151 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Månadsvis
FACTS is a podcast that was started by Dr. Stephen Boyce from Greenville, South Carolina. The primary focus of this program is to cover historical content about the early church Fathers, the Apocryphal accounts, the canon, textual criticism, and the scripture itself. Most episodes are co-hosted by Tyler West, among other special guests who are invited on the program.
For those who would like to donate to our podcast, here is the link. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your all of your support. Grace and Peace https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
The podcast FACTS is created by Stephen Boyce and Tyler West. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode, we explore a term I’m calling Romephobia—an unhealthy aversion to anything that looks, sounds, or is perceived as Roman Catholic. Many historic terms, ideas, and practices that were once broadly embraced by the ancient Church have, over time, been wrongly attributed solely to Rome. This fear has led many to abandon deeply rooted Christian traditions simply because they carry a “Catholic” association.
Join us as we examine key theological concepts, liturgical practices, and historical terms that were once common across Christendom but have been unfairly labeled as exclusively Roman. From the use of “Eucharist” and “bishop” to beliefs about the Real Presence and apostolic succession, we’ll uncover how these elements belong to the historic Church, not just the Roman Church.
Is it time to move past Romephobia and reclaim what rightfully belongs to the whole Church? Tune in as we separate historical fact from modern misconceptions.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
#Romephobia #ChurchHistory #AncientChurch #ChristianTradition #Eucharist #ApostolicSuccession #Liturgy #Theology #ChurchUnity #HistoricChristianity #CatholicVsProtestant #ChristianApologetics #FaithAndTradition #Orthodoxy #AnglicanTheology
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen unpacks the greatest mistake made in fundamentalist circles regarding sexual purity. While their efforts to guard young people’s sexuality aim to protect future marriages, they often miss the deeper teaching of sacrament. Stephen explores why sexual purity isn’t just about preserving desires for a future spouse—it’s about preparing for a future sacramental covenant. Tune in to hear how this bigger picture transforms the way we think about purity, marriage, and faith.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
#FACTSPodcast #SexualPurity #Fundamentalism #MarriageSacrament #ChristianTheology #PurityCulture #BiblicalMarriage #Covenant #YoungChristians #ChurchTeaching
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen dives into the question: Should the See of Rome be the leader of all Apostolic Sees? Can this be demonstrated from the New Testament? What about before Vatican I? Join the discussion as we explore the historical and biblical case for Rome’s primacy. Be sure to check it out and share your thoughts!
#FACTSPodcast #ChurchHistory #ApostolicSee #Rome #BibleStudy #EarlyChurch #VaticanI #ChristianTheology #CatholicVsOrthodox #ChurchFathers
In this episode of FACTS with Stephen and Tyler, we are honored to welcome special guest Bishop Darryl Fitzwater for a deep dive into how Anglicans should view the Blessed Virgin Mary. In part one of this two-part series, we explore key doctrines surrounding Mary, including the Immaculate Conception, her Perpetual Virginity, and the Bodily Assumption. Join us as we examine these teachings from theological, historical, and scriptural perspectives, shedding light on their significance for Anglican theology and spirituality. Don’t miss this enriching discussion that sets the stage for part two! If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 Here is a link to Bishop Fitzwater's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/appalachian-anglican/id1553731575 #FACTSPodcast #BlessedVirginMary #ImmaculateConception #PerpetualVirginity #BodilyAssumption #AnglicanTheology #ChristianDoctrine #Maryology #TheologyDiscussion #BishopDarrylFitzwater #AnglicanTradition #EcumenicalDialogue #FaithAndTheology #ScriptureAndTradition #MarianTheology
In this episode of FACTS with Stephen and Tyler, we are honored to welcome special guest Bishop Darryl Fitzwater for a deep dive into how Anglicans should view the Blessed Virgin Mary. In part one of this two-part series, we explore key doctrines surrounding Mary, including the Immaculate Conception, her Perpetual Virginity, and the Bodily Assumption. Join us as we examine these teachings from theological, historical, and scriptural perspectives, shedding light on their significance for Anglican theology and spirituality. Don’t miss this enriching discussion that sets the stage for part two!
Here is a link to Bishop Fitzwater's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/appalachian-anglican/id1553731575
#FACTSPodcast #BlessedVirginMary #ImmaculateConception #PerpetualVirginity #BodilyAssumption #AnglicanTheology #ChristianDoctrine #Maryology #TheologyDiscussion #BishopDarrylFitzwater #AnglicanTradition #EcumenicalDialogue #FaithAndTheology #ScriptureAndTradition #MarianTheology
In this episode of Liturgy and the Canon: A Deeper Look at Sacred Texts, we explore the significance of understanding the early Church’s approach to biblical lists and how they shaped the canon of Scripture. I discuss why texts like 1 Clement, the Epistle of Barnabas, and the Shepherd of Hermas appeared in the manuscripts of early Christian communities and what this tells us about the development of the New Testament canon. We delve into the historical context of these writings, why they were revered by early Christians, and how their placement at the end of many early manuscripts reflects their influential, though ultimately non-canonical, status. Join me as we examine how early Christians discerned the sacred texts from the sacred traditions and how their liturgical practices contributed to the shaping of the Christian biblical tradition.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
#LiturgyAndTheCanon #EarlyChurch #ChristianCanon #SacredTexts #1Clement #EpistleOfBarnabas #ShepherdOfHermas #EarlyChristianity #NewTestament #ChurchHistory #BiblicalCanon #ChristianWritings #EarlyManuscripts #LiturgyAndScripture #SacredTradition #BiblicalStudies #ChurchFathers #ChristianPodcasts #CanonFormation #ScriptureInWorship
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will dive into Malachi 1:11, exploring its prophetic connection to Eucharistic worship in the early Church. Dr. Boyce will investigate how this Old Testament passage foreshadows the practices of Christian Eucharist, as seen through the writings of early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Athanasius. By examining these early theological voices, Dr. Boyce will highlight how they recognized the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy in the Church’s sacramental life, offering a deeper understanding of the Eucharist as an integral part of Christian worship from the very beginning. Join us for this compelling exploration of Scripture, early Christian writings, and the rich history of the Eucharist in the Church.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
#Malachi1:11 #EucharisticWorship #EarlyChurchFathers #JustinMartyr #Irenaeus #Tertullian #Hippolytus #Athanasius #ChristianEucharist #ChurchHistory #SacramentalTheology #ProphecyAndTheEucharist #ChristianWorship #OldTestamentProphecy #FACTSPodcast #TheologyExploration #MalachisProphecy #EucharistInTheChurch
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce is joined by author and podcaster Erick Ybarra to discuss Dr. Gavin Ortlund’s recent video addressing Matthew 16 and the papacy. They explore whether Augustine of Hippo believed that Peter was the “rock” on which Christ built His Church and if this supports the papal office as understood in Catholic theology. Join us for a deep dive into Scripture, Church history, and Augustine’s writings as we examine one of the most debated passages in Christian theology.
