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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory EXTRA! This podcast features Harry Potter Theories, Fantastic Beasts Theories, Explanations, Top Lists, News, Character Backstories, Fan Fictions & More! Here you’ll find shorter format content than that of the main Harry Potter Theory podcast.
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Is the NEW Dumbledore the right choice?
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If you’re purely a movie-goer, then this character may not mean much to you, as he was omitted from the films altogether. But if you’ve read the books, then you understand his significance, and you probably went through the films thinking…Where is he?
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Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today I’ve got a compilation for you guys where I’ll discuss 30 facts about Harry Potter that even some of the biggest Harry Potter fans might not know. Today you can test your Harry Potter knowledge and see what kind of score you get.
As this is a compilation please be aware of some inconsistent numbering and varied audio levels.
Let’s get in to it.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing some of the most important figures - both famous and infamous- from Wizarding History- names that are coupled with accomplishments and stories that make the Wizarding World what it is today.
The Harry Potter books really only cover the time period that the books are SET IN, but there’s a lot more to Harry Potter lore than meets the eye and It’s always interesting taking a look back at the history books. There is a LOT of ground to cover and a LOT of names on this list, so this will just be PART 1 of a multi part series.
Starting in alphabetical order, today we’re taking a look at the A’s and B’s.
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Welcome to another instalment of Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing how ordinary Muggles react when they find out that their child is magical.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing how Vernon Dursley met Petunia Evans, and how the two of them eventually became Mr. and Mrs. Dursley—the widely disliked aunt and uncle of Harry Potter.
As revealed by the memories of a dying Severus Snape, there was once a time when Petunia Evans and her younger sister, Lily, were actually quite close. In fact, it would seem that as a young girl Petunia had wished to become a witch just like Lily, and even went so far as to write to Headmaster Dumbledore to see if he could make an exception and allow her to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry despite the fact that she displayed no magical abilities. Unfortunately, it would seem that Dumbledore’s refusal—although delivered kindly—ignited feelings of incredible resentment within Petunia, which is likely what spurned her on towards a life in which she hated magic to the point that she tried to pretend it didn’t exist. Petunia was also openly resentful of the fact that her parents seemed delighted by the fact that her sister was a witch, which ultimately led to Petunia feeling such incredible dislike towards her sister, her family, and her home in Cokeworth, that she up and left in search of a much more ordinary life.
It was around this time that Petunia met Vernon Dursley.
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Welcome to another instalment of Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the Deathly Hallows…but not in the way you might think.
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Shortly after entering the Great Hall, each and every new first year student is required to place the fabled Sorting Hat upon their head.
And the Hat, which has the unique and essential task of assigning new students to one of the four houses, will place this new student in to Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
For the most part, this process runs pretty smoothly, with students being sorted across the board.
But what if for some strange reason, things didn’t go quite as smoothly as they usually do? What if the Sorting process led to a completely disproportionate number of students in one house? Or better yet, what if one or more houses had no new students at all?
Today we’re tackling all of that (and more) as we dive (deeper) in to the Sorting Ceremony.
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Rumours circulating have suggested that in the more immediate future Avalanche Software are going to be offering an UPDATE in the form of DLC to the current version of the game.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the rather lesser known effects of one of the most famous potions in the Harry Potter series: Polyjuice Potion.
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Today we’re going to be exploring 5 of the best Hagrid theories circulating the internet, so sit back, relax and enjoy.
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Coming to you with sad news today.
I’ve just read that Dame Maggie Smith, who famously played the role of Minerva McGonagall, has sadly passed away at the age of 89.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of the infamous wizarding shop known as Borgin and Burkes.
Established in 1863 by two wizards—a Mr. Borgin, first name unknown, and a Mr. Caractacus Burke—Borgin and Burkes has always had a rather notorious reputation. The shop is located at 13B Knockturn Alley, a street said to be quite dangerous, which can be found just off of London’s main wizarding road of Diagon Alley. The dangers present along Knockturn Alley come from both the nefarious businesses that operate down the street, in addition to the questionable witches and wizards who frequent these establishments. In fact, the street has such a bad reputation that Molly Weasley forbade her children—specifically Fred and George—from venturing down the Alley at all.
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Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today I’ve got a bit of news for you with regards to the future of Harry Potter games. That’s right, GAMES- plural.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of the magical beings known as Veela. Within the wizarding world of Harry Potter, we never learn all that much about the mysterious and exceptionally beautiful humanoid species called the Veela. In fact, much of what we do know about these magical beings revolves entirely around their physical appearance, with their description given in great detail several times over the course of the books and films, but specifically throughout The Goblet of Fire. This fourth instalment of the series is the first time Harry, alongside us Muggles, are introduced to the idea of the Veela. Here, before we even reach 100 pages of the novel, the Veela come prancing onto the page after being announced as the Bulgarian Quidditch team’s mascots during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup. This is, of course, the chapter in which Harry attends the World Cup alongside the Weasleys and Hermione Granger. Now, up until that time, Harry was completely unfamiliar with the Veela and seems to be rather confused when Arthur Weasley announces that they are the Bulgarian team’s mascots. However, before he could ask Mr. Weasley what they were exactly, a group of these magical beings took to the pitch. This, as you may remember, effectively answered Harry’s question, as described in the following excerpt from the novel:
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing a rather unknown but entirely notorious criminal within the wizarding world of Harry Potter known only as the Ginger Witch.
While not much is known about the heritage and early life of this mysterious enchantress, we do have a few facts about her origins and where it is she came from. But before we dive too far into what we know about the Ginger Witch and who exactly she is, let’s first review HOW it is that we know what we do. Shall we?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing the background of Voldemort’s DAUGHTER. That's right, the Dark Lord had a child.
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The cornerstones of the Hogwarts house system, and perhaps the most iconic symbols associated with each house are the house MASCOTS.
For Gryffindor, this mascot was a lion.
For Slytherin, a serpent.
For Hufflepuff, a badger.
And for Ravenclaw, an eagle (or RAVEN in the films).
But what do these creatures have to do with anything? What connection do they have to the founders?
And how did these seemingly mundane creatures (at least, looking at it from the perspective of a MAGICAL world) get chosen as representatives for these houses? I’ve got nothing against lions, serpents, badgers or eagles- but in a world filled with things like DRAGONS, ACROMANTULAS, THESTRALS and NUNDUS- these creatures seem…less impressive.
I’m going to start with WHY these creatures were chosen, and then move on to why MAGICAL creatures weren’t chosen.
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The Elder wand was the first hallow created, made by Death himself, and it was said to be the most powerful wand that ever existed. The Elder Wand is made of elder wood, and it’s core is the tail hair of a Thestral. It’s 15” long and has carvings down its length that resemble clusters of elderberries. With the elder wand, witches and wizards have historically been able to produce intensely powerful magic that others could only dream of. Some magic is actually altogether impossible without the Elder Wand- including things like mending other wands.
We see this powerful artefact pass hands on numerous occasions throughout the Harry Potter story- and its ‘ownership’ is of utmost importance to the plot. After all, it’s the ownership of the Elder Wand that eventually allows Harry to defeat Voldemort- firing his own killing curse right back at him. But before Harry became it’s owner in his final showdown with Voldemort at the end of the Deathly Hallows- who were the true owners?
Conventionally it is believed that Dumbledore was the owner, followed by Draco who disarmed Dumbledore, followed by Harry who disarmed Draco. But one popular fan theory suggests that Dumbledore was never the true owner at all. So where does that leave us?
The main driver behind the theory is HOW the wand actually changes ownership.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing a list of another four major things that magic simply CANNOT do.
Today’s video is part of a series, so if you have yet to watch Part 1 of 4 Things Magic CANNOT Do in Harry Potter, then be sure to check it out after you watch this video!
Throughout the Harry Potter series, we see magic do A LOT of things. It can kill people with a few choice words or phrases. It can transport individuals from one side of the country to the other. When brewed correctly, magical ingredients can create potions and elixirs that have the ability to force people to tell the truth or magically transform into the exact likeness of another person. And yet, there are several things—rather, there are several QUITE ODD things—that magic simply CANNOT do in the series. These instances range from curious to almost completely inexplicable—as in, “Really?! How in Merlin’s Beard does that make any sense?!”
