Art by David Wynne. Contact David to purchase the original!
In which writers Dennis Hopeless and Charles Soule join us for a live episode at Emerald City Comic Con, Age of X is the world's worst morale boost; Charles and Dennis X-Plain the Marvel Universe; we still can't get Hieronymus Bosch's X-Men out of our heads; and apparently somehow we've recorded and posted 150 of these things.
Age of X
Evil Moira MacTaggert Disambiguation
The post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe
Major X-Men turning points
Planning events
A profoundly unexpected crossover
Namor's definitive qualities
Our dream X-creators
Where to find Havok in current comics
Earned deaths
The pronunciations of several words
Teams we'd like to see revived or revisited
NEXT EPISODE: The road to X-Tinction Agenda continues!
No visual companion this week, but wait 'til you see our ECCC photos!
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