Here is a link to Erick's book on the Papacy: https://www.amazon.com/Papacy-Revisiting-Between-Catholics-Orthodox/dp/1645852210/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3U47C0HX7SYIS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PSmOH0YNx_5fVV_A_FO1oY4yPfH544F7GrOgK7VV1UF5MHoldvmuaUajS-tkwBLY445JoZyCHqHcss6piDqKB_PzPCR3_9D5dP7xqLj2VVZ3icx2njcFZR8N83RSbGaH.RulhyN3B13e8Fl_RLylqalc3VgcbOChrsI7jZlGGgsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=erik+ybarra+papacy&qid=1736023703&sprefix=erik+yb%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1 Here is a link to Dr. Ortlund's video: https://youtu.be/Mslw0lS1ZLQ?si=TVr_ACfHruZ16Q6w If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
#Matthew16 #PapalOffice #AugustineOfHippo #ChurchHistory #ChristianTheology #PapacyDebate #ScriptureStudy #CatholicTheology #PeterTheRock #GavinOrtlund #ErickYbarra #TheologyDiscussion #ChristianPodcasts #PapalAuthority #AugustineAndThePapacy #FaithAndHistory
In this episode of FACTS, we explore a fascinating question: How would the ancient Church view today’s evangelicalism? As we delve into the theological, liturgical, and ecclesiastical differences between the early Christian Church and modern evangelicalism, we examine key aspects like orthopraxy, the role of the sacraments, church authority, and the unity of the Christian body. Join us as we uncover what the ancient Church might say about the rise of modern evangelical practices and beliefs—and what this reveals about the evolution of Christianity over the centuries.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce explores the mystery of the Prayer of Manasseh—a powerful apocryphal text. Is it an ancient relic of King Manasseh’s repentance or a later theological creation? Join us as we unpack its origins, significance, and what it reveals about God’s mercy and human redemption. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on one of the great liturgical prayers! 🔔 Like, subscribe, and share! What are your thoughts on the Prayer of Manasseh? #PrayerOfManasseh #FACTS #DrStephenBoyce
Link to the Prayer: https://christchurchphoenix.org/the-prayer-of-manasseh/
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode, we explore the writings of Daniel, including the intriguing additions of Bel and the Dragon, The Story of Susanna, and The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Jewish Boys. Are these texts inspired parts of Scripture, historical additions, or theological reflections from a later time? Dr. Stephen Boyce and Anglican autodidact Jonathan Sheffield will examine their significance, the debates surrounding their place in the canon, and what they reveal about faith, tradition, and the enduring legacy of Daniel.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
Here are the links to the extended editions: https://ebible.org/eng-Brenton/SUS01.htm
Is Psalm 151 an inspired part of the biblical canon or an apocryphal addition? Join us as we dive deep into this intriguing question with Dr. Stephen Boyce from the podcast FACTS. We explore the origins of Psalm 151, its inclusion in some ancient biblical manuscripts, and why it’s absent from most modern Bibles. Discover the history, theology, and canonical debates surrounding this mysterious psalm. Don’t miss this thought-provoking conversation about Scripture, tradition, and the boundaries of biblical inspiration! If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce dives into the fascinating textual history of the Book of Esther. Was the original version the shorter Hebrew text or the longer Greek version found in the Septuagint? Exploring the use of the Greek version by early churches, including Clement of Rome, and Jerome’s struggle with it in the Latin Vulgate, Dr. Boyce examines the external manuscript evidence, internal textual details, and historical context. From debates over Haman’s ancestry to the name of the Persian king, this episode uncovers the complexities of Esther’s textual tradition and its significance for biblical scholarship and church history.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
Here's the Longer Version of Esther: https://biblehub.com/sep/esther/1.htm
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce explores the biblical foundations for Church councils and their role in Church history. Drawing from key passages such as the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, Paul’s exhortation to unity in 1 Corinthians, and the Church’s role as the “pillar and foundation of truth” (1 Timothy 3:15), Dr. Boyce explains how Scripture provides a framework for collective decision-making and theological discernment. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
“In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce examines the New Testament’s unique textual and historical significance, exploring why it stands apart from and surpasses the Qur’ān as a foundation for truth and reliability.”
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode, we delve into the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, examining why it may not be the ideal choice for Baptist believers. Though revered for its majestic language and historical influence, the KJV carries distinct ecclesiological and theological elements rooted in its high church Anglican origins. We explore how these aspects can conflict with Baptist principles of church governance, sacraments, and congregational independence. Join us as we unpack the historical context of the KJV, highlight theological nuances within its translation choices, and discuss why Baptists may find other translations more compatible with their beliefs and traditions. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode of Facts, Dr. Boyce and special guest Young Anglican discuss the beauty and spiritual depth of high church worship. Together, they explore how rich liturgy, sacred symbolism, and sacramental practices continue to nourish believers in an ever-secular world. From ancient hymns to reverent rituals, they reveal how these traditions foster a deep sense of the sacred, connect worshipers to the historical Church, and provide timeless Christian truths for today. Whether you’re a lifelong adherent or simply curious, this conversation will inspire a renewed appreciation for high church worship. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 Here is a link to Young Anglicans Channel: http://www.youtube.com/@Young_Anglican
In this episode of FACTS, we delve into the question, “Will There Ever Be One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Again?” Join us as we explore the history, theology, and challenges surrounding the idea of a unified Christian Church.
We are honored to have Fr. Calvin Robinson as our special guest, a respected priest and theologian known for his insights on tradition, faith, and the modern challenges facing Christianity. Together, we’ll discuss what it would take to bring different apostolic churches together, the significance of unity in faith, and whether the vision of a single, united Church is a realistic possibility or simply a nostalgic dream.
Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that tackles the complexities of Christian unity, the role of tradition, and the hope for a Church that truly embodies the creed: “One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.”
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
Welcome to FACTS! In today’s episode, we explore the powerful story of Perpetua and Felicity, two courageous women who were Christian martyrs from 3rd century in Carthage. Despite their vastly different social statuses, Perpetua, a noblewoman, and Felicity, a slave, stood united in their faith as they faced imprisonment and death in the Roman arena. Their unwavering devotion continues to inspire believers around the world. Stay tuned as we dive into their extraordinary journey of faith and sacrifice!
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
Here is a link to their story: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0324.htm
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce welcomes Dr. Michael Ward, professor at Oxford University and author of Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis. Together, they explore the profound themes of C. S. Lewis’ work, diving into how Lewis integrated medieval cosmology into the Chronicles of Narnia. Dr. Ward shares his groundbreaking research and insights into the hidden layers of Lewis’ imagination, offering listeners a fresh perspective on one of the most beloved authors of the 20th century. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation!
Here is a link to Dr. Ward's book:
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce dives deep into the intriguing question: Should the Epistle of Barnabas be considered part of the biblical canon? Together, we explore the historical context, theological insights, and early church perspectives on this ancient text. Was it ever accepted as scripture? Why did it not make the cut in most Christian traditions? Join Dr. Boyce as he unpacks the complexities surrounding the Epistle of Barnabas and what it can teach us about early Christianity and the formation of the New Testament canon. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by special guest Fr. James Gadomski from the “Barely Protestant” channel. Both Dr. Boyce and Fr. James were raised in the Independent Baptist tradition, but through years of study and personal discovery, they found their way to Anglicanism. Together, they’ll share the pivotal moments that shaped their spiritual journeys and discuss how their Baptist backgrounds played a crucial role in leading them to the Anglican Church. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 Here is a link to Fr. James's channel: http://www.youtube.com/@barelyprotestant5365 Here is a link to the upcoming Perseus Men's Conference: https://perseus-conference-473202.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2377583
On this Episode of FACTS, we explore whether Christians today should read "The Shepherd of Hermas," a fascinating early Christian text filled with visions, moral teachings, and parables. We’ll dive into its historical significance, its themes of repentance, faith, and spiritual growth, and why it was respected by early Christians but not included in the Bible. Is it still relevant for modern believers? Watch to find out! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more discussions on early Christian literature. If you're interested in partnering with FACTS and would like to be a part of the bi-monthly newsletters, here's the link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will explore the practice of early Christians signing themselves with the sign of the cross. He will explore statements from Tertullian, Basil, Chrysostom, Athenasius, and others. He will also seek to remove the stigma that this practice is inherently Roman Catholic.
If you're interested in partnering with FACTS and would like to be a part of the bi-monthly newsletters, here's the link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this weekly episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss Paul's statement in Colossians 4:16 about "the letter from Laodicea." Is this a missing letter that we no longer have access to? Could this actually be the canonical letter to the Ephesians? Or could it be possible we do have this letter but it has been preserved in Latin? Tune-in and find out! If you're interested in partnering with FACTS and would like to be a part of the bi-monthly newsletters, here's the link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is interviewing special guest and author, Dr. Holly Ordway, to discuss her recent book: “Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography”. Dr. Ordway offers a detailed exploration of the spiritual and religious dimensions of J.R.R. Tolkien’s life and how these aspects influenced his writings. The book is part biography and part analysis, focusing on Tolkien’s Catholic faith, its development over his lifetime, and its profound impact on his work, particularly The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion.
Here is a link to Dr. Ordway's website: https://hollyordway.com Here is a link to Dr. Ordway’s book Tolkien's Faith: A Spiritual Biography https://a.co/d/fZ3Vq5M Here’s a link if you’d like to become a contributor to FACTS https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen responds to criticism against Mark's Gospel, alleging that Mark inserted the wrong High Priest into the text when recounting 1 Samuel 21. Prominent scholars such as Bart Ehrman believe this to be an error and have admitted that this specific issue was the beginning of his departure from the faith. Stephen will demonstrate that it is an overreaction to this alleged problem and that there are many plausible explanations for using Abiathar in the text. Here’s a link if you’d like to become a contributor to FACTS and receive bi-monthly newsletters: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen is joined by Roman Catholic, Ben Bollinger, to discuss whether or not the Filioque belongs in the Nicene Creed. They will investigate the great debates between the East and West on this subject and why this is such a sensitive debate.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen is joined by Paul Facey from the Podcast, “The Other Paul”, to discuss the superiority of liturgical worship over against the contemporary models of today. They will discuss the balancing of these two things without the need to dilute the ancient practice of liturgy. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen is going to journey through the controversial subject of infant baptism. He will investigate the earliest writings of the church to determine the reasoning behind the practice. Here is the giving link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by Roman Catholic podcaster, Steven Alspach (from The Catholic Brothers), to discuss the leaked news of communication between the ACNA and Rome. The news was prematurely released by Anglican reporters and it has left both churches in suspense wondering the details of this potential communion. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7 Here is the link for the blog that will be discussed: https://www.soulsandliberty.com/post/rome-moves-toward-full-communion-with-orthodox-anglicans?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR02Wtsikn2tLLi9EjEe_Z5ouwghCvZhENpZYEeweslwhR87gT_sP0_qid0_aem_JLn8IW8MmIIZWV76Iixs3g Here is a link to The Catholic Brothers podcast: http://www.youtube.com/@TheCatholicBrothers
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss whether or not John's Gospel was done alone or in a group. Could John the fisherman produce such a work of philosophical genius? These are questions Dr. Boyce will answer in the video.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by special guest, Fr. Alexander Wilgus, Lead Rector at Redemption Anglican Church. They will discuss a recent article written by Fr. Wilgus in response to those who suggest all remarriages are adulterous marriages. This episode will cover the biblical and historical fallacies that are being made by clergy today. Here is Fr. Wilgus' article: https://northamanglican.com/divorce-and-remarriage/ If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will investigate statements made by Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Cyril of Jerusalem, Augustine, and others as it relates to the appearance of Jesus of Nazareth. He will also investigate a letter that was possibly written by Roman consul, Lentulus. There will be a brief discussion at the end as to whether or not the Shroud of Turin helps answer this question as well. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