And so, without further ado, let’s get to it. The following four examples are bits of magic that CANNOT be done, as seen in both the books and the films.
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Hey everyone. Welcome to another instalment of Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be taking a look at some of the most well known characters who show up in the Harry Potter series, but whose Hogwarts houses are never identified. For anyone who’s read or watched the Harry Potter series, the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are common knowledge. Based on the four founding members of the school, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin, the houses reflect the strengths, qualities, and beliefs of these witches and wizards, with each of the four houses being named after their respective founder.
Those sorted into Gryffindor house value bravery and courage. Hufflepuff students believe in loyalty, patience and fair play. Ravenclaw witches and wizards, on the other hand, are committed to intellect and wisdom. And, lastly, Slytherin house welcomes students with immense ambition and cunning.
From almost the immediate beginning of the series, fans are led to believe that these four houses play an immensely important role in the future and identity of the witches and wizards who attend school there.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing EVEN MORE interesting facts about the wizarding world of Harry Potter that some of the biggest fans of the series don’t even know!
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be exploring a what-if scenario where Neville Longbottom, NOT Harry Potter, was the chosen one.
Would Voldemort still have been defeated? Would Neville’s parents have been killed like Harry’s? What role would HARRY play in a world where he was no longer quite so special? How would other characters like Snape, Dumbledore, and the Order of the Phoenix respond to Neville as the chosen one? How would Neville's leadership style and decision-making differ from Harry's? Would Neville form close relationships with Ron and Hermione in Harry’s place? And how would Neville's upbringing and personality have shaped his journey as the chosen one?
We’re going to be exploring all of that, and more, in today’s what-if scenario.
Let’s dive in!
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing EVEN MORE interesting facts about the wizarding world of Harry Potter that some of the biggest fans of the series don’t even know—at least, not yet!
Today’s video is part of a series, so if you have yet to watch Part 1 of 10 Facts Even the BIGGEST Harry Potter Fans Don't Know, then be sure to check it out after you watch this video! You can find it here: [10 Harry Potter Facts Even the BIGGEST Fans Don't Know]
I decided to do a Part 2 for this topic because, while you guys seemed to enjoy the last video, YOU ALL KNEW TOO MUCH! Many of you claimed that you weren’t surprised by several of the facts. So, I made it my mission to dig a little deeper and find some TRULY SURPRISING facts that I’m thinking many of you mega fans won’t even know. Let’s get started!
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Hey everyone, Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Just a few days ago now Warner Bros Media released the names of both the writer and director for the upcoming Harry Potter TV Series. These individuals are Francesca Gardiner and Mark Mylod. Since then, JK Rowling has also weighed in on things, tweeting the following...
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Today we're exploring some of the most OUT there Harry Potter theories on the web. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
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Hey everyone, welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing some HUGE updates regarding the much anticipated Harry Potter TV Show set to premiere on HBO.
The show was first announced back in April 2023, when Warner Bros released the following announcement.
"We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover Hogwarts in a whole new way," says HBO CEO Casey Bloys in a statement. "Harry Potter is a cultural phenomenon and it is clear there is such an enduring love and thirst for the Wizarding World."
And after this announcement in April of last year, there was radio silence for quite some time. That is…until yesterday, when the show finally named both its WRITER and DIRECTOR. The following statements were officially published by Warner Bros. Discovery:
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the curse that Voldemort placed on the Defence Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts and whether or not it lifted after the Dark Lord’s death.
Over the course of Harry Potter’s time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, many things within the school remained steadfastly the same. The magic within the walls of the castle itself, the eerie ghosts that roamed the hallways, as well as the many familiar faces of the teaching staff. From Professor Minerva McGonagall, the constant Transfiguration teacher, to Professor Cuthbert Binns who continued to teach History of Magic even after he DIED, many of the men and women who worked at Hogwarts had been in their roles for many, many years. And yet, there was one staff position that wasn’t so constant: the role of the Defence Against the Dark Arts—or DADA—Professor.
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Hey everyone, Welcome to another installment of Harry Potter Theory. The upcoming Harry Potter TV series, set to be released on HBO Max, has generated significant buzz among fans of the beloved Wizarding World franchise. Announced by HBO and Max officials in April 2023, the series promises to offer a fresh perspective on J.K. Rowling's iconic book series, which has captivated audiences for decades.
Casey Bloys, Chairman and CEO of HBO & Max Content, expressed excitement about delving deeper into the magical realm of Hogwarts, stating, "We are delighted to give audiences the opportunity to discover Hogwarts in a whole new way." The series is expected to delve into each of the iconic books, offering fans a chance to revisit the beloved characters and storylines that have touched the hearts of millions worldwide.
And as fans eagerly await more DETAILS on the upcoming Harry Potter TV series, discussions surrounding the show's development and potential cast members have sparked widespread interest. One key figure in the Harry Potter universe, Daniel Radcliffe, who famously portrayed the titular character in the original film series, just recently shared his thoughts on the reboot and offered valuable advice for the next actors stepping into the iconic roles.
In a recent interview at the Tony Awards, Radcliffe provided some valuable insights with regards to the highly anticipated series.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing 5 spells from the wizarding world of Harry Potter. But before we get started I want you to brace yourselves to the fact these aren’t just any old 5 spells- these are 5 of the most powerful, destructive spells the wizarding world has ever seen- spells so formidable that by contrast even the notorious killing curse (avada kedavra) PALES in comparison.
Now, within the wizarding world magic can be leveraged for a wide variety of functions- from help with every day tasks (like cleaning), to picking locks, to teleportation. But perhaps one of the most IMPORTANT uses of magic in a tumultuous wizarding world (that seems to face a new dark wizard every few decades) is the ability to perform martial magic - that is, magic for combat.
Now, in every day context martial magic is not necessary, but it certainly never hurts to be prepared for an invasion of death eaters or dark wizard acolytes, and that’s probably why most of these 5 powerful spells were created in the first place.
Anyway, I won’t dawdle any longer. Without further ado- here are 5 of the most POWERFUL offensive spells in the wizarding world.
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Hey everyone, welcome to another instalment of Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing one of the three Unforgivable Curses—Avada Kedavra—and why it’s considered a worse form of killing than any other spell within the wizarding world.
Avada Kedavra—otherwise known as the Killing Curse—alongside the Cruciatus and Imperius Curse, was first classified as an Unforgivable Curse in 1717. And while it’s quite obvious why it was banned from use, many have wondered why ONLY these three curses were labelled as Unforgivable. This question has been posed specifically in reference to Avada Kedavra, as it’s clearly not the only spell that has the ability to kill someone.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not the bloodline of the famous wizarding family, the Dumbledores, died out with Aberforth Dumbledore.
The most famous member of the Dumbledore family is, of course, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who was also arguably the most powerful wizard of the 20th century. As the beloved Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, recipient of Order of Merlin, First Class, former Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore achieved a great many things while he was alive. However, one thing that he did not accomplish during his storied lifetime was the progression of his family’s bloodline. Albus never married, nor did he have any children. And, as the majority of you watching this will well know, he tragically met his demise in 1997 at the hands of his friend and ally, Professor Severus Snape. So, with Albus’ death, was there anyone else in the Dumbledore family left to carry on the family line? Why, yes, there was…but how much further these family members managed to grow the family tree is unclear. So, in order to get a better sense, let’s take a look at the various members of the Dumbledore family that we know of.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the best secrets held by founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Salazar Slytherin.
A pureblood British wizard, Salazar Slytherin is one of the first known individuals to have possessed the ability to speak the language of the snakes, a rare, genetically inherited skill referred to as Parseltongue. He was also said to be skilled at Legilimency, which is a complex form of magical “mind reading”. As an incredibly talented and powerful wizard, Salazar was also one of the four witches and wizards to establish the world-famous wizarding school of Hogwarts. And yet, despite his impressive intellect and abilities, Salazar Slytherin has arguably the worst reputation of any of the four founders—with even darker secrets.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Godric Gryffindor had a destined heir, similar to Salazar Slytherin, and—if one existed—who it could have been.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not the Dark Wizard, Gellert Grindelwald, was responsible for the infamous Muggle conflict of World War II.
