116 avsnitt • Längd: 25 min • Månadsvis
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I’m Vanessa Levin and here on Elevating Early Childhood, we believe in leveling the playing field and bridging the gap between the world of preschool, pre-k, and K-12 education.
The podcast Elevating Early Childhood is created by Vanessa Levin. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Hey teachers! Let me ask you a question, do you have “schoolmares” – or nightmares about the first day of school, long before the first day?
It's only natural, because facing the unknown can be scary, it’s only natural.
And each new school year brings many unknowns for both teachers and our little learners.
Welcome to another episode of "Elevating Early Childhood!"
I'm your host, Vanessa, and today we're tackling a topic that many of us face at the start of every school year: separation anxiety.
Yes, that moment when the parents or caregivers leave and the tears start flowing. We've all been there, right?
In today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I'm sharing my top 3 tips to help teachers (and families) ease separation anxiety.
Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll feel ready to face the first day of school with confidence!
Before we can talk about it, let's define exactly what the term "Separation Anxiety" means so we're all on the same page.
You see, young children can become very fearful when they experience a new environment for the first time.
And when you add that they may be separated from their families for the very first time into the mix, it adds to those feelings of being fearful and anxious.
So, the definition of separation anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being apart from family members or caregivers is called separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a natural and normal response for young children.
It's their way of saying, "Hey, I'm not so sure about this new place without my family members."
So, how can we, as teachers, help ease this anxiety and make the transition smoother for everyone involved?
Here are my top three tips.
Tip #1: Help Guide Parents
One of the best ways to help our little learners feel less anxious is to help guide their caregivers' behavior.
Because some parents and caregivers might feel just as anxious about leaving their child as the child does about being left.
And this anxiety can be contagious! So, it's crucial for families to talk with their children about how school is a fun and safe place.
My favorite, and most effective way happens before the school year even starts, by hosting a Parent Orientation/ Meet the Teacher/ Back to School type of event.
You can use this time to teach parents how to talk positively about school.
Share examples of phrases they can use when talking with their children, like, "You're going to have so much fun at school today!" or "I can't wait to hear about all the new things you learn!"
Encouraging parents to stay calm and positive can help set the tone for their child's first of school.
One way to help parents feel more calm is to have all their burning questions about you (the teacher) and school answered.
For some parents, this may be their first experience sending a child off to school.
One way you can do that is by having all the answers to their questions ready to go on a single sheet of paper (or digitally if you prefer).
Of course, your smiling face and welcoming demeanor during the event will go a long way in ensuring parents feel comfortable leaving their child with you.
You're also going to want to remind caregivers to keep their goodbyes short and sweet.
A quick hug, a big smile, and a confident, "I'll see you soon!" can make a world of difference.
The longer they linger, the more anxious the child might become.
Remember, it's all about confidence and positivity!
Tip #2: Create a Visual Daily Schedule
My next tip is all about consistency and routine.
Young children, especially those who are three to five years of age, crave predictability.
And one of the very best ways to provide this is by creating a daily schedule with visual picture cues.
A visual schedule helps children understand what to expect throughout the day.
When they can see the sequence of events, it reduces uncertainty and helps them feel more calm and secure.
For instance, having pictures that show activities like circle time, snack time, center time, can be very reassuring.
When a child is feeling anxious, gently guide them to the schedule and talk them through it.
Say something like, "Right now, we're having circle time. Next, we'll go to the playground, and then it'll be snack time. See? We'll have lots of fun, and before you know it, it'll be time to go home!" This way, they can see the structure of their day and know that the time apart from their caregivers is only temporary.
Tip 3: Create a Calm and Welcoming Classroom Environment
Finally, let's talk about the classroom environment.
Creating a calm and welcoming space is key to easing a child's separation anxiety.
Start your day with consistent routines and rituals that help children feel safe and secure.
One simple yet powerful ritual is greeting each child at the door with a choice, such as the way they would like to be greeted. Simple things like a smile, a high-five, or a handshake can be helpful.
This personal connection can make them feel valued and ready to start their day.
Inside the classroom, your environment is going to be inviting and child-friendly.
Soft lighting, a cozy reading area, soothing natural colors, and familiar items like a family photo can all contribute to a sense of comfort.
After the children enter the room, invite them to find their name cards (with photos) and place them in a pocket chart to show that they are "here" at school.
This small task gives them a sense of ownership and belonging.
You could also sing a welcome song to bring everyone together and set a positive tone for the day.
And let's not forget the end of the day, closure is just as important as the beginning of the day.
Providing closure with a good-bye song or ritual can help children feel a sense of completion and look forward to coming back.
"See Ya Later Alligator" is always a hit!
So there you have it — three tips to ease separation anxiety for your preschoolers on the first day of school.
Remember to guide parent behavior, create a visual daily schedule, and foster a calm and caring classroom environment.
These strategies can make a huge difference in helping your little learners feel more secure and excited about school.
If you liked this episode, or any of my others, please consider subscribing, commenting, and smashing that thumbs up button.
Let's support each other in making the first day of school a positive and joyful experience for everyone involved.
Until next time,
I'm Vanessa Levin
Onward and Upward!
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do you ever feel like you just don’t have enough center materials in your classroom?
Are you wondering if what you have is enough? And how do you know?
You see, setting-up and stocking your classroom centers can be very tricky.
Every good teacher knows that centers are essential for a high-quality early childhood experience.
The issue is that no one ever gives you an actual roadmap to follow when it comes to setting-up or stocking your centers.
And that can leave teachers like you and me struggling to figure it out on our own.
But today's your lucky day! I'm going to share my Ultimate Center Essentials Guide with you that will lay it all out for you in a very easy-to-follow format.
So if centers are getting you down, this episode is for you!
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do transitions in your classroom have you at the end of your rope? Does it feel like you’re trying to herd kittens during arrival, dismissal, or cleanup time?
Then I have two things to tell you:
You see, transitions are something that all early childhood teachers struggle with. Yes, even the most experienced ones.
The issue is that even though everyone says transitions are important, no one ever gives you an actual roadmap to follow.
And that can leave teachers like you and me feeling a bit… all over the place.
Lucky for you, because I’ve been through this more than enough times, I’ve come up with a foolproof formula to easy transitions in the preschool classroom; specifically, cleanup transitions.
So if getting your preschool students to clean up seems like an impossible task, this episode is for you!
Well then, what are you waiting for?
Tune in now.
Key Takeaways:
Are cleanup transitions a nightmare for you? (00:00)
The four building blocks of cleanup time (03:05)
An easy step-by-step process you can follow (06:07)
Some troubleshooting tips (21:13)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Watch my previous transition video here.
- Get my Visual Routine Bundle here.
- Get my Back to School Bundle here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do your students struggle to write the letters of the alphabet?
If so, I’ve got some good news for you: You’re not alone!
In fact, most preschool teachers have to deal with this issue every single year (if not several times a year).
And because I have dealt with it too, I’ve ended up coming up with a few solutions to this pesky problem.
Improving your preschool students' handwriting can be a difficult task (even daunting for some of us), but it’s not impossible.
Don’t believe me?
Then listen to this episode where I share my top three steps to improve your preschoolers’ handwriting, try those tips, and let me know how it goes. I promise, they work!
All right, are you ready to learn more?
Let’s dive in.
Key Takeaways:
How to help your preschool students improve their handwriting (00:00)
Understand the importance of fine motor skills (03:56)
Set developmentally appropriate expectations (06:13)
Use the right tools at the right time (10:30)
Let’s discuss some conflicts (24:27)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Watch my episode about playdough tools here.
- Discover more handwriting tips here.
- Check out my favorite fine motor tools here.
- Get our Farm Fine Motor Printables here.
- Get your pre-writing cards here.
- Grab your FREE Fine Motor Parent Handout here.
- Get your FREE printable playdough recipe here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, I have a question for you: Are the students in your classroom too loud?
If so, then welcome to the club no one wants to join (yes, I have jokes).
I can relate to students who have trouble keeping their outside voices where they belong, outside.
And principals who complain about noisy classrooms.
No matter what has brought you here, you and I both know there is no magic fix for this little (but very loud) problem.
Yes, we all wish we had a magic wand sometimes. Alas, no one has discovered that yet. So, we’ll have to go with the next best thing…
What’s that?
Tune in to this week’s episode to find out.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Is your classroom too loud? (00:00)
Story time! (02:37)
My 5-step solution to a loud classroom (03:26)
A few pitfalls you need to avoid (12:44)
How about troubleshooting? (18:35)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, I have a question for you: Could your students use a little extra help paying attention during circle time? Are they constantly interrupting you? Or maybe they're struggling to learn important academic skills?
All right, that was more than one question, but you get the gist!
Children have short attention spans, and that can mean constant interruptions in the early childhood classroom.
But what if I told you that there's one thing that you could do in the classroom to help with all of that and more?
And the good news is you don’t need any extra tools for it!
That one thing, my friends, is American Sign Language (ASL for short), and I’ll be discussing how you can incorporate it in your preschool classroom with today’s guest, an expert in ASL and a nationally-certified ASL interpreter, the brilliant Cynthia Long.
Are you ready to learn more?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Let’s talk about ASL (00:00)
Is ASL only for people with hearing challenges? (02:54)
The benefits of using ASL in the classroom (06:15)
Is ASL difficult to learn? (16:40)
Parting thoughts from Cynthia (24:35)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Discover our ASL alphabet posters here.
- More ASL FREE teaching resources here.
- Use code FREEFC to get your ASL flash cards freebie here.
- Learn more about Cynthia’s work here.
- Follow ASL Teaching Resources on Instagram here.
- Follow ASL Teaching Resources on Facebook here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do your students love playing with playdough in your classroom or at home? I know mine do!
Playdough is not only super fun for children to play with, it’s also a great tool for them. It can help them develop stronger hand muscles and better hand-eye coordination. It’s also a great way for them to develop their fine motor skills.
Plus, let’s be honest: It’s the one thing you can offer preschoolers and know it’ll keep them engaged and on task for waaaay longer than a few minutes.
This is why having a playdough center in your preschool classroom is a must!
Wondering how to make yours as interesting as possible?
Listen to this episode where I share my best tips for setting up and organizing your playdough center PLUS my favorite play dough recipe and dough tools to increase student engagement in the center.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Let’s talk about playdough! (00:00)
How to organize your playdough area (02:41)
What type of playdough should you use? (05:49)
My top playdough accessories (07:38)
How to make your playdough super colorful (17:23)
Some troubleshooting tips for you (19:02)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your FREE printable playdough recipe here.
- Discover more playdough ideas here.
- Get playdough task cards here.
- Get textured rolling pins here.
- Get dough extruders here.
- Get plastic dough scissors here.
- Get cookie cutters here.
- Get alphabet dough stampers here.
- Get liquid watercolors here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Nothing strikes fear in the heart of a teacher more than a formal observation.
You’re exhausted from all the hours you spent creating the perfect lesson plans.
You’re waiting anxiously with a dry mouth and sweaty palms for your principal to walk through the door.
And there’s this sound of a clock ticking inside your head that you just can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you try.
Are you stressed out yet? Because I sure am!
But no need to panic, because, as always, I’m here to help!
It doesn’t matter if you’re a new teacher or a seasoned veteran, formal observations will always get those butterflies in your stomach going.
But that doesn’t mean you should let those butterflies ruin your day.
Instead, listen to this episode, and discover my top tips for a stress-free observation, as well as all the pitfalls to avoid.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Discover my tips for a stress-free observations (00:00)
Let’s go back to the nineties! (02:34)
The pitfalls you need to avoid (03:02)
What you should do (05:47)
Three things you need to focus on (07:45)
An example of a successful lesson (10:00)
Let’s focus on the things that are out of our control (14:49)
What to do if your observer is inexperienced (19:23)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the Complete Fairy Tale bundle here.
- Get the 3 Little Pigs lesson plan here.
- Get the Picture Schedule Cards and Classroom Rules here.
- Get the 3 Little Pigs book list here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Our morning routine sets the tone for our whole day. And the same can be said for your students.
You see, what young children do from the minute they walk into your classroom each morning will affect the rest of their day. And this is why choosing the right morning activities for your classroom is a must!
So, here are a few questions you should ask yourself:
And the most important question of all: What do my students do when they arrive?
Sure, these may seem like little things at first glance. But the way your students arrive in your classroom and what they do when they get there will set the tone for the rest of the day.
And if you want to set your students up for success, then it’s time to integrate free choice fine motor activities into your classroom’s morning routine.
Are you ready to learn more?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Morning routine: Yay or nay? (00:00)
Quick story time! (02:36)
Three things that will help you improve your arrival routine (04:21)
What to use in your fine motor morning tubs (10:29)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about morning work here.
- Get the arrival routine picture cues here.
- Get the spring fine motor printables here.
- Find the nail art tools for the poke activities here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, I have a question for you: Have you ever had a parent request that their child not participate in holiday activities in your classroom?
If you've taught for any length of time, chances are you've encountered this issue before.
But what can you do about it? And how do you deal with it in a respectful and inclusive way?
In today’s episode, I’ll be answering these exact questions and sharing a few dos and don’ts of dealing with these situations.