On this special episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by Fr. Brett Murphy from Morecambe, UK, to discuss the Apostolic Churches that were in England before the arrival of Augustine of Canterbury. They will discuss the Johannine traditions, Pauline traditions, and other Celtic traditions that were in the area. They will delve into Bede's Ecclesiastical History and Tertullian's statements about the churches there.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
Here is a link to Fr. Brett's channel: https://youtube.com/@RevBrettMurphy?si=yyXRwQrBmCimlvBq
Here's a link to a similar discussion with Fr. Steve Macias, specifically about Augustine of Canterbury: https://youtube.com/live/ZYSd7oXg1HQ?feature=share
One of the most debated characters in the J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" series is Tom Bombadil. There are numerous theories as to what his character represents in the books. On this episode of FACTS, Stephen is joined by Pastor C.R. Wiley who wrote a book entitled, "In The House of Tom Bombadil", giving his personal thoughts behind the mysterious character. Join the live discussion and be sure to leave your feedback as well.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link:
Here is a link Pastor Wiley's Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1954887027?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_3QMN1Y6XJ4V7T94PFADG
If Jesus did not write down his teachings and sermons, how do we know that what we have in the Gospel accounts are actually the words of Jesus? On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will unpack John 14 and 17 and discuss the method in which Christ instituted to distribute his teachings. If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner that receives newsletters and one on one discussions with Dr. Boyce, here's a link: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=6381a2ee-b82f-42a7-809e-6b733cec05a7
The College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America has elected its next Archbishop, the Rt. Rev. Steve Wood, Bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas. The College met in conclave in the crypt of St. Vincent’s Basilica at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania from Thursday, June 20 through Saturday, June 22, 2024. Anglicans from all over the world have responded to the news. Dr. Boyce will take time in this episode of investigate the pros and cons that are being inserted with the new Archbishop. He will share he's personal encounters with Archbishop Wood over the last two months and give his perspective to the situation.
If you'd like to donate to our ministry or be a monthly partner, here's a link:
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen is joined with Jonah Saller to discuss the importance of the ecumenical council of Constantinople. There were discussions of Arianism and the Holy Spirit at this council that Stephen and Jonah will unpack.
Here is link to Jonah's channel on Youtube https://youtube.com/@merecatholicity?si=2wSt38eMg3rv7_M2
Here is the link if you would like to donate or partner with FACTS financially
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will walk through the textual variant that relates to Matthew 6:13. Does the Doxology belong in Matthew's Gospel? Tune-in and listen to Stephen's perspective on the matter. Here's the articles by James Snapp Jr https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2018/11/matthew-613-how-does-lords-prayer-end.html https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2018/11/matthew-613-how-does-lords-prayer-end_23.html
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will explore a short clip made by a Catholic Priest asserting that the Catholic Church created the Bible for the Mass. The Priest uses the Council of Carthage and Hippo to defend his claim.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will walk through the first two missionary journeys of Paul. They will discuss the different people Paul met on the way, the cities they started churches in, and the persecution they faced in sharing the gospel.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will be joined by guest, Fr. Steve Macias, to discuss the origins of the Church of England, and the importance of Augustine of Canterbury and his time as its first Archbishop. They will also discuss the fallacy of believing that the Anglican tradition began during the reign of King Henry VIII or during the late 6th century with Augustine of Canterbury.
This is the final episode on the short series covering the Sacraments. These last two will involve the anointing of the sick and confession. Stephen and Tyler will begin by looking at James 5 for both, but will also go into some of the early writings of the church to demonstrate how they view these two as well.
On this special episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will be responding to recent news of Pastor Greg Locke being ordained as an Apostle. They will discuss why the office of the Apostle died with John and how the early church viewed Apostles in their day. The article and video can be found within this link https://protestia.com/2024/05/19/breaking-greg-locke-declared-to-be-an-apostle-at-historic-apostolic-installation-service/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR14apfSOCZg8EQfXMT3EtYqBAuqrp1Gicz1cpImZK-YWAUhx5RJJF0Q_Aw_aem_AXUIZv6yhP-bTIe_2H-j04xQ__9Tf4UmmHpvsvNM9yZvWfe191V9gxH1ZAZkItq9rqigEG03z441XH_fhyOqvz1G
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and guest, Pastor Joshua Rodriguez, will review the controversial graduation speech that Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker made about the status of the Church and the family in the United States. This commencement speech at Benedictine College has made national media and has created petitions by liberal groups asking the Kansas Chiefs to remove Butker from their roster. Did Harrison speak the truth? Does America need to listen to his message? Stephen will answer these questions and unpack Harrison's challenge to the graduates of Benedictine College. Here is a link to the full speech. https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=QjjuU6tqfDP5WQP9
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will discuss the sacraments of ordination and marriage. This is part 3 of their short series covering the 7 sacraments.
This is a special episode of FACTS, where Stephen is joined by special guest, Wesley Huff, to discuss a newly discovered manuscript that contains a saying from the Gospel of Thomas, blended with words from the synoptic accounts. Here are links to connect with Wes https://www.wesleyhuff.com/ https://www.wesleyhuff.com/can-i-trust-the-bible https://www.wesleyhuff.com/can-i-trust-the-bible
On this special episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler discuss the recent vote to remove all bans of same-sex clergy, marriages, and blessings in the United Methodist Church. They will discuss the slippery-slope in how they believe it got to this point.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler discuss the Gospel sacraments, along with confirmation. They will discuss why these are sacraments and what they effectively do for the church.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler define and describe the sacraments. There are various debates within Christianity about the number, function, and purpose of the sacraments, and this episode is meant to give an overview of these things in preparation for the new series.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by Roman Catholic, Erick Ybarra, and Anglican Priest, Pay May, to discuss the connection between the Lord's Supper and the mysterious character, Melchizedek.
