Welcome to episode 91 of the DanceSpeak podcast with our guest: Jojo Diggs. When Jojo gave us her first interview in 2016 (episode 15), she blew us away with her unique perspective, clarity and strength in the way she has made many a life-shifting decisions. Two year later, Jojo has moved from L.A. to Vegas, is a member of the esteemed Jabbawockeez cast on the Vegas strip, and has taken on a major focal change from dance dance dance to the psychology of movement, mental health, and coaching. So, naturally, I had to pick her brain. The main points we covered in this dynamic interview include: an empowering view on taking non-dance jobs while pursuing one's career (I lurv this topic), working as dancer on Jabbawockeez and how Jojo (a veteran + seasoned dancer) pulled up for it, learning to enjoy frustration (whoa, chew on that), learning to move through not feeling 'good enough' for a job, choosing to leave Los Angeles, moving to Las Vegas, a conversation around mental health, procrastination, thoughts on people thinking she is intimidating (we love you Jojo), how she created her new health and wellness event, creating events in the dance world to affect change, why Twyla Tharp is awesome, and a whole lot of giggles. Enjoy, take notes, don't take notes LOL, whatever floats your boat, be ready to dive into a fascinating and beautiful perspective!