154 avsnitt • Längd: 210 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
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Spiritual Instruction and Discourses - Vol. 1
The Authentic Seal - Ormylia Publishing 1999.
Holy Cenobium of the Annuciation of the Mother of God, Ormylia (Halkidiki) Greece
1. Means of Effecting the Renewal and Renaissance of the Monastic Ideal, 2. Study of the Way of Restoring the Old Canonical Administration of the Holy Monasteries and especially the Principle of the Cenobium, 3. Paper: On the Preparation of an Internal Regulation for the Holy Monasteries of the Church of Greece, 4. On the Installation of the Monastic Sisterhood of the Holy Cenobium in the Monastery of Saints Theodore in Meteora, 5. Addresses delivered during the Enthronement Ceremony at the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras, 6. Monastic Life: The House of God and the Gate of Heaven, 7. A Choir Equal to the Angels, 8. Regulations Of the Holy Cenobium of the Annuciation Ormylia, Halkidiki
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The Holy Mountain and Paris Today, continued.
“Now is the Judgement of this World”
Selected Writings, Vol. 3 (pages 232-244)
Archimandrite Vasileios of Iveron, Mount Athos.
Alexander Press/Sebastian Press 2022
Athonite Audio on Telegram: https://t.me/athoniteaudio
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Archimandrite Vasileios, Former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings, Vol. 3: Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology - pages 221-231
Alexander Press/Sebastian Press 2022
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First delivered as a talk with the subsequent discussion at the Fourth Orthodox Youth Conference at Panagia Soumela Monastery, Verroia, Greece, on July 17-22, 1989.
Selected Writings Vol. 3 Archimandrite Vasileios of Iveron - Discussion: Pages 160-205
Alexander Press/Sebastian Press 2022.
From: Archimandrite Vasileios, former Abbot of Iveron Monastery - Selected Writings Vol. 3 Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology (Alexander Press/Sebastian Press) 2022.
Book available for purchase from publisher: https://ap.odoo.symbolitech.com/shop/selected-writings-box-set-212
Listener Support: https://buymeacoffee.com/athoniteaudio
Written by: Archimandrite Vasileios - Former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
From: Selected Writings, Vol. 3 - Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology - Page 135 “The Meaning of Typikon”
Published by: Alexander Press/Sebastian Press 2022
Read by: Athonite Audio
Listener Support:
Archimandrite Vasileios, former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings, Vol. 3 - Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology (Alexander Press 2022)
Book available for purchase in the U.S. from publisher Sebastian Press:
Listener Support: https://buymeacoffee.com/athoniteaudio
Archimandrite Vasileios, former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings, Vol. 3 - Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology (Alexander Press 2022)
Book available for purchase in the U.S. from publisher Sebastian Press - https://sebastianpress.org/archimandrite-vasileios-selected-writings/
Listener Support:
Archimandrite Vasileios, Former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings
Volume 2: The Light of Christ Shines Upon All
Chapter 5: Abba Isaac the Syrian: An Approach to His World
Pages 153-191
Alexander Press/Sebastian Press
Archimandrite Vasileios - Former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings
Volume 2: The Light of Christ Shines Upon All
“St John Chrysostom and Monasticism”
Chapter 4 / Pages 137-152
Alexander Press/Sebastian Press
(Excerpt) “The Ease of Violence and the Violence of Ease”
Archimandrite Aimilianos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras
Spiritual Instruction and Discourses - Vol. I
The Authentic Seal
Ormylia Publishing 1999
Holy Cenobium of the Annunciation of the Mother of God
Book available for purchase:
Listener Support: https://buymeacoffee.com/athoniteaudio
(Excerpt) “Beauty Will Save the World: An Athonite View”
Archimandrite Vasileios, Former Abbot of Iveron Monastery, Mount Athos
Selected Writings Vol. III: Monastic Life Today and Liturgical Theology
Book available for purchase:https://ap.odoo.symbolitech.com/shop/selected-writings-box-set-212
Book available for purchase: https://www.ctosonline.org/patristic/EvCT.html
Listener Support: buymeacoffee.com/athoniteaudio
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Episode Contents:
HYPOTHESIS 41: That for those who are not prepared, it is perilous to live alone.
HYPOTHESIS 42: That we should not gainsay anyone in a contentious manner even regarding those things that are considered good, but should be subject to our neighbor in everything.
HYPOTHESIS 43: That whatever happens, happens by the justice of God; for this reason, the believer must always follow Divine Providence and must seek, not his own will, but the Will of God; for he who does or accepts all things in this manner has spiritual rest.
HYPOTHESIS 44: That humility is completely impregnable to demons, how humility is gendered, and what its power is; that humility, more than all the other virtues, is able, by itself, to save a man.
HYPOTHESIS 45: A distinctive mark of the humble man is that he blames and disparages himself and thinks that his good deeds, howsoever many and whatsoever they may be, amount to nothing; what the characteristic traits of humility are, and what are its fruits.
HYPOTHESIS 46: Concerning what profit there is in reproaching ourselves.
HYPOTHESIS 47: That we should not seek honor or desire privileges; for whatever men reckoned to be honorable is an abomination to God.
HYPOTHESIS 48: That to appear to be humble, when this is done inopportunely or excessively, is not beneficial, but harmful; how we ought to act towards those who praise us, and that praise does no harm at all to one who is attentive.
HYPOTHESIS 49: Concerning how one should use clothing, what kind, and up to what point, in order to cover the body, and how the Fathers love frugality, and their very dress; the faithful should prefer frugality and every circumstance.
HYPOTHESIS 50: That we should not do anything to gratify ourselves or do anything out of a passionate craving.
Book available for purchase: https://www.ctosonline.org/patristic/EvCT.html
Episode contents:
HYPOTHESIS 31: One who has come to the ascetic life should only be closed in monastic garb after he has been sufficiently trained in the virtues; the monastic schema is honorable, soul-profiting, and salvific.
HYPOTHESIS 32: The faithful monk should display a manner of life that is appropriate to his schema; for he does not live in conformity with his schema is not faithful; likewise, a Godly old age is not characterized by length of time, but by the way in which a man lives.
HYPOTHESIS 33: The faithful monk should eagerly accept whatever his spiritual Father suggests to him, because all such suggestions are in his interest, even if they induce distress or are arduous; for mercy is given by God for this purpose, and for the alleviation of afflictions.
HYPOTHESIS 34: We should be obedient to our superiors in the Lord, even unto death, and love and fear them.
HYPOTHESIS 35: We should be subject in simplicity to our superiors in the Lord and accept their orders as coming from God, without criticizing, examining, or correcting them, even if they do not seem for the time being to be a benefit.
HYPOTHESIS 36: What the sins of disobedience and grumbling against our teachers in the Lord are; the Christian should not object at all or justify himself, but should in all cases resist his own will and love reproof, not avoid it.
HYPOTHESIS 37: One should not condemn his teacher, even if his teacher does some things at variance with what he teaches; for many disciples have trusted themselves to negligent teachers and, not having condemned them, but remaining subject to them in the Lord, have saved themselves and have become the cause of their teachers’ salvation.
HYPOTHESIS 38: How the Grace of God often teaches those who watch over themselves and entrust themselves to His Providence what they ought to do through simple people and strangers; the humble do not refuse to learn from anyone they may encounter.
HYPOTHESIS 39: The faithful Christian should not be confident in himself, but should believe that through his spiritual Father he is both saved and enabled to do everything good; and he should invoke the prayers of his Elder, for they have great power.
