93 avsnitt • Längd: 50 min • Oregelbundet
Tales of supernatural suspense written and produced by Soren Narnia.
The text of these stories is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Also by the author: the podcast ’Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They’ll Never Be Forgotten.’
The podcast Knifepoint Horror is created by Soren Narnia. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
A youthful lark across the states takes a man into the heart of an awful anomaly.
Music: “Outside Your Grace” by Denhollander, all rights reserved.
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written, produced, and edited by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' 'Garden of Terrible Blooms,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classics by well-known authors; and most recently, a new recording of the story 'possession'.
Opening statements in what would come to be considered one of the strangest trials in the history of New York state.
Jessica Holt-Ivers: Emma Fradd
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written, produced, and edited by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' 'Garden of Terrible Blooms,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; and other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classics by well-known authors.
When two colleagues in crime come together again after years apart, one reveals a looming threat more awful than incarceration… or even capital punishment.
Music: “Soft Lights” by Kyle Preston and “Turn for the Worse” by Jordan Hatfield, all rights reserved.
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; and other original short audio stories plus narrations of some classic ones.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
A dark October country road, a driver, a hitchhiker... and a strange, strange story told across cold, lonely miles.
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia Patreon supporters have access to many unreleased offerings, including Soren's own narrations of several earlier podcast stories originally voiced by others; 'traces,' an audio story that creepily revisits the sites of Knifepoint Horror tales many listeners know very well; the 'Unchallenging Campfire Tales' collection for those who like their horror goofy sometimes; a (massive) PDF of the show's transcripts; other original short audio stories and narrations of some classic ones; and most recently, Soren's recitation of eleven dark and disturbing poems by great writers.
P.S. Counterweight Theatre Lab in Colorado Springs is adapting the Knifepoint Horror story 'The Copper Cup' for the stage next month... the details are at https://www.counterweighttheatre.com/current-upcoming.
An educator's watch of the winter skies sets him in anxious motion to shelter the innocent.
Music: “Cicada Killer” by idokay, “The Heir” by Emmanuel Jacob, “Meeting the Goddess” by Kyle Preston. All rights reserved. Interview with Ila Patton, Galax, Virginia, from the Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project collection (AFC 1982/009), American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Five shorter tales… and just a smidgen more.
Intro music by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror Podcast. "Hallowed World" by E J R M, all rights reserved. Additional voice: TheFinalGirly. Photo by Diana Siedel.
Prologue: Purcell the Creator, Part 1 (00:02)
1. novelty (00:37)
2. screen-share (9:27)
3. sleeperette (26:09)
4. jarprechaun (46:35)
5. tempt (1:09:18)
Epilogue: Purcell the Creator, Part 2 (1:27:21)
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia, who can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
The 19th-century reign of the mysterious Buth Sugo was detailed only in this one ugly, bloody, regrettable record.
Music by Dave Lahn, and also by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror Podcast
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
All stories on the Knifepoint Horror podcast are written by Soren Narnia.
Thanks to Jeffrey Walker for including me in the recording of his latest tale, “Posthuman,” for the Acephale Horror Fiction podcast. I can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
And by artist David Montano:
Many people who hear things behind their walls suspect their house is haunted, but can’t prove it. Maybe they’re failing to ask one very simple question: How did those walls even come to be?
Additional narration by Charlotte Kulak
Music: 'Earth' by Doug Reed / Study of Sound, from the album Musica Mundana.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
There’s always a small element of worry that comes when you leave a stranger to watch your property, children, or pets. Even if you’re fully trusting, here comes that gnawing sense that you yourself may have created a problem, because you didn’t quite bring yourself to tell the sitter... everything.
Thea Lapp is played by Mig Windows.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Soren can also be heard narrating or acting on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' 'Campfire Radio Theater,' 'Tag Till We're Dead,' and others.
Always go very, very slowly through your radio dial, especially late at night. You never quite know when a faint signal will offer something a little unexpected.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Volumes 1 through 7 of the Knifepoint Horror transcripts are available on Amazon in e-book or print format.
