Eric Rieger 0:00
All right, welcome back to COVID files. This is actually an extension of COVID files number nine, so we used to call them 9.5. When we brought in Dr. Ackerman, we just call it nine plus,
Ken Brown 0:12
man, I think we ought to call it COVID file 10. It actually deserves its own thing. Now I understand that you've gotten some, some listeners that maybe were a little bit dismayed by how we ended the last podcast. Can you go ahead and get everybody up to date in case they didn't see it?
Eric Rieger 0:28
So there's there's actually a lot of things to attack number one, we had covered phone number nine, and COVID File Number nine, we talked specifically about the NRF two pathway. And we laid it all out there leading people up to the fact that how do you supplement the NRF two pathway because of how beneficial it is. If you've missed that. Don't watch this episode yet. Go back check out episode number nine. It's going to really lay the groundwork for this episode of COVID file number 10. Second thing, this is our first time this is my co host by the way
Ken Brown 1:00
But why don't you can write a long time since we've been together this close without without a mask on? We work together with a mask
Eric Rieger 1:05
No kidding.
Ken Brown 1:06
But you know, thank goodness, it's easy to get tested now. So at least I know as of this moment your test was negative. My test was negative, we can be this close together.
Eric Rieger 1:13
at least for as good as the test was. Yeah, it says that we're negative.
Ken Brown 1:17
And I'm super excited that you're able to multitask during this podcast.
Oh, yeah.
With you being so Eric, as you can see by the headphones, that he is a dual timing is a air traffic controller. Is that correct? You're getting feedback there. Is that why you're wearing headphones? And I'm not that is why I'm wearing them. Go ahead and raise your altitude.
Eric Rieger 1:37
Bet Yes, that's we're doing a little bit of double duty. Here we are in the studio. But we're all alone. We don't have anybody helping us. Paul is still doing a fantastic job of doing the production after we get finished recording. But for right now, we're keeping our exposure to a minimum because this is the first time that we've been this close.
Ken Brown 1:54
Eric Rieger 1:55
We've got a mask on
Ken Brown 1:55
It really is. And you and I have worked together this whole time. Yeah. Several times a week. But we have a Had a 95 mass on and so at some point you got to start to, you know, push the boundaries a little bit, we've got to get the studio, let's go ahead and do this. And why do I feel comfortable about this because what we're going to talk about today is an extension of last podcast, check it out. It's about the NRF two pathway. We'll recover that really quick, just briefly go over it. But I'm going to tell you how the NRF two pathway can be very effective in overall health right in multiple ways, but also the possibility that there is compelling evidence to show that if you do not have a healthy NRF two pathway, then you are at risk for getting COVID-19
Eric Rieger 2:39
Ken Brown 2:39
So you and I are trying to do everything in our power to make sure that we have optimized our bodies in case we get exposed. Last episode we talked about how Joe Rogan's always saying why don't healthcare workers talk about how to prevent getting it that's what that whole show was about? Definitely. So it was about the last episode we talked about the NRF two pathway. And so today, what I want to discuss are some papers that I have found that show how to use certain natural products to improve your NRF two pathway. And that's right where we ended, we ran out of time last time, but specifically how this could be a new target to actually prevent SARS cov. Two, which is the virus that causes COVID-19 and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation while improving your immune system overall, and down regulating these two receptors, so it's kind of crazy, because it's like the panacea when we start talking about this pathway. And I started looking into these different papers. I'm like, why isn't anybody talking about it? Right? And I think that frequently, you and I have kind of pushed the boundaries a little bit and talked about stuff before everybody else was because we're, well, because we're just two turntables and a microphone. Because we have the access to some microphones.
Eric Rieger 3:52
It's just yeah, access to microphones. But even more importantly, it's science based. What we're doing is we're staying true to the whole order. Have the origination at origin ation origination of the program which is we're finding compelling evidence to talk about as it applies to not only our but your health
Ken Brown 4:10
yeah and so I think something that we have the ability to do is that been in healthcare and having access to wonderful people that help us out like Angie cook where we can get these articles that say Angie I want to talk about NRF you know, just unloads incredible articles on me and then we go through and sift through this. It's essentially what we're not making any claims. We're not saying anything to run out and this is what's what you should go do remember the disclaimer is, although I'm a doctor, or crna, we are not your crna and your doctor if you do have anything unusual going on if you have that weird rash or if you believe that you need to dogmatically look at something that we're talking about here and say I'm gonna do this, it's gonna protect me that's not what I'm saying. Talk to your doctor. What we're giving you is information. We're giving you science backed information. You do with that what you want. Ideally, I want you to take it to your doctor. And say, look, these guys are talking about this right? We should be talking about this. Right? So that's sort of the disclaimer right there, but it's all based on science. So, recap. We did talk about the NRF two pathway and we discussed how ridiculous the acronym is the acronym is nuclear factor, e two factor related related factor. I'll say that one more time nuclear factor, e two factor related factor, hence the f2, which is really funny. All right, it's the master regulator of cellular health, and it detoxifies all your cells. It stimulates cellular defense, and if any type of insult starts happening that protects the cell, specifically when we're talking about SARS, cov two, it actually down regulates the h2 receptor which allows the SARS cov to to attach and I'm gonna throw in a new term that we did not talk about last time because now it's relevant. The in normal conditions your NRF two pathway remains suppressed and kind of controlled like a cage using something called the cytoplasma repressor protein keep one that is the KE AP one. Talk about bad acronyms that's ever decided the NRF two decided that the keep one. The acronym stands for kelch like erythroid cell derived protein with CNC homology associated protein one cannot make that up. Like whoever was discovering this did not go to any acronym training at all. Now, we thought the NRF was bad. Now I'm going to tell you that there's something called the keep one protein, which doesn't allow your NRF to become activated. This is going to be relevant when we get into the next interesting. And so in response to any type of damage or attack or oxidative stress, the NRF two will actually separate from the keep protein which is controlling it, dive into the cell, hop into the nucleus and then turn on On 250 jeans, that's wha...