Here's a link to Erick's Book https://www.amazon.com/Melchizedek-Last-Supper-Patristic-Sacrifice/dp/B09QF9K6PS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3OUPZQRBWAWDO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KKeiq86euQ7MjodGyekphwD7DQQa6k8yI1-xf3RzXi2KvRF_nafgx7jeZTbhnN9XyMpq2509kVWSXD4nNC1c4dMJ9X4dNw5IZ26M3xMeEHs9S14ilFtBqI0Xfd3uEkCts-3eFAEtLybIYPgbTmwvxEYYEZouvZC0lV0kGgAkxJSfS2LT1Ew8utcqH5rRQpEgBKl7ZKohbbwGalWPf6UP66OeMT_qin2KanVvAlOp5ck.rxxi7KHxDjDH2_NwbS8seVo6uRdk7dBzXxGc-A1455M&dib_tag=se&keywords=melchizedek+and+the+last+supper&qid=1713621185&sprefix=melchizedek+and%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-1
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler discuss the controversial subject of abortion. How did the ancient civilizations view life in the womb? And how did the Early Church Fathers and Councils perceive the taking of a life in the womb?
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will discuss the controversial subject of local autonomy within a church. Is this how the Apostles established churches to operate? Do we see this in the New Testament or in the early writings of the church? Follow along as Stephen and Tyler seek to answer these questions.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss the dilemma of how Peter was able to report the events of Mark 14-16 when he was not there. Tune-in to hear the explanation of how it is possible for Mark to be accurate apart from Peter's own eyewitness testimony.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will dive into the lengthy text of the creed attributed to Saint Athanasius. This text is extremely trinitarian but also disputed for its authorship. Tune-in as Stephen and Tyler journey through the history and content of this beautiful creed. This is part 3 of the short series on the Creeds.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss the controversy of how many donkeys were at the triumphal entry of Jesus. He will discuss the accumulative prophecy regarding the connection between Judah, Donkey, King, and Messiah throughout the Old Testament. There will also be a discussion as to whether or not Matthew was wrong in saying there were two donkeys present while the other three Gospels tell us there was only one.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler cover this history behind the Nicene Creed and the formation of its wording. This is part 2 of a short series on the Creeds.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will discuss the origins and practice of the Apostles' Creed. There will be a discussion as to how it is often practiced today and why it is a good Creed for all believers to memorize.
Stephen and Tyler will be discussing the Council of Ephesus and its debate over the terms: Theotokos and Christokos. Is it proper to refer to Mary as the Mother of God? Was Cyril of Alexandria right for saying Theotokos is the proper belief system? And was Nestorius wrong for rejecting the term? Find out by listening in on this episode of FACTS.
On this episode, Dr. Boyce will define the terms heresy and heretic. He will demonstrate that the term is used incorrectly at times and that there is a deeper meaning the Greek term altogether.
How did the early church contend for their faith? In what ways did the early church defend the Christian faith? On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will examine the opening in Jude and instrumental it is for us to hold to Creeds.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce welcomes three Anglican guests from the US, England, and New Zealand to discuss the status of the Church of England. There will be a discussion on all the good that has come from the Church, but also the downfall in recent years. The panel will also discuss the importance of GAFCON and its direction.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce and his wife, Claire, will be discussing the importance of marital blessings within the Church. In a world that has produced chaos and confusion on the subject, the Churches have fallen victim to cultural pressure. The Churches across the world have engaged in major debates regarding the subject of same-sex marriage, where historical and biblical teachings are abundantly clear on the matter. Our desire is to confront this issue head-on, but also begin the process of countering the culture by spending more time blessing the biblical marriages, rather than complaining about the unbiblical marriages. Tune-in and see what Stephen and Claire have to say on the matter and their plan to counter the culture on the subject of marriage.
Here is the blog that Stephen wrote on the subject: https://www.explorechristianity.net/blog/gem3if5dy64xhuuxstg8h8v4cn558h
On this Episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will share their long journey that put them on the path to join the Anglican Communion. This was the most requested episode in the last survey, and we hope you enjoy both Stephen and Tyler sharing their perspective of the Christian faith and how God shaped it over the years.
For more in-depth discussions on Baptism and Eucharist, there are videos we have done on these subjects already.
For Baptism: https://www.youtube.com/live/pMlHrXJrC0Q?si=bpDgmG7y6BNikuN5For
Roman Catholic, Erick Ybarra, is returning for his second episode to discuss the newest developments from the Vatican. Pope Francis has made some interesting statements about Hell and Cardinal Fernandez has been under fire with a book he wrote very early on which had sexually explicit content in it. Tune-in as Stephen and Erik discuss the current issues the Vatican faces.
Here's Erick's recent video that what mentioned in the livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI5H2C77raU
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss the historical approach to the offices of Priest (or Presbyter) and Deacon. Can women be qualified for these offices? What did the early church and their councils teach on this matter? Listen-in and learn more about the subject.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will finish their mini-series on the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch. The final two letters are both written to the Smyrna region. One is written to the congregation and the other to its leader, Polycarp.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will discuss the development of the Gospel of Matthew from the Hebrew Dialect to Greek. He will spend time dealing with the potential eyewitnesses who were involved and why there's so much confusion when putting the Gospels in order.
Happy New Year to all our listeners! This episode of FACTS will be a challenge to our audience to think deeply about 2024. Dr. Boyce will walk the audience through John Chrystostom's "A Homily for the New Year" to give us ideas to think through.
The Roman Catholic Church is battling great schism over the most recent document released by Pope Francis and the blessing of same-sex couples. Cardinal Fernandez released a full explanation of the statements and clarified Rome's position on the subject of marriage. Even with explanation, many Catholics are still disgruntled with the direction. There's too many questions unanswered and concerns for the direction of the church. On this livestream, Stephen is joined by Roman Catholic, Erick Ybarra, who is concerned for the direction of the Church and the decision making of Pope Francis. Here is a link to Erick's most recent blog on the subject: https://erickybarra.wordpress.com/2023/12/26/why-fiducia-supplicans-is-a-problem-even-if-persons-are-the-object-in-the-priestly-blessing-of-ss-couples/?fbclid=IwAR1046Svr_FAffUkLOMbjpT7g0IFPJb2EOJ3QrYrn23SCmNZ5YgixMJFtyE
On this special episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will explore the incarnation and the celebration of God becoming a man by multiple Church Fathers such as: Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyon, Justin Martyr, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen, John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Mathetes to Diognetus, Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, and Ephrem the Syrian. Merry Christmas to all!
What did the Office of Deacon look like in the early church? On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will explore the writings of Ignatius, Justin Martyr, and Pliny the Younger to investigate the true practice of a Deacon.