All the user reviews of the real-life bar at the center of this story are exactly what you’d expect for a well-liked local business. But then, such reviews are not the medium to express everything that one might feel or sense when the hour grows late, and the lights get low.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
A snowy walk reveals the beginnings of a mystery that grows weirder with each passing hour.
Music: “Mercury” from Study of Sound / Doug Reed. All rights reserved.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Volumes 1 through 7 of the Knifepoint Horror transcripts are available on Amazon in e-book or print format.
For the dead of winter, an old-fashioned ghost story set in a hot and humid place.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
On the hurting streets of Claysmith, Connecticut, a hideous comedy of errors engulfs the innocent and guilty alike.
The cast (in order of appearance)
Barb Solomon: Linda Wojtowick
Sheriff Pat Solomon: Richard Werner
Mitzi from the Detention Center: Beth Abdallah
Sharon, Kev’s S.O.: Mig Windows
Glen, creative writer: C.S.W.
Mr. Lersch, pharma exec: Wilson James Randall
Donny from the woodshop: Brian Lillie
Cy Dunker: Soren Narnia
Shay, pharma tech: Amy Paonessa
Faith, online dater: Charlotte Kulak
Eric from Parts Procurement: Paul Fergus
Interrogator Menkie: Teddy Ray Bullard
Charles from Property Crimes: Dana Bolton
Franklin from App Development: Corey N.
Murray from App Integration: Conner Roslan
Mary from Junction Bay: TheFinalGirly
Sergeant Greenaway, Recruitment Division: Hugh Pierce
Bev, Old Wooden City Tour Guide: Caity Roberts
Esme from New Haven: Lee Van Der Voo
Perry from Stamford: Jeremy Fershleiser
Judge Clowder: Karen Smith
MUSIC: ‘Multitudes’ by Lance Conrad, ‘Advent’ by Ben Winwood, ‘Close’ by Eleven Tales, and ‘Flying Above the Sun’ by Yehezkel Raz, all rights reserved.
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' and others.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
It seemed like a simpler time, and the problems faced by the people in that small rural town seemed simpler too... or maybe it was a dreadful blindness that just made it appear that way.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by Allison Donovan
There's usually a moment as you drive alone late at night on a long, desolate country road when you succumb to a brief bleak thought of all that can happen to you out there. Maybe you become nervous about your sudden total dependence on your machine to get you safely back to the world of light. And maybe your surroundings start to seem genuinely scary. This is a story for those who start feeling these things the very first second that road begins to curve out of sight.
MUSIC: Josh McCausland, "A Town Called Dismal," all rights reserved.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
And from artist David Montano (https://davidmontano.com/home.html):
For sale by Baltimore County: 3 BR, 2 BA single family dwelling on 1/3rd acre in residential section of Seven Bells, Maryland. Demolition arrangements offered by county at no cost to buyer. Strict confidentiality agreement must be signed by all interested parties before property is viewed or terms discussed.
The streaming voices, in order: Frank Schumpert, Amy Paonessa, Richard Werner, and Corey N.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
In a suspiciously quiet and unspoiled setting, three friends are beckoned by the liberation found within their darkest impulses.
Music: “Flare Star” by Michael Vignola, all rights reserved.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
The story of Joel and Sammie, a young couple suddenly divided by something terrifying—and then bonded more strongly against a bizarre and inscrutable enemy.
With the voices of Caity Roberts of the Darkest Corners podcast and Robert Cantelmo.
Music: “Peaceful Meadow,” “Sci-Fi Communication,” and “Robot Factory” by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror podcast, “Come Back Home” and “Cloud - Strings Version” by Ardie Son, “A Town Called Dismal” by Josh McCausland, “Passing Hours” by Jupiter Sands, “Lightless Voids” by Kyle Preston, and “Journey” by Sid Acharya, all rights reserved.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Now available on Amazon: 'Knifepoint Horror: The Transcripts, Volume 7.' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1J523T1
In the world of short-term rentals, the personalities bound to the transaction sometimes briefly clash. Ninety-nine percent of the time, there’s not enough there for anything to seriously ignite. The one percent is called 418 Ulmus Street.
