lorienne Schwenk and Kathryn Olsen are joined by a host of wonderful people to discuss the impact of love and friendship in the Legendarium. Feelings get drudged up a lot.
Kathryn and Lorienne discuss the various kinds of ambition on display in this chapter of the Silmarillion. Even Iluvatar can be seen as ambitious in making sure Fëanor is not an only child.
We don't talk about Utumno no no no. We do ponder why the Teleri weren't ready to cross and remain so long on the Lonely Isle.
When two lovers meet in Mayfair So the legends tell
Songbirds sing and winter turns to spring
Every winding street in Mayfair falls beneath the spell
I know such enchantment can be
'Cause it happened one evening to me
That certain night, the night we met,
There was magic abroad in the air,
There were angels dining at the Ritz
And A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square
I may be right, I may be wrong,
But I'm perfectly willing to swear
That when you turn'd and smiled at me
A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square
Sorry. Really. Here is the continuation of the discussion of the arrival of the Elves, the chaining of Melkor, and the frailty of podcast hosts.
Lorienne and Kathryn begin their discussion of Chapter Three of the QS. Thanks to technical difficulties (Lorienne screwing up), there are two parts to the discussion. Enjoy and continue on with the second part.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.