The idea that Gellert Grindelwald, former flame of Albus Dumbledore turned Dark Wizard, could have had anything to do with the second global war of the 20th century has become a rather popular fan theory. There’s, of course, the fact that the timeline of both Grindelwald’s rise to power in the first half of the 1900s coincides with the historical events of World War II. More than that, however, are the blatant references to the Muggle war that are present, specifically in the Fantastic Beasts films. Let’s take a closer look.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing a handful of Harry Potter book characters who are NOTHING like their movie counterparts.
As a general rule, fans of book series know to watch movie adaptations of the novels they love without expecting too much—for it is extremely rare that a filmmaker's vision will match the fictitious world that a fan has created in their own mind. After all, how could you expect every single person to interpret a book the EXACT same way—from the appearance of the characters to how the world looks around them. And even if there was some sort of consensus on how a character was supposed to look, there’s also the fact that it’s incredibly unlikely for there to be an actor or actress out there who perfectly resembles that character, is the right age, has the correct dialect, AND can act. Of course, this seems even more impossible when applying the concept to an entire cast of characters—like in Harry Potter.
And so, when the first movie adaptation of the Harry Potter series, The Philosopher’s Stone, was released in 2001, it goes without saying that fans of the books knew things wouldn’t be perfect. BUT it wasn’t unreasonable to think that the films would at least TRY to accurately reflect the people and places that fans had read on the pages of the first few books. And in many ways, it did—especially, that first film. However, as more and more movies were made, there were some pretty glaring differences between the books and the films—in particular, with some of the main characters of the series.
And so, here are five book characters that I think are NOTHING like their movie counterparts…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Muggles would have evolved the way that we did if witches and wizards had never gone into hiding.
For centuries leading up to the late 1700s, individuals with magical abilities—primarily witches—were hunted down and persecuted by Muggles. In what would later be referred to as the infamous witch hunts, formal and informal trials were held between the 14th and 18th centuries in which global communities tried and executed around 40,000 to 60,000 people. 50-to-70,000 more people were accused without being condemned. Among these witch hunts were the infamous Salem Witch Trials of the early 1690s, where the brutalities of the American townsfolk killed 19 people for crimes that included worshipping the devil and taking part in sinful activities.
Around this same time, in the latter half of the 1700s, people with magical abilities—who had previously lived openly among Muggles—disappeared from Muggle society. This, of course, was due to the institution of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, a law that was conceived to protect the wizarding world from the threats of ill-advised Muggles, which went into effect in the year of 1689.
This is also around the same time in history in which Muggles began rapidly evolving. In particular, we had the Age of Enlightenment
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not magic in the wizarding world of Harry Potter is becoming weaker with each passing decade.
At the mere age of eleven, when a young Harry Potter discovered that he was a wizard, the spells and incantations that he encountered were—for lack of a better word—MAGICAL. Everything that he witnessed from the time that Hagrid came and got him from that island in the sea, it all just seemed so impressive. I mean, a half-giant who could put a pig’s tail on his cruel bully of a cousin? Incredible. Especially for our poor boy, Harry, who had suffered terribly at the terrorising hands of Dudley. And lest we forget the marvels that awaited him in Diagon Alley, or the simple fact that his Transfiguration Professor could transform into a cat and then back again? All of these displays of magic seemed quite amazing indeed. At least at the time.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the most interesting facts about the wizarding world of Harry Potter that some of the biggest fans of the series don’t even know—at least, not yet!
With so much material available out there to uncover the characters, events and places associated with the Harry Potter series, it seems almost impossible that there would be facts out there that the majority of fans wouldn’t already know. From novels to films, and even the wizardingworld.com’s fact files, information about this magical universe is very readily accessible. And yet, as it happens, there are actually QUITE A FEW pieces of information that even the most die-hard fans will find surprising. In today’s video, we’ll be covering 10 of them. Let’s get to it!
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing ALL of the memories that we see through the Pensieve in Harry Potter.
Rare and powerful, the majority of Pensieves are typically quite small devices that, due to their incredibly personal nature, are often kept on one’s person. Of course, one very notable exception of this is the large Pensieve located in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This Pensieve is used to store all of the school’s Headmasters memories so that their predecessors may watch and learn from them. It’s described as large, ornate, ancient, and made entirely out of stone, with engravings of modified Saxon runes etched all over it. It is also said to be so old that some witches and wizards believe that the Hogwarts’ Pensieve predates even the school’s castle.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing how ordinary Muggles react when they find out that their child is magical.
The majority of Muggle-born witches and wizards do not discover that they are magical until they are invited to come study magic as a child. In the United Kingdom, this momentous occasion takes place the year of a child’s eleventh birthday by way of mail. Each young witch or wizard receives their letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sometime over the summer months before the start of term in the fall. In the case of Muggleborns, Hogwarts dispatches a member of staff to travel to the home of said muggle-born student so that the letter can be properly introduced and explained.
These future students of Hogwarts have all been chosen by a magical system of admittance, which is exclusively operated by an ancient magical book and a quill, known as the Book of Admittance and the Quill of Acceptance.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be taking a look at some unpublished content from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone- scribblings and drafts taken straight from JK Rowling’s notes that never saw the light of day.
These drafts will include…
And a
If you enjoy peeling back the layers of the story and uncovering secret UNPUBLISHED tidbits, then let’s not wait any further.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing the Hogwarts house system- specifically, Ravenclaw house.
Now, as we all know, the four houses of Hogwarts can be identified by very unique, defining characteristics- characteristics that allow these houses to stand out from the others. Hufflepuffs are known for their loyalty and hard-work, Gryffindors for their bravery, Slytherins for their cunning, and Ravenclaws for their knowledge and wisdom. Of course- I am talking in generalizations here- but if the sorting hat is anything to go by- it’s reasonably fair to summarize the houses based on the traits it preaches. The sorting hat DOES sort students in to houses, after all.
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We’re going to be discussing Voldemort, Horcruxes, Souls, Sauron, and the one ring from the Lord of the Rings series.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing exactly when and how Professor Alastor Mad-Eye Moody was subdued and captured by Voldemort’s Death Eaters prior to the second rise of the Dark Lord.
In Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he is introduced to Alastor Moody, a reputable Auror for the British Ministry of Magic who has come to take on the position of that year’s Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. For almost an entire school year, Harry gets to know Professor Moody. He learns from him, and trusts him—only to find out months later that the wizard he’s gotten to know isn’t actually Alastor Mad-Eye Moody at all—but someone else entirely.
Through a series of horrific events that begin with the murder of Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory and end with the confessions of Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Junior, we discover, alongside Harry, that Professor Moody was captured BEFORE the school year even BEGAN. And the man who everyone had believed to be him was actually Barty Crouch Junior—an escaped convict from the wizarding prison of Azkaban and loyal Death Eater.
But how in Merlin’s Beard could this have happened?! After all, as we’ve already covered, Alastor Moody was a formidable Auror, a highly trained law enforcement official with incredibly powerful defence against the dark arts skills. So, when and where did this kidnapping take place?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the treasure inside of Bellatrix Lestrange’s bank vault, how it was able to multiply, and whether or not it broke any of the Principal Exceptions of Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration.
The majority of the wizarding world of Harry Potter is steeped in magic. Witches and wizards use it to travel faster by way of broomstick, Apparition and Floo Powder. They use it to tidy up messes and summon items to their side without getting to their feet. People with the ability to wield a wand even use magic to transform themselves into OTHER people, and sometimes even animals. It’s also common for witches and wizards to transfigure one object into another, completely different object. After all, lessons on this very topic are offered to first-year students at magical schools like Hogwarts.
And yet, despite all the great and wonderful—not to mention dark and terrible—things that magic can do within the wizarding world, there are also a few things that it CANNOT do. While we don’t have time to dive into a complete list of all the things that magic can’t do in today’s video, let’s explore a few of these restrictions using Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration, especially as it relates to the duplication of valuable items like gold.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. In the wizarding world, the consequences of breaking magical laws or school rules can vary significantly, as seen in the divergent fates of expelled Hogwarts students Newt Scamander and Hagrid. While the expulsion of both individuals resulted in the loss of their right to carry a wand, the stark contrast in how their cases were handled raises intriguing questions. Why was Newt Scamander allowed to retain his wand despite being expelled, while Hagrid faced the harsh punishment of having his wand snapped in half?