Sadie: Currer Hathaway (www.currerhathaway.com)
Music: “Fog Machine” and “Mellow Heart” by Emma Fradd. All rights reserved.
Song lyrics from "I Ain't Got No Home" by Woody Guthrie, Copyright 1961 (renewed) and 1963 (renewed) by Woody Guthrie Publications, Inc. & TRO-Ludlow Music, Inc. (BMI)
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Things were already tense inside a house in the middle of nowhere, and then at the wrong moment, there was a casual glimpse out the living room window.
MUSIC: 'Close' by Eleven Tales, all rights reserved.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
As a small town struggles to defend itself against cruel interlopers, the hour of vengeance draws ever closer.
MUSIC: "Hallowed World" by EJRM and "Advent" by Ben Winwood, all rights reserved.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Year by year, step by quiet step, a well-intentioned collective of great minds evolves into something to be feared.
MUSIC - ‘Through the Past’ by Michael Vignola, ‘Gazing Wide’ by Palm Blue, ‘Where the Wind Blows’ by Sean Williams, and ‘Coriolis Effect’ by Kyle Preston, all rights reserved.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' on the podcast Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten, October 30, 2019
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
Soren can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' and others. He also recently appeared in John Ballentine's horror drama 'The Dreams of Wolves' on Campfire Radio Theater.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Eight very different stories for the season.
1. hitcher (0:00) 2. Is It That Time Again? (6:03) 3. prodigal (17:37) 4. panophobe (23:05) 5. legalese (33:39) 6. contestants (41:57) 7. A Bitter Pill (48:39) 8. blueberries (1:10:48)
'Is It That Time Again?' features Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror podcast and Beth Abdallah of the Twelve Chimes It's Midnight podcast. Watch the video adaptation on Soren Narnia’s YouTube channel.
'A Bitter Pill' features Currer Hathaway (www.currerhathaway.com) and Beth Abdallah. The song 'The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten' is by Empty Heaven, from the album Getting the Blues, all rights reserved.
Additional music in 'A Bitter Pill' and 'Blueberries' by Emma Fradd, all rights reserved.
Soren can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' 'Let's Not Meet,' and others. This month, he's also in John Ballentine's horror drama 'The Dreams of Wolves' on Campfire Radio Theater.
The latest interviews with Soren can be seen on YouTube on ‘Reader’s Labyrinth’ hosted by Frank Schumpert, and heard on the 'Spill Your Guts' podcast with Kevin Lane.
And for Halloween, Nichole Hamilton has done a reading of the Knifepoint Horror story 'trail' on her podcast Light & Shadow: https://www.lightandshadowpod.com/podcast/halloween-party-2
There are reliable narrators, there are unreliable narrators… and then there are outliers like the one heard here. 'Clearly guilty of murder, he somehow remains committed to his narrative,' one journalist wrote of him. 'I wasn't sure whether to look at him with a strange kind of awe, or simply run screaming and never look back.'
Additional narration by Amy Paonessa of The Bloodlust podcast.
Music: “Atmo” by Jamie Bathgate, all rights reserved.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' an audiobook on the podcast Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten, October 30, 2019
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' and others.
Read an interview with the author in Monstrum magazine's June issue.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
A filmmaker recalls the details of his darkest project: the people who endured it, the illusions he lost to it, and the horrific force that set it all in motion.