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler discuss the importance of church unity and dedication. This is part 2 of the short series on Ignatius' letter and will be covering his letters to the Philadelphians and Romans.
This is part one of three in a short series on the seven letters of Ignatius. Each episode will give an overview of each letter, along with an application of how the modern church can learn from the ancient one.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce continues the series on the Twelve Apostles. This episode will cover the life, death, and ministry of Judas not Iscariot. This episode will also cover the discrepancies about his name.
This is part 3 of the mini-series covering the Trail of Blood Myth. On this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce and co-host Tyler West will be discussing the first ever Baptist congregation and why the movement began. They will also discuss the great schisms between the early Baptists and why it is difficult to trace origins.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce continues the series on the life of the Apostles. This episode will cover the life, ministry, writings, and potential martyrdom of John.
On this Episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will covering part 2 of the mini-series on the Baptist Trail of Blood. This episode will cover three groups that J.M. Carroll alleges to be the earliest Baptists: Paulicians, Albigensians, and Waldensians
This episode with be part 1 of 3 discussion between Dr. Stephen Boyce and guest Contributor, Tyler West. They will respond to J.M. Carroll's book from the 1930's and discuss why the history is extremely unreliable. They will also discuss why there are Baptist sects that still use Carroll's chart to trace their belief system back to the Apostles. This episode will consist of two major groups that Carroll uses on the chart for the earliest evidence of Baptist practices.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will walk through Seventh-day Sabbatarianism. Did Constantine change the day of the week that Christians worshipped on in 321 AD? This episode will cover the biblical, historical, and spiritual concepts surrounding "The Lord's Day" and when the Christian Churches gathered for worship each week.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce examines the life of Judas Iscariot. Did he find true repentance after betraying Jesus? What was the motivation for his betrayal? Do the Gospel accounts contradict each other about who purchased the Field of Blood? Also, do they contradict each other with narrative about Judas' death? All of these questions will be answered in this episode.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce discusses the idea of anonymous Gospels being accepted by the Apostolic churches. Would this ever take place? Isn't that what the consensus of scholars believe today? The listener will be walked through the writings of the Lawyer Tertullian, who was in the churches of North Africa, and how the churches rejected anonymous writings and tested writings with Apostles' names on them.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce walks the audience through the probability of Bartholomew and Nathaniel being the same person within the four Gospels. He will also examine both heretical and historical writings attributed to his name. The program will conclude with the differing stories about his death and whether or not he took the Gospel of Matthew with him to India.
On this Episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce draws from a principle of succession from a Galaxy far, far away. He will spend a large portion of time working through Tertullian's writings, along with Paul's letters to Timothy, to demonstrate how the texts of the New Testament were preserved.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce walks the listener through the biblical, historical, and apocryphal accounts of the life, ministry, and death of Peter. He also goes through the controversial passage about Jesus' proclamation to him in Matthew 16 and gives his personal opinion.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce goes over the historical and legend accounts describing the life, ministry, and death of the Apostle Simon. He will also go through the different opinions of what "Zealot" means in the Luke and Acts, and if most English translations do a good job of translating Καναναῖος or Κανανίτης in Matthew and Mark's accounts of Simon.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce walks the listener through the uniqueness of the parables of Jesus. He will demonstrate how they aid in the defense of eyewitness testimony within the Synoptic accounts.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce explains how the phrase "Sola Scriptura" has been misused and abused by many Protestants. Though Explore Christianity holds to the teaching of Sola Scriptura, we do not believe the term is being properly used today as a whole.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce discusses the biblical texts portrayal of the the Apostle James. He will review the Gospel texts, along with his martyrdom that is mentioned in the book of Acts. He will also give insight to the historical claim that James made it to Spain before coming back to Jerusalem where he was martyred.
On this episode, Dr. Boyce will discuss 3 reasons as to why he believes western evangelical churches have fallen prey to Satan's manipulative ways.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce covers the life of the Apostle Matthew. This episode will cover his life as a tax collector, his work as a Gospel writer, and later his work in the country of Ethiopia as a church planter.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce discusses the apostleship of Matthias? Did he actually belong in the group of the Twelve? Did the other Apostles make a rash decision and should have waited for Paul later down the road? Tune-in a see what Dr. Boyce believes is happening in Acts 1, while also investigating the life, ministry, and death of Matthias.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephe Boyce will explore the biblical and historical accounts of the Apostle Thomas. He will demonstrate the impact that Thomas had in the region of Persia and India up to his martyrdom in the first century. This episode will also give a quick overview of the heretical documents attributed to Thomas that have survived antiquity.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will discuss the life, ministry, and death of the Apostle Andrew. His impact in starting multiple churches around the Black Sea cannot be underestimated. This episode will seek to discover the varying areas that hold Andrews as their "Patron Saint." There are varying legends about his martyrdom, one of which states him as saying, "Cross, sanctified by the body of Christ. Good Cross, long desired always, I loved you and wished to embrace you. Welcome me and bring me to my master."
This week on FACTS, Dr. Boyce will be answering the question as to whether or not Nicaea chose our four Gospels. This program will be looking into various statements made by some of the Bishops who were at Nicaea, along with tracking down the rumors that tied Nicaea to the canon.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be launching a new series that the audience voted on, covering the life and ministry of the 12 Apostles. This is an introduction to the series and will demonstrate why there were only 12 and what made their function so special above the other eyewitnesses.
We tend to believe that the prosperity gospel is a modern dilemma for the true churches. The reality is that the Early Church Battled this mindset long before we did. On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce investigates the writings of Apollonius and Serapion on this heresy of Phrygia.
Here are the links that were mentioned in the episode. https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/250105.htm
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will explore the Letters of Bishop of Dionysius of Corinth, and what we can learn about the churches of Paul, 100 years after his death. Did they stay pure? Did the leaders continue his teachings? Did they correspond with one another? All of these questions will be answered in this episode.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce is going to give the audience an overview of the Gnostic Gospel of Judas. The historicity, discovery, and theology of the text will be discussed and compared with the canonical Gospel accounts.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce dives into the controversial subject of women clergy in the church. Did the early church ever deal with this subject? How did they view the role of women in the church? Be sure to tune-in and see what Church History can teach us on this subject.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will walk the listener through Book III, Chapter 23, of Eusebius' History of the Church, to discuss an interesting story about the Apostle John and one of his wayward students. How should Christians and Churches approach those who leave our midst? Find our more by listening in on this episode. Here is a link to the section that Dr. Boyce will be reading from... https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/250103.htm
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will examine the arguments against Colossians belonging in the Pauline Corpus. He will explore the historical, internal, and syntactical arguments to make a final conclusion as to the authenticity of this letter.