Let's dive in.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why Lucius Malfoy placed Tom Riddle’s diary into Ginny Weasley’s cauldron in the fall of 1992.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. In today’s video, we’re going to be discussing muggles, wizards and magic. However- we’re going to go a little off course from the usual style of video, as we will not only be discussing the existence of magic in the Harry Potter universe, but including the Lord of the Rings universe as well. In addition to identifying the key differences for what constitutes ‘magic’ in both worlds- I’m going to try to ATTEMPT to identify which world of magic is more powerful. For years, decades, we’ve known about both of these universes- and we’ve accepted them both for what they are- but what I want to do today is put them head to head- and answer the question once and for all: Who’s more powerful? Harry Potter wizards or Lord of the Rings wizards?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Professor Albus Dumbledore picked out Harry Potter’s friends for him.
When it comes to the adventures of Harry Potter, it almost goes without saying that Harry never “adventured” alone. From the very first instalment of the series to the final scenes of The Deathly Hallows, Harry was very often accompanied by his two best mates: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
And so, while it seems completely obvious that these three friends, who have been dubbed by many fans as “The Golden Trio”, came to heavily rely on their relationships with one another—the question we are looking at today is: did someone else—namely Albus Dumbledore—decide that they would be friends in the first place?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Harry ever visited the Dursley family after he grew into adulthood.
From the opening paragraph of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, it’s understood that the Dursleys are not the easiest people to get along with. They are almost explicitly stated to be rather unreasonable people who were not fond of anything that might make them appear to be anything other than absolutely normal.
This brings us to the question of today’s video: After growing up in this type of environment with the Dursleys, did Harry ever visit them after he became an adult? Because, let’s be honest, no one would blame him if he didn’t.
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Hey everyone,
Welcome to another instalment of Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the most current NEWS that’s been circulating about Harry Potter and the wizarding world at large.
At the forefront of today’s discussion is the confirmed—and SPECULATED—updates surrounding the brand new Harry Potter television show. So, to kick this video off, we’ll be starting with…
The Harry Potter Television REBOOT
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why the world of Muggles and the world of witches and wizards are kept separate from one another.
As we discover throughout Harry’s initial years within magical society, witches and wizards have gone to great lengths to hide their world from that of Muggles. From concealment charms that make the castle of Hogwarts School look like a dangerous ruin to the secret brick-walled entrance to Diagon Alley, there are an incredible number of spells used to keep the wizarding world a secret from non-magical people.
In fact, so well hidden is every bit of this world that when Harry Potter receives his letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, he is absolutely shocked to learn of the secret magical world that’s existed alongside ordinary society for centuries. How could this be true? How is it that no one knew that witches, wizards, dragons, potions and magic existed? What possible reason could there be to keep these two worlds apart? Especially, when magic has the potential to do so much good in the world?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be taking a look at the entire Harry Potter series and discussing the top ten unsung heroes from The Philosopher’s Stone to The Deathly Hallows.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing everything that Lord Voldemort did in the years between his first and second rise to power.
Of course, there are many things—from bad to worse, to absolutely horrifying—that Voldemort did as a young Tom Riddle and, of course, in his adult years after he had officially become the Dark Lord. But much mystery surrounds the decade and a bit that took place between his fall at the infant feet of one-year-old Harry Potter in 1981 and what I would argue was his official “return” in 1995.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing some of the most deadly potions known within the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
From The Philosopher’s Stone right through to The Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and his friends and allies come up against many dark and dangerous things, with the most obvious being Voldemort, Unforgivable Curses—specifically, the Killing Curse—and Horcruxes. However, there are plenty of other ways that witches and wizards who are not the Chosen One can meet their end in the wizarding world. From death-dealing magical beings to plants that can kill, there is no shortage of potentially fatal spells, encounters, and objects throughout the series. One of the most overlooked dangers, however, comes in the form of POTIONS. When brewed correctly, these powerful draughts can make people fall in love or change the course of the future with fabricated luck. And, of course, some of them can even kill. So, in today’s video, I’ll be focusing on the top five MOST DEADLY POTIONS, ranking them in order from the least dangerous to the most.
To start things off, coming in at number five, we have…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’re going to be discussing the VERY FIRST known Witch AND Wizard in Harry Potter history. Over the course of the Harry Potter story we see some impressively old witches and wizards, including some who have lived for multiple centuries.
Barry Wee Willie Winkle, the oldest living wizard, had his 755th birthday featured in the August 1991 issue of the Daily Prophet, and Nicolas Flamel, with the help of the Philosopher’s Stone, reached 700. But while these numbers may seem impressive, it’s important to note that wizardkind dates back much, much further than 700 or so years.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing a handful of villains from the Harry Potter series that were just plain bad at being BAD.
As the wizarding world of Harry Potter is set in a fantasy universe in which a young boy discovers he’s a wizard who was—as a mere infant—responsible for the downfall of the most evil dark wizard the world had ever know, it’s not all that surprising that throughout the series, Harry Potter encounters many, many other witches and wizards who would wish him harm. From those who loyally followed Lord Voldemort—the wizard he inadvertently took down with the power of his mother’s love—to the less evil but no less menacing bullies of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there were a lot of people who wished to hurt Harry and his friends during their seven year journey through wizarding school and beyond. And while some of these individuals were INCREDIBLY EVIL beyond any shadow of a doubt—people capable of doing appalling things in the name of their beliefs or thirst for power—some were, well—how shall I put this?—simply not very GOOD at being BAD.
And, so, in today’s video, I’ll be taking you through my picks for the top five most ineffective villains of the series. Starting with…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing actress Helena Bonham Carter- loved (or hated) by fans for her portrayal of the evil Bellatrix Lestrange in the Harry Potter films. Specifically, we’ll be taking a look at her thoughts on the upcoming Harry Potter TV Show, as well as her response to the recent controversy surrounding fellow Harry Potter actress Miriam Margolyes.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of the wizarding branch of magic known as Divination.
Over the centuries, Divination has gone by many names—soothsaying, mystic magic, the second sight, clairvoyance and fortune-telling. And while some of these terms may seem more familiar than others, they all represent the same thing: the somewhat obscure form of magic that is rooted in the ability to foresee the future.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why Fred and George Weasley never noticed Peter Pettigrew—aka Scabbers the rat—on the magically revealing Marauder’s Map.
I suppose to start with, we can address the question of: Why would they? Well, as we learn near the end of Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Marauder’s Map has the capability to reveal each and every person roaming the hallowed halls of the school, regardless of their form. It represents witches and wizards with a dot that has a corresponding name—which is ALWAYS their true identity, again regardless of any magic that may make them appear differently when confronted in person. And it is through the Map that Harry discovers a number of unsettling secrets that have to do with the night his parents were murdered—including the fact that Peter Pettigrew, his father’s mate who supposedly died that same night, is ALIVE. How does he discover this? He sees him on the Marauder’s Map. But I’m getting ahead of myself…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not witches and wizards who have become Animagi can change their animal form.
An Animagus in the Harry Potter universe is a witch or wizard who has the ability to transform themselves into a specific animal at will. It’s a rather uncommon skill that requires a great deal of education, practice and commitment to achieve. It’s also important to note that the animal a person transforms into is not influenced by the individual's choice or preference, but rather, it reflects their personality and inner traits. For example, the brave and loyal Sirius Black was an Animagus who could transform into a large black dog, while the cunning and resourceful Rita Skeeter had the ability to turn into a beetle, an insect often associated with spying and eavesdropping. Minerva McGonagall, on the other hand, a character known for her wisdom and dignity, could transform into a cat.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today I’ve got some…Interesting news about Harry Potter actress Miriam Margolyes who played head of hufflepuff house and resident herbology professor Pomona Sprout in the Harry Potter films.
In a series of recent interview, Margolyes made some pretty questionable statements about the Harry Potter universe, specifically- Harry Potter fans.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why Gellert Grindelwald, the notorious dark wizard and former friend of Albus Dumbledore, told Voldemort a big fat lie.
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Hey everyone, welcome back to Harry Potter Theory. Don’t let their modest home fool you, because the Weasleys are one of the oldest, and proudest, wizarding families in Britain. And through all the centuries of their existence, the honest bunch of do-gooders have racked up quite a number of interesting feats and facts.