Are you ready?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Dealing with preschool holiday party pitfalls (00:00)
You’ve got mail! (02:18)
What to do instead of a Halloween party (04:21)
How to have celebrations that are respectful and inclusive (07:44)
What about Valentine’s Day? (10:40)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In the last two episodes, Dan St. Romain and I sat down and discussed everything from how to teach your students to become more independent to how to get them not to interrupt you during small group time.
Today, he and I will be tackling another hot topic: What to do when a parent tells you their child is being bullied.
Nothing strikes fear in a teacher's heart more than hearing from a parent who says their child has been bullied.
As a teacher, hearing those words makes us feel like we’ve let our students down.
Bullying should never happen in the preschool classroom, that’s a given. But once a parent mentions it, there's no going back.
What's the first thing you should do? And what words should you use to discuss it with your young students’ parents?
These are a few of the questions Dan and I discuss and answer in today’s episode.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
What to do when one of your students is getting bullied (00:00)
Has bullying increased? (01:52)
The importance of building a positive relationship with parents (07:11)
What if you haven’t had time to develop the relationship? (13:28)
Is it bullying or normal early childhood behavior? (20:28)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dan St. Romain here.
- Get Dan’s book here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In last week’s episode, Dan St. Romain and I discussed how to teach children not to interrupt you during small group time.
Something Dan and I really focused on during that conversation was the importance of teaching preschool-aged children to be independent the right way.
Well, today, Dan and I will dive deeper into that, so I hope you’re just as excited as I am!
Listen in as he and I discuss the best ways to teach your preschool students to become independent and how to avoid the pitfalls many teachers make when it comes to fostering independence in the early childhood classroom.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Why teaching your students to be independent is a must! (00:00)
How teachers can encourage independence in the classroom (01:44)
Why going back to a place of joy is important (06:25)
Why we have to break our own habits (11:17)
Story time (16:56)
Don’t always solve your students’ problems (23:05)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dan St. Romain here.
- Get Dan’s book here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
It’s no secret that small group time can be challenging, even for the most seasoned early childhood teachers.
Why is that?
Simply because it’s not always easy to manage the other students while working with small groups, which means the possibilities for interruption can be… infinite.
But what can you do if you're struggling with constant interruptions during small group instruction?
To answer this question, I’ve invited the amazing Dan St. Romain to join me in this week’s episode, which is part of my Behavior Bites series.
Dan is a nationally recognized behavior specialist, and today, he shares his best tips for reducing interruptions so you can get through your small groups.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
How to troubleshoot small group interruptions (00:00)
Meet Dan! (02:05)
Some strategies for you (05:48)
How to help your students become more independent (12:28)
Quick story time! (20:13)
A recap of everything we discussed (24:03)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Find all of our visual cues here.
- Learn more about Dan St. Romain here.
- Get Dan’s book here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Many early childhood teachers feel like a broken record. They’re always saying “no” and “no hitting” and “use your words,” etc…
If you’ve been teaching preschool for a while, then you know that every day can be like a battlefield (full of cute children, yes, but a battlefield nonetheless).
Our job consists of putting out a hundred fires at once while teaching children skills they will need in life and making sure they’re in one piece at the end of the day.
This is exactly why we need to learn how to redirect behaviors. Because it’s not always enough to say “no” or “don't do that,” most of the time, you have to present children with another option.
How does that work?
To discuss this, I have over the brilliant Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green for a third episode of my Behavior Bites series.
Curious about what she has to say?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
How to redirect behavior in the preschool classroom (00:00)
What is redirection? (02:29)
The power of redirection (07:33)
How to redirect children in the preschool classroom (11:35)
It’s time for some detective work! (15:00)
Where to connect with Carolyn (28:56)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green’s work here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Instagram here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Facebook here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, I have a question for you: Do you ever dread saying no to your students because you’re worried they might have a full on meltdown?
I get you, I’ve been there too.
Trying to say “no” to a child without having them throw a temper tantrum is a whoooole lot of work.
In simpler words, it’s hard.
But as you know if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, it’s not impossible!
Every preschool classroom problem has a solution. Yes, even this one.
And to discuss this, the brilliant Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green is back on the podcast for a second episode of the Behavior Bites series.
Today, she’ll be sharing with us why those meltdowns happen, how to prevent them, and what to do in case one of your students decides to go full Hulk anyway.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
How to say “no” to your students without meltdowns (00:00)
Why children hate being told the word “No” (02:52)
Why we need to teach children to deal with their emotions (07:48)
How to say “no” without saying “no” (11:38)
A real life example (17:13)
The tools you can use to avoid meltdowns (24:09)
A quick review (29:22)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green’s work here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Instagram here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Facebook here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
If you’ve ever wondered why your students wander around the classroom and just… dump their toys on the floor, then you’re not alone!
Let's face it, we've all had children in our classrooms wandering aimlessly from center to center pulling tubs of toys off the shelves without ever playing with them.
The truth is, this is a fairly typical scenario in the early childhood classroom.
The question then is: Why oh why do toddlers (and preschoolers) do that?
And most importantly, how can you teach them not to do it?
To answer this question, I’ve invited the brilliant Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green.
If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while (thank you for that), then you know this isn’t the first time I’ve had Carolyn over.
And this won’t be the last either!
Listen in as she and I try to answer the age old question: Why do toddlers do what they do?
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Why do toddlers wander around the classroom and dump toys? (00:00)
Dumping is a milestone (06:33)
This behavior is totally… okay! (09:36)
How to support your students through this stage (11:37)
Advice from Carolyn (17:02)
How Carolyn introduces centers to her students (20:54)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green’s work here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Instagram here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Facebook here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
If you’ve ever taught young children (and my bet is you have, since you’re listening to this podcast) then you’ve probably had your fair share of daily fires to put out.
I feel you, I’ve been there too.
It’s no secret that the daily life of an early childhood educator isn’t always sunshine and roses. And sometimes, it’s just really, really hard.
One of the issues many pre-k teachers struggle with is what to do when all their students want to go to the same center at the same time!
As you know already, some centers are simply more popular than others (like the dramatic play center, for example), so it makes sense that everyone wants to participate in it.
When that’s not possible, you may have to limit the number of students in a center.
How do you do that?
Tune in now to find out!
Key Takeaways:
What to do when your students want to go to the same center (00:00)
How I manage my classroom (00:56)
How to get students interested in other centers (03:22)
What if your class only meets a few days a week? (08:10)
What to do when there are too many kids in one center (10:09)
A few practical tips for you (14:23)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Teaching young children literacy skills can be tricky. They’re such an important skill that it can become downright intimidating to teach them to your students.
Which one do you even start with? Letters? Letter names? Or letter sounds?
Sometimes, the answer to that question seems obvious. But, most of the time, it’s truly not. And so, deciding which skill to start with can give even the most seasoned preschool educators a headache.
But, lucky for you, this is exactly what I’ll be discussing in this week’s episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Tune in now and learn all you need to know about teaching literacy skills in preschool and which one to start with.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Letters, names, and sounds: Which comes first? (00:00)
Learning the alphabet is not a linear process (03:48)
One recommendation you need to follow (06:46)
Answering the second part of the question (08:04)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Before we start, let me ask you a quick question: Do your preschool or pre-k students need help learning how to count and develop number sense?
If your answer is "YES!" then you've come to the right place, because that's exactly what I'm discussing today.
As you know, math doesn't come easily to everyone. Some children have real difficulties with it, while others find it super fun and easy, almost like solving a puzzle game.
However, the math activities I'm sharing with you today are an exception, because all your preschool students will love them. They're fun and engaging, and they make math as simple as it can be!
So, are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Fun math activities for your preschool classroom (00:00)
Has this ever happened to you? (02:17)
Target finds always help! (04:04)
"No prep, please," you said? (09:28)
Ice-cube trays for the rescue (13:07)
Make it super fun! (17:55)
Keep it simple (21:48)
The magic number (24:58)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For bear caves, click here.
- Want to buy colorful lunch trays? Click here.
- Get foam dice here.
- Click here for gator grabbers.
- In need of a pocket cube? Click here.
- Grab some mini-erasers here.
- Listen to episode 24 here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Does this sound familiar to you?
While everyone else is out singing carols and decking the halls, you are barely keeping your head above water, because you're trying to do all that plus prep all of your lessons and activities for the first week back after winter break.
Just thinking about this makes me shudder. The struggle is real, am I right?
But, no need to panic, because today, I’ll be helping you get a jumpstart on your planning for the new year!
In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you aaaaaall my favorite preschool winter activities plus everything you need to start the new year on the right foot.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Here’s how to prep for the new year (00:00
The best read-alouds for winter (02:00)
Circle time games are a must (05:22)
Make your centers memorable (06:08)
Crazy fun counting games! (09:13)
Time to get dramatic (10:12)
Do your students need fine motor practice? (11:13)
Winter science activities (14:49)
These small group activities will make learning fun! (15:41)
Pattern blocks are perfect! (16:45)
It's game on with geoboards! (18:18)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your Winter Bundle here.
- Discover my Winter Book List here.
- Discover my Winter Song List here.
- Discover more winter activities here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Let me ask you this question. Have you ever had a child in your classroom get upset when they didn't get their own way?
If your answer is “yes” (and I’m sure it is), then this episode is for you!
Why is that?
Simply because in it, I’ll be discussing why kids may throw fits when they don't get what they want, how to respond appropriately, and why “You get what you get and you don't throw a fit” is never the right answer.
And to make this even more interesting, I’ve invited a guest! His name is Ron Shuali, and he is simply brilliant.
Ron is a speaker and the bestselling author of Breaking the Bullying Circle. He has expertise in the preschool through middle school arena, which is why he’s the perfect person to discuss this week’s subject with.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Meet Ron! (00:00)
Where does the disappointment come from? (07:40)
Time to reframe your thinking (11:12)
How to get started (16:18)
Remember to take a breath (21:34)
How to connect with Ron (28:00)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Ron’s work here.
- Follow Ron on YouTube here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
If you’re anything like me, then you love a good deal (and truth is, who doesn’t?)
Which is why this is such an exciting time of the year.
As someone who looooves a good deal, Cyber Monday is one of my favorite ways to find good deals on new materials for my classroom centers.
Even the ones that are too spendy may be affordable today, so I thought I would share some deeply discounted fun finds I recently discovered with you.
If you're always on the hunt for the best materials for your preschool learning centers, then I’ve got some good news for you: You’ve come to the right place.
Simply because today I’ll be sharing with you my most recent budget-friendly Amazon finds that your students will absolutely love.
Are you ready for the fun?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
It’s Cyber Monday! (00:00)
The perfect materials for a sensory bin (02:41)
Alphabet acorn sensory play (07:59)
How many birds are in the nest? (13:05)
More must-haves for your centers (16:26)
Last but not least… (20:49)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out my Amazon shop here.
- Get Number Locks here.
- Learn how to dye rice here
- Want more sensory bin ideas? Grab my free Sensory Bin Essentials guide here.
- Want to see all my classroom learning centers? Get my free Center Essentials Guide here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty certain hearing a student say “I’m boooooored!!” is every preschool teacher’s nightmare.
I’ve been through this before, as have you, I’m sure.
And, because of that, I know you can imagine the panic in every teacher’s head when those cursed words are uttered.
But, have you ever stopped to ask yourself why your students are saying this?
You see, it’s not always boredom, but something else.
What is it?
Well, you’ll have to listen to this episode to learn the answer to that question!
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
“I’m SOOOOO booooooored!” (00:00)
Why children get bored easily (03:05)
How to help your students combat boredom (06:04)
Plan - Do - Review (07:15)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your center rotation cards here.
- Discover the “I Can” center task cards here.
- Get your Visual Routines Classroom Management Bundle here.
- Get your Clean-Up Visual Routines Classroom Management Bundle here.
- Get your Back-To-School Classroom Bundle here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Imagine with me: You’ve got your preschool classroom all set up. The centers are stocked and ready to be used, full of materials you’ve purchased or made yourself.
Everything is the best it could be, and you just can’t wait for your students to use and enjoy every single center in the classroom.
However, somehow, your kids just avoid certain centers. They don’t like them, don’t want to go near them, don’t even look at them…
Uh oh, Houston, we have a problem.
Does this sound familiar to you?
If so, this episode is for you, because in it, I’ll be discussing how to use one set of manipulatives (in this case, Learning Resources People Counters) throughout the year to teach different skills and keep interest high in the classroom.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
My students HATE the math and literacy centers… WHY?! (00:00)
A familiar feeling (02:00)
One big difference to keep in mind (07:35)
Switching out your center materials: Yay or nay? (10:56)
A few more ideas for you (15:58)
Let’s make a pattern! (20:59)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my FREE Center Essentials Guide here.
- More about preschool classroom centers here.
- Get Do-A-Dot Markers here.
- Get Learning Resources People Counters here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Are you looking for ways to make things more fun and engaging in your classroom this November?
If so, you're in luck because in today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I'll be sharing 12 fun, exciting, engaging, and developmentally appropriate ways to spice things up this Thanksgiving.
From sensory bins to pumpkin pie scented playdough, these creative ideas are a fantastic way for your children to develop their fine motor skills - all while having a blast!
