Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.
In which everything is worse with Nazis; Excalibur gets its groove back; Meggan has an identity crisis; Kitty gets a crush; a dragon gets interdimensional sanctuary; and the Cross-Time Caper starts not with a bang, but a foomp.
The death of Lilandra Neramani
Excalibur #8-11
The best name in Hollywood
Still more of Inferno's aftermath
A basketball game
Blackbird disambiguation
Several long-delayed reunions and one subsequent resolution
Alastaire Stuart (and his banana)
Tourists who are also lizards
Lightning Force
A number of unfortunate encounters
The difference between Errol Flynn characters and Errol Flynn
The fall of Nigel Frobisher
The switch that turns the engine invisible
What may be the world's least subtle euphemistic use of the term "roommate"
How the discourse around comics has changed since the '80s
Jubilee vs. power creep
NEXT EPISODE: Deadpool v Gambit, with Ben Acker!
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Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!