Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.
In which Rusty is an honorary Bluth; we bid a sad farewell to Bret Blevins; Hogan the Grim is probably the best at bedtime stories; Asgard has really tight hat game; Hela is a remarkably competent supervillain; there are some sound effects you have to earn; Rusty and Skids fight the Vulture; and Miles has so many feelings about Thor.
Damian Tryp
Our weird 2016 recording schedule
Jay & Miles at Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest 2016
Recent ResurrXion announcements
The second half of the Asgard Adventure
The end of Bret Blevins' New Mutants run
New Mutants #82-85
The Odinsleep
A fairly upsetting board game
Volstagg's awesome kids
Tiwaz of the Wastes
Many excellent hats
Ula and the Savage Swarm
Miles's favorite Fenrir story
A remarkably clever villainous plan
A signature sound effect
Karnilla the Norn Queen
Cable's relationship to Longshot
Recommendations for a comics newcomer
NEXT EPISODE: X-Factor vs. Celestials, as Judgment War concludes!
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Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!