This class is an overview of the basic principles using sleep to induce astral projection. There are various methods and techniques like Meditation. Or Lucid dreaming to Astral Projection.
This class will clear much confusion about the difficulty, purpose, do and don't related to the process. You don't need to pay for expensive programs. As a human being. It is your birth right to grow. These experiences are but the tip of the iceberg. Entering this journey from an egotistic mind set will not lead to positive outcomes.
As my teacher taught me during one of my astral experiences.
1. CREATION IS MENTAL - The universal mind created creation with mind
2. CORRESPONDENCE - The universe creates with mind (Macro) and so can we(Micro) as above so below.
3.VIBRATIO - It is up to us to decide our path. Our vibration dictates mind set, decision-making, behavioral patterns.
4.POLARITY - It is up to us to understand our character and define our polarity within. Do we have more negative qualities? Do we judge, hate, harm, pollute our immediate area repelling people away? Find the polarity and work on mastering + and -
5. RYTHM - Life is has a steady rhythm. Birth, Growth, Death. Living life unconsiously driven by urges leads to one thing. Suffering. Adjust your rhythm through self awareness and move forward with adjustments.
6.CAUSE AND EFFECT - We are a totality of what we have ever been. There is no past present or future. There is now. Understanding now leads to understanding your past in this life and all others you have lived. Suffering is self inflicted. Either by self or a collective group. In order to stop suffering one must break patterns of self harm by opting out of chaotic mental states.
7.Gender - God is everywhere and in everything. Gender is the representation of a cycle that offers life forms to evolve. We can see how + and - is imprinted in our reality.
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