Eric Rieger 0:00
Gut Check project fans and KBMD Health family. How are you doing today? It's your host, Eric Rieger, soon to be joined by my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. This is episode number 56. And if you've heard 54 and 55, which we've gotten plenty of email about, thank you for all of that. You know that 56 is kind of the combination here. So we're talking about issues around erectile dysfunction, and more or less kind of the catalyst that causes it as it pertains to inflammation and systemic disease and certainly virus infections. So that being said, go ahead and dive in here to 56 I think that there's a lot of hope here. There's a lot of things that people can actively do to stave off some of these manifestations because that's what erectile dysfunction is it's it's a signal that something else is happening. So without further ado, let's get to our sponsors. Of course there is artron to get your daily poly females that are trying to go to love my tummy calm again. It's love my tummy, calm us, slash KB MD and get your daily poly phenol today developed by my co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. Dr. Ron teal is chock full of polyphenols does not matter if you have gut issues if you suffer from IBS or related symptoms or you're just a a an active athlete and you want to optimize your daily health so that you can be your best you need polyphenols, there's no way around it. So are trying to go to love my slash KB MD. You got great tasting food, unrefined bakery go to unrefined because it does not matter. If you have a specialty diet or not. unrefined bakery can make things available to you that maybe you thought were now impossible because you are celiac, or because you're paleo, or because you're keto? No, they have cracked the code using all natural ingredients. Go to unrefined Get yourself some bread, get some tasty, tasty bread, knowing that you're both celiac and paleo. You can do it there. And it's gonna taste great, so unrefined. use code, gut check and save 20% off of your very first order. They delivered to all of the lower 48 states even though they're based here in the DFW Metroplex of North Texas, so unrefined Last but not least, KB and D kb MD health calm is the home of the gut check project. That's where Dr. Kenneth brown makes available his own CBD as well as broccoli and artron. teal, so check out KB Md Use code GCP and save 20% off of any order at any time. Okay, without wasting any more of your time. Let's get to episode number 56.
Hello, Gut project fans and KB MD Health family hope you having a great day. It's me Eric Rieger here with the awesome co host, Dr. Kenneth Brown. It's Episode 56, a continuation of 54 and 55. So, Dr. Brown, why don't you kind of set the stage for us?
Ken Brown 3:32
Yeah, so this is part three of what we didn't really realize it would turn into a part three series, right? That part one of this particular series. So Episode 34, was that I was seeing so many patients that were coming in. And because of the job that I have being a physician against neurologists, they're willing to talk about certain things. They're young men that had never had issues were showing up with erectile dysfunction. months, like eight months after having COVID. They want to know if there was a correlation. Well, because of that, I started looking into things. And then we actually did find that there's some studies going on with this. And so it's going to be much bigger than what people think we're just a little ahead of the curve on this. So Episode 54 was about how it's doing it. Episode 55 is a natural ways to try and protect yourself and Episode 56. It's a continuation of that. As it turns out, there's tons of science on this. And if you just look and you know where to look and you have access to people that can get these articles. It's fascinating. fascinating, because what we're talking about is not just a reptile health, we're talking about overall health. Every one of these topics that affect Well, if something affects your penis, it's probably affecting other parts of your body.
Eric Rieger 4:44
Yeah. If that were to happen, it would probably affect your mentation, your mood, your drive to do a lot of things. So yeah, it definitely it's everything is universal. Everything that seems local is really universal. Yeah, vice versa.
Ken Brown 4:58
Yeah. So it's We're gonna go over some really cool stuff today.
Eric Rieger 5:02
So just briefly personal Eric anything cool going on man we're still remodeling kids are fine. Marie's on a, she took a trip to Montana she's on her. They were hired her social media conglomerate that she built is the Montana filming awesome stuff that probably looks different than a GI sweet I kind of wish I was looking at it.
Ken Brown 5:23
That's awesome. For me. Same stuff we're remodeling, no big deal only issue is is that with some countries in some states having different COVID stuff, my kids want to start traveling more, but I don't know if that particular country would is going to cancel the tournament. And I'm trying to rearrange my schedule to go and book flights. It's just so annoying. And what a privilege to say that the what not, I mean, honestly a privilege to say it's annoying that I'm trying to plan a trip, although I'll be extremely important for my kids. We're in a position here in Texas where most of the economy is opened up. Oh, yeah, yeah, there's still places where everything shut down. So if you're a restaurant owner in New York or California, it's still super difficult. And I'm kind of complaining about the fact that I can't book a trip because I don't know if that country is going to, you know, do some blocking have
Eric Rieger 6:18
been talking about this today. But before you walked into the room with one we had a patient from Canada, originally from Canada, so as a sister who lives there, and she was sharing with us that they are still you it's almost like textile blue laws out there every day. So you can't go into a Walmart and shop on the side of their textile
Ken Brown 6:38
blue laws. Me. Ah,
Eric Rieger 6:41
so then in the old days, and I think even a New Jersey, in this, it's changed, it may still be the same. On Sunday. You can't buy certain textiles. Really? Yeah, it's just a blue law. I mean, I don't I don't know. I don't I don't want to talk out of turn there. But back in when I was really, really young, you couldn't couldn't go into a mall and shop at like a dillards was closed on Sunday. So yeah, I we don't do that anymore. No,
Ken Brown 7:07
we don't cuz that's like the only time I'd be willing to go to a mall, like, really early. But, but really, Mother's Day anniversaries come on? Yeah, I have the moles that are, you
Eric Rieger 7:20
know, no one in my household. But what was interesting is she said that in the Walmart, for instance, is kind of a universal way to break it down, that they have blocked off or quarantined off, anything that's not food related. So you go into the store, and you'll see everything rubbed off, you cannot go over there to make a purchase or anything like that. And that's it. That was in Ontario, Canada. So I don't know if that's universal for the entire country. She just knew what her sister was relaying. And so if you're watching this, this is recorded. May 19 2021. It's starkly different here in Texas, where our governor released here recently that we're at the at the low, and everything's pretty wide open,
Ken Brown 8:06
it's pretty wide open mass are no longer require they're suggested. And I don't think we're seeing a big bump. I talked to the doctors at my house. And they're like, no,...