Tune in to learn how to spice up your center activities and discover awesome Thanksgiving teacher resources and ideas such as songs and books, and more - everything you need for a perfect fall or harvest celebration!
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Best Thanksgiving ideas for preschoolers (00:00)
How to make your own turkey playdough (02:20)
Making turkeys with biggie beads (05:00)
Friendship salad (13:14)
Popcorn turkeys and pumpkin-scented playdough (20:00)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book "Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers".
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, "Teaching Trailblazers".
- Get your FREE Circle Time Guide here.
- Discover 15 fingerplays and facts here.
- Discover fingerplays from A to Z here.
- Get Your Thanksgiving Activity Bundle here
- Non Food Sensory Bin Filler Ideas
2. Corn in sensory bin
3. Cranberries in sensory bin
4. Dramatic play thanksgiving dinner
7. Pumpkin Pie in a Cup Freebie
9. Thanksgiving Treat Bag Topper Freebie
10. Thanksgiving book list at PKP
11. Thanksgiving song list at PKP
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Whether you love pumpkin pie and turkey, or you dread family get-togethers, one thing's for sure, Thanksgiving is almost here!
What does this mean for early childhood teachers like you and me?
Well simply… the dreaded extra work.
Being a preschool teacher can be challenging on the best of days, but, during times like Christmas and Thanksgiving, the work can downright be impossible!
However, this year it’s going to be different.
Because, this year, I’ll be sharing with you four easy steps to help you keep things fun and developmentally appropriate in the classroom during these festive times.
Ready to learn?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
It’s Thanksgiving time! (00:00)
Time for a quick story (04:19)
Remember the research (08:07)
Embrace the position statement (09:05)
Engage with meaning (10:47)
Let go of your old mindset (15:09)
Additional Resources:
- Got a burning question for Vanessa? Get your answer on the Elevating Early Childhood podcast here.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out my Thanksgiving book list here.
- More Thanksgiving activities here.
- Get the Thanksgiving Bundle here.
- More about the Friendship Fruit Salad here.
- Learn how to teach about Thanksgiving in a socially responsible way here.
- Learn how to teach about Native Americans in preschool here.
- Read the NAEYC Position Statement on Equity and Diversity here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Are you still struggling to get your little ones to sit still and pay attention? Or maybe you're wondering how you're ever going to teach them anything at this pace?
Well then, I’ve got the solution for you!
Today, I’ll be sharing with you the best preschool activities for a fall theme to keep your students interested in the classroom.
You see, it’s not always easy to get young children to pay attention. In fact, it’s sometimes downright hard, so a little help every once in a while doesn’t hurt, am I right?
And this is exactly what these activities are; things that will help you increase engagement in your preschool classroom.
I hope you’re ready to learn.
All right, let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Are you ready for fall? (00:00)
Focus on music and movement (05:49)
Select the right books (18:25)
What activities do you offer in your classroom? (23:46)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your FREE Circle Time Guide here.
- Discover 15 fingerplays and facts here.
- Discover fingerplays from A to Z here.
- Discover fall songs here.
- Get the Pumpkin Bundle here.
- Get the Fall Bundle here.
- Discover fall books here.
- Check out fall leaf activities here.
- More fall theme preschool activities here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
If you’re a preschool teacher, chances are you probably have an art center in your classroom.
After all, art is a quintessential part of the preschool curriculum. It’s a great way to help children develop their imagination and creativity and work on their fine motor skills.
And in order to do that, an art center is a must.
However, not all preschool art centers are equal. Some are better than others.
Why is that?
Simply because they have everything a young child needs to develop their art skills, have fun, and strengthen their little hand muscles.
How do you know if your center needs some sprucing up?
Well, this is the exact question I answer today.
In this episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I’ll be sharing with you all the materials you need for a, not good, but great preschool art center!
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Time to spruce up your art center! (00:00)
Let’s talk art materials (03:00)
Your 10 art center essentials (03:42)
Some art center protips for you (23:54)
Quick Q&A (25:57)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your Free Center Essentials Guide here.
- More about editable center labels here.
- Find all the products mentioned in this episode here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Every pre-k teacher knows it, making art is a big part of preschool.
It’s a great way for the children to be creative, enrich their imagination, and develop their fine motor skills in a fun and enjoyable manner.
However, making sure your students are creating the right kind of art is important.
Because yes, the kind of art your kids are making does matter.
Process art and product art are two types of activities that usually happen in the preschool classroom.
The difference between them is that the former focuses more on the process and is more about seeing art as a form of creative expression, while the latter focuses more on the end result.
Which one is better for your students’ development?
Tune in to today’s episode to find out!
All right, let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Process art vs. product art (00:00)
Story time (02:01)
What is product art? (03:35)
What about process art? (07:42)
Which one is better? (08:47)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn how to set up an art center for your classroom here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Now, a quick warning before you start listening, this episode’s got a bit of a bite to it (pun intended)!
This, friends, is because today, we’re discussing children who bite.
Most younger preschool classrooms have at least one bitey kid, and it can be pretty difficult for teachers to deal with those types of situations.
Why is the child biting? How can you deal with their behavior? And most importantly, how can you handle the child bitten (or, yourself, if you’ve been the victim…)?
To answer these questions, I’ve invited an early childhood expert!
Her name is Dr. Carolyn Bobb-Green, she is the founder of Training U To Succeed, and today, she’s here to teach us how we can deal with bitey kids (and all the consequences that come with their sharp teeth).
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Preventing biting in your classroom 101 (00:00)
Meet Carolyn (02:03)
Why do children bite? (05:21)
What to do if a kid has been bitten (08:08)
How to prevent biting (14:31)
How to connect with Carolyn (25:35)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about how to prevent biting here.
- Learn more about Training U To Succeed here.
- Follow Training U To Succeed on Instagram here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
If you’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of educational centers you’re supposed to have in your preschool classroom, then you’re not alone.
Many of us find ourselves facing a dilemma when setting up centers in our classroom: Should we have a separate area for each center? Or can some be combined?
Naturally, both options have their pros and cons, and because of that, it can be difficult to decide which way is best for you.
Lucky for you, I’m here to help you make that decision.
In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing how and when you can combine your preschool centers for maximum success.
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Combining centers: Yay or nay? (00:00)
You’ve got mail! (03:15)
Why having the right tools is more important (04:58)
Fewer transitions = More learning (06:31)
I’ve got a freebie for you (07:48)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my FREE Center Essentials guide here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
The beginning of the year is tricky, there is so much to take care of, things to set up, new students to meet, parents to get to know, etc...
All of this stuff can be pretty stressful, but I’m here to make it just a little bit easier on you.
Friends, today, we’re talking about how to set your kids up for success when it comes to learning the alphabet.
It’s no secret that teaching the alphabet at the beginning of the year can be challenging - for even the most seasoned teacher.
However, with the tips and tricks I’ll be sharing with you today, your kids will fall in love with the alphabet in no time!
Are you ready?
Tune in now for all my alphabet favs and fails!
I promise, you won’t regret it.
Key Takeaways:
How to teach the alphabet in the beginning of the year (00:00)
The best alphabet center materials (02:52)
Alphabet fails to avoid (27:43)
How to introduce new activities to your children (33:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the Ultimate Alphabet Freebie Bundle here.
- Learn how to set up your ABC center here.
- Discover the Fishing for Letters game here.
- More about the alphabet matching mat here.
- Learn how to make your own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
There are some things that will make or break you as a teacher, and transitions are right there at the top of the list for early childhood teachers.
Every single day is full of transitions in preschool, so having a surefire list of tips that’ll help you make them as easy as possible is crucial.
Lucky for you, I’m about to share those tips with you.
So, if you’re struggling with transitioning from one activity (or place) to another in your preschool classroom, this episode is for you!
Want to learn more?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
The best transition tips for preschool (00:00)
Create a daily schedule (05:43)
Reduce the number of transitions in your day (07:38)
Keep your transitions short (10:02)
Set clear expectations (12:00)
What winning looks like (15:03)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Grab our FREE Printable Daily Schedule here.
- Get the Visual Routines Bundle here.
- Get Printable Visual Schedule Cards here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
The new school year is here, and this means that, like every year, it’s now time for those back-to-school checklists!
You see, the life of a preschool teacher is not easy (no matter what some people might tell you).
We have quite a few things to take care of and keep in mind, and this is especially true during the beginning of the year, when everything is still a bit chaotic.
Lucky for you, the chaos doesn’t have to be permanent.
You can get rid of it by setting up simple routines and procedures that will help make the rest of your year run smoother.
Today, I’ll be sharing those procedures with you!
Well then, what are you waiting for?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Back-to-school procedures and routines (00:00)
Story time (03:48)
The ingredient you absolutely need (08:33)
What matters the most (10:59)
Other routines you need to teach your students (13:53)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
-Grab your free back-to-school procedures checklist here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do you ever wonder why your students can’t sit through story time without fiddling around or losing interest?
If you’re struggling with getting your kids to pay attention during a read-aloud, I’ve got a secret to share with you: You’re not alone.
Every preschool teacher has been through this.
And I mean it.
All of us have wished for a magical wand that’d make story time easier at least once in our careers.
Sadly, we have yet to find that wand.
But hey, don’t lose hope yet, because there is a solution to this issue, and, lucky for you, I’m sharing it with you today.
Want to learn how to improve story time in your home or preschool classroom?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Are you struggling with story time? (00:00)
Let me paint a picture for you (03:15)
Interactive books (05:37)
All about read-acting (19:12)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out our interactive book list here.
- Check out our circle time episodes here and here.
- Learn how to troubleshoot circle time here.
- Learn everything you need to know about circle time essentials here.
- Get our FREE Skyrocket Circle Time Success guide here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Want to add more diverse picture books to your classroom this year?
Discover Black Boy, Black Boy, a beautifully illustrated children's book with an uplifting message for all young children.
This is the perfect picture book if you’re looking for inspirational stories that will resonate with all the students in your preschool classroom.
Not convinced yet?
How about you listen to my interview with the authors, Jorge Redmond and Ali Kamanda? I’m sure they would be able to convince you.
Well then, what are you waiting for?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
The best illustrated book of 2022 is out! (00:00)
Meet Jorge and Ali (02:14)
Why write this book? (04:22)
Why you need this book in your classroom (10:52)
Helping young black boys thrive (15:29)
One last question (21:22)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get Black Boy, Black Boy by Jorge Redmond and Ali Kamanda here.
- Check out more Diverse Picture Book List here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
It’s no secret that early childhood teachers everywhere have seen changes in their students’ behavior since the pandemic began.
And because of that, teaching young children is now more challenging than it ever was.
Kids are bouncing off the walls and full of energy… sometimes, a little bit too much energy if I’m being honest.
However, this doesn’t have to be a perpetual issue in your classroom.
I’m here, and I'm about to share an easy way to help reduce your preschool behavioral woes.
Yes friends, today, I’ll be sharing with you one simple solution to help improve behavior in your classroom by creating a calming and soothing environment your students can thrive in.
All right, are you ready?
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Are you experiencing behavioral issues in the classroom? (00:00)
Early childhood facts you need to know (06:57)
Let’s talk… COLORS! (08:25)
What about lights? (11:36)
Natural elements (12:52)
Some objections you might hear (17:06)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the Boho Bundle here.
- Get cool blue fluorescent light diffusers here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
As I’ve discussed in the last episode of Elevating Early Childhood, learning how to write your name as a preschooler takes a lot of work and dedication from both the teachers and the students.
Continuing on with the theme, today, I’ll be discussing whether you should be teaching your pre-k students to write their names in capital letters or lowercase letters.
This episode is also for those of you who are wondering why some kids can write their names beautifully while others cry at the thought of having to do so.
All right, are you ready?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Teaching children to write their name (00:00)
Some facts for you (02:52)
Here’s what you can do (09:55)
Answering your most burning questions (12:14)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Watch episode 57 here.
- Get golf pencils here.
- Get triangular pencils here.
- Get triangular crayons here.
- Get thin pipsqueak markers here.
- Get your name activities bundle here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Writing your name as a preschooler is no easy feat.
It takes work, dedication, and the right writing activities from you, their preschool teacher.
This is why, today, I’ll be sharing some super fun (and super easy) name writing activities you can do with your preschool students.
But before we start, let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?
Writing is one of those developmental milestones that’s individual to each child, and that means that not every child will benefit from the same activities.
This is especially true for younger children (3 years old and younger), who may not be ready to learn how to write their name until they’re older.
However, for 4 to 5 year olds, the activities in today’s episode are perfect.
All right, are you ready to learn more?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Name writing activities (00:00)
The elephant in the room (01:51)
Who’s ready to learn writing? (04:12)
What you’ll need (05:45)
Writing practice (22:06)
Problems you might encounter (27:29)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your pre-k name bundle here.
- Check out name activities for preschool here.
- Check out our literacy archive here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
It’s been a while, so I hope you’re as excited as I am about catching up.
In this week’s episode, I’ll be talking about something every early childhood classroom -in my opinion- should have: A writing center.
Writing centers are a great way to teach young children how to use their imagination. Plus, they're also the perfect getaway to teaching them language and how it works
I always get asked questions about how to set up writing centers and what kind of materials are needed etc..