Today, we’re going to take a few moments to look at some of the most shocking ones.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing what would’ve happened in the series if one of Harry Potter’s most well-known antagonists, Draco Malfoy, had been sorted into Gryffindor House, instead of Slytherin.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing Gellert Grindelwald, and why he never chose to pursue immortality via Horcruxes.
In Harry Potter, Horcruxes are one of Lord Voldemort’s deadliest weapons- objects that anchor his soul to the mortal realm and prevent him from dying. The creation of a Horcrux requires an act of murder, as it involves tearing the soul apart, and it is considered one of the darkest forms of magic.
But Gellert Grindelwald, the man who terrorized the wizarding world BEFORE Voldemort, never seemed to have been interested in them.
Why is that? Well, I’ve got a few theories.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be diving in to the very WEIRD world of Harry Potter knock-off novels. Now, given the worldwide popularity of the Harry Potter franchise it shouldn’t be surprising that it’d spark a couple of knock-offs. Some of these novels continue the story and blatantly reuse Rowling’s characters, while others create their own ‘original’ characters that seem..A little too familiar.
But one thing is consistent- they’re all hilariously bad. As are the naming conventions for said novels.
So whether you’re hungry for more Hogwarts or just in need of a laugh, today, we’re going to be diving in and taking a look at 10 of the most outrageous knock-offs from around the world. Honestly, the sheer gall of some of these publishers will shock you.
I’ll also be sure to throw in some book passages where applicable.
Let’s dive in to it.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing fan theories regarding what people THINK Harry Potter did to Voldemort in order to defeat him, as well as what ACTUALLY took place during The Battle of Hogwarts.
Before we can dive into fan theories and accurately analyse the final duel that takes place between Harry and the Dark Lord, we must first understand the many things that NEEDED to happen in order to make Harry’s victory over Voldemort possible.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Filius Flitwick, Charms Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, HATED his students.
If you don’t know much about Professor Filius Flitwick, you may be asking yourself, “Why in Merlin’s Beard would this seemingly jolly teacher HATE the children he taught at Hogwarts?” Well, as it turns out, Professor Flitwick is actually part-Goblin. And while many used to simply speculate on the idea that this could be due to his height and appearance—not to mention his incredible intelligence—Flitwick’s part-Goblin background has indeed been confirmed over the years by author J.K. Rowling.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Peter “Wormtail” Pettigrew was the only student ever to be sorted into Gryffindor who became a dark wizard.
If you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, you’re likely familiar with Rubeus Hagrid’s infamous line, “There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.” Spoken to a young, eleven-year-old Harry within the first 100 pages of The Philosopher’s Stone, these words tremendously impacted how most of us—Harry included!—viewed the House of Slytherin and its tendency to churn out dark witches and wizards. And yet, as the series unfolded, and the wizarding world has continued to expand well after the release of The Deathly Hallows in 2007, we’ve learned that not ALL dark witches and wizards are sorted into Slytherin. In fact, there have been some incredibly famous GOOD witches and wizards, like Merlin, who were Slytherin students at Hogwarts—as well as some incredibly BAD ones who were in other houses. For example, we discover that the despicable Death Eater Barty Crouch Junior—who tortured, captured, impersonated and killed many a witch and wizard in the name of Lord Voldeomort—was likely a Ravenclaw student. As was Professor Quirinus Quirrell, who went off in search of Voldemort to try and obtain his past power only to end up being possessed by the Dark Lord to do his bidding. And, then, of course, there’s Peter Pettigrew—the once Marauder and former best mate of James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, and GRYFFINDOR alumni.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’ll be discussing Ron Weasley and all of the reasons he was seemingly magically STUNTED as a child.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the rise and fall of Ranrok, leader of the infamous Goblin Rebellion in the late 1800s.
As those of you who have played the *fairly* newly released video game, Hogwarts Legacy, will know, Ranrok was a goblin who lived in the 19th century and led a rebellion against all of wizardkind. With the support of his fellow goblins—a rebel group who went by the name of Ranrok’s Loyalists, Ranrok made history in his attempt to overthrow and dominate wizardkind. But where exactly did Ranrok and his intense hatred of witches and wizards come from? What pushed him to lead a rebellion—a rebellion that inevitably failed?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing a list of four major things that magic simply CANNOT do.
As any witch or wizard will tell you—especially the ones who were Muggle-born—magic can do A LOT of things. It can make tidying up your home or flat a rather quick and easy task. It can literally knock the wand out of another person’s hand or make things levitate off the ground. It can create fire from thin air, make people look like other people, or appear invisible. It can even cause instant death. In fact, the list of what magic CAN do often seems rather endless. But there are actually a many number of things that magic CANNOT do—of which we’ll be covering four in today’s video.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing everything we know about Harry’s life BEFORE he discovered he was a wizard and became a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
It all began on July 31 in the year 1980 when Harry James Potter was born to Lily and James Potter in Godric’s Hollow. Lily Potter, formerly Lily Evans, was a Muggle-born witch who grew up in the English town of Cokeworth with her parents and sister, Petunia. Harry’s father, James, on the other hand, was a wealthy pure-blood wizard and the only son of two rather elderly parents, both of whom came from well-established magical families.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of the all-wizarding village of Hogsmeade.
Located in the Scottish Highlands near the unplottable castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogsmeade Village is presumed to have been founded around the same time as the neighbouring school, putting its establishment around the 10th or 11th century. As such, Hogsmeade Village has been in existence for centuries and was originally founded by a Medieval English wizard who went by the name Hengist of Woodcroft. Many have noted that Hogsmeade is the only all-wizarding village in the entirety of Britain, which legend has it was done intentionally by Hengist of Woodcroft in an effort to help protect witches and wizards from Muggle persecution, which was, of course, incredibly common during the Middle Ages.
...Watch for the rest!
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing the announcement of a whole new Wizarding World experience.
The magic of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is growing! Universal Orlando Resort revealed incredible updates last week on their new theme park, Universal Epic Universe.
The new addition will include aspects of the Wizarding World like 1920s wizarding Paris and the British Ministry of Magic.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Gringotts is the ONLY wizarding bank in the ENTIRE world.
Gringotts Wizarding Bank is one of the very first magical locales that Harry Potter gets to experience upon discovering that he is a young wizard. Alongside Rubeus Hagrid, Harry enters Diagon Alley, a street in London that’s magically hidden behind a brick wall and that leads to a wizarding community that—in hindsight—might be one of the most popular magical locations in all the world. At first Harry is taken aback by all the sights—magical creatures and devices he never thought were real, all laid out before his very eyes.
From there, alongside Harry, we learn more and more about Gringotts—which, as it turns out, is the only wizarding bank in Great Britain. Founded by a goblin named Gringott in 1474, the bank is therefore owned and operated by goblins to this day. It’s strongly fortified by magic and—as Harry discovers many years later—dragons, which is why its vaults are where the majority of wizards and witches choose to keep their valuables and monetary estates.
But is it possible that Gringotts is the only wizarding bank in existence? Surely, there are other magical financial institutions somewhere else in Europe, the Americas, or far east?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be taking a look at ALL of the KNOWN languages of magical beasts and creatures within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, from A to Z.
Sadly, there are actually no magical languages that start with A…B…C…D…or even E. In fact, the first “language” that we’ll be taking a look at isn’t even really a language at all…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. In this video we’re going to be discussing what is arguably the most important date in Harry Potter lore as a whole- and that is the day that Lord Voldemort travelled to Godric’s Hollow to murder the Potters. I’m covering this video today in commemoration of the day that it happened, 39 years and 1 day ago. Most of you probably know why Voldemort travelled there on that fateful night- to kill baby Harry- but what some of you might not entirely understand is why it HAD to be done. Why did he HAVE to kill the Potters? Wasn’t he the all powerful dark lord with legions of followers? What immediate threat did this family pose to him?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing how exactly Harry Potter's mum, Lily Potter, felt about the divisive—yet devoted—character of Professor Severus Snape.