HYPOTHESIS 40: That one should not lightly go out of, or withdraw from, the monastery which he has promised, in the sight of God, to remain until the end of his life; for the Fathers did not even go out of their cells, in which they found great benefit.
Published by: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA - 2008.
Original narrations:
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Episode contents:
HYPOTHESIS 21: That we must confess our thoughts to those among the fathers who are discerning and not trust them to just anyone; how we are to confess and what we should ask our confessors; what faith we should place in the answers of the fathers; and how, through this faith, we should work together with our confessors for the achievement of good.
HYPOTHESIS 22: Concerning the fact that he wishes to be saved, must avoid meetings with careless men and must avoid disturbances, and that estrangement from worldly affairs is necessary for him.
HYPOTHESIS 23: Concerning the fact that we must keep away from those who harm us, even if they are friends or are otherwise quite indispensable.
HYPOTHESIS 24: Concerning the fact that one who has renounced the world should not be entangled at all with earthly affairs, even if they seem justified, but should submit to Divine Providence in these matters also.
HYPOTHESIS 25 of 50: Concerning the fact that evil is easy, and that there are many who choose this, especially in our day; that virtue is demanding, and that there are a few who pursue it; and that we must emulate the latter and pay no heed to the majority.
HYPOTHESIS 26: Those coming to monastic life are received with much testing; those admitted after scrutiny are for the most part reliable; what tasks are entrusted to them.
HYPOTHESIS 27: Rejections of the world based on different circumstances should not be wholly turned aside; we should not immediately dismiss someone who comes to the the monastic community and fervently seeks to remain with the brethren, before we have examined him in detail.
HYPOTHESIS 28: From what point we should begin a life of asceticism; all who start need patience and need to put pressure on themselves, since virtual appears difficult at the beginning, on account of one’s passions and prejudices; but later on it proves to be much easier to acquire; a strong foundation at the beginning is very beneficial; it is impossible to follow Christ or gain any virtue at all if one does not prepare himself as though his death were imminent.
HYPOTHESIS 29: The demons wage a furious war against him who struggles with all his strength, whereas they are uninterested in the negligent, since they have them at their beck and call; those who want the good find God to be their ally, Who permits wars for our spiritual profit.
HYPOTHESIS 30: We should not regard the demons as causes of all the sins we commit, but rather ourselves; for the demons are unable to harm those who are attentive, since the help that comes from God is great; and that God allows struggles in proportion to the strength of men.
Published by: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA - 2008
Original Narrations:
HYPOTHESIS 11: How, after death, souls are assigned to the same place as those souls which lived in a similar way on earth.
HYPOTHESIS 12: God-loving parents should rejoice and be thankful for the trials and temptations that their children endure for the sake of the Lord. As well, parents who love God should exhort their children to struggle and to risk all for the sake of virtue.
HYPOTHESIS 13: How one renouncing the world should go to a remote place; what constitutes a remote place and what benefit derives from it; and what places are most appropriate for living out the ascetic life.
HYPOTHESIS 14: From whence the fear and love of God are first engendered in man and to what extent he is obliged to fear and love God.
HYPOTHESIS 15: It is essential for those who have abandoned the world not to communicate with their relatives according to the flesh or to nurture the slightest interest in them.
HYPOTHESIS 16: We must love our relatives in the flesh equally with our other brothers, as long as our relatives lead a similar kind of life; if, however they conduct themselves in a way discordant with that of our brothers, we must avoid them as harmful.
HYPOTHESIS 17: How we who becomes a monk must bare himself of all things, and how he must dispose of everything which belongs to him. That the existence of personal property for a monk in a coenobitic monastery is clearly disastrous.
HYPOTHESIS 18: It is necessary for one who wishes to be saved to seek the company of virtuous people and, as a thing much beneficial, to question them with exceeding desire and flaming zeal, so as to learn from all those things which are essential for the salvation of the soul.
HYPOTHESIS 19: Regarding the necessity of obedience: what benefits arise from it and how a man accomplishes it.
HYPOTHESIS 20: That one should not trust in himself in anything, but should heed the advice of the Fathers in all things and should clearly confess the secrets of his heart without hiding anything.
THE EVERGETINOS: A Complete Text - Book 1
Published by: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA - 2008
Episode contents:
HYPOTHESIS 1: No one should despair ever, even if he has committed many sins, but should have hope that, through repentance, he shall be saved.
HYPOTHESIS 2: As long as we are in the present life, we must do good here and not delay until the future. For after death we cannot set things aright.
HYPOTHESIS 3: Concerning how we should repent.
HYPOTHESIS 4: That the afflicted should be guided slowly in the works of repentance.
HYPOTHESIS 5: That we must always call to mind death and the future judgement; for he who does not continually expect death and the future judgement is easily overcome by passions.
HYPOTHESIS 6: The Joy of Heaven is inexpressible, as is the glory which awaits the Saints; therefore, we must remember with our whole souls the joy of Heaven and the glory of the Saints. In all that we accomplish, nothing is equal to that joy and glory.
HYPOTHESIS 7: Many times the souls of virtuous people are made cheerful at the time of death by some Divine overshadowing, and thus they depart from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 8: Regarding those who die and come to life again, and how this happens by Divine Providence. And how many times sinners while still alive, beholding the torments of Hell and the demons, shudder with fear; and in this state of fear, their souls depart from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 9: Proof of where the souls of the dying go and how they exist after their separation from the body.
HYPOTHESIS 10: The soul, after its departure from the body, undergoes testing in the air by evil spirits which encounter it and attempt to impede its ascent.
THE EVERGETINOS: A Complete Text - Book 1
Published by: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, Etna, CA - 2008
Saint Porphyrios the Prophet - Witnesses - Volume 2
Many of the miraculous events with regard to Saint Porphyrios remain, to this day -possibly forever- unknown, the same as his great struggles, which he diligently kept secret. This book is just one more piece added to a mystical mosaic that will be revealed to us long after.
Saint Porphyrios is a unique presence in the history of our Church, not only due to his exceptional charismata -gifts of grace- his hidden ascesis and his vast agape but also due to the orifinality of his teachings. He demonstrated that Christ is our friend, our brother, dispersing the fear of punishment ad hell, He advises us to eschew passions, to pay no attention to our bad side and, instead, give ourselves with wholehearted zeal to the love of Christ. In this manner, he guides us towards unbloody sanctification, by demonstrating a way of ascesis born out of love and gratitude to God.
We tend to enjoy the fruits and forget about the care and the effort that goes into growing the tree. We enjoy the Saint's grace, with no appreciation for the labor and the sacrifices necessary to reach such heights, and most of all, to remain for seventy years a steadfast, luminous, warm sun. A sun that shone down from Athos and illumined the horizon. It is truly impossible to shed light on the entirety of the Saint's spiritual toil; the task feels as if you lit a candle and hoped to illuminate a planet. This book is such a candle... (From the prologue of the book)
The world we live has been called a 'vale of tears', a 'place of weeping' - perhaps with good reason. Wherever you turn you see pain, sorrow, undeserved suffering, death, and sin. The 'ruler of this world' (Jn 12:31), the 'world ruler' (Eph. 6:12) is the devil. He is constantly to be seen. God, who is named 'He who is', meaning the One from whom everything comes into being, is nowhere to be seen. 'No one has seen God at any time' (John 1:18). That is why his very existence is a matter of dispute. He has, however, 'revealed himself' (John 21:1), and he promises to manifest himself to whomsoever keeps his commandmentsand loves him: 'I will manifest myself to him' (John 14:21). This book records simple events and conversations, all the while grappling with difficult questions. We see the human struggle to discover the person of God when he is veiled by the logic of this world, our limited understanding, and the arrogant pretentions of human littleness. The book engages intensely with complex and difficult issues...but which leave us confused and at times scandalised. What it does not do is give any direct answers, or try to persuade the reader through logic or impressive arguments. Its aim is to convey the sense of the discreet yet persuasive presence of the true God precisely in situations where He is not visible: in pain, in disability, in the tragedies of life, in inexorable death, as this comes across in true events and is reflected in the lives of real people.