Writing centers can be pretty tricky, so it’s completely understandable if some of you feel overwhelmed.
Lucky for you, I’m here to help.
Today, I’ll be sharing with you everything you need to set up a successful and super fun writing center in your classroom.
Ready to learn more?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
Writing center tips and tricks (00:00)
Space can make or break your writing center (03:51)
You need the right materials (08:57)
What to start the year with (23:31)
The benefits of a writing center (24:26)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about preschool writing centers here.
- Check out our F*R*E*E* Center Essentials Guide here.
- Get editable center signs here.
- More about writing center materials here.
- More about classroom labels here.
- Get your name card bundle here.
- Get our F*R*E*E* Printable Letter Squares here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Every single year, I get so many questions about the first days of school.
And so, I thought, why not have an episode about it? After all, that first day of school is a pretty big deal, not just for the students, but also for professional educators like you.
That is why I’ve created a free printable lesson plan to go along with the episode! I’ll also explain how to use it, so make sure you watch the whole thing!
But, did you know? It's not just the first day of school that's crucial, it's actually the first ten days, and you should be focusing on them as much as you can.
Why is that?
Simply because those first ten days of school will set you and your students up for a successful year. And who doesn't want that?
So, how do you make sure they go as smoothly as possible?
Join me now to discover the answer to that question (and a few tips you can use to help yourself and your students transition smoothly into the school year).
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Focusing on the first ten days of school is important (00:00)
First, let's start with a quick story (00:56)
Tip #1: Always go for quality over quantity (03:38)
Tip #2: Less is more (04:27)
Tip #3: No product art in the first ten days (06:28)
Tip #4: Ignore the teacher next door (08:02)
Tip #5: Troubleshooting (10:26)
Why the first ten days of school are sacred (12:53)
Check out my free First 10 Days of School Lessons Plans (17:20)
Use engaging, fun books in those first ten days (19:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get our free First 10 Day of School Lesson Plan here.
- Get your 2021 Soar to Success Summit pass here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
What is the Science of Reading? And what should preschool teachers know about it?
In this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I answer these two questions and more.
But I won't be doing this alone!
Yes friends, this is an interview episode! And in it, I will be discussing this hot topic with the lovely Allison McDonald.
Allison is the creator and founder of the early childhood website No Time for Flash Cards. She's also an author, a mom, and a rockstar early childhood educator!
Today, she and I will be discussing all things Science of Reading and what early childhood professionals need to know.
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Discussing the Science of Reading (00:00)
Meet Allison (00:42)
Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom (05:28)
The importance of oral language development (07:00)
Why you should be more intentional (11:19)
The importance of building background knowledge (14:46)
Moderate planning is okay (19:20)
Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness are key (20:47)
The four factors of future reading success (25:12)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out Allison’s latest book, Everyday Preschool.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
The one thing teachers don't have a lot of besides money is time. There's never enough time in the day to finish everything that needs to be done!
That's why in this episode, I'll be sharing my 10 favorite classroom must-haves; items that have saved me time or made my teacher life easier.
Some of these things I've used for a very long time and I couldn't live without in my classroom, while others may be new to you.
My purpose isn't to get you to buy a bunch of things. Instead, I'm sharing my perspective about things that I like and have found helpful in the classroom.
That way, you won't have to waste your time and money on stuff you don't need.
This is going to be a fun episode, so stick around!
Key Takeaways:
#1 - Personal laminator (02:38)
#2 - Spring-loaded scissors (07:49)
#3 - One-touch stapler (10:20)
#4 - HP Instant Ink wireless printer (13:20)
#5 - Nut and bolt drawer organizer (18:58)
#6 - Paper cutter (23:42)
#7 - Creative Station Xyron machine (23:50)
#8 - Sticky pockets (29:29)
#9 - Clear tubs (32:32)
#10 - Iris rainbow cases (35:16)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book "Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers".
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, "Teaching Trailblazers".
Links to the supplies mentioned in this episode:
- Scotch Laminator: https://amzn.to/3m2tGxA
- Scotch Laminating Pouches: https://amzn.to/2ZdJ6X8
- Fiskars Adult Spring-Loaded Scissors: https://amzn.to/3B8tzEZ
- One Touch Stapler: https://amzn.to/3Gbw0dW
- HP Printer: https://amzn.to/3GdUbsa
- Xyron Creative Station (9 inch): https://amzn.to/3nkZM7i
- Rainbow Photo Keeper: https://amzn.to/3GcX2kZ
- Sensory Bin Storage Boxes: https://amzn.to/3vE3bSj
- Clear Label Pockets: https://amzn.to/3m7C7rN
- Sit Spots: https://amzn.to/2ZbeaXo
- Wireless doorbell: https://amzn.to/3CaETlp
- Electric whistle: https://amzn.to/2ZcqCpO
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Time young children spend in learning centers is precious for their development. And yet, it’s one of those strictly school-related activities, which is why we must do our very best to set them up for success.
Creating a successful learning center requires lots of strategic planning and effort. There are many questions you need to answer first, including…
How many centers should you create?
How long should the center time be?
What are the centers going to be about?
How will your students know which centers to go to?
I know, right?! Makes your head spin! And that’s just barely scratching the surface.
Luckily, in over 20 years of teaching, along with 11 years in mentoring early childhood educators, I’ve gained plenty of experience with learning centers, as well as methods for improving and fine-tuning learning centers.
For this episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I’m going to share my top 5 methods, along with some additional tips to help tie everything together.
Alrighty, Changemakers! Let’s get to it!
Key Takeaways:
How to create learning centers that set kids up for real success (00:00)
Questions you NEED to answer before creating a great learning center (01:39)
Do THIS if you’re having challenges with learning centers (02:35)
My top methods for fine-tuning your learning center time and make it run smoothly (06:29)
Method 1: Applying labels so kids could recognize and organize them easier (7:24)
Method 2: Creating a picture schedule for clarity on the order of their daily activities (8:48)
Method 3: Making visual routines explaining how each learning center works (10:36)
Method 4: Adding a visual planning component to your center time (11:54)
Method 5: Implementing a cleanup routine at the end of center time (15:20)
Real results from someone who implemented these learning center methods (16:48)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my FREE guide on how to create successful learning centers here.
- Get our Teacher Success Bundle here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Have you ever entered your email address to download a freebie...and then been disappointed by what you got? I know I have plenty of times!
When you’re trying to find new ideas for your classroom, freebies can be very helpful. But it can also go in another direction—one where you catch yourself thinking...
“Huh? That’s it? I could’ve Googled that!”
So when I create freebies and bundles, I’m particularly mindful of trying to provide the very best resources and in plentiful fashion.
And for quite some time, I’ve been making a list of my favorite alphabet activities and games—things I’ve picked up along the way that I found precious and effective but were too small to give away individually.
Recently, I’ve finally collected enough to finish my bundle, and today I want to tell you all about it!
We have a bunch of games to break down—car games, board games, magnetic letters... You name it!
And for each and every one, I’ve created printables that I’m going to share with you for FREE at the end of this episode.
There’s a lot for us to explore, so let’s get going!
Key Takeaways:
THIS is why you need fun alphabet learning activities in your classroom (00:00)
How I created this super freebie with printable alphabet games and activities (01:11)
Alphabet Learning Game 1: Alphabet Fishing (02:32)
Alphabet Learning Game 2: Alphabet Board Game (11:13)
Alphabet Learning Game 3: Alphabet Roads (15:42)
Alphabet Learning Game 4: Alphabet Sensory Cards (18:11)
Alphabet Learning Game 5: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Magnet Tree (21:26)
Alphabet Learning Game 6: Parking Lot (23:53)
Alphabet Learning Game 7: Puppy Chow Letters (27:14)
Alphabet Learning Game 8: Wikki Stix Alphabet (29:10)
How to download my free alphabet games and activities printables bundle for free (31:15)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my freebie bundle by entering our Podcast Launch Giveaway.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
One of the biggest challenges teachers face with teaching the alphabet is getting the letters to stick.
You spend weeks teaching, following your curriculum, doing everything by the book. Everything seems to be going great. The kiddos are getting it! And then...
Poof! They forget all of it! As if you’ve never even mentioned it before! Has this ever happened to you? Because it’s happened to me plenty of times.
When I was a young student teacher, I had an opportunity to shadow a kindergarten teacher following the Letter of the Week curriculum. Remember—this was a long time ago, so back then, it was considered a perfectly suitable way of teaching children the alphabet.
And after just several weeks of working there, it became clear just how ineffective this method was. The kids struggled to retain what they’ve learned, and some didn’t know any letters whatsoever!
Luckily, these days we know better!
Children do NOT learn the alphabet linearly, from A to Z. It is a global process that requires a lot more than rigid schedules, worksheets, and a funny letter P-themed costume.
So in this episode, I will share an excellent method for teaching children the alphabet, which is fun, effective, and backed by research.
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Why the letters of the alphabet CAN’T be taught in 26 days (or even weeks)? (00:00)
The biggest challenge teachers face when teaching young children the alphabet (00:41)
How I learned firsthand that the Letter of the Week curriculum is highly ineffective (02:19)
Why teachers need to teach smarter and not harder? (04:42)
How do young children learn to identify letters? (06:18)
How to teach letters of the alphabet in a way that’s, fun, effective, and backed by research (08:20)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my FREE guide on how to teach letters of the alphabet to young children here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do parent-teacher conferences stress you out?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
Every teacher goes through the worry and the anxiety that come with them, even those of us who have been teaching for decades.
It’s normal to stress about parent-teacher conferences. After all, they require a lot of work and patience.
From the extra prep work involved to the anxiety that comes with having to talk to parents and maybe let them know their little ones aren’t progressing as much as they hoped for, parent-teacher conferences can be nerve-wracking.
Add to that having to do several (as in twenty or more) of those sessions in a day, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.
Truly, no one would blame you if you curled up in a corner and cried a little (it’s okay, stress does this to all of us).
But, lucky for you, I’m here to let you know that parent-teacher conferences don’t have to be a nightmare!
All you have to do is follow the tips in this week’s episode, and your conferences will be running like a well-oiled machine in no time!
Ready to learn more?
Tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
All about parent-teacher conferences (00:00)
Scheduling your conferences (04:08)
What to do before the conferences begin (12:38)
What to do during the conferences (17:43)
Quick Q&A session (32:45)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn how to have tough conversations with parents here.
- Get Parent Handouts Vol. 1 here.
- Get Parent Handouts Vol. 2 here.
- Get your student assessment packet here.
- Get your 3-year old observational assessment packet here.
- Get your pre-k report card editable here.
- Get your printable parent-teacher conference forms and handbook here.
- Get your fine motor-skills parent handout here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Teaching dual language learners in the preschool classroom is not always easy.
I taught this population exclusively for 20 years and I have met obstacles along the way — like every other teacher who’s done it before me—.
However, there ARE ways to make it easier on yourself and your students.
And to discuss that, I have invited this week’s guest, the brilliant Maria Mercedes Champion.
Maria Mercedes is an enthusiastic bilingual preschool teacher with nearly two decades of experience in the classroom.
She has served as a program coordinator and a bilingual facilitator for her district’s kinder reading program.
And today, she’s here to talk about how to teach ESL students.
Ready to learn more?
Dive in now!
Key Takeaways:
Teaching dual language learners in the preschool classroom (00:00)
Meet Maria Mercedes (02:46)
What if I don’t speak my students’ native language? (03:48)
My experience in South Korea (06:58)
Should children speak their native language in the classroom? (16:09)
Do you need a translator in the classroom? (22:56)
Learning a second language can help you in more ways than one (30:31)
How to help your ESL students feel more included in the classroom (34:03)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Maria Mercedes here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
When I was in school, I didn't like science class very much. I found it boring and I never enjoyed it.
However, just because that was my experience, it doesn’t mean the same should happen with my preschool students.
See, young children are full of curiosity and love experimenting with the environment around them.
To them, the world is full of wonders and they want to discover and learn about all of it.
Using their natural curiosity and my science center tips, you can help them understand the world and how it works in a fun and interesting way.
How can you build a science center that will have your students eager to learn?
Tune in now to find out!
Key Takeaways:
Do you have a science center in your classroom? (00:00)
Why is having a science center important? (04:25)
How to set up a successful science center (05:27)
Answering your questions (19:29)
My own science center stories (24:18)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get more science center ideas here.
- More about pre-k science units here.
- Get editable center signs here.
- Get printable classroom labels here.
- Learn about the best earth science books here.
- Learn about the best life science books here.
- Learn about the best physical science books here.
- Learn how to grow sweet potatoes with your students here.
- Learn how to grow grass with your students here.
- Learn how to grow lettuce with your students here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
If you remember, a few episodes ago, I discussed calendar time and whether or not you needed it in your preschool classroom.
And well... it seems many of you had even MORE questions, so I’ve decided to answer them for you.
In today's episode I'll be responding to our listener and viewer comments and questions on this super hot button topic — for us preschool teachers —.
