In this episode, the KS Team has some very special guests: Kait and JJ Tomlin from Heart of Dating!! They discuss the challenges and joys of singleness and dating in today's world, particularly from a Christian perspective. Kait and JJ share their own experiences and insights on a variety of topics, including:
You can find Kait and JJ's stuff on their website: or on Instagram!
If you're not already be sure you check Kingdom Sexuality out on Instagram @kingdomsexuality. That's where you'll see even more of the KS content! Weekly sex positions for you to try, connect questions, content geared towards men, and more!! Have a topic suggestion for the team? Send a DM or email them at [email protected]. Don't forget to check out their website and the new Facebook Group! They're also on Patreon now! So support Kingdom Sexuality there for some exciting and exclusive perks! And, don't forget to leave them a review on Apple Podcasts!