Against his will and at a very young age, young George finds himself in Tibet, "dedicated" to a Buddhist monastery by his grandfather. After fourteen years of devotion to the black arts and worshipping Satan, he finds himself on Mount Athos at age 16, where with the help of Saint Paisius, George learns to confront the forces of darkness with the power of Christ the Light.
Published by: Holy Monastery "Evangelist John the Theologian" - Souroti, Thessaloniki, Greece
Chapter One: Good and Evil Thoughts
Chapter Two: Blasphemous Thoughts
Chapter Three: On Trusting Our Thoughts
Chapter Four: The Struggle Against Thoughts
Chapter One: Acceptance of injustice
Chapter Two: Excuses Turn Away God's Grace
Chapter Three: Divine Righteousness and Human Righteousness
Chapter One: Sin Tortures Man
Chapter Two: Nurturing the Conscience
Chapter Three: Observing and Knowing Our Self
Chapter Four: Awareness of Our Sinfulness Moves God
Chapter Five: The Immense Power of Repentance
Chapter One: Witchcraft and Sorcery
Chapter Two: On the Possessed
Chapter Three: The Terrible Deception
Chapter Four: "The Deceivers and the Deceived"
Chapter One: The Need for a Spiritual Guide
Chapter Two: For an Effective Confession
Chapter Three: The Spiritual Physician of the Soul
Chapter Four: The Work of the Spiritual Father Upon Souls
From: "Hesychia and Theology: The Context for Man's Healing in the Orthodox Church" - Chapter 9: From the Morning Watch until the Night (pages 231-256) - Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia, Greece. www.pelagia.org 1. The Meaning of the Verse from the Psalms 2. Elder Sophrony 3. Elder Sophrony's 'Prayer at Daybreak' a) Personal Relationship with God b) Profound Self-Accusation c) Seeking a Blessing on the Whole Day d) Healing of the Will e) Eschatological Prayer 4. Living Examples 5. The Text of the Prayer at Daybreak
Theology as Charisma and Experience, continued
a) St John the Theologian and Evangelist
b) St Gregory the Theologian
c) St Symeon the New Theologian
d) St Gregory Palamas
Discussion after the Talk
Q1 Progress in Prayer
Q2 The Worldwide Influence of Russian Theologians
Q3 Curing Human Beings
Q4 Noetic Prayer and Evagrius of Pontus
Q5 The Method of Hypnotism and Orthodox
Q6 Obedience to the Spiritual Father
Q7 Monasticism and Marriage in Relation to Deification
Q8 Holy Communion and Confession
Q9 Holy Communion and Holy Relics
Q10 The Possibility of Baptism in the Mother’s Womb
Q11 Birth Control
Q12 The Relationship between the Divine Liturgy and the
Jesus Prayer
Q13 Theology and Philosophy
Q14 Discerning between Thoughts
Q15 Sorrow and Depression
Part 3 - Romania
1. The Hesychastic Life according to St Basil the Great
1. Correspondence with St Gregory the Theologian
2. Sacred Hesychia and God’s Temple
a) Wandering
b) Leaving the World
c) Life in the Wilderness
d) Prayer and Reading
e) Hesychia
f ) Nous and Theoria
g) Temple of the All-Holy Spirit
h) Transformation of the Whole of Life
3. Hesychast and Celebrant
Discussion after the Talk
Q1 The Link between Hesychastic Experience and the
Divine Eucharist
Q2 Theoria of the Divine Light
Statement on the Television Station of the Patriarchate of
The International Conference on St Basil the Great
2. Bringing Up Children Today
1. Children are God’s Gift
2. Bringing up Children in the Church
3. Children as Equal Members of the Church
4. Difficulties connected with the Development and
Upbringing of Children Today
Discussion after the Talk
Q1 The Hour of Death
Q2 Sickness of the Nous
Q3 Noetic Prayer
Q4 Holy Communion and Confession
Q5 Homeopathy
Q6 Children in the Church
Q7 Choosing Someone to Care for Children
Q8 Dialogues between the Orthodox and non-Orthodox
Q9 Children Facing Death
Q10 Children and Church Attendance
Q11 Religious Education in School
Q12 Demonic Attacks on Children
Q13 Psychological Disturbance
Q14 Unloved Children
3. Interview - The Theology of St Gregory Palamas and the
Scholasticism of Barlaam
Q1 The Historical Context of the Life of St Gregory
Q2 Influence of the Holy Mountain on his Life
Q3 Effect of his Conflict with Barlaam
Q4 Popular Interest in Theological Issues
Q5 Summary of St Gregory Palamas’s Teaching
Q6 Knowledge of God
Q7 Patristic Teaching as the Basis of St Gregory Palamas’s
Q8 Consequences of the Church’s Victory through St
Gregory Palamas
Q9 The Message of St Gregory Palamas for our Era
4. Interview - Therapy and Truth
Part 4 - Georgia
1. About Orthodox Psychotherapy
1. Why the Book was written
2. The Book’s Title and Subtitle
3. Discussions about the Subject Matter of the Book
4. Orthodox Psychotherapy from the Psychological Point of View
5. Basic Elements of Orthodox Therapeutic Treatment
Discussion after the Talk
Part 5 - St Paissy Velichkovsky
St Paissy Velichkovsky – A Great Hesychast Father
1. His Path to Monasticism
2. Searching for and Translating the Writings of Hesychast
3. Spiritual Guide to Hundreds and Thousands of Monks
4. Experiencing Hesychastic Monasticism
5. His Saintly Decease
6. The ‘Philokalic’ Movement in the Orthodox World
The book The Orthodox Church in the World contains theological talks given by the author in Cyprus, Russia, Romania and Georgia at a variety of conferences.
The Orthodox Church in the World includes subjects as: Personalism and Person, Theology as Science and as Charisma, The Hesychastic Life according to St Basil the Great, Bringing Up Children Today, Dogma and Ethics and Orthodox Psychotherapy. There are interviews on Therapy and Truth and The Theology of St Gregory Palamas and the Scholasticism of Barlaam, and the final chapter is devoted to St Paissy Velichkovsky – A Great Hesychast Father who “unites the Holy Mountain with the Balkans and Russia.”
An unusual feature of The Orthodox Church in the World is the record of the wide-ranging discussions that took place between the author the audience after each talk. Answers are given on issues of the spiritual life, which will help the clergy, monks and laypeople, parents and young people. True theology can transform society. The author points out to his audience the great importance and value of the Church’s hesychastic tradition, which gives meaning to life.
His Eminence the Metropolitan Hierotheos stresses that Orthodoxy possesses a spiritual therapeutic method for curing human beings so that, once cured, they can meet God as light and Paradise, and not as fire. Curing the human soul is not an individual act, but a method followed within the Church through the Sacraments and asceticism, by which man acquires unity with God. Discerning the depths of his listeners’ hearts and their concerns, the author answers them from his heart, revealing aspects of his own personal life.
At the end of book, prompted by the publication of the book St Paissy Velichkovsky, by Professor Antonios-Emilios Tachiaos of the Theological School of the University of Thessaloniki, the author identifies basic points from this impressive and surprising biography of St Paissy, who loved hesychia and the neptic tradition of the Church from his youth.