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "Is it God or Satan that shuts churches down?" On today's episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will examine the statements of Jesus to the 7 Churches in Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3.
On this episode of FACTS, the listener will be introduced to the life and letter of Polycarp, the disciple of John the Apostle. The listener will be able to see the significance of the life of Polycarp and how instrumental he was in preserving the New Testament texts and teachings.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be examining Andy Stanley’s claim in his book “Irresistible” about the origins of the Canon. Dr. Boyce will demonstrate the historical errors made by Stanley when attributing the completion of the Canon to Athanasius of Alexandria.
Did the early church distinguish themselves from the Roman culture on the basis of food choice, dress attire, or entertainment? Or did they seek to distinguish themselves in a more meaningful way as it relates to the Gospel? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce will explore the second-century Epistle to Diognetus to demonstrate the conduct of the Christians in the early church and how it impacted their culture.
Both Christian and non-Christian circles have often stated that the Council of Nicaea chose the doctrine of the Trinity for the Churches. In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will walk the listener through the history of the Church and what they believed about the Trinity long before the Council of Nicaea.
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce discusses the problems facing Apologetics in our world today. How should the Church and the Apologist view the problems that face Christianity today? Tune-in and hear what Dr. Boyce believes to be the problems and the solutions. Also, here is a link to help those find a good catechism to start following or using in their Church or Home... http://newcitycatechism.com/
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will walk the listener through an overview of a first century document known as the Didache. The listener will see how the earliest churches conducted themselves in their lives, homes, and churches.
On this episdoe of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will discuss the claim that Eusebius made about a written letter of Jesus being sent to King Abgar V of Edessa concerning healing. Did Jesus actually write this letter? Are there historical records to affirm this claim? Tune-in and let us know what you think. If you’d like to know more about us or dontate to our ministry click the link here: https://www.explorechristianity.net
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce investigates the criticism given by critical scholars on the Pauline authorship of the Book of Ephesians. Dr. Boyce will examine the historical and internal evidence to answer the dilemmas, while also illustrating a comparison of this letter to the undisputed letters of Paul. If you’d like more information about us or would like to donate to our ministry, here’s a link to our website https://www.explorechristianity.net/
The controversy behind 2 Corinthians is no small matter. In this episode, Dr. Boyce will seek to walk through the re-constructionist view of 2 Corinthians. Some believe this letter to be 5 letters total combined together. Dr. Boyce will share his view and show how these transitions and abrupt changes can be explained with organic life events and ministerial issues.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce goes through the life and writings of one of the earliest Bishops in Rome, Clement of Rome. He will discuss the nature of his letter to the Corinthians, and his relationship with the Apostles. Here is a link to a translation of the 1 Clement https://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/1clement-lightfoot.html
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will discuss the issue of inspiration, as it relates to possible letters that the Apostles wrote, that are now missing. You will also learn about whether or not Paul believed he was writing under inspiration in a letter like 1 Corinthians.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce reads Tertullian's profound statement of how the Apostolic Churches protected themselves from forgeries and heresies that would often come into the Churches.
This is a very important discussion as it relates to the understanding of how canon was recognized from the Apostles to the second century. Dr. Boyce will be exploring a writing of Irenaeus called, “The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching” that is scarcely known to people.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will take his audience through a journey of the life of Ignatius. He will cover Ignatius' ministry, ecclesiology, eschatology, soteriology, and bibliology. The audience will also learn about the letters that Ignatius wrote before his martyrdom, and the controversy behind many of them.
What should the attitude of a Christian be toward living in a Gap of Divine Silence for over 1900 years? How should we view God and his lack of divine oracles? How can we continue to live in an age of skepticism when God does not visibly reveal himself? These are questions that Dr. Stephen Boyce will answer in this program, as he continues to investigate this subject. His most recent article on the subject can be found here... https://www.explorechristianity.net/blog/divine-silence-a-challenge-to-christians-to-think-differently-about-god-speaking-in-the-ancient-past
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce is joined by Explore Christianity's co-founder, Jonathan Beazley to challenge to Christians to think differently about God speaking in the ancient past. The content of this discussion is taken from Dr. Boyce's recent article that can be found here https://www.explorechristianity.net/blog/divine-silence-a-challenge-to-christians-to-think-differently-about-god-speaking-in-the-ancient-past?fbclid=IwAR1ZYQCleRE4ZcNqcZnViMZbhZvPCbrZCrtTbs_YpGChNEfaqL1MQDITsKs
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce is going to give a sample size comparison of the new arguments pertaining to Jesus, and His death and resurrection. It is alleged that the Gospel writers stole the data from the story of Romulus to create the narrative for Jesus, and His death and resurrection. Dr. Boyce will demonstrate that when someone does comparative work with historical documents, that person should be careful not to make something that appears similar the automatically be the same.
3 John is one of the disputed letters in the New Testament. Dr. Boyce will explain the reasoning for the dispute, while also examining the source of this letter and how it can be traced to John the Apostle's apostolic group.
Can this disputed letter be traced to the Apostle John? Why is the writer calling himself the Elder? Who is this elect lady? Dr. Stephen Boyce will walking the listener through the data to answer all of these questions.
How can we identify a writing with a nameless writer, a nameless audience, and a nameless location as a canonical book? Can we trace it to an apostle? Can we call it scripture? On the episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce is going to answer all of these questions and identify a specific person of interest, and demonstrate how it is possible to call this epistle, scripture.
This episode contains a description and study of the Epistle to Diognetus. Dr. Boyce will walk the listener through the different perspectives about the writer, date, and content that are given in scholarship about this letter. Dr. Boyce will demonstrate the value of this letter to the Christian faith and how we can learn proper Apologetics from the writer of this letter.