Are you ready for a mindset shift?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Do you have calendar time questions? (00:00)
Thank you for coming to my TED talk! (02:32)
Answering your first question (04:09)
Another one of your YouTube comments (07:29)
Responding to a comment from a mom (11:37)
Let's check your Instagram comments! (12:14)
What our Trailblazers are saying (17:06)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about calendar time activities here.
- Get your linear calendar kit here.
- Listen to episode 44 - “Do Kids Need Calendar Time in Preschool?” here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Today's podcast is another one of my thrilling interviews, and I can't wait for you to meet this week's guest!
But before I introduce them, let me ask you a quick question: Do you use picture books in your preschool classroom?
Now, I already know your answer, "Well of course, Vanessa! Everyone uses picture books to teach young children!"
And you might be right, however, are you doing it the right way? Are you using children's picture books to meet educational standards?
Because if you aren't, then you 100% need to meet this week's guest, the brilliant Debbie Clement!
Debbie has more than 40 years of experience working with young children as both a teacher and an administrator.
She is also a children's book writer and illustrator, and today, she's here to discuss how to use children's picture books to meet educational standards in fun and developmentally appropriate ways.
Ready to learn more?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Do you use picture books in the classroom? (00:00)
Meet Debbie Clement! (02:44)
Debbie's latest project (04:31)
A book full of artistic surprises (20:09)
About preschool educational standards (24:29)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get Mighty Wings by Debbie Clement here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, Vanessa here!
I'm suuuuper excited to have you over again for another fun episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Today, I'll be discussing calendar time in preschool.
As you know, calendar time in the preschool classroom can be challenging (for quite a few reasons).
And the big question about it often is: To do calendar or not to do calendar?
And I am here to answer it for you!
Yes friends, today, we're tackling the big calendar time debate!
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Calendar: To do or not to do? (00:00)
Ever heard of cognitive dissonance? (02:12)
Let's go back to 1992 (05:02)
The linear calendar (07:19)
What to do if you don't teach using calendar (14:03)
What if I have to do calendar because my director or principal says so? (17:24)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- More calendar time tips here.
- Get your linear calendar kit here.
- Get your editable picture schedule cards here.
- Get your at-home daily picture schedule here.
- Read Good Intentions Gone Awry here.
- Learn more about how to make calendar time meaningful here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Today, I'll be discussing circle time and what to do when it goes awry.
No matter how good you are at keeping your students focused and engaged during circle time, you'll find yourself, one day or another, facing issues.
Circle time problems are common, but many of us find ourselves panicking when they happen.
However, you don't need to. As long as you're prepared, you'll know how to troubleshoot circle time issues.
To discuss this, I've invited the brilliant Prerna Richards to join me in today's episode.
Prerna is an early childhood coach and consultant, and she has been working in this field for the past 35 years.
She has served as a teacher, a director, an education specialist, and a program director, and today, she's here to talk about how to troubleshoot circle time when it doesn't go as planned.
Ready to learn more?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Troubleshooting circle time (00:00)
How to deal with children who won't come to circle time (04:02)
"I've been doing this same thing for so long, I need to spice it up." (12:50)
Strategies to deal with interrupters (19:27)
Treasure box (24:03)
Get yourself some fidget toys! (27:11)
A quick demo (30:00)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Prerna’s work here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Today, we're talking… sensory table activities!
Yes friends, it's time to go big or go home.
Sensory play isn't just fun or messy, it turns out that it has other benefits too!
If you're looking for ways to add interest and boost engagement during center time in your classroom, then you don't want to miss this episode.
All in all, sensory tables are a must-have in every early childhood classroom.
In this episode I'm unveiling my easy step-by-step process to setting up successful sensory table activities.
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Do you have a sensory table in your classroom? (00:00)
Step #1: Know your "why" (03:00)
Step #2: Choose your fillers (05:00)
Step #3: Don't be shy, add some themes! (18:56)
Step #4: Add the right tools (23:22)
Step #5: Troubleshooting is a must! (26:56)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Download your FREE sensory essentials guide here.
- Learn more about the sensory bin here.
- More sensory table themes here.
- Check out my favorite sensory bin tools and toys here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Teaching math skills to preschoolers is not always straightforward.
Not every child will find it easy to jump into the world of numbers, and some might even find math pretty intimidating.
So, how can we, as early childhood teachers, help facilitate this for them? And where do we even start?
These are the questions I ask today's guest, who is none other than the amazing Shannon McCartney.
Shannon is an international consultant and author whose work helps teachers from all around the country embed developmentally appropriate numeracy concepts in their classrooms.
She is also the founder of Strategic Intervention Solutions and the creator and executive producer of Math Mights on PBS.
All in all, Shannon is a star (and I'm not saying that just because she's a dear friend of mine), and today, she's here to help us build strong numeracy brains in our students.
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
How to teach preschool math skills (00:00)
Meet Shannon! (02:51)
"Should I panic?" (06:37)
The next layer (16:49)
Where to go next (22:50)
Good news from Shannon (25:42)
Where you can watch Math Mights (29:29)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Shannon’s work here and here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Today's episode is one many of you have been asking for.
It's part 3 of my circle time series!
But before we start, let me ask you a question: Are you searching for ways to make circle time more fun and engaging for your preschool students?
If your answer is a resounding "YES!" — and I'm sure it is — then you've come to the right place!
Today, I'll be discussing how to create fun and engaging circle time activities for a pets theme in your preschool classroom.
My pets theme is one of my most popular ones — kids love animals — and I thought I'd share how I put it all up with you!
So, are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Set yourself up for success (00:00)
Prep, prep, prep! (02:51)
Start with an introduction (08:54)
The cat is out of the bag! (10:20)
What do the clues tell us? (13:59)
Today's story (16:53)
It's time for a poem! (21:33)
The circle time game (28:24)
Tomorrow is another day (33:35)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the vet clinic dramatic play bundle here.
- Get pet themed math and literacy activities here.
- Get the circle time number games big bundle here.
- Get your alligator puppet here.
- Get Lola Gets a Cat by Anna McQuinn here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
There are two types of teachers: Those who absolutely love technology and those who don't feel comfortable using it.
But the one thing both types have in common is that they never have enough time in their work day to get everything done.
I'm sure you're in the same situation as well. Always running around, feeling like a headless chicken, because you have a million and one things to do and not. enough. time. to do them.
Well, lucky for you, I'm here to help.
I've been there, I've come up with some solutions, and today, I'll be sharing them with you!
Ready to discover what my top time-saving tech tips are?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Too much to do but too little time? I'm here to help! (00:00)
Tech Tip #1: Take advantage of Gmail (03:05)
Tech Tip #2: Don't forget to schedule! (06:09)
Tech Tip #3: Ad-free is always best (07:44)
Tech Tip #4: Don't be a Google Drive hoarder (10:01)
Tech Tip #5: Pin those tabs! (11:47)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Today's episode is suuuuuuper exciting.
"Why," you ask?
Simply because I'm interviewing the brilliant Dr. Danny Brassell!
If you haven't heard of him (although I'm sure many of you have), Dr. Brassell is an internationally-acclaimed speaker, best-selling author of 15 books, and overall funny person — I mean he is nicknamed “Jim Carrey with a PhD”—.
I first met Dr. Brassell when I was on the educational conference speaking circuit, and I thought, "Why keep all his knowledge for myself?" which is exactly why he's joining me in today's episode, where we'll be discussing an important subject: Expanding access to public preschool.
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Why we need public preschool (00:00)
Meet Danny! (02:10)
What is the purpose of preschool? (06:31)
Every child is different (08:46)
"Children are made readers in the laps of their parents" (12:38)
Captain Underpants is the gateway drug to Shakespeare (18:19)
The difference between public preschools and private preschools (22:58)
All parents want what's best for their children (28:51)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Dr. Danny Brassell here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, before we start, let me ask you a quick question.
Do your students love pretend play?
I’m pretty sure your answer is a resounding “yes!” because, come on, what child doesn’t like to act out everyday scenarios for fun?
Well, you can take your students’ love for dramatic play, and turn it into a learning moment (isn’t that our job after all?)
And what better way to do that than by creating your own — very successful, might I add — dramatic play center.
Having a well-equipped, well-organized, and clearly labeled dramatic play center will keep your preschool students engaged in playful learning and on-task for longer periods of time.
So really, what’s not to love?
All right, let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Make your own dramatic play center today! (00:00)
Dramatic play must-haves (03:13)
Where to start? This way! (14:54)
Props and themes are always welcome (16:23)
Make introductions (18:51)
How much space do you need? (20:49)
Answering some more questions (24:29)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Discover our dramatic play themes here.
- Take a look at my own dramatic play center here.
- Shop my dramatic play favorites here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Before we start, let me ask you a quick question: Do your preschool or pre-k students need help learning how to count and develop number sense?
If your answer is "YES!" then you've come to the right place, because that's exactly what I'm discussing today.
As you know, math doesn't come easily to everyone. Some children have real difficulties with it, while others find it super fun and easy, almost like solving a puzzle game.
However, the math activities I'm sharing with you today are an exception, because all your preschool students will love them. They're fun and engaging, and they make math as simple as it can be!
So, are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Fun math activities for your preschool classroom (00:00)
Has this ever happened to you? (02:17)
Target finds always help! (04:04)
"No prep, please," you said? (09:28)
Ice-cube trays for the rescue (13:07)
Make it super fun! (17:55)
Keep it simple (21:48)
The magic number (24:58)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For bear caves, click here.
- Want to buy colorful lunch trays? Click here.
- Get foam dice here.
- Click here for gator grabbers.
- In need of a pocket cube? Click here.
- Grab some mini-erasers here.
- Listen to episode 24 here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do you have kids in your classroom who have strong reactions to things like loud noises or certain smells?
If your answer is "yes", then you may have students with sensory issues!
Whether it's the first or the tenth time you've encountered a situation like this, it's important to know what to do, and most importantly, what not to do for your students' wellbeing!
So, to discuss this, I've invited author Keri Wilmot on the podcast.
Keri is an author and pediatric occupational therapist with more than 20 years of clinical experience, and today, she's here to discuss how to help your students cope with their sensory challenges in the classroom.
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Sensory processing in the classroom (00:00)
Meet Keri! (02:10)
A brief overview of sensory processing (03:56)
Why it's important to know about sensory processing (08:27)
Answering one of your questions (10:47)
The right tools help (15:35)
Should you be having this conversation with the parents? (24:17)
Tips and tricks from Keri (26:35)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Grab Wired Differently: A Teacher's Guide to Understanding Sensory Processing Challenges by Keri Wilmot here.
- Connect with Keri here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Before we start, let me ask you a question: What's in your block center?
If you're looking for ways to spice up your block center or help your kids get the most out of the block center, then this episode is for you!
Because, let me tell you, when your block center is well-stocked and organized, student engagement will skyrocket!
But how do you make sure yours checks all the right boxes and is as successful as it can be?
Tune in to this episode to find out!
Ready? Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Setting up a successful block center doesn't have to be hard (00:00)
Adding natural items (02:55)
Dollar store finds! (06:12)
Things that go (08:45)
Where does it go? (13:06)
We the People (14:36)
Don't "leaf" these out! (18:37)
What kind of blocks to use? (19:49)
"Do not touch!" (22:37)
Use center signs (23:36)
Bring literacy into your block center (24:07)
How to make block center clean-up a breeze (27:11)
Add things to complement your themes (29:46)
How much space do you need? (31:49)
Here's how to manage your students in the block center (34:33)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my FREE center essentials guide here.
- Shop your block center products here.
- Grab editable center labels here.
- Grab editable center signs here.
- Learn more about my block center here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
What's the secret to making every circle time a smashing success?
This is the question I answer in today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
As you know, circle time is an essential part of every preschool classroom. Done right, it can be super fun and engaging!
But, there is one big obstacle between you and a successful circle time... Children's short attention spans!
I've talked about this before, and yes, I'm about to circle back — excuse the pun — to it again this week, because if you want to have the perfect circle time, you need your students to pay attention.
How can you make sure that happens?
I answer this question (and more) in today's episode, so tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
What's the secret to a successful circle time? (00:00)
A story about Ashley (03:19)
A story about Jaden (09:41)
I found my perfect bag, what about you? (16:15)
Meet Allie the alligator! (22:43)
Don't forget circle time games (30:00)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out episode 21 here.
- Check out episode 22 here.
- Find out more about circle time songs here.
- Find more circle time tips here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Friends, it's a new year!!
And you know what that means… NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!
Every single December, we all collectively decide the coming year is going to be our best.
But let's be honest, these last two years have been less than stellar, especially for teachers, thanks to a little something called "The Pandemic".
However, as they say, third time's the charm, and 2022 is going to be OUR year!
And that's why it's the perfect time to make (and follow) the one resolution every teacher needs to make: Setting boundaries.
Having interactions with your students' parents and keeping them in the loop is important, but don't let them walk all over you. After all, you're the professional.
However, if you find that this is easier said than done, then you're in luck, because today, I discuss how to live your best teacher life and learn how to say no with the brilliant Pat Quinn.
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
"No" is a complete sentence (00:00)
Setting boundaries is a must! (02:53)
Stories vs. facts (06:55)
"Swim with the fish" (10:05)
Two truths and a truth (20:02)
What to do when you get blindsided by a request (27:23)
Final thoughts (32:36)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about Pat here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Today, we're talking… organization!