St Paissy Velichkovsky - A Great Hesychast Father
1. His Path to Monasticism
2. Searching for and Translating the Writings of Hesychast Fathers
3. Spiritual Guide to Hundreds and Thousands of Monks
4. Experiencing Hesychastic Monasticism
5. His Saintly Decease
6. The 'Philokalic' Movement in the Orthodox World
(Pages 405 - 435 of "The Orthodox Church in the World: Talks and Discussions in Cyprus, Russia, Romania and Georgia")
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery - Levadia, Greece
THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST - (Excerpt from Feasts of the Lord by Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
CHRIST'S PASSION & CROSS - (Excerpt from The Feasts of the Lord by Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
Homily delivered in the Church of St. Nicholas, Trikala, Greece, 17 January, 1971.
Excerpt from "The Church at Prayer"
Edited and annotated by: The Holy Convent of the Annunciation, Ormylia.
The Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra is one of the most renowned elders of modern Greece. The works collected in the present volume reflect the importance which the Elder consistently attached to prayer, spirituality, community life, worship, and liturgy. The experientally based works "On Prayer" and "The Prayer of the Holy Mountain"' which deal primarily with the Prayer of the Heart, appear first, followed by the addresses "The Divine Liturgy" and "Our Church Attendance." These are in turn followed by the more socially oriented discourses "Our Relations with Our Neighbor" and "Marriage: The Great Sacrament." Finally, this volume closes with the sermons "Spiritual Reading" and "The Spiritual Life", which in a simple and yet compelling manner set forth the conditions for "ascending to heaven on the wings of the Spirit."
Compiled by St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood
Translated by Ana Smiljanic
The Life of Elder Thaddeus
The Teachings of Elder Thaddeus
1. On Thoughts, 2. On Family Life, 3. On Humility, 4. On Serving God and Neighbor, 5. On Monasticism, 6. On Repentance, 7. On Prayer, 8. On Love, 9. On the Fallen World, 10. On Spiritual Struggle, 11. On the Faith, 12. On Inner Peace, 13. On the Spiritual Realm, 14. A Homily on the Dormition of the Mother of God, 15. Repentance is a Change of Life, 16. Collected Sayings of Elder Thaddeus
+May his prayers and blessings be upon us.
(Excerpt) Chapter 9: On the Fallen World
Published by: Saint Nilus Skete, Alaska
Written by: Hieromonk Ephraim
Book available: https://www.stnilus.org/book.htm
Part VI - General Monastery Issues
14) Internet: i) Spiritual Harm, ii) Physical Harm, iii) Psychological Harm, iv) Cognitive Harm Pages 337 - 367
Book available from publisher: https://www.pelagia.org/the-feasts-of-the-lord.en.aspx
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery - Levadia, Greece
Translated by: Esther Williams
Chapter 4: The Meeting of Christ in the Temple
Published by Holy Cross Press, 1987
ISBN 10: 0917651448 ISBN 13: 9780917651441
Table of Contents: Chapter 1: First Impressions / Chapter 2: A Short Trip / Chapter 3: At the Monastery of Dionysiou / Chapter 4: I Become a Monk in Saint Anne / Chapter 5: My First Confession on the Holy Mountain / Chapter 6: Our Group As a Spiritual Nursery / Chapter 7: Scenes From the Life of our Kalyva
Book available: https://svspress.com/saint-silouan-the-athonite-new-edition/
Telegram episode: https://t.me/athoniteaudio/1665
Chapter 10: Spiritual Trials (pages 193-207)
SVS Press, paperback, 1st Edition 1991.
Written by: Saint Sophrony of Essex, England
Translated from the Russian by: Rosemary Edmonds
Originally published in 1991 by the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Tolleshunt Knights by Maldon, Essex
"Man does not always find it easy with God. In the generally much prolonged periods when grace abandons the soul, God may appear a merciless tyrant. When all his efforts - often pushed to extreme limits - fail to obtain Divine mercy, man suffers acutely that were it possible, he would renounce existence in any form. What, then is the nature of suffering? Not an easy question to answer." (p. 193)
"The soul from love of the Lord has lost her wits. She sits it silence, with no wish to speak, and looks upon the world with mazed eyes, having no desire for it and seeing it not. And people do not know that she is contemplating her beloved Lord, that the world has been left behind and is forgotton, for there is no sweetness therein." (p. 207)
Book available from publisher: https://svspress.com/wisdom-from-mount-athos/
Telegram episode: https://t.me/athoniteaudio/1666
Saint Silouan was a Russian peasant whose only formal education consisted of two winters at the village school. But on Mt Athos, rooted in a tradition reaching back to the very beginnings of Christian monasticism, he was taught of God and attained wisdom and spiritual maturity akin to that of the Desert Fathers.
1. Of the Knowledge of God
2. On Love
3. The Soul’s Yearning for God
4. Adam’s Lament
5. On the Mother of God and the Saints
6. We are God’s children—we are in the likeness of the Lord
7. On the Will of God and on Freedom
8. On Prayer
9. On Humility
10. Concerning Peace and Grace
11. Spiritual Warfare
12. Thoughts on departing from this life
Published by: Holy Monastery of the Evangelist John the Theologian - Souroti, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Book available for purchase: https://www.athoniteusa.com/products/elder-hadji-georgis-the-athonite
Contents include: Prefatory note, Preface, Introduction, The Life of our Blessed Father George (Hadji-Georgis), Letter of Hadji-Georgis to Metropolitan of Chios, The Spiritual Forefathers of Hadji-Georgis, Spiritual Laws, Epilogue
Published by: Saint Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery - Florence, Arizona.
Book available to purchase at: https://stanthonysmonastery.org/products/the-departure-of-the-soul-readers-edition
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)
What happens to our soul at the hour of its departure from this world? What is waiting for us in the next life? Are we ready for the final journey to the meeting with God?
The most certain thing in life is death. And yet so few have sure knowledge of what happens at that hour, the most critical hour of our existence. The reader's edition of The Departure of the Soul includes the most vivid and gripping accounts from the comprehensive 1,112-page master reference edition—accounts of the departure of the soul as revealed by God to His saints. They experienced the mystery, they saw the departure, and they returned from that awesome spectacle to teach us how to be prepared.
HOMILIES 41 - 77 (Part 3 of 3)
Published by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Brookline, Massachusetts
HOMILIES 1 1 - 40
Published by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Brookline, Massachusetts
Published by: Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Brookline, Massachusetts
Book Available for Purchase:
https://uncutmountainpress.com/shop/product/patristic-theology/ Published by Uncut Mountain Press
The Feasts of the Lord: An Introduction to the twelve feasts and Orthodox Christology
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery - Levadia, Greece.
Translated into English by: Esther Williams
The Feasts of the Lord: An Introduction to the twelve feasts and Orthodox Christology
Written by: Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierotheos
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery - Levadia, Greece.
Translated into English by: Ester Williams
Published, translated, and edited from the original Greek by: St. John Chrysostomos Greek Orthodox Monastery - Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. 2021.
In honor of the most-noble Athonite Elder, Saint Joseph the Hesychast, teacher of noetic prayer and reviver of the neptic tradition in modern times.
Dedicated to: My Elder of blessed memory, Father Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona, the unwavering guide of noetic, grace-filled prayer.
CONTENTS: Praying with the Name of Jesus Christ; "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" for Clergy and Laity; Manners and Phases of the Prayer; The Jesus Prayer and the Warfare of the Devil; The Jesus Prayer and Purification from the Passions; Prayer, Nepsis and Hesychia; Prayer and Enlightenment of the Nous; Prayer and Mystical Union with God within the Heart; Prayer and Delusion; Epilogue
Published by: The Holy Convent of the Evangelist John the Theologian, Souroti, Thessalonica, Greece.