Since the release of The Deathly Hallows, it has become common knowledge—for those of us interested in Harry Potter lore—that the once reviled Severus Snape had actually lived nearly his entire life in servitude to his feelings for Lily Potter. From the time that he was a boy growing up in the industrial town of Cokeworth, England and met a neighbourhood girl called Lily Evans, all the way to his dying breath, Snape’s actions in life were almost entirely motivated by his love for her. The most poignant passage describing Severus Snape's love for Lily Potter can be found in that final instalment of the series in the chapter titled The Prince's Tale, for it is here where Harry dives into Snape's memories and uncovers the depth of Snape's feelings for his mum. In one particular memory, Snape reveals to Dumbledore that his Patronus is a doe, the same as Lily's, symbolising his enduring love for her. When Dumbledore asks, “After all this time?”, Snape simply replies, “Always.” This single word encapsulates Snape's unwavering love for Lily, even after her death.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’re discussing how it is that wands in the wizarding world of Harry Potter are “quasi-sentient”—aka somewhat ALIVE.
Although technically inanimate objects, the wands of witches and wizards in Harry Potter are often thought of as having sentient capabilities, meaning that they are able to consciously observe, react and emote in certain situations. Of course, I’m not suggesting that wands are capable of complex thoughts or even the ability to think in the same way as other magical, sentient items like the Sorting Hat at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What I AM saying, however, is that wands are not simply sticks made of wood that people wave about in order to produce magic. Quite the contrary. Instead, those who have dedicated their lives to understanding the magical capabilities of wands, such as famed British wandmaker Mr. Garrick Ollivander, have found that when wands are made with high quality materials, they have the ability to actually LEARN, TEACH, and even make choices similar to human beings.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing the 10 most HATED characters in the wizarding world. Now, let me preface this list by saying that not all of these people are evil- in fact, some of them aren’t evil at all. We must remember that being evil isn’t the only prerequisite for being hated- some of these characters are just outright ANNOYING and OBNOXIOUS. Some of them made it on to the list for evil acts, and some of them made it on the list for simply popping their head up where they shouldn’t have. I’ll also mention that I don’t really DISLIKE any of these characters, they all make the Harry Potter story more interesting, and for that I’m thankful for their existence. What kind of successful story is full of neutral characters with neutral opinions? Doesn’t sound interesting to me. I’ve tried to balance my own opinions with the opinions of the internet, so hopefully I’ve struck a reasonable balance there. My OWN top 10 list (based purely off of my own opinions) might look a little bit different.
Anyway- I’m about to dive in, but before we get started I want to ask YOU guys to pause the video and comment YOUR top 10 (or even top 5) most hated Harry Potter characters down below.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing why Professor Albus Dumbledore was in limbo.
Throughout the Harry Potter series, Albus Dumbledore journeys to many a strange and magical place throughout both the wizarding and Muggle worlds. From the mundane streets of Privet Drive to the Inferi-riddled cave that housed one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, it sometimes seemed like no location was off limits for the great and powerful Professor Dumbledore. And yet, I think it’s safe to say that more than a few fans were a little dumbfounded when dear ol’ Dumbledore showed up AFTER he had died in an utterly bizarre version of what many have deemed to be a sort of limbo.
But...Why was Dumbledore in limbo?
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're discussing whether or not killing Albus Dumbledore split Professor Severus Snape’s soul in two.
Over the course of the Harry Potter series, it was revealed that Lord Voldemort was able to split his soul into several pieces by committing murder, performing a dark arts ritual, and housing those bits of his soul in different vessels, scattering them across the UK, and effectively creating multiple sinister magical items known as Horcruxes. Now, the Dark Lord’s ability to commit murder and subsequently create these Horcruxes seems to indicate that a witch or wizard who kills another person may very well endure a similar ripping of their soul. Which brings us to today’s question: Did Severus Snape split his soul when he murdered Albus Dumbledore atop of Hogwarts’ Astronomy Tower?
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For someone to sacrifice their body and soul so many times, don’t you think they would do just about ANYTHING to protect their newly made Horcruxes? Especially, since Voldemort made them in an effort to achieve immortality. Wouldn’t he want to protect them so that he could live forever? Why in Merlin’s beard wouldn’t he have done absolutely EVERYTHING in his power to keep them safe, to hide them? Like—oh, I don’t know—use a secret-keeping spell like the FIDELIUS CHARM?!
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Who was more powerful: Sirius Black or Dolores Umbridge? Welcome back to Harry Potter Theory.
For those of us who think this question has an obvious answer, we might blindly claim Sirius as the mightier wizard.
But others, who consider this question carefully, know that it’s not as simple as black and white. Sirius Black was one of the greatest duelists in the entire Order of the Phoenix. But Dolores Umbridge was a cunning strategist, and in her own way, was able to defeat even Albus Dumbledore.
So today, we’re going to take a look at these two prominent members of the wizarding world, and figure out who was more powerful.
Now, whenever you compare wizards and witches to see who is more powerful, there are a few different ways to go about it. We can just stack up their list of dueling opponents,and see which one had defeated the most powerful wizard or witch… but that doesn’t quite capture a full picture. On the other side of the debate, we could just rifle through Sirius Black’s and Dolores Umbridge’s proficiency with spells and potions, but that too doesn’t quite seem like enough either.
To really get to the answer, we’re going to take a holistic approach. We’ll break down these two opponents in three different categories:
After taking a look at each of these, we should be able to get to the bottom of this matter, and figure out who really was the more powerful magic-user between them.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing the 10 LARGEST magical creatures- the behemoths of the wizarding world. This list was particularly difficult to make as the exact specifications of each creature (height, weight etc) are not easy to come by. Suffice to say, the honourable mentions list following the main list is pretty long as well.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing Harry Potter actor replacements. As a series that spanned an entire decade, it’s no surprise that Warner Bros found itself forced to recast actors and actresses. You might have noticed some of these, but others, probably passed you by.
Today, we’re going to take a look at all the recastings, big and small, and see what changed between the films.
Let’s dive in to it.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the reason that the powerful magical artefact known as the Goblet of Fire DID NOT REFUSE to choose a fourth participant during the 1994-1995 Triwizard Tournament.
According to legend, the Goblet of Fire was crafted by an unknown witch or wizard sometime in the Middle Ages. Made of wood and filled with blue-white flames, the Goblet is large in size and primarily kept in a jewelled chest when not in use—presumably meant to safeguard it from becoming damaged. When it is in use, however, the Goblet acts as an impartial judge for the Triwizard Tournament, choosing three champions to take part—one from each of the three participating schools. The three magical schools who have been historically involved in this tournament are Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Students from each school who wish to participate as their school’s champion then place a piece of parchment with their name on it into the Goblet of Fire.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we're discussing WHY Severus Snape didn’t show up in the Forbidden Forest when Harry used the Resurrection Stone.
Throughout the final instalment of the Harry Potter series, we learn all about the three ancient magical artefacts that together are known as the Deathly Hallows. And even though Harry, Ron and Hermione originally write these mythical items off as simply part of a children’s bedtime story, they eventually discover that they are all too real. And while together they are known as the Deathly Hallows, individually, they are made up of the Elder Wand—otherwise known as the most powerful wand to have ever existed—the Cloak of Invisibility—which hides the wearer against even the most advanced magic—and the Resurrection Stone—an item capable of bringing the dead back to the world of the living.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the time that Fred and George Weasley nearly KILLED their younger brother, Ron.
Just about anyone who’s familiar with the Harry Potter series will be able to tell you that Ron Weasley’s older twin brothers, Fred and George, were troublemakers. From our very first introduction to the twins outside of Platform 9 ¾s in 1991 when they tried to trick their Mum into thinking Fred was George and George was Fred, it was quite obvious that these two wizards loved messing about, playing pranks and getting up to mischief.
Throughout the series, we see them perform some of the most daring pranks in the history of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They were the students responsible for “liberating” the Marauder's Map from Filch’s office. They knew all of the castle’s secret passageways—thanks to the Map!—and even created their own troublemaking sweets, testing out their Skiving Snackbox creations on unsuspecting first-years. They then continued their mischief-making after Hogwarts, dropping out before they graduated and opening their own joke shop in Diagon Alley: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
And yet sometimes, the twins took their mischievous ways a little too far. Like the time they nearly KILLED Ron. Well, sort of. Let me explain.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the life of the infamous Professor Severus Snape—in under 10 minutes.
