Welcome to the new location of the gut check project. I'm your host, Eric Rieger along with your other host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. How you doing Ken what's going on?
So well, we've moved from the Spoony studio and we are attempting our first own podcast over here at the new studio at the KBMD Health studio. We are and guess
what, you know we are still on the Spoony network, but I can't express how nice it is for you to now have a studio that's closer to the clinic. It's closer to where we do the procedures. It's the same distance for me no matter what.
And most importantly, it's closer for our guests like Jeremy who just flew in from Austin. All the way from Austin because we got so much closer.
Yeah, thank you guys. Much closer. Awesome. So our first
guest here in the new studio is going to be Jeremy Kinder here with CBD Takeout and I'm going to let Jeremy kind of take it away a little bit about what is special about CBD Takeout here in just a moment. Dr. Brown real quick, do we have any catch up items that we needed to do to kind of put in front of Jeremy to see if he wants to weigh in on anything?
Well, we got like several visual on so first of all, we want to hear the story about how you and Jeremy met Sure. We want to talk about how much synergy there is. Whenever you start meeting people and you start connecting with people. We came back from the baby bath water event and just met incredible people. We had Tim powers over here who we're going to have back on because we actually had the equipment. We were unpacking the equipment when our first real guest showed up and he was kind of helping us just show how to...
like we were like wiring this stuff together. Check this
out. Before Tim came over here, he was over at a hotel and then put his iPhone down to simply turn around and pay a guy at the bar. No, no, no, he was going to turn around and refill his ice tea. Oh fill his iced tea.
Like five feet away at like a Homewood suites are just like some. Yeah, you know, like normal family.
A little hotel. Did somebody grab his phone? Within
like three seconds, three seconds took off. So he was in town. And so me my wife, my daughter, my son was out of town, me, my wife and my daughter, we're going to take him out to dinner. And I pick him up. And this is what we have to do is figure out so now we're, I'm learning how to move the camera. So now we're back on me. Yeah, nice. Sweet. So we're working on that. And I picked him up in like a boss. I mean, like a boss. He was like, Hey, man, what's up? I'm like, why did I have to face you know Facebook you? Yeah, funny thing and he stops in the car, funny thing my phone just got stolen I'm like when? He's like, I don't know eight minutes ago. I'm like, you are a boss. I stopped the car. I'm like do we go to BestBuy? Do we get you a flip phone? What do we do here? This is crazy. So was he calling you
from like an iPad
or something? He sent me and I'm not a Facebooker and so he sent me a message said hey, phones, phones not working. It was cool about it phones not working. message me through this and I'll I'll do it through my iPad. When I picked him up, I mean, he was just like, I would have been curled up in a corner, crying, whatever. And he's like, yeah, let's just go to dinner. It's all good.
Let's go get a drink.
Let's just I mean, he was just cool and super, super neat about it. And then that evolved into a realization for himself and go ahead and expand on that. The coolest thing was is he found how addicted he was to his smartphone.
Yeah, he said he began to sleep better, he communicated better with people that are in front of him. His anxiety level, he said, the first day was palpable, where he didn't feel captivated by the phone constantly vibrating for something for him new to look at.
So, man, I don't know how much y'all want me to talk because I bet I'm a talker I'll throw in stuff on everything. But my wife and I have been talking about how do we decouple from our devices and I've tried everything if you're getting a second device or getting an Apple Watch and you know, all kinds of different stuff and honestly, the thing that that's helping me the most is just discipline you know, but I'm not going to you know get on my device and it's freaking hard I mean it's really like a you know like a drug fix of it My mind is telling me Hey, I need to check my phone go through the cycle of okay check Instagram, check the email check, you know. And then 15 minutes later I've been on my phone the whole time and I I literally don't need to be on there. But that's probably about a year ago we started talking about how how we can improve our lives and have better sleep quality and a lot of that stuff and decoupling from electronics was a big part of that
I don't remember was that Aaron File at baby bathwater who made the statement that there's a box
there's a box..No it was Jack Olocka. Oh Jack Olocka. So it was Jack Olocka . So Jack Olocka...
I’m a little bit echoed here. Is that you know what, whatever we're just we're just gonna run the first one is studio thinking first one new studio figured out. So Jack Olocka . So Jack, so this group that we're with is like, it's like, you know, like when you like meet a bunch of people and you just go oh my gosh, I'm I'm like around a bunch of like minded people yeah well Jack Olocka is a PhD in psychedelics, all his research has been in this and like not like, Oh, I'm really good at psychedelics like he actually has a doctorate on the neuro plasticity and what happens I mean, just brilliant guy. And he gave a little speech there's this thing called a Baby Einstein, we're just going let it echo doesn't matter now. Where the Baby Einstein where everybody kind of gives either an ask or a give. And you know, his give was there's something called a kitchen safe. And what you do is you put your phone in the safe in the kitchen. Yeah. And when you set the timer, you nothing can get that phone out until the timer stops. Like there's like like even if somebody breaks it, it's just pretty much like yeah, you better have a landline going Yeah, yes. You know. And so unless you have dynamite and a crowbar and the reason is is because people are so addicted to their phones and we know that the blue light affects sleep. If you look at the how important sleep is and how affected it is just getting in just shutting your phone off and not looking at it is probably the most important thing that you can do.
Yeah, yeah. My problem though, is you know, I come from the technology world and my house is wired like I have sono speakers everywhere and I have lights that are on smart plugs and all that stuff. And I did all this before I knew the the harmful effects of emf and so now I kinda thinking. So if I put my phone in a safe like I can't turn my lights on or I can't listen to music.
Or turn the air conditioner down. I’m hosed.
Just honey. I can't flush the toilet. Right. My phone's in the safe.
Yeah, yeah. So you know we're talking about how to it maybe shut all that down and all that but
yeah. That’s funny.
So let's talk a little bit about CBD take out that's why you You came up here today we're going to explore opportunities that are synergistic between the two of us. I was going to kick it off by saying one of the things that allowed you and I to get on this wavelength to start talking. So I went down to Austin to join a friend of mine. Marie and I are really good friends with the Leath’s. Rennon Leath is basically the founder of a podcast called Lazy Sundayz Lazy Sunday, Lazy Sundayz and that’s with a Z. So lazy Sunday's podcast. It's really kind of cool. It's four people who got together and have anxiety issues. So they forced themselves to start a podcast to...