Can Everwood survive on its teen storylines alone? Would the whole show be better as an old-timey play? And most importantly, will Adam, KT, and Eric find a way to talk respectfully about boobs? Listen to find out!
For the .gif of Andy and the car window, click here!
For the .gif of Andy outside the classroom window, click here!
Want to watch along? Everwood is available to stream on HBO Max -- check it out! Want to discuss Everwood with other fans of Everwood? Neverwouldn't!? Come join us on the Pork Fried Dice Discord -- just look for the Everwood? Neverwouldn't! channel and dive right in! Also, follow us on Twitter at @EverwoodPod! And stay tuned for the next episode of Everwood? Neverwouldn't!, which could drop soon, a year from now, or never.