Duties and obligations of every Orthodox Christian family, and every struggling faithful Christian who is not neglecting his salvation.
Sacred Hermitage of Saint Athansios the Great and the Holy Neomartyrs Akylina, Kyranna and Argyre, Galini Ossis Lagada. It is newly established, please pray for it's completion and spiritual progress.
Published by: "Orthodox Kypseli" Publications, Thessalonika, Greece 1998.
Translated by: Father Nicholas Palis
Edited by: Father Mark Andrews
"But the word of God cannot be bound" (2 Tim. 2:9).
Teachings: About Noetic Prayer, About the Holy Eucharist, About Charity.
Experiences & Testimonies of his Spiritual Children
Written by Monk Joseph Dionysiatis - Athos.
Originally from the brotherhood of Saint Joseph, the Cave-Dweller, Father Haralambos went on the become the abbot of the large Monastery of Dionysiou on Mt. Athos. He reposed in December, 2000. This book writes about his life, teachings, and testimonies of his disciples.
CONTENTS of EPISODE: (Part 2 of 2)
Everyday Life – Pastoral Ministry 1. Elder Sophrony in Everyday Life a) Welcome b) Divine Liturgy – Prayer c) Refectory d) Hospitality e) Love for People f) Discussion – Confession g) Visits h) Love for Nature i) Sense of Humour j) Taking Leave 2. Theologian and Shepherd 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1988 1991 3. Various Words of the Elder In Conclusion Encomium by Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos Appendix Timeless Relevance 1. ‘The Elder of the Monastery’ 2. ‘Living Theology’ 3. ‘Elder Sophrony’s Personal Participation in the Mystery of the Cross’ 4. ‘On Prayer – The New Book by Archimandrite Sophrony’ 5. ‘From the Morning Watch until the Night’ 6. ‘The Theology of Elder Sophrony’ 7. ‘The Chariot and Horseman of the Israel of Grace’ 8. ‘Elder Sophrony’ 9. ‘The Person as Truth in the Teaching of Elder Sophrony’
CONTENTS OF EPISODE: Foreword by the Ecumenical Patriarch to the Greek Edition Preface by the Author to the Greek Edition Introduction Part 1 ‘Spiritual Autobiography’ 1. The Charismatic Elder Sophrony 1. The Theology of Elder Sophrony a) The Theological Formation of Elder Sophrony Sakharov b) A Presentation of the Theology of Archimandrite Sophrony 2. ‘Spiritual Autobiography’ 1. The Teaching of the Church as the Fruit of Experience 2. Marvellous Works a) Early Experience b) ‘Struggling with God - Mindfulness of Death’ c) ‘Fall’ d) ‘Returning to Christ’ – “I AM THAT I AM” e) ‘Mourning’ f) ‘Reaching up to God’ g) ‘Visions of the Uncreated Light’ h) The Coming of the Uncreated Light and Its Concealment i) Sermon on the Uncreated Light j) ‘Living Confirmation’ – Saint Silouan 3. Conclusion 3. Struggle to Know God 1. Meeting and Conversation with David Balfour 2. Reflections on the Book Struggle to Know God a) The Basis of the Book Saint Silouan the Athonite b) Two Levels of the Spiritual Life c) Self-emptying Love d) The Experienced Spiritual Guide e) Hesychastic and Liturgical Life f) ‘Triple Alliance’ g) Conversion of Non-Orthodox to Orthodoxy h) The Orthodox Church and other Organisations and Confessions i) Self-emptying Love after the ‘Rift’ and the Fall j) Miraculous Intervention and Repentance k) General Impression l) Testimony 3. Autobiographical Elements a) Reason for the Letters b) The Orthodox Church c) Theophany – Divine Grace d) Godforsakenness e) Spiritual Struggle f) Temptations g) Orthodox Monasticism h) Spiritual Guidance i) Saint Silouan
PART 2 of 3
Original Greek published by the Holy Monastery Panagia - Odigitria - Portaria, Volos, Greece.
English translation published by St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery - Goldendale, WA, USA.
PART 1 of 3
"I do not have eloquent speech... but these humble words that I say to you, I say from my heart."
Original Greek published by the Holy Monastery Panagia - Odigitria - Portaria, Volos.
English translation published by St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery - Goldendale, WA
The Feasts of the Lord: An Introduction to the twelve feasts and Orthodox Christology
Written by: Metropolitan of Nafpaktos Hierothoes
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery, Levadia, Greece.
Translated into English by: Ester Williams
First Edition 2003
Dedicated to the Venerable Personalities who lived Orthodox Monasticism on the rugged harsh rocks of our island.
Written by: Agnes Maglis, Abbess; Euseveia Kassiotou, nun.
Translated by: Father Nicholas Palis
Revision of the English translation: Mrs. Anastasia A. Koutoulakis, Fr. Nicholas Samaras and Anges Manglis, Gerontissa
Published by: Holy Monastery "Evangelist John the Theologian", Souroti, Thessalonica, Greece
PART 3: Spiritual Bravery
PART 4: Dependency Upon Heaven
PART 5: Spiritual Weapons
Published by: Holy Monastery "Evangelist John the Theologian", Souroti, Thessalonica, Greece
Saint Paisios the Athonite (+1924–1994) was one of the most loved and revered Greek Orthodox Elders of our times. Living as a monk in the ancient monastic republic of Mount Athos, Greece, he lived in the Kingdom of God even while on earth, and received many heavenly visitations. He lived in obscurity, giving himself over entirely to God, and God gave him to the whole world. During the last fifteen years of his life, he spent his nights in prayer and his entire days gathering human pain and spreading divine consolation. He guided, consoled, healed, and gave rest to countless people who took shelter in him. His sanctified soul overflowed with divine love, and his face radiated divine Grace.
(Part 4 of 4)
(Part 3 of 4)
From the Prologue:
"With the help of God, and after the work of a great many years, our Sisterhood, propelled by our sacred obligation toward the Saint, who for twenty-eight years had guided and benefited us in so many ways, presents the publication of the Biography of Saint Paisios the Athonite.
We also had the great blessing of gaining some insight into the immeasurable love the Saint had for God, his monastic exactitude, his absolute self-denial and the power of his fervent prayer. Having lived in such close proximity to him, we personally experienced his holy simplicity and his profound humility, his God-illuminated discernment, his noble love for each person, but also his deliberate efforts to conceal his virtues.
We therefore deemed it our obligation to utilize all the materials - both information and knowledge bequeathed to us in order to compose, to the best of our ability, the biography of the saintly Elder. The contents of this Synaxarion stem primarily from our communication with the Saint - from the notes we had kept during the gatherings of the Sisterhood and the private conversations we had had with him; from his letters not only to the entire Sisterhood but also to each Sister; from the numerous verbal and written testimonies which had been entrusted to us by clergy, monks and lay-people who had met the Elder' as well as from information that had been gathered from the on-site research we had conducted in some of the areas where the elder had lived and struggled.
