Crow and Fern’s Guide to Weird Fiction, Folklore, Mythology, and Everything in Between
What's the difference between 'unlikable' and 'unsympathetic'? How can you tie your readers to your villains without giving them a sob story that drives even the most righteous of us to writing coffee shop AU fanfiction? Mia Nolan makes the distinction as clear as crystal in today's episode. Crow breaks down, the bad, the ugly, and the atrocious in today's episode, and tells us how we can write characters that, although we'd still like to see them tossed off a cliff, are still characters whose stories we want to follow to the very last page (or minute of screen time. Fight me).
Intro music: Beeckmans: Hymne for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet and Piano (2018) - The Alba Septet (Listen to the whole thing on youtube, you'll thank us later).
Outro music: Magic Hour by Three Chain Links
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Memory engrams: Recalling the past and imagining the future:,this%20engram%20induces%20memory%20retrieval.