If you're dreaming of a more organized teacher life in 2022, I've got you!
If you want a fresh start to the new year, then kick classroom clutter to curb and organize #allthethings with my very best tips.
After all, no one enjoys it when they open a cabinet in their classroom and get hit on the head by a random bottle of tempera paint — please tell me I'm not the only one who's been there —.
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
The saga of the stray magnetic letter (00:00)
My top 5 storage and organization tips for your classroom (02:08)
My best closet storage tip (04:32)
My best closet storage tip (08:24)
Repurposed containers for storing yarn (16:06)
My best bulletin board border storage tip (19:08)
My best book organization tip (20:45)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out more teacher storage and organization ideas here.
- Get your book tub labels here.
- Looking for theme tub labels? Click here.
- Get printable supply labels here.
- Grab yourself some plastic book bins here.
- Get clear plastic shoe boxes here.
- Click here for clear plastic theme storage tubs.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
I remember the very first time I saw a light table in a classroom, I was mesmerized by the soft glow and the reflecting colors.
There was just something about it that was super soothing and comforting to me.
And who doesn't like soothing and comforting? I mean, those words sound like a cozy night in with a good book and a hot cup of tea!
Well, after making my discovery, I thought to myself: "My students will 100% enjoy something like this."
But buying a light table was out of the question, it was just too expensive for me.
So, what did I do?
Yes friends, I went through a full-on DIY phase, and an amazing light table came out of it!
And guess what? You can do the same!
Just listen to this week's episode to find out how.
Key Takeaways:
What's a light table? (00:00)
Where to find a light table (04:30)
DIY light table? Yes please! (06:32)
What does a light table help with? (08:45)
Pros and cons of a light table (10:16)
The activities students can do on a light table (11:57)
DIY light table mats (13:18)
Translucent letters and number (18:22)
Translucent linking cubes (20:20)
Magna tiles (21:55)
Translucent pattern blocks (22:57)
Translucent bingo chips (24:18)
Translucent cups (25:51)
Answering more light table-related questions (26:43)
A few more resources for you (28:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn more about light table centers here.
- Wondering what kind of light table activities you can do with your students? Click here to find out!
- Everything about light table tools here.
- Here’s how to make your own light table.
- Grab your editable center signs here.
- Grab your “I Can” center task cards here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
Guess what?
This week's episode is another amazing interview, with the one and only Dan St. Romain!
Dan is a brilliant author and consultant with 30 years of experience in the education field.
He has served as an educational diagnostician AND a behavior specialist on an early childhood campus, so, all in all, Dan really knows what he's talking about!
And today, he's here to discuss how to communicate behavior to parents when you're not using behavior charts.
If you've listened to last week's episode (if you haven't yet, tune in here), then you know my take on behavior charts: I don't think they’re necessary.
But even if we don't use them, we can still keep parents in the loop about their children's behavior.
Tune in now to find out!
Key Takeaways:
Is daily feedback useful? (00:00)
Meet today's guest! (02:08)
Daily feedback: Yay or nay? (04:09)
No news is good news! (10:48)
Strategies you can use (14:35)
Be the voice of hope (20:25)
Intermittent communication is important (26:30)
Prevention vs. intervention (28:25)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out the first part of this episode here.
- For more info about behavior charts, click here.
- Learn more about Dan St. Romain here.
- Get a copy of Teach Skills and Break Habits: Growth Mindsets for Better Behavior in the Classroom by Dan St. Romain here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Here is a question I get all the time from my listeners: "Help, my kids are out of control! What can I do?"
Now this is something every early childhood teacher has had to deal with in their career.
It's no secret that young children are not all angels. It's normal, they're kids, and they don't have as much impulse control as we do.
Plus, they're at that age when they're starting to feel like their own person and want to express themselves.
So, how do you make them behave in the classroom?
Well, what if teaching kids to behave wasn't about controlling their behavior, but instead about teaching them the skills they need to express their feelings and emotions?
This is exactly what I discuss in today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, so, if this sounds like your cup of tea (and I know it does), tune in now!
Key Takeaways:
What is our goal with behavior in the classroom? (00:00)
Sharing one of your emails (02:18)
Behavior charts (03:45)
A story about Kevin (04:37)
Answering my listener's question (09:15)
Another quick story (12:07)
The importance of teaching the right skills (16:20)
Tip #1: Communicate (18:36)
Tip #2: Teach (20:16)
Tip #3: Differentiate (22:57)
What if your administrator mandates the use of a behavior chart? (24:12)
Peer pressure (26:03)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For more info about behavior charts, click here.
- Grab the Making Good Choices Behavior Management printable here.
- Get a copy of Punished by Rewards, by Alfie Kohn here.
- Get a copy of Teach Skills and Break Habits: Growth Mindsets for Better Behavior in the Classroom, by Dan St. Romain here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hi everyone, I'm so excited to have you here back again!
Today, I pick up right where I left last week in my riveting discussion with Melissa.
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, let me refresh your memory a bit!
Melissa and I discussed literacy, the importance of understanding the children you're teaching, and how to teach your students the alphabet.
And today, we discuss even more fun stuff and answer your most burning literacy questions, so make sure to tune in!
Key Takeaways:
Do you need a curriculum to teach? (00:00)
What about phonological awareness? (04:32)
Do you have to buy anything to teach your children these skills? (11:24)
Using picture cards can help (17:16)
Invest in an ABC Linking Chart (18:56)
Closing thoughts (24:16)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the Ultimate Alphabet Freebie Bundle here.
- Get my free “How to Teach the Alphabet” eBook here.
- Grab my ABC Linking Chart here.
- Want to connect with Melissa? Click here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hey friends, welcome back to a brand new episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
This one is suuuuuper exciting, but before we start, let me ask you a question!
Has anyone ever said to you: "Oh, you teach preschool, it must be so much fun to play all day!"?
Pretty frustrating, right?
Many people think teaching early childhood is a walk in the park, even when you and I know the truth: It isn't!
Our job needs time, dedication, and a real love for children and literacy. After all, not anyone can teach a small child the alphabet...
Which brings me to today's subject: This week’s guest, the brilliant Melissa Leach (of Leach Literacy Training), who is here to discuss the science behind teaching letters, letter names, and sounds to preschool-aged children.
Are you ready?
Grab yourself a nice hot chocolate (or a spiced cider, 'tis the season after all), have a seat in your favorite chair, and tune in!
Key Takeaways:
Is teaching preschool really easy? (00:00)
Letter before letters sounds or vice-versa? (04:45)
Don't jump in too quickly (08:41)
The importance of not making assumptions (13:53)
Why it's important to understand the children you're teaching (14:27)
How to get your children excited about learning letters (16:36)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get the Ultimate Alphabet Freebie Bundle here.
- Get my free “How to Teach the Alphabet” eBook here.
- Want to connect with Melissa? Click here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
After working with many teachers over the years, I've noticed one thing...
"What is it, Vanessa?" you ask?
Well, the answer is: The lack of flannel boards!
And yes, I can hear you already... "But flannel boards are sooooo old school."
But let me tell you, they aren't! They can actually be used in very smart ways to teach many standards in your early childhood class!
What do I mean by that?
Tune in to this episode to find out!
Key Takeaways:
Flannel boards in the classroom? (00:00)
Why some teachers don't use flannel boards (01:03)
What is a flannel board? (01:40)
What is the purpose of a flannel board? (04:20)
What standards can you support using a flannel board? (04:58)
How to do a flannel board story with your students (11:47)
My favorite flannel pieces (20:16)
Using a flannel board as an independent learning center (23:20)
Other ways I have used flannel boards in my classrooms (30:16)
Some troubleshooting tips for you (32:15)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For “Little Folk: Goldilocks” flannel figures, click here.
- For “Little Folk: Nursery Rhymes” flannel figures, click here.
- For “Little Folk: Brown Bear” flannel figures, click here.
- For “Little Folk: Hungry Caterpillar” flannel figures, click here.
- Grab your DIY pizza box flannel board here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
How can you make small group time work for you?
I answer this question in today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
When it comes to small group time, many preschool professionals find themselves scratching their heads.
What is it? How does it work? And is it really that important?
Well, let me tell you one thing: If done right, small group time can be highly effective and allow you to target the needs of each student!
So really, what's not to love?
If you're curious about small group time and how you can implement it in your preschool classroom, this episode is for you!
In it, I'll be answering a few questions about small group time, such as how long they should last, how you can manage them, and more!
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Make small group time work for you (00:00)
Question #1: What are small groups? (00:57)
Question #2: Why are small groups so important? (01:14)
Question #3: How long should small groups last? (02:34)
Question #4: How many students should you have in each small group? (03:52)
Question #5: How many groups should you have? (04:18)
Question #6: How do you know which children to put in which group? (04:49)
Question #7: Where should you have your small group lessons? (06:58)
Question #8: When should you have small group time? (09:37)
Question #9: How do you manage small groups? (10:24)
Question #10: What types of activities should you do during small groups? (12:38)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For small group activities ideas, click here.
- Grab preschool assessment forms here.
- Click here and use promo code “prekpages” to try ESGI for free for 60 days and save $40 on your first year's subscription!
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
The one thing teachers don't have a lot of besides money is time. There's never enough time in the day to finish everything that needs to be done!
That's why in this episode, I'll be sharing my 10 favorite classroom must-haves; items that have saved me time or made my teacher life easier.
Some of these things I've used for a very long time and I couldn't live without in my classroom, while others may be new to you.
My purpose isn't to get you to buy a bunch of things. Instead, I'm sharing my perspective about things that I like and have found helpful in the classroom.
That way, you won't have to waste your time and money on stuff you don't need.
This is going to be a fun episode, so stick around!
Key Takeaways:
#1 - Personal laminator (02:38)
#2 - Spring-loaded scissors (07:49)
#3 - One-touch stapler (10:20)
#4 - HP Instant Ink wireless printer (13:20)
#5 - Nut and bolt drawer organizer (18:58)
#6 - Paper cutter (23:42)
#7 - Creative Station Xyron machine (23:50)
#8 - Sticky pockets (29:29)
#9 - Clear tubs (32:32)
#10 - Iris rainbow cases (35:16)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book "Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers".
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, "Teaching Trailblazers".
Links to the supplies mentioned in this episode:
- Scotch Laminator: https://amzn.to/3m2tGxA
- Scotch Laminating Pouches: https://amzn.to/2ZdJ6X8
- Fiskars Adult Spring-Loaded Scissors: https://amzn.to/3B8tzEZ
- One Touch Stapler: https://amzn.to/3Gbw0dW
- HP Printer: https://amzn.to/3GdUbsa
- Xyron Creative Station (9 inch): https://amzn.to/3nkZM7i
- Rainbow Photo Keeper: https://amzn.to/3GcX2kZ
- Sensory Bin Storage Boxes: https://amzn.to/3vE3bSj
- Clear Label Pockets:https://amzn.to/3m7C7rN
- Sit Spots: https://amzn.to/2ZbeaXo
- Wireless doorbell: https://amzn.to/3CaETlp
- Electric whistle: https://amzn.to/2ZcqCpO
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word "affiliate" means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In last week's episode, I talked about how it can be a real challenge to get young children to listen and pay attention during circle time.
But what if I told you it doesn't have to be that way?
What if there was a recipe for a successful circle time that you could follow?
Wouldn't that be amazing?
I know, I know - it sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?
Well, it isn't!
In today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, a very special guest is joining us to discuss circle time - my good friend Jamie White!
Jamie is known for her highly effective circle time games. And she's a four-time speaker at our annual Soar to Success Summit for early childhood educators.
So, tune in to learn best practices and troubleshooting tips to make your circle time the very best for you and your students!
Key Takeaways:
How to have a successful circle time (00:00)
What to do if your kids are too wiggly to sit (02:06)
One common mistake that preschool teachers make with circle time (04:19)
How to make the most out of your circle time (07:39)
How to get your children to stay focused (12:48)
What to do if your children won't come to circle time or get up and wander (20:52)
The importance of picking the right books to read aloud (27:21)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Visit Jamie’s website here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For some preschool morning meeting ideas, click here.
- Listen to Part 1 of this episode here.
- Click here for preschool circle time song ideas.
- Get your rectangular Editable Picture Schedule Cards here.
- Get square Editable Picture Schedule Cards, click here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I discuss something suuuper important: Circle time!
As you know, circle time is pretty crucial in pre-k, and having a successful and effective one can be difficult.
Why? Simply because most children have short attention spans, which means keeping them focused on circle time can be quite the complex task.
But, I'm here to help!
Which is why, first things first, I want you to know that, when it comes to circle time, working smarter, not harder, is the solution.
What does that entail, exactly?
Tune in right now to find out!
Key Takeaways:
Why is it difficult to have a successful circle time? (00:00)
Ingredient #1: Understanding young children's attention spans (03:03)
Ingredient #2: Balancing active and passive during circle time (04:24)
Ingredient #3: Have all your materials prepared in advance (06:40)
What to do when your students don't listen during circle time (08:12)
How to fit everything during circle time (09:42)
What to do if your students don't participate (13:44)
Component #1: The picture schedule (17:28)
Component #2: Taking attendance (18:15)
Component #3: Story of the day (20:12)
Component #4: A participatory song (21:29)
Component #5: Review your schedule (21:43)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- For some preschool morning meeting ideas, click here.