From the Contents:
- Prologue-
- Chapter One: From Pharasa to Homeland of Greece
- Chapter Two: The Years of his Childhood and Youth
- Chapter Three: Military Service
- Chapter Four: Preparations and Temptations
- Chapter Five: At the Holy Monastery of Esphigmenou
- Chapter Six: At the Holy Monastery of Philotheou
- Chapter Seven: At the Holy Monastery of Stomion
- Chapter Eight: At God-trodden Mount Sinai
- Chapter Nine: At the Skete of Iveron of Saint John the Forerunner
- Chapter Ten: At Desolate Katounakia
- Chapter Eleven: At the Kelli of the Precious Cross
- Chapter Twelve: At the Kelli of Panagouda
- Chapter Thirteen: From Earth to Heaven
Saint Porphyrios the Prophet - Witnesses - Volume 1
The holy, God-bearing and miracle-working Porphyrios Kafsokalivitis, founder of the H.M. of the Transfiguration of the Savior in Milesi, it was that great morning star and prophet of our generation. Through him, the presence of the Holy Spirit in our times was confirmed once again.
The plenitude of his virtues, his saintly way of life, his great and ample charismata (divine clairvoyance, foresight, prophetic gift, healing) distinguished him as a potent beacon of spiritual light that will guide future generations. His charismata will stay with him, in all their magnitude, until the end of his earthly life and will attest to his being a Temple of the Holy Spirit.
The number of testimonies regarding his profound prophetic charisma reveals the Saint's communion with God. Christ was a friend to him. Because he had immediate knowledge of Him, he was able to disclose His will about future events, weights are for all of us are unknown, dark and impenetrable. There is no doubt that the Saint progressed rapidly through the stage of catharsis and reached enlightenment, attained theosis (godliness), theoria (vision of God) and Perfecting.
He experienced divine Grace to a great degree and inspired by the Holy Spirit, "ran" to the future and foretold what was to come with a sense of responsibility, in order to build up the souls of men in Christ. From the first years of his spiritual service people called him prophet-priest.
We come across prophets in the New Testament as well, as in the Old. The concept of prophet is attributed also to the Disciples and the Fathers of the New Testament.
Saint Prophyrios reposed on December 2, 1991, according to the new calendar, the feast of Prophet Avvakum, and on November 19 according to the Athonite old calendar, the feast day of Prophet Avdiou. He is celebrated, as a Prophet himself, shortly before Christmas. (From the prologue of the book)
This profound book written in 1851 and preserved in the library of our Sacred Monastery of Saint Xenophon represents the fruit of holy and spiritual revelations, painful struggles, and divine experiences and ascents of this humble, unknown ascetic of the Holy Mountain.
-Very Rev. Archimandrite Alexios, Abbot of St Xenophon, Mount Athos
Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos wrote this book about Elder Sophrony as an expression of gratitude for his long association (17 years) with the Elder and “to share with readers the spiritual wealth that I unworthily received”. The first part of the book is a spiritual portrait of Elder Sophrony. After a brief survey of his theology, the author examines the Elder’s writings in the light of the experience of saints of the Church, particularly St Paul, St Symeon the New Theologian and St Gregory Palamas, thus placing his teaching in a wider context. There is a careful analysis of the Elder’s correspondence with David Balfour, which reveals “many subtle details of the spiritual life” but also how “a genuine spiritual father guides those entrusted to him”. The second part of the book records what the author learnt and experienced during visits to the Monastery of St John the Baptist in meetings and informal conversations with the Elder and as a concelebrant at the Divine Liturgy. Over the years he carefully recorded the Elder’s words and amassed an archive of notes that he publishes here. The subjects covered reflect both Father Sophrony’s and the author’s personal and pastoral concerns and include prayer (particularly the Jesus Prayer); monasticism and obedience; priesthood and the temptations it brings; giving spiritual guidance; the problems facing those who become Orthodox; and family life. The discussions also shed light on theological issues close to the Elder’s heart. The book shows us a “great hesychast and theologian, but also a wise, discerning and prophetic spiritual father” and brings us closer to the man in Christ.
Published by: Holy Convent of the Transfiguration of the Savior - Athens, 2007.
"Elder, where can we find the solution to our problems?"
"Only holiness will solve your problems."
The realm of the sacred and the transcendent, as expressed by that child of God and true man, Elder Porphyrios, belongs to the category of the unbelievable. It can however become believable because, "sin does not prevail where grace abounds." Elder Porphyrios was a person filled with grace, a bearer of the power of the Holy Spirit, a child of the Kingdom, a genuine and true tree of paradise.
Whoever wishes to speak about the inner spiritual life of a saint, must be a saint himself. We, the writers of this book, are not saints. We are confined to what we saw and what we heard. We are amongst those many others, who, as St. Luke the Evangelist says, have “taken in hand to set in order a narrative.” We are not trying, with our poor and futile speech, to describe the life of a contemporary saint, but rather we are falteringly trying to express our joy in having met a saint; our joy that Christ lives yesterday, today and forever; our joy that holiness is not a thing of the past, that grace can be felt next to us, that our hands touched a “little father” who really lived the expression “I no longer live, for Christ lives in me.”
Until the Lord reveals the servant who was Elder Porphyrios’ eye-witness, who observed him throughout his life and in all his works and will write about his life accurately and fully, we are forgiven. For we have only seen “in part.” We describe, write about and speak of the miraculous things that God did for us through His servant, Porphyrios. Amin.
From his earliest years Iakovos Tsalikis wanted to become a monk, but he would have to wait. The world had to get to know him and he had to get to know the world. Born in Livisi, a picturesque village in Asia Minor, the Tsalikis family was forcibly uprooted from their ancestral homeland. Leaving the life they knew behind, they took with them what was their true life - their Faith. Resettled in Northern Evia, the future Saint was raised in piety and trained in virtue by his grandmother Despina and mother Theodora. Iakovos worked hard alongside his father, Stavros, and eventually became the provider for the family. At the age of 32, he realized his calling in life by entering the Monastery of Saint David the Elder in Evia, living the rest of his life there as a monk. He rose above insurmountable obstacles, labored ascetically beyond what is human and suffered greatly for the sake of Christ. He received divine gifts as his reward, including clairvoyance and miracle-working, becoming an Elder of great stature. The author of this book, Professor Stylianos Papadopoulos, was blessed to know the Elder personally. His intimate knowledge of the Elder’s life together with his literary talent make the story on these pages come alive. God has not left us without Saints in our age of falsehood and agnosticism. Saint Iakovos intercedes for us today, now glorified among the Saints in heaven. From the vivid, lively stories in this book, may we be moved to glorify God and ask Saint Iakovos to intercede for us!
An Interpretation of the Divine Liturgy Based on Actual Events and Experiences of Holy Priests, Monks and Lay People (Piraeus, Greece, 2008)
"It is a fact that numerous interpretations of the Divine Liturgy which were mainly based on the enlightenment and Grace of the Holy Spirit, were handed on to us by the Church Fathers. What makes this current analysis of my spiritual child Fr Stephanos Anagnostopoulos, of the Divine Liturgy noteworthy as well as beneficial, is the fact that it is offered through the experiences and revelations of worthy Liturgists of the Most High, older and more recent ones.
I, as well as its author, wish that this book will lead us all to the genuine liturgical conscience and life in order to urge us in a spirited way, as grateful servants to try to rest the heart of His feelings so that He will be comforted, according to the Psalter: ‘. . . and because of His servants shall He be comforted’ (Ps. 134:14). May we sense that which God offered us and thus rejoice in the beauty of His eros. Amen. (p. 11)" - Saint Ephraim of Philotheou & Arizona
Translated into English and published by:
Orthodox Kypseli Publications - Thessaloncia, Greece
Translated & Published by: St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite Publication Society
Translated & Published by: Holy Monastery "Evangelist John the Theologian" - Souroti, Thessalonica, Greece 2002.
The Elder Ieronymos of Aegina, written by Peter Botsis
Published & translated into English from the Greek original by the Holy & Great Monastery of VATOPEIDI, Mt. Athos.
"I do not have eloquent speech... but these humble words that I say to you, I say from my heart."