With a life like Severus Snape’s, that created such public—not to mention INFAMOUS—speculation throughout the wizarding world, it’s easy to understand why so many of the videos and resources out there describing his life are so, so VERY long. But, I know that not all of you have the time to sit back, crack open a six pack of Fanta and listen in for hours at a time. This, of course, doesn’t mean that you don’t WANT to know about Severus. You just have other places to be and things to do. I get it.
So, it’s to you that I dedicate this video: The Life of Severus Snape in 10 Minutes!
Let’s get started.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing all of the times that Albus Dumbledore was in fact WRONG- or just had terrible judgement.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're discussing each instance in which Harry Potter—the aptly named “Boy Who Lived”—was hit with and RESISTED an Unforgivable Curse.
To start with, I’m going to give a quick run down of the Unforgivable Curses themselves. There are, as many of you will know, three Unforgivable Curses in total. They are the Killing Curse, the Imperius Curse and the Cruciatus Curse. Each of these curses are, in their own way, incredibly terrible and can often cause irreparable and sometimes—as in the case of the Killing Curse—FATAL damage to its victims.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re discussing the new and upcoming Harry Potter HBO Max TV Show. Specifically, we’re going to be tackling one gigantic looming question - and that is whether or not the show is going to be a GOOD or BAD thing for the greater wizarding world universe.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we're discussing the history of educational institutions within the Wizarding World. As it stands today, there are 11 noteworthy and reputable wizarding schools that can be found in various regions scattered across the globe. Each of these institutions have long-standing histories and are recognized by the International Confederations of Wizards, specifically catalogued by the Confederation’s Educational Office. Their inclusion within the Educational Office’s catalogue essentially communicates to witches and wizards looking to send their children to school that these are the gold standards for education within magical society. And while these 11 schools are not the only institutions to have existed over the centuries—there are many smaller wizarding schools which have been established over the years—they are certainly the best. This is due to the fact that the lesser known, smaller schools often operate without following the proper protocols—they are typically unregistered with their respective Ministries and fail over time. Therefore, they are considered to be unregulated and potentially unreliable when it comes to the student curriculum. As a result, the majority of these institutions do not tend to stand the test of time and will therefore not be included in today’s overview of the history of education within the Wizarding World.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the new HBO television reboot of the Harry Potter series and which actors would be “all in” to return to the wizarding world’s latest adaptation—and which ones would REFUSE.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’re discussing former Durmstrang student, Viktor Krum, and whatever happened to him after the fateful events of the Triwizard Tournament in 1994.
Born in Bulgaria during the year 1976, Viktor Krum was a European wizard who received his magical education from the Durmstrang Institute, which was located in Northern Europe and one of three of the continent's largest wizarding schools.
Growing up in Bulgaria, Viktor and his family were exposed to the horrific acts of the dark wizard, Gellert Grindelwald. In fact, Grindelwald was even responsible for the death of Viktor’s grandfather, which led Krum to despise the dark wizard and his followers. Despite being marred by this tragedy, however, Viktor went on to become a talented student and internationally recognized Quidditch player.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the MOST powerful wandless magic within the wizarding world at large.
Within the Harry Potter series, it’s hard to imagine the majority of the scenes that focus on magic—WITHOUT wands. There are just SO many important and pivotal scenes that all revolve around these magical devices. From the more innocent scenes of The Philosopher’s Stone when Harry Potter himself steps into Ollivanders wand shop for the first time and Hermione schools Ron and Harry on how to pronounce “Wingardium Leviosa” to the more ominous plotlines that deal with the whole twin core thing or Lord Voldemort’s pursuit of the most powerful wand known to exist—the Elder Wand—these magic-wielding sticks are integral to the very heart of the books and the films. And yet—despite all the great and terrible things that witches and wizards are able to do using wands—there are also quite a few other forms of extremely powerful WANDLESS magic out there.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing whether or not Professor Albus Dumbledore picked out Harry Potter’s friends for him.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we’re going to be discussing the intersection of muggle and magical- taking a look at some ‘magical’ aspects of the Wizarding World that also happen to…Exist in our OWN world? From people to magical objects, join me as we unravel the magic that has existed around us all along.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. As news of an upcoming Harry Potter series on HBO continues to generate excitement among fans, the rumor mill has been abuzz with speculation about the casting choices for many of these iconic characters.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we'll be discussing Harry Potter's INSANE fortune.
It’s no secret that Harry had inherited some SERIOUS wizarding cash from his parents. It’s something we learn right from the get-go, when Hagrid takes a young, 11-year-old Harry Potter to his family vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank in The Philosopher’s Stone. And, as you may recall, what Harry finds upon this, his first visit to his vault, is somewhat of a small fortune.
It’s also no secret as to where this immense wealth came from. J.K. Rowling herself addressed this very topic years ago in an article on wizardingworld.com. Apparently, Harry is a distant descendent of the inventor of Skele-gro and other remedies, and his lineage took a great deal of care in maintaining—as well as growing—their wealth.
However, what we’re here to discuss today is the number of occasions in which Harry was generous with this money—giving away gold to his friends and those whom he felt needed it.
So, exactly how many times DID Harry give away his money? Well, as it happens, the answer is: not many.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of wizard medicine as we know it.
When a witch or wizard uses their skills to heal themselves or another, it is referred to as a specific branch of witchcraft and wizardry known as healing magic. Although it can be performed by just about anyone with magical abilities who has knowledge relating to this field, those who are properly trained wizarding medical professionals are referred to within the Wizarding World as Healers and Mediwizards. The primary responsibility of both Healers and Mediwizards is to tend to the wounded and treat the sick. And, from what us Muggles can tell, they appear to be the magical equivalent of doctors, nurses, and medical health professionals in our world. It’s unclear whether or not there are specific ranks within this branch of magic—but considering Madam Poppy Pomfrey, a Healer at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was noted to be a matron, it stands to reason that there is some sort of seniority system in place throughout this field, as there is with our Muggle doctors and nurses.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today I’ve got something..a little bit different for you. Rather than delve in to the spells and curses from the Harry Potter universe that most of us already know so well, I thought I’d cross the barrier in to a whole other world of magic- magic that’s been right in front of us for thousands of years.
This video marks the first in a series where I’ll be highlighting magic from the REAL world- taking a closer look at spells, curses and enchantments from civilizations all around the globe.
Starting today, join me as we embark on a captivating journey to the land of the Nile, where the ancient Egyptian civilization flourished with its enigmatic and mystical practices. Here, we’ll dive in to the fascinating world of ancient Egyptian magic, exploring the spells, curses, and rituals that played an integral role in the lives of these remarkable people.
From the grand pyramids to the mysterious Sphinx, the ancient Egyptians were masters of harnessing the powers of the universe, intertwining their daily lives with the mystical forces that surrounded them. Through the use of sacred texts, intricate rituals, and powerful incantations, they sought to communicate with the gods, protect their people, and ensure their passage into the afterlife.
As we attempt to unravel the secrets of ancient Egyptian magic, we’ll dive deep in to their spiritual practices and uncover the profound wisdom that has captivated the imaginations of scholars and enthusiasts alike for centuries. Prepare to be mesmerized by the enchanting tales of love spells, healing incantations, and curses that have echoed through the sands of time, revealing the extraordinary legacy of a civilization that continues to captivate our hearts and minds.
Without further ado, let us embark on this enthralling expedition into the magical realm of ancient Egypt and uncover the mysteries that have captivated the world for millennia. I also happen to have quite an intriguing (and relatively unknown) piece of information about ancient egyptian civilization within the Harry Potter universe- so keep an eye out for that as well.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of the rather infamous Deathly Hallows.
Regardless of whether or not you’d count yourself an avid Harry-Potter fan or not, you’ve likely heard of the Deathly Hallows. I mean, you may not know exactly WHAT they are—but you’ve almost certainly HEARD of them. Of course, this is because the Deathly Hallows is the title of the final instalment of the series for both the Harry Potter novels and the films—with the movies offering both a Part 1 and Part 2 of the final film adaptation of the book.