- For more preschool circle time tips, click here.
- Click here for preschool circle time song ideas.
- Get your rectangular Editable Picture Schedule Cards here.
- Get square Editable Picture Schedule Cards, click here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I discuss something super important: How to write lesson plans!
This is a question I often get from teachers new to working at the preschool level.
So, if you find yourself wondering where to start, or what kind of lesson plan works best for pre-k, don't freak out just yet! I want you to know, you're not alone, and I'm here to help!
And today, I'll be sharing my own lesson plan method with you!
Not only does this method work for all early childhood professionals, it also doesn't require you to have a curriculum!
Wondering how it works?
Tune in now to find out everything you need to know about my six-step method for writing lesson plans!
So, without further ado, let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Need to write a lesson plan? You came to the right place! (00:00)
Six steps to write your lesson plan (02:52)
What if you don't have any assessments? (06:31)
What skills should you be teaching each week? (07:03)
What units of study should you be focusing on? (07:47)
What books do you read for each unit of study? (08:46)
Where to get a lesson plan template (09:36)
How I get it all done before Friday (10:04)
A surprise for you! (12:04)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your Student Assessment Packet here.
- Get your FREE Trailblazer Curriculum Map here.
- More assessment tools for pre-k teachers here.
- Get your FREE Teacher Planner for Preschool here.
- For the editable lesson plan template, click here.
- Get the Pumpkin Lesson Plan Bundle here.
- To check out my premade book lists, click here.
- To buy the Happy Planner Punch, click here.
- To buy the Happy Planner Disks, click here.
- To buy the Rainbow Rolling Cart, click .here
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Why do toddlers do what they do? Have you ever asked yourself that?
I know I have! After all, little children sometimes do some astonishing things, and I would love nothing more than to understand why!
And this is exactly why I've invited this week's guest to come to the podcast and talk to us about it.
My good friend (and this week's guest) Devon Kuntzman is a coach, a former orphanage director, and the founder of Transforming Toddlerhood!
She has spent the last 15 years working with families from all over the world, and today, she's here to discuss toddler behavior with me.
Plus, she also offers some tips on what you can do to help toddlers become successful, so really, what's not to love?
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Why do toddlers do THAT? (01:26)
Explaining toddler behavior (03:35)
Toddlerhood, the first step towards independence (05:40)
Toddlers' view of the world (08:33)
The gap between our expectations and what toddlers can do (10:58)
Shifting our expectations (13:27)
Following the toddlers' lead? (17:35)
Harnessing toddlers' interests (20:47)
Keeping projects developmentally appropriate for toddlers (23:18)
Experimentation equals learning (28:01)
The difference between attention-seeking behavior and connection-seeking behavior (32:07)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out Devon’s website here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Pre-K Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. The word “affiliate” means that we may earn a small commission if/when you click on or make purchases via these links at no additional cost to you.
As a policy, the Company will only affiliate with products, services, consultants or experts that we believe will provide value to our customers and followers.
You recognize that it remains your personal responsibility to investigate whether any affiliate offers are right for you and will benefit you. You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by the Company but will instead conduct your own investigation and will rely upon your investigation to decide whether to purchase the affiliate product or service.
In last week's episode, I discussed how you can help your students develop their fine motor skills before working on their scissor skills.
If you haven't listened to that episode yet, I invite you to do so, because the tips I gave in that one are going to build the foundation the children will need to develop and hone their scissor skills.
Today, I pick up where I left off. I'll be focusing more on scissors and what you can do to teach your young students how to use them.
To many, it seems like using scissors is something that's super easy to do. However, like everything else, it's a skill, and your students will need to work on it.
I answer this question in today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, so tune in now.
Key Takeaways:
Previously on Elevating Early Childhood (00:00)
Step #1: Ripping (01:42)
Step #2: Snipping (04:40)
Step #3: Fringing (08:36)
Step #4: Straight lines (10:53)
Step #5: Zigzag lines (14:40)
Step #6: Curved lines (16:43)
Step #7: Right angles (19:17)
What to do if your students can't hold Fiskars scissors (21:12)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn how to teach your students scissor cutting skills here.
- Click here for my tips for teaching scissor cutting skills in your preschool classroom.
- Get your FREE Printable Scissor Skills Checklist here.
- Get your Cutting Skills Printable Bundle here.
- Get Fiskars Blunt Tip Scissors here.
- Get Preschool Training Scissors here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Every preschool professional will have to, one day, introduce scissors to their students. And sometimes, that can go wrong.
A lot of children can be scissor-happy. I mean, who would say no to cutting their own hair as a child?
However, if you do it the right way, teaching scissor skills to young kids can be, if not easy, quite fun.
And it all comes down to helping your students hone their fine-motor skills!
How can you do that?
Tune in now to find out.
Well then, what are you waiting for? Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Teaching children scissor skills: Is it a challenge? (00:00)
Fine-motor skills and scissor skills (01:17)
Playdough is a great way to help kids develop their fine motor skills (02:00)
Make things fun and playful! (07:58)
Art activities that develop fine motor skills (10:07)
What if your students have to use two hands? (15:00)
Grab your FREE Fine Motor Skills Parent Handout (16:30)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Learn how to teach your students scissor cutting skills here.
- Grab a free copy of the Fine Motor Skills Parent Handout here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do you ever feel pressured to put the most aesthetically-pleasing bulletin boards in your classroom?
We've all been there!
Creating eye-catching bulletin boards can become a chore that takes up way too much time!
And this is exactly what I discuss in this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, with my amazing guest, the brilliant Matt Halpern.
Matt has taught early elementary school for almost two decades. He is also a speaker and the author of Look at My Happy Rainbow: My Journey as a Male Kindergarten Teacher.
And today, he's here to discuss the walls in our classrooms!
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Do aesthetically-pleasing bulletin boards really matter? (00:00)
Are you spending your own money on your classroom? (02:37)
The pressure of being a new teacher (08:07)
The classroom is the children's space (15:57)
Teach smarter, not harder (20:41)
How to include the children in decorating the classroom (23:12)
The more you do it, the bigger it gets (26:14)
My bulletin board philosophy (30:57)
Over decorated classrooms can cause overstimulation in students (33:54)
Matt's best advice (39:02)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Visit Matt’s website here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I discuss a pretty exciting subject: How to start your own preschool.
Yes friends, because you can!
Plus, what's even more fun is that I talk about this with the fantastic Joy Anderson!
If you don't know her, then let me give you a quick introduction: Joy is a mom, a badass professional educator, and, DRUMROLL PLEASE, the founder and CEO of Preschool System.
So, if you've ever dreamed of opening your own preschool, you might want to listen to this episode, because Joy has a bunch of tips and tricks for you!
Well then, what are you waiting for?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Starting your own preschool? Yes, it's possible! (00:00)
Meet Joy Anderson (00:22)
Advice from Joy (02:32)
Helping women start their own preschools (07:07)
You don't need a business degree or business experience (12:43)
You won't be competing with free preschool (16:28)
The freedom of being a preschool owner (22:18)
You can't control what other people think (26:42)
Success stories from Joy (28:02)
Where you can find Joy (32:01)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your free copy of Joy's book here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Picking up from last week's episode, we continue on today with my discussion with fellow preschool educator, Allison McDonald, about the Science of Reading.
In the last episode of Elevating Early Childhood, Allison and I discussed the science of reading, the importance of oral language development, and how you can help your students create a foundation for literacy.
Today, we pick up again and discuss even more exciting (and fun) subjects, such as the importance of being intentional with your teaching (yes, it's possible to do that in preschool!), if sound walls are really necessary, the difference between phonemic awareness and phonological awareness, and a bunch of other great stuff!
So, without further ado, let’s get to it!
Key Takeaways:
Picking up from last week’s discussion (00:00)
The importance of being intentional with your teaching (02:00)
What are articulatory gestures? (05:16)
Do you really need sound walls in pre-k? (07:36)
The difference between phonemic awareness and phonological awareness (11:18)
The Science of Reading’s more controversial parts (14:33)
A quick summary of our discussion (21:31)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out Allison’s latest book, Everyday Preschool.
- Check out the book we based our discussion on here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
What is the Science of Reading? And what should preschool teachers know about it?
In this week's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I answer these two questions and more.
But I won't be doing this alone!
Yes friends, this is an interview episode! And in it, I will be discussing this hot topic with the lovely Allison McDonald.
Allison is the creator and founder of the early childhood website No Time for Flash Cards. She's also an author, a mom, and a rockstar early childhood educator!
Today, she and I will be discussing all things Science of Reading and what early childhood professionals need to know.
Are you ready?
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Discussing the Science of Reading (00:00)
Meet Allison (00:42)
Shifting the Balance: 6 Ways to Bring the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom (05:28)
The importance of oral language development (07:00)
Why you should be more intentional (11:19)
The importance of building background knowledge (14:46)
Moderate planning is okay (19:20)
Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness are key (20:47)
The four factors of future reading success (25:12)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my exclusive mentorship program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Check out Allison’s latest book, Everyday Preschool.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
What does it take to teach preschool children how to draw? I get asked this question a lot, so I thought why not share my answer with all my listeners?
Yes guys, you've guessed it, it's another "Calm Down Corner Special" episode!
If you've ever wondered "Is directed drawing right for my class?", then this episode is the right one for you.
A few years ago, directed drawing became a trend on the internet, and as a result, many pre-k educators started asking themselves if they should be adding this activity to their preschool curriculum.
My answer? I personally think it’s not a very good idea.
Why is that?
Well, you might want to listen to this episode to find out the answer.
So, what are you waiting for?
Let's get to it!
Key Takeaways:
- Is directed drawing right for my class? (00:00)
- Story time! (00:40)
- Fact #1: Learning to draw is a developmental skill (02:33)
- Fact #2: The ability to draw is tied to the child's fine motor skills (07:12)
- Fact #3: Motivation to draw or write is needed (07:41)
- Myth #1: It is our job as teachers to teach our students how to draw (10:20)
- Myth #2: Directed drawings make great bulletin board displays (15:54)
- Myth #3: Directed drawing is a great way to practice listening skills (16:55)
- Myth #4: You're not a good teacher unless you're doing directed drawing with your students (18:11)
- Myth #5: Parents love it (18:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get replay access to the 2021 Soar to Success Summit here.
- Learn more about creating the perfect Morning Message here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Do your kids love visiting your preschool library center?
For many pre-k teachers, getting children interested in books and reading can be very difficult. And there are various reasons why that is so...
The kids aren’t interested…
They’re mistreating the books...
And very often, we’re not given the adequate resources to create a proper classroom library!
So in this week’s episode, I’m going to provide a solution for each of these challenges and share some proven practices for creating an exceptional preschool library center your kids will adore.
By applying these techniques, you’ll teach your kids to love books and handle them properly while designing an inviting and organized classroom library.
And you can do all of it on a shoestring budget!
All that and more on this week’s episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
Key Takeaways:
- Do your kids love going to your preschool classroom’s library center? (00:00)
- The most common library center challenges for pre-k teachers (00:51)
- Why children mistreat books (and how to teach them not to) (02:13)
- How to teach preschool children to love books and reading (06:27)
- Is having too many books in your preschool library center a bad thing? (11:01)
- The secret to making your preschool library center more inviting (11:53)
- An excellent system for teaching kids how to put books back where they belong (13:31)
- How many books should your preschool library center have? (15:19)
- Best methods for creating a fantastic library center on a low budget (17:37)
- Resources to help you create a top-notch library center! (blog post + book-handling skills kit + learning centers essential guide) (21:00)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program, “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get your 2021 Soar to Success Summit pass here.
- Check out our Preschool Classroom Library Center blog.
- Get our Book Handling Skills Kit here.
- Download our FREE Center Essentials Guide.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Every single year, I get questions about the first days of school.
And so, I thought, why not have an episode about it? After all, that first day of school is a pretty big deal, not just for the students, but also for professional educators like you.
That is why I’ve created a free printable lesson plan to go along with the episode! I’ll also explain how to use it, so make sure you listen all the way through!
But, did you know? It's not just the first day of school that's crucial, it's actually the first ten days, and you should be focusing on them as much as you can.
Why is that?
Simply because those first ten days of school will set you and your students up for a successful year. And who doesn't want that?
So, how do you make sure they go as smoothly as possible?
Join me now to discover the answer to that question (and a few tips you can use to help yourself and your students transition smoothly into the school year).
Let's dive in!
Key Takeaways:
Focusing on the first ten days of school is important (00:00)
First, let's start with a quick story (00:56)
Tip #1: Always go for quality over quantity (03:38)
Tip #2: Less is more (04:27)
Tip #3: No product art in the first ten days (06:28)
Tip #4: Ignore the teacher next door (08:02)
Tip #5: Troubleshooting (10:26)
Why the first ten days of school are sacred (12:53)
Check out my free First 10 Days of School Lessons Plans (17:20)
Use engaging, fun books in those first ten days (19:54)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get our free First 10 Day of School Lesson Plan here.