Complete and unabridged Homilies 1 - 65
The Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian
The Life of the Athonite Elder Philaret of the Holy Monastery of Constamonitou
The life of Athonite Elder Codratus of the Holy Monastery of Karakallou
Narration of the life of Elder Ignatius of Katounakia, the Father Confessor
The Life of Elder Savvas the New Confessor
Narrated from: "Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos, Volume 2"
THE LIFE OF ELDER GERASIM MENAGIAS of blessed memory. Narrated from "Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos, Volume 2"
+Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra, continued...
(Part 5)
The Throne of God
We Have Found Paradise
+Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra, continued...
(Part 4)
On Spiritual Rebirth
Theology and Experience
Revelation and Knowledge of God in Humility
(Part 3)
Have We Received the Holy Spirit?
Awaiting Pentacost
The Eternal Marriage
(Part 2)
(Part 1)
episode segment details to follow
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
The Science of Spiritual Medicine (Part 1) - Orthodox Psychotherapy in Action
table of episodes to follow
Cure of the Passions
General Methods of Healing the Three Parts of the Soul
Many Stages & Degrees of Dispassion
Orthodox Pathology
Particular Methods for Particular Passions
Paths Leading to Dispassion
Suggestions from the Fathers
Therapeutic Methods Applying to All the Passions
Devotion to Stillness
Hesychia as a Method of Healing
Noetic Hesychia & Repentance
Stillness of the Soul
Detailed table of contents of episode segments to follow. Kind thanks for your patience. Daily updates.
Orthodox Christianity as a Healing Science
What Therapy Is?
table of contents for episode to follow
table of contents to audio to follow
Sixty-Fifth Letter
table of contents for podcast to follow
Thirty-ninth Letter
Fortieth Letter
Table of Contents to podcast to follow
Sixteenth Letter
Seventeenth Letter
Eighteenth Lette
Nineteenth Letter
MONASTIC WISDOM: The Letters of Saint Joseph the Hesychast
Table of Contents for podcast to follow
The Uncreated Light, cont.
Prayer Wherein God is Revealed in Truth
The Hypostatic Union of the Godhead and the Human
Summation of the Life of our Spirit
Concerning Spiritual Liberty
Emptiness - God has Withdrawn
Love - To the Point of Self-Hatred
The Uncreated Light
The Grace of the Mindfulness of Death
On the Fear of God
Concerning Repentance
Spiritual Mourning
Wavering in Quest of the Unwavering
The Bliss of Knowing the Way
Knowledge - Vision (Theoria) of God
On the connection between Theoria and Praxis
Dispassion (Impassibility)
Charity: the spiritual love for oneself, love for one's neighbours, The love of God
Therapy of Acedia (Despondency)
Therapy of Anger: Gentleness and Patience
Therapy of Fear: The Fear of God
Therapy of Vainglory and Pride: Humility
Therapy of Gluttony - Temperance
Monastic Chastity
Marital Chastity
Therapy of Love of Money and Greed - Non-Possession & Almsgiving
Therapy of Sadness - Mourning, Compunction, and Joy
The Inner Warfare
The dual origin of thoughts
The mechanism of temptation
The spiritual strategy - vigilance and attention (nepsis)
The rejection of wicked thoughts
The role of prayer and patience
The Twofold Movement of Inner Conversion: Praxis
Outline of the Therapy of the Fundamental Faculties of the Soul
Implementation of the Generic Virtues
The Therapeutic Role of the Spiritual Father
The Manifestation of Thoughts
The Subjective Conditions of Healing and Health
The Will to be Healed
The Remedy of Faith
The Remedy of Prayer
Prayer's role and it's therapeutic effects
The method of hesychastic prayer
The Remedy of the Commandments
The Remedy of Hope
The Process of Healing - Inner Conversion
The Will to be Healed
The Remedy of Faith
The Remedy of Repentance
The Remedy of Prayer
The Remedy of the Commandments
The Remedy of Hope
Christ the Physician
Sacramental Therapies
The Eucharist
Anointing the Sick (Holy Unction)
Acedia (Despondency)
Part Two - Nosology, Symptomatology and Pathogenesis of Spiritual Diseases: The Passions
Chapter 1 - The Passions, Spiritual Illnesses
Chapter 2 - Self-love
Chapter 3 -Gluttony
Chapter 4 - Lust
Pathology of Desire and Pleasure
Pathology of Aggressiveness
Pathology of Freedom
Pathology of Memory
Pathology of Imagination
Pathology of the Senses and Bodily Functions
Part 1: Anthropological Premises - Original Health and the Origin of Illnesses
Apologetic Matters
Table of Contents to follow
Part 2
Part 1
On Contemplation
On Thoughts, Fantasies, and Distraction
On Prayer and Watchfulness
On Prayer of the Nous and Heart
On Watchfulness and Noetic Prayer
The Art of Prayer
On the Practical Method of Noetic Prayer
The Path to Unceasing Prayer
Patristic Counsels on Prayer
Anthology on Noetic Prayer
On Condemnation
On Silence, Idle Talk, and Boldness
On Pride, Self-Reproach, and Humility
Excerpt from a Homily, "On Humility"
On Love and Forgiveness towards the Brethren
On Trials and Temptations
On Faith, Hope, and Patience
On Reverence and Love of the Elder
On Remembrance of Death
On Passions
On Carnal Warfare
On Anger
On Warfare with the Demons
On Spiritual Struggle
On Cowardice and Negligence
On Forcefulness, Courage, and Self-Denial
On Illness
On Sin, Repentance, Mourning, and Tears
On Confession and Spiritual Accounting
On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity
On the World and Family
On Obedience, Disobedience, and the Cutting Off of the Will
Selections on Obedience
Part 1
Table of Contents to follow.
Orthodoxy in Dialogue with the Modern World, Volume 5 (Complete)
By: NIKOLAOS Metropolitan of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki. Alexander Press, Montreal 2017
Why Me, God? (Talk given at the '3rd Seminar on the psychosocial support of children with cancer and their families', Department of Oncology, 'Aglaia Kyriakou' Children's Hospital, Athens, Greece, 8-9 November, 2002.)
"Encountering God Through Transcendental Risks" - Lecture given at one of the regular events of the Panhellenic organization, the 'Friends of Mt. Athos,' at the Athens Archaeological Society on 19 November 2001.
"Not as the Word of Men, But as the Word of God Which is at Work in You" (1 Thessalonians 2.13). Excerpts from the discussion with Vassilis Argyriadis on the programme 'Anthropos Methorios', Radio Station of the Church of Piraeus, 5-6 February 2003.
"Authenticity in the Orthodox Experience Today" - Talk given to the Scientists' Division of the Saint Basil the Great Society for Missionary Work, Athens, Greece, 12 October 2003.
Watchfulness (Nepsis) & Prayer
Table of Contents to follow. Podcast under construction.
Part 2
Elder Athanasios of Grigoriou
Elder Callinicus the Hesychast
Elder Daniel of Katounakia
Elder Isaac of Dionysiou
Surrounded by the tranquil Mediterranean countryside of the Holy Mountain, the ascetics of Mount Athos struggle in unseen warfare to achieve a state of inner silence and purity. The only monastic republic in the world, Mount Athos has been inhabited solely by monks for more than a thousand years, setting the tone of Orthodox Christian spirituality worldwide and producing a continuous stream of saints.
Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos describes the lives and the spiritual images of ten Athonite Elders of recent centuries, who, although differing greatly from each other in their backgrounds, characters and ways of life, all bear the evident seal of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, testifying to a troubled world that the purpose of man s existence is union with God.