As a result, anyone who knows anything about pop culture—and who has not been living under a rock during the past few decades—presumably knows, at the very least, that the Deathly Hallows are part of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. However, as is the norm with any part of this incredibly detailed world, there is a rather rich history that goes alongside these magical artefacts.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of GIANTS. Even people relatively unfamiliar with the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world will have heard of giants. Of course, this is likely due to the fact that they are commonplace in many myths and legends of old that have been written throughout the ages. In any case, the giants within the world of Harry Potter are quite like any other giant you may have read or heard about. They are incredibly large humanoid creatures, many of whom typically grow to an average of 20-to-25-feet tall. Some giants have even been described as “colossal” in appearance, and are known to be both very strong and very violent. These two traits are likely the primary reasons that giants often resort to the unsettling, yet extremely common, practice of decapitating fellow members of their tribes. Due to their quick temper and inability to fully acquire complex languages, it can also be assumed that the majority of giants—at least in modern times—have rather low levels of intelligence. When considering all of these traits in combination, it’s no wonder that giants are considered to be incredibly dangerous creatures within the wizarding world. Not to mention that, in addition to their strength and violent nature, they are also resistant to spells—making them quite a serious threat to magical society, particularly, wand-wielding folks like witches and wizards.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing how Vernon Dursley met Petunia Evans, and how the two of them eventually became Mr. and Mrs. Dursley—the widely disliked aunt and uncle of Harry Potter.
As revealed by the memories of a dying Severus Snape, there was once a time when Petunia Evans and her younger sister, Lily, were actually quite close. In fact, it would seem that as a young girl Petunia had wished to become a witch just like Lily, and even went so far as to write to Headmaster Dumbledore to see if he could make an exception and allow her to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry despite the fact that she displayed no magical abilities. Unfortunately, it would seem that Dumbledore’s refusal—although delivered kindly—ignited feelings of incredible resentment within Petunia, which is likely what spurned her on towards a life in which she hated magic to the point that she tried to pretend it didn’t exist. Petunia was also openly resentful of the fact that her parents seemed delighted by the fact that her sister was a witch, which ultimately led to Petunia feeling such incredible dislike towards her sister, her family, and her home in Cokeworth, that she up and left in search of a much more ordinary life.
It was around this time that Petunia met Vernon Dursley.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing what country has the MOST powerful magical creatures in the world.
Of course, each region is home to its share of magical beasts and creatures, some more powerful than others—but in order to decipher which country has the largest amount of the MOST powerful beings within the wizarding world, I referred to the work of famed Magizoologist, Newt Scamander, and his text Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Based on his experience and research, Newt listed each magical being within the text and labelled them with a Ministry of Magic (M.O.M.) classification, ranging from X to XXXXX, with X representing creatures that are—quote—”boring”, and XXXXX representing known wizard killers that are impossible to train or domesticate. With this in mind, I considered the magical beasts listed that are classified as XXXXX, as well as XXXX, which represents creatures that are considered dangerous, and require a skilled wizard to handle.
Upon reviewing the text, I’ve determined that there are three main regions within the world that have the strongest presence of powerful, magical creatures, starting with…
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the top five MOST powerful magical objects in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Let’s get to it!
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the entire history, as we know it, of number 12 Grimmauld Place.
As the ancestral home of the Black family, number 12 Grimmauld Place is portrayed in both the books and the films as a rather decrepit and dreary townhouse befitting of the dark wizards who called it home for the better part of two centuries. Located in a predominantly Muggle neighbourhood in North West London near King’s Cross Station, the townhouse was originally owned by non-magical folks. While the exact date that number 12 was built is unknown, we can assume that it would’ve been around the same era as the townhouses in Claremont Square that were used to film the Grimmauld Place scenes in the Harry Potter movies. In fact, the Claremont Square townhouses have been rumoured to be the inspiration behind the Black’s family home in the novels. These real-life houses were constructed between 1815 and 1828, so with this assumption that they represent the inspiration for the fictional number 12 Grimmauld Place, I think it’s safe to conclude that the Black’s family home was also built during that same Georgian Era.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we’ll be discussing the history of Maledictuses. As we’ve delved deeper and deeper into the wizarding world of Harry Potter, we have been introduced to a many number of creatures and curses. But one of the most fascinating to have been revealed to us Muggles in recent years is that of the Maledictus, which is a combination of both creatures and curses!
Always female, a Maledictus is a human who suffers a type of blood curse. This affliction is present from the time the girl is born and enables her to transform into a creature—the species of which depends on the specifics of each individual curse. For a time, these transformations can be controlled and instigated by the Maledictus, with her changing from human to beast and back again at will. However, eventually, the curse forces the woman into the permanent form of a beast.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're discussing the history of the infamous village, Godric’s Hollow.
Located in England’s West Country, Godric’s Hollow is a village that both Muggles and wizards call home. Although the exact founding date of the village is unknown, being that it is the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor—famous for being one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—we can assume that some version of the settlement has been around since at least the late 10th century, as Godric was born in the latter half of the 900s.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we'll be discussing the history of one of the most famous wizarding bars in the entire world--the Leaky Cauldron.
Located at number 1 Diagon Alley within the wizarding world, and "accidentally" built into the development of Charing Cross Road within Muggle society, the Leaky Cauldron is notably the oldest pub in all of London. The bar and adjoining inn was built sometime in the early 1500s by a witch named Daisy Dodderidge. Dodderidge, who, of course, became the Leaky Cauldron's first landowner, had the bar constructed at the same time as many of the other shops that now run the length of the wizarding street Diagon Alley. It's said that since that time, not much has changed and that the Leaky Cauldron has always been somewhat of an unassuming place, simply meant to offer a comfortable and welcoming establishment to those interested in grabbing a pint or looking for a room to stay in.
The Leaky Cauldron is made up of a ground floor, as well as a small upper level. On the ground level there is the bar, as well as a staircase that leads up to a few bedrooms for travellers looking to spend the night. There are also two main entryways into the bar--one from Charing Cross Road in the front, and one out back from Diagon Alley.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we'll be discussing why the Goblet of Fire ALLOWED a fourth participant and didn't REFUSE Harry Potter's entry.
The entire plot of the fourth instalment of the series revolves around the magical Goblet of Fire, a wooden goblet that emits powerful flames. Created sometime in the Middle Ages, the Goblet is only taken out during a Triwizard Tournament, and acts as an impartial judge responsible for selecting a champion from each of the participating schools, which traditionally includes Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. When not in use, the goblet is kept in an ancient chest adorned with jewels.
Believed to be somewhat sentient--like Hogwarts' Sorting Hat--the Goblet of Fire waits until all interested students have placed their names into the goblet. It then evaluates each entry presumably based on qualities such as merit, ability, and intelligence, and selects one champion per school, meaning in 1994, there should have only been THREE champions emitted from the Goblet of Fire. And yet, it spat out a fourth...Harry Potter.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today we're going to be discussing 10 iconic pieces of literature that DIRECTLY inspired the Harry Potter story. These books are the primary influences and in some instances motivators that prompted JK Rowling to create the vast Wizarding World we've all come to know so well. Some of them are quite obvious, but others are remarkably subtle.
I'll also add that Rowling herself has given acknowledgement to MOST of the influences featured on this list, however I will mention that there are a few which are simply analogues too similar to ignore- books published PRIOR to Harry Potter that contain elements which appear all too familiar.
Let's get in to it.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we'll be discussing why the timid and rather innocent-looking Professor Quirinus Quirrell joined Voldemort and attempted to kill a young Harry Potter.
As you may recall, throughout the Harry Potter series, we meet a many number of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors. This was a position that seemed to be somewhat cursed at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as no one witch or wizard held onto the role for very long. Indeed, as Harry makes his way through Hogwarts, we are introduced to a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor each and every year. Quirinus Quirrell was simply the first.
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Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Today, we'll be taking a look at the differences between goblins and elves within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Before we get started with the differences--of which there are many!--I'd like to make note of a few similarities that these two species share. First and foremost, both of these magical beings have powerful abilities to perform magic. And secondly, their appearances aren't all that different. They are both smaller than humans with skin tones that are on the lighter side--at least, that's true of the goblins and elves we met throughout the series. Of course, every creature's population will have varying appearances from individual to individual. However, for the most part, many of the goblins and house elves that we are introduced to throughout Harry Potter--and even Fantastic Beasts for that matter--have long, hooked noses and larger, pointed ears.
Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's get to the details that truly mark each of these magical creatures as unique...
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See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
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