- Get your 2021 Soar to Success Summit pass here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
In today's episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I will be discussing something every professional educator needs to use in their classroom: Emotions and feelings activities for preschoolers.
As we all know, social skills are not innate. They're learned and honed through life, and of course, the earlier you start, the more social intelligence and emotional literacy you acquire.
This is why emotions and feelings activities are crucial.
In order to learn social skills, children have to first learn how to name and express their own feelings and emotions.
There are many ways to help them achieve that, and today, I'll be sharing a few of them with you.
After all, what better way to teach your students about their feelings than through some fun games?
So, without further ado, let's get to it!
Key Takeaways:
- It's never too early to introduce Bingo to your students (00:00)
- Using real photographs is a must (03:07)
- The memory-matching game (04:18)
- The feelings and emotions check-in chart (06:12)
- You can also use playdough mats (10:35)
- Bingo teaches self-regulation skills (12:01)
- The importance of emotional literacy (15:30)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get our Feelings Chart for Preschool Kids here.
- Get your 2021 Soar to Success Summit pass here.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another “Calm Down Corner” special.
In this week’s episode, I’ll be answering a couple of burning questions from some of my listeners, and also offering some tips on how to use your calm down cozy corner in the most effective way.
You see, many professional educators set up calm down corners (or Zen zones or calming areas) and find out —sometimes the hard way— that they’re not working as well as they wanted them to.
Why does that happen?
Simply because calm down cozy corners are not a magic pill and they don’t cure behavior. But, what they can be is an amazing tool, when used correctly.
Another reason they might not work is what’s in the calm down corner. If there’s too many tools in it, then you might find yourself with a few children who’d rather spend their whole time there (and that’s not what we want).
So, how can you solve these issues?
I answer this question in today’s episode of Elevating Early Childhood.
There’s a lot for us to explore, so let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
- Let's start with a question from one of our listeners! (00:00)
- Tip #1: Understand the true purpose of a calm down corner (01:25)
- Tools don't work if we think them as cures for behavior (02:04)
- Tip #2: Never put anything in your calm down corner that you haven't introduced to your whole class (06:57)
- Tip #3: Less is more (08:12)
- Answering another great question from a listener (09:09)
- What you can do differently to create a different outcome (11:12)
- Our goal as professional educators is not to get compliance from students (14:52)
- Some resources for you (15:26)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my freebie bundle by entering our Podcast Launch Giveaway.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Are focus walls REALLY an effective teaching tool for preschool and pre-k? Find out on our first ever “Calm Down Corner” episode of our podcast!
As early childhood professionals, we’re frequently exposed to misinformation about educating young children. Inappropriate, unfounded practices are being shared on the internet left and right.
Shiny, buzzwordy—and completely opposite to how kids learn!
Not only are they ineffective, but they’re also a massive source of stress and anxiety for teachers because they make us feel like we’re not doing enough.
So to fight back, I’ll be getting on my soapbox from time to time and creating special episodes to dispel these harmful myths about early childhood education.
To get things started, I will bust the five biggest myths surrounding focus walls and their effectiveness. And to end the show on a constructive note, I’m going to share some of the best practices you can apply alternatively!
If you ever have any questions about other dubious early childhood education tips, feel free to reach out, and I might use it in one of my future “Calm Down Corner” specials. We can fight misinformation together!
And now, let’s dive into the show!
Key Takeaways:
- The two key things that help professional educators make instructional decisions (00:00)
- My first “Calm Down Corner” episode: dispelling top myths about focus walls (00:39)
- What is a focus wall and how does it supposedly “help” children learn? (02:28)
- Myth #1: Focus walls are research-based (03:35)
- Myth #2: Kids love focus walls, so it can’t hurt (04:25)
- Myth #3: Learning is linear (05:21)
- Myth #4: Focus walls help visual learners (06:07)
- Myth #5: They help children focus their attention (07:46)
- Best practices to use as alternatives for focus walls in your classroom (09:25)
- How to inspire young children to think critically and problem-solve (12:36)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Have you ever entered your email address to download a freebie...and then been disappointed by what you got? I know I have plenty of times!
When you’re trying to find new ideas for your classroom, freebies can be very helpful. But it can also go in another direction—one where you catch yourself thinking...
“Huh? That’s it? I could’ve Googled that!”
So when I create freebies and bundles, I’m particularly mindful of trying to provide the very best resources and in plentiful fashion.
And for quite some time, I’ve been making a list of my favorite alphabet activities and games—things I’ve picked up along the way that I found precious and effective but were too small to give away individually.
Recently, I’ve finally collected enough to finish my bundle, and today I want to tell you all about it!
We have a bunch of games to break down—car games, board games, magnetic letters... You name it!
And for each and every one, I’ve created printables that I’m going to share with you for FREE at the end of this episode.
There’s a lot for us to explore, so let’s get going!
Key Takeaways:
- THIS is why you need fun alphabet learning activities in your classroom (00:00)
- How I created this super freebie with printable alphabet games and activities (01:11)
- Alphabet Learning Game 1: Alphabet Fishing (02:32)
- Alphabet Learning Game 2: Alphabet Board Game (11:13)
- Alphabet Learning Game 3: Alphabet Roads (15:42)
- Alphabet Learning Game 4: Alphabet Sensory Cards (18:11)
- Alphabet Learning Game 5: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Magnet Tree (21:26)
- Alphabet Learning Game 6: Parking Lot (23:53)
- Alphabet Learning Game 7: Puppy Chow Letters (27:14)
- Alphabet Learning Game 8: Wikki Stix Alphabet (29:10)
- How to download my free alphabet games and activities printables bundle for free (31:15)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here.
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers”.
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers”.
- Get my freebie bundle by entering our Podcast Launch Giveaway.
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Time young children spend in learning centers is precious for their development. And yet, it’s one of those strictly school-related activities, which is why we must do our very best to set them up for success.
Creating a successful learning center requires lots of strategic planning and effort. There are many questions you need to answer first, including…
How many centers should you create?
How long should the center time be?
What are the centers going to be about?
How will your students know which centers to go to?
I know, right?! Makes your head spin! And that’s just barely scratching the surface.
Luckily, in over 20 years of teaching, along with 11 years in mentoring early childhood educators, I’ve gained plenty of experience with learning centers, as well as methods for improving and fine-tuning learning centers.
For this episode of Elevating Early Childhood, I’m going to share my top 5 methods, along with some additional tips to help tie everything together.
Alrighty, Changemakers! Let’s get to it!
Key Takeaways:
- How to create learning centers that set kids up for real success (00:00)
- Questions you NEED to answer before creating a great learning center (01:39)
- Do THIS if you’re having challenges with learning centers (02:35)
- My top methods for fine-tuning your learning center time and make it run smoothly (06:29)
- Method 1: Applying labels so kids could recognize and organize them easier (7:24)
- Method 2: Creating a picture schedule for clarity on the order of their daily activities (8:48)
- Method 3: Making visual routines explaining how each learning center works (10:36)
- Method 4: Adding a visual planning component to your center time (11:54)
- Method 5: Implementing a cleanup routine at the end of center time (15:20)
- Real results from someone who implemented these learning center methods (16:48)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here:
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers” here:
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers” here:
- Get my FREE guide on how to create successful learning centers here:
- Get our Teacher Success Bundle:
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Have you ever encountered an educational program so boring you knew right away it wasn't going to work? One that is so dry and anti-fun the only thing it could do effectively was put children to sleep?
Throughout my career, I've had plenty of less-than-fortunate encounters with these types of programs. Some were so awful they literally drove teachers to quit their jobs!
Luckily, if proven, research-based teaching methods guide your approach—NOTHING can stand in your way.
Not even a dreadful educational program.
Today, I will show you how true early childhood professionals find ways to make learning fun regardless of how hopeless their situation may seem. I'll also share some of the best practices for teaching letters of the alphabet and making sure they stick.
Are you ready? Let's go!
Key Takeaways:
- Why are expensive programs not necessarily effective for teaching letters to preschoolers? (00:00)
- Is your classroom a bowl of Brussels sprouts or a delicious Thanksgiving dinner? (00:37)
- My encounter with a boring educational program so ineffective it made a young teacher quit! (3:56)
- How to turn dry educational programs into a fun and memorable experience for your students (06:44)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here:
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers” here:
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers” here:
- Get my FREE guide on how to teach letters of the alphabet to young children here:
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Early childhood teachers have it pretty rough. We face all sorts of indignities daily without even getting a hint of the respect we deserve as professional educators.
We’re constantly looked down upon, whether it’s coming from the parents of our students, administrators, or even our own peers!
With all that going on, it’s easy to drift into negative thinking, which can lead you down a destructive path. And if you go down that road long enough, you’re running the risk of becoming a complainer.
I want to show you a different way.
It’s not fair, and I get that. Trust me—I’ve been there myself, plenty of times before.
Still, if we genuinely want to change how people perceive early childhood education, we first have to make a mindset shift of our own.
We need to start believing in our own self-worth as educators. If we don’t - no one else will!
My goal for this episode is to help you start thinking like a changemaker. It won’t happen overnight, and it won’t be easy, but I know you CAN do it.
You can do hard things! I believe in you!
Key Takeaways:
- What does it mean to be a changemaker in early childhood education? (00:00)
- How to stop falling victim to negative thinking and start believing in your self-worth (02:14)
- The many indignities we face as early childhood professionals and how to overcome them (03:56)
- The key steps to becoming a changemaker and earning the respect you deserve (05:02)
- My experience of going from complainer to changemaker (and why it felt so empowering) (05:52)
- I want you to start thinking of yourself as a professional educator and a changemaker! (08:12)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here:
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers” here:
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers” here:
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
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Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
One of the biggest challenges teachers face with teaching the alphabet is getting the letters to stick.
You spend weeks teaching, following your curriculum, doing everything by the book. Everything seems to be going great - the kiddos are getting it! And then...
Poof! They forget all of it! As if you’ve never even mentioned it before! Has this ever happened to you? Because it’s happened to me plenty of times.
When I was a young student teacher, I had an opportunity to shadow a kindergarten teacher following the Letter of the Week curriculum. Remember—this was a long time ago, so back then, it was considered a perfectly suitable way of teaching children the alphabet.
And after just several weeks of working there, it became clear just how ineffective this method was. The kids struggled to retain what they’ve learned, and some didn’t know any letters whatsoever!
Luckily, these days we know better!
Children do NOT learn the alphabet linearly, from A to Z. It is a global process that requires a lot more than rigid schedules, worksheets, and a funny letter P-themed costume.
So in this episode, I will share an excellent method for teaching children the alphabet, which is fun, effective, and backed by research.
Let’s dive in!
Key Takeaways:
- Why the letters of the alphabet CAN’T be taught in 26 days (or even weeks)? (00:00)
- The biggest challenge teachers face when teaching young children the alphabet (00:41)
- How I learned firsthand that the Letter of the Week curriculum is highly ineffective (02:19)
- Why teachers need to teach smarter and not harder? (04:42)
- How do young children learn to identify letters? (06:18)
- How to teach letters of the alphabet in a way that’s, fun, effective, and backed by research (08:20)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here:
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers” here:
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers” here:
- Get my FREE guide on how to teach letters of the alphabet to young children here:
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
Welcome to our first-ever episode of Elevating Early Childhood!
I’m Vanessa Levin, and I help pre-k, preschool, and kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more!
Have you ever encountered a problem in your classroom you weren’t sure how to solve? Maybe you’ve felt alone, isolated from your colleagues, not knowing who to turn to for help?
These were the biggest challenges I’ve faced when I was starting out as an early childhood teacher. I spent years fantasizing about creating a place where teachers could exchange classroom experiences, give out tips, share successful practices, and support each other in tough times.
Starting Pre-K Pages helped me turn those dreams into reality, gathering a following of more than a million early childhood professionals who share a desire to be and do better.
It warms my heart to see so many teachers feel supported by the community I’ve created!
Still, it’s been quite the journey getting there, and for this episode, I’d like to share some of the most important moments of my career with you.
I’ve had the opportunity to work and teach all across America - even internationally. And each one of those experiences has taught me a valuable lesson, making me the teacher and the person I am today.
Come! Let me tell you all about it!
Key Takeaways:
- The key to becoming a more successful teacher in 2021 and beyond (00:00)
- My journey from teaching English in Seoul, South Korea to creating Pre-K Pages (00:31)
- How I conquered the biggest problems most teachers faced and still thrived (01:31)
- How the power of community made teaching easier, more fun, and more fulfilling (03:23)
- How resistance to change improved my teaching (and other parts of my life, too) (04:13)
- The origin story of Pre-K Pages and why it has become the best place for teachers all over the world (05:20)
Additional Resources:
- Visit our website to find tons of pre-K teaching resources here:
- Get my book “Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers” here:
- Learn more about my membership program “Teaching Trailblazers” here:
Elevating Early Childhood is an early education podcast dedicated to helping Pre-K, Preschool, and Kindergarten teachers teach better, save time, and live more.
If you enjoy the podcast, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform.
Onward & Upward!
Teach Smarter: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood Teachers
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