The author, Archimandrite Cherubim Karambelas ( 1979), lived on Mount Athos in his youth, and searched out firsthand sources and living witnesses for his information on these Elders. In Contemporary Ascetics of Mount Athos, the most exalted teachings on asceticism and the vision of God are seen practically applied in the persons of these new luminaries, stars in our midst.
Part 6
Table of Contents for episode to follow
Part 5
Chapter 9 - The Keeper of the Holy Mountain
Part 3
(Part 2)
Table of Contents to follow.
St Gregory Palamas as a Hagiorite
The book St Gregory Palamas as a Hagiorite covers the life, work and teaching of St Gregory Palamas and relates them to his identity as a monk of the Holy Mountain.
Having first acquired personal knowledge of God, St Gregory Palamas subsequently became an unerring theologian, preacher and teacher of the theology of the uncreated Light, as well as of social justice through practicing Christ’s commandments. Involved in a major controversy with representatives of a legalistic, anti-hesychastic tradition originating from the West, St Gregory Palamas proved that prayer of the nous in the heart and the vision of the uncreated Light is part of the tradition of the Church.
The teaching of St Gregory Palamas has made an inestimable contribution to Orthodoxy and is very relevant to our times.
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
This is the first volume of the series 'Spiritual Counsels of the Elder Paisios of Mount Athos'. It is divided into four thematic parts. Each part is subdivided into chapters and every chapter into sections with the approprite subheadings; Part 1 Sin and the Devil Part 2 Modern Civilization Part 3 The Spirit of God and the Spirit of the World Part 4 The Church in our Times The Blessed Elder Paisios was born on 25th July 1924. From the time that he was a child, Elder Paisios lived an ascetic life, and was nourished by the lives of the Saints, whose feats he sought to imitate with great zeal and admirable precision. He practised unceasing prayer, cultivating all along the virtues of humility and love. He led an ascetic life on Mount Athos, in the Holy Monastery of Stomion in Konitsa, and on Mount Sinai in Egypt. He lived in obscurity, giving himself completely to God, and God in turn revealed him and gave him to the whole world. He guided, consoled, healed and granted peace to multitudes of people who sought him. His sanctified soul overflowed with divine love and his saintly face radiated the divine Grace. All day long, he tirelessly gathered the human pain and imparted divine consolation. He is the founder of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Theologian in Souroti of Thessalonik, Greece, which he also guided spiritually for twenty-eight years (1967-1994). After suffering excruciating pains, which, as he used to say, benefited him more than the ascetic struggles of his entire life, he fell asleep in the Lord on 12 July 1994.
+ELDER ARSENIOS THE CAVE-DWELLER (1886-1983): Fellow ascetic of Saint Joseph the Hesychast (Part 2)
Elder Arsenios the Cave-Dweller is a biography and spiritual handbook about the co-struggler of Elder (Saint) Joseph the Hesychast of the Holy Mountain.
The book is written by Monk Joseph Dionysaitis of the Holy Mountain.
"I must confess that for Elder Arsenios, the Gospel words, "Here is truly an Israelite in whom there is no guile!" are relevant. He was naturally straight-forward, simple, offenseless, meek, obedient; a rare struggler, who possessed nothing. For Elder Arsenios, his yes was always yes, and his no, no. He never harboured resentment, no matter how he was wronged. He never got angry; he never hurt anyone. He lived obedience with precision. That is why, through obedience and his unwavering faith in his Elder, he lived in a way that surpassed the laws of nature. During vigils, he began the night labouring excessively by kneeling thousands of times and then remained standing until morning." (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)
A WATCHFUL MIND (Part 3): Teaching on the Prayers of the Heart
A WATCHFUL MIND (Part 2): Teachings on the Prayer of the Heart
This work is a deeply personal account of one holy man's unique journey in the life of unceasing noetic prayer, perpetual metanoia, praxis, purification of the heart from evil thoughts, illumination of the mind/nous, and theoria/vision. Separated into "Discourses", it touches on many aspects of the spiritual and ascetic life, particularly the hesychastic themes of watchfulness, spiritual warfare, and prayer of the heart. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear. The human heart is to be crushed and softened through the unceasing remembrance of God through His Name.
The author, Metropolitan Hierotheos, is a bishop in the Orthodox Church of Greece, and the author of many books on Christian spiritual life and theology. He is one of the most highly respected and widely read ascetical theologians in the Orthodox Church today. The Holy Mountain is Mt. Athos, a 40 mile long peninsula in northeastern Greece which is home to several thousand Orthodox monks, whose chief work is "praying without ceasing" using the Jesus Prayer, handed down from the early Church. The "desert" refers to the some of the very isolated places on Athos populated by hermit monks living hidden away in little huts or caves (as opposed to the large ancient monasteries on Athos). If we say that the Church is the spiritual army of God, then the monks are the Marines and the hermits are the Green Berets of prayer. interceding for the world and defeating the demons. The bishop is a frequent pilgrim to the Holy Mountain, the spiritual heartland of the Orthodox world. After a particularly fruitful visit with a hermit monk (a God-bearing elder who prefers anonymity), he wrote down their discussion about the Jesus Prayer and published it in Greek (now in over 9 Greek editions). It appeared in English in 1991, with six reprints and a revision, as well as in French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. This fascinating conversation has become a modern classic of Orthodox Christian spiritual literature, in the tradition of the Philokalia. Imported from Greece.
A NIGHT IN THE DESERT OF THE HOLY MOUNTAIN (Part 1): Discussion with a Hermit on the Jesus Prayer
Written by: Metr. Hierotheos Vlachos of Nafpaktos
Published by: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery - Levadia, Greece
The author, Metropolitan Hierotheos, is a bishop in the Orthodox Church of Greece, and the author of many books on Christian spiritual life and theology. He is one of the most highly respected and widely read ascetical theologians in the Orthodox Church today. The Holy Mountain is Mt. Athos, a 40 mile long peninsula in northeastern Greece which is home to several thousand Orthodox monks, whose chief work is "praying without ceasing" using the Jesus Prayer, handed down from the early Church. The "desert" refers to the some of the very isolated places on Athos populated by hermit monks living hidden away in little huts or caves (as opposed to the large ancient monasteries on Athos). If we say that the Church is the spiritual army of God, then the monks are the Marines and the hermits are the Green Berets of prayer. interceding for the world and defeating the demons. The bishop is a frequent pilgrim to the Holy Mountain, the spiritual heartland of the Orthodox world. After a particularly fruitful visit with a hermit monk (a God-bearing elder who prefers anonymity), he wrote down their discussion about the Jesus Prayer and published it in Greek (now in over 9 Greek editions). It appeared in English in 1991, with six reprints and a revision, as well as in French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. This fascinating conversation has become a modern classic of Orthodox Christian spiritual literature, in the tradition of the Philokalia. Imported from Greece.
AN ATHONITE GERONTIKON (Part 4): Sayings of the Holy Fathers of Mount Athos
AN ATHONITE GERONTIKON (Part 3): Sayings of the Holy Fathers of Mount Athos
AN ATHONITE GERONTIKON: Sayings of the Holy Fathers of Mount Athos. Written by: Archimandrite Ioannikios (Kotsonis). Publication of the Holy Monastery of St. Gregory Palamas, Kouphalia - Thessaloniki - Greece. 1997
HEALING THE SOUL, continued.
Translated and Edited by the Sisterhood of the St. John Chrysostomos Monastery, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, USA 2021.
ISBN: 978-1-7374381-0-6
“How to Represent the Vain Life of this World” from The Painter’s Manual of Dionysius of Fourna. Detailed instructions to a future iconographer.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.