On this Episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will demonstrate how it is possible for a Fisherman to be behind an epistle like 1 Peter, literary forms and all. He will make a historical argument, along with an internal argument, to defend the ancient claim that the Apostle Peter is behind the Epistle of 1 Peter.
Dr. Stephen Boyce will be discussing the highly debated canonical status of 2 Peter. There are historical and internal reasons to have concerns about the canonical status of this Epistle. However, Dr. Boyce will walk the listener through multiple perspectives to give a viable argument in favor of 2 Peter being canonical.
In this Episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce discusses his perspective as to why there is a new push, in the younger generation, to go back to Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. He will discuss the problems he sees within our modern churches that have created a mess for the Church as a whole.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be discussing the authorship and composition of the Book of Hebrews. Did Paul write this letter? Did one of his followers write this letter? Does it even matter if we know who wrote this letter? All of these questions will be answered in this episode.
Many modern scholars today hold to a 2-3 person authorship due to the literary forms. They would say that Isaiah (“proto-Isaiah”) wrote chapters 1–39, an anonymous author living during the exile (“deutero-Isaiah”) wrote 40–55, and another anonymous author living after the exile (“trito-Isaiah”) wrote 56–66. On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will explain these different views and why he believes these "discrepancies" can be reconciled with a proper understanding of the themes, history, layout, and framework of the original writer.
On this episode of Facts, Dr. Stephen Boyce will walk the listener through the origins behind the Book of Revelation. Can it be traced to John the Apostle? Can the literary forms and method be written by a man who was once a fisherman? Are there historical arguments for the date and authorship for this book? Dr. Boyce will carefully answer these questions in his current series on the canonical texts.
The authorship of the Book of James has long been disputed. Not only the author, but the composition as well. In this episode, Dr. Boyce will be making a historical and internal claim as to who he believes the author to be. He will also demonstrate various literary forms, and demonstrate multiple comparisons to other wisdom writings.
In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be examining the author, date, and composition of the Epistle of Jude. He will be looking at the historical citations and framework given to us; while also examining the internal evidence that the Epistle provides for itself.
In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce with be examining the authorship, date, and composition of the book of Romans, along with examining the various endings. He will walk the listener through the external and internal data that will point to a Pauline authorship.
Many in modern scholarship will dismiss the pastoral epistles from the Pauline writings. The basis for this argument is due to the differences in vocabulary and syntax. In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be defending the Pauline authorship, while answering the main arguments against it.
Did Luke actually write an account of the Apostles? Can we see evidence in history, and in the text itself, that the writer had a working knowledge of the key characters? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce will walk the listener through these questions, and seek to answer each claim.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will be investigating the internal evidence of John’s Gospel. He will show the cleverness of the author in telling the other half of Peter’s story as recorded in Mark’s Gospel.
How did the Gospel of John come into existence? Why did the church need a fourth account of Jesus' ministry, when the Synoptic accounts were already circulating in the churches? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce will explore the beauty and creation of John's Gospel. He will trace the origin and intent of its publication.
If Luke the Physician wrote a Gospel account, what would it look like? Can the internal evidence point to a physician as the author? In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce will make the case that Luke's Gospel can be validated, both internally and externally, to Luke the famous Physician.
Did Paul have need of a Gospel account of Jesus that he would carry with him in his travels? Was Luke a valid candidate to write such a Gospel? In this episode, Dr. Boyce will demonstrate that Luke was commissioned by Paul to write a historical account of the life and ministry of Jesus.
Dr. Boyce will be focusing on the internal evidence of Matthew, to demonstrate that the main material was based on the eyewitness testimony of a tax collector. He will also demonstrate key elements of Papias' testimony in regards to individuals "translating" the original sayings of Matthew from Hebrew/Aramaic.
In this episode of "Exploring the Gospels as Eyewitness Accounts, Dr. Boyce will be exploring the potentiality that there are two accounts of Matthew. He will be examining the testimony of Papias, Irenaeus, and others as to how we've received this Gospel account, and if it is possible to be traced to the Apostles.
Was Mark written by an unknown author that has been lost in history? Is it possible to trace the original writing, both historically, and intrinsically? On today's episode, Dr. Boyce will walk the listener through these questions; demonstrating that is possible to identify a person of interest and follow patterns within the Gospel account, and link them to a specific person of interest.
Modern day academia has placed major doubt on the authenticity of the Gospels. Even Biblical institutions have abandoned the traditional view of the authorship of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In this episode, Dr. Boyce will be exploring the earliest attestations of these ancient Gospel accounts, by examining the testimony of Papias
On tonights episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will be exploring the Book of 1 Enoch. Did the Ethiopian Church rightly consider the book canonical? Did the New Testament writers use the Book of 1 Enoch? Who are the Watchers? Does 1 Enoch help us understand Genesis 6 better? Should we read and utilize the writing today? These are the questions that Dr. Boyce will be answering on this episode.
In this episode, Dr. Boyce will be discussing a controversial topic that is discussed in churches today. Dr. Boyce will be playing a clip from an older sermon by Jack Schaap, where he made a claim that "It would be a cold day in hell before he got his theology from a woman." Dr. Boyce will attempt to balance and answer this statement.
In tonight's episode, Dr. Boyce will be examining the internal data from Hebrews to see if the writer utilized some of the Apocryphal books for his theology and arguments.
Eric Skwarczynski, the producer of the Preacher Boys Podcast, recently announced that he is no longer a Christian. On an episode of his podcast, he detailed his journey of deconstruction. In this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce and Jonathan Beazley will be discussing his reasoning and the deconstruction process.
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will be investigating the origin of the Gospel of Thomas. Is it the missing "Q" document that some have suggested? Did the canonical Gospels copy Thomas? These questions will be answered in todays episode.
When comparing the historical data for Socrates and Jesus, one will find astonishing similarities between the two. There is a movement in academia today, seeking to dismiss the existence of the historical Jesus. In this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will examine the evidence of both Jesus and Socrates. He will demonstrate that to dismiss one's existence is to dismiss the other from a historical standpoint.
This episode of FACTS will be covering a Pseudepigraphal work known as the Gospel of Peter. Did Peter write this Gospel account? Was the material based on eyewitness testimony? These kinds of questions will be answered by Dr. Boyce. Also, he will be discussing some of the unique readings within the account like: a Giant Jesus and a talking cross.
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