Donald Kokoschka – John Jorgenson
Noah DiLeo – Corey N. (Rust Belt Gothic podcast)
Mayor - Beth Abdallah (Twelves Chimes It’s Midnight podcast and Odd Salon)
Bill Savoy – Teddy Ray Bullard
Mary Neary – Linda Wojtowick (The Ghosts on This Road podcast)
Lisa Whitelaw – Mig Windows (migwindows.com)
Officer Ekins – Dana Bolton (The Night Terrors podcast)
French Translator - Isabelle Humbert
Ernestine Souza – Naomi Azran
English Translator – Emma Fradd (Sibling Horror podcast)
Music: ‘Ana Yelena’ by Kristian Sensini, ‘Midnight Clear’ by Hans Johnson, ‘Better Now’ by Philip Daniel, ‘Quiet Contentment’ by The David Roy Collective. All rights reserved.
Audio mastering by Les Lentz Audio-Video
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' an audiobook on the Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten podcast, October 30, 2019
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road', 'Sibling Horror', 'SessionsX,' and others.
Listen to his narration of H.P. Lovecraft's 'The Festival' at the Lovecraft eZine Podcast's YouTube channel.
Listen to the latest interview with Soren Narnia at the Incarnation Read podcast.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Many is the band that wishes they could have a second chance at what turned out to be their final performance—maybe they could have brought more energy to that night, or savored it just a little more... and then there’s the terrible but unforgettable case of the celebrated rock group Waters Blue and Permanent (2003-2022).
Music (all rights reserved):
"Salve Regina - Violin & Piano" by Patrick Ussher, "El Faro" by When the Tide Breaks Free, "Fount" by Homely, "Everything" by The Days
Audio mastering: Les Lentz
Special thanks to Sharon Yablon of the Garden of Terrible Blooms podcast for being my location advisor on this one.
Listen to Soren Narnia's narration of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Festival" at the Lovecraft eZine Podcast's YouTube channel.
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/.
Art by Grey Allison, https://www.instagram.com/greyallison/?hl=en
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' an audiobook on the Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten podcast, October 30, 2019
No one in attendance at the talk on that December night in New England, 2021, really knew what they would hear from the presenter, though they certainly knew his name. And while no video exists of his methodical dissection of the past, the audio recording alone seems more than enough. With additional narration by Robert Cantelmo, and Beth Abdallah of the Twelve Chimes It’s Midnight podcast.
Music: 'December' by Dear Gravity, all rights reserved.
Original artwork by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Audio mastering: Les Lentz
Listen to Soren Narnia's narration of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Festival" at the Lovecraft eZine Podcast's YouTube channel.
The tomb would soon sit unnoticed, perhaps forever, in the wild grass of the lonely cemetery. But on its first night of occupancy, one man would keep a careful watch over it. Just in case.
Wilhoit McCrail: Hugh Pierce
Music: “Submarine” by Morphlexis, all rights reserved. Audio mastering by Les Lentz.
You are invited to a place in the mountains where one man decided that no matter what the date, it will always, always be Halloween night.
(And after 'attraction,' keep listening to experience the very... well, ROUND terror of a campfire tale called 'sugary' - 39:40)
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Music: “Mirrors” by Tom Goldstein, “Isolation” by Linus Johansson, “First Impression” by Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephrat, all rights reserved.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' an audiobook on the Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten podcast, October 30, 2019
A documentarian’s celebrity puff piece takes a dark turn when her subject reveals the story of a friend’s haunting.
The documentarian Patricia Close : Mig Windows, www.migwindows.com
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Music: ‘Mysa’ by Laurel Violet, all rights reserved.
Audio mastering: Les Lentz
COMING OCTOBER 1: A tale for Halloween.
There is a curious fact about the tiny railway station mentioned by the teller of this story that he would never know: Almost sixty years before the events he describes, the station was partially demolished in the night by someone or something unknown, and had to be rebuilt from the ground up. Unknown, yes, but there were indeed whispers--from the older folk mostly, people long dead by the time the weary and hungry narrator appeared in the mountains utterly by chance.
MUSIC: 'Forests' by Narvik; 'Vodohrai' by Smerichka; all rights reserved.
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road' and 'Sibling Horror,' as well as others.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Town With a Tranquil Name,' an audiobook on the Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten podcast, October 30, 2019
Someday, when you find yourself alone in a place like the one where this story occurred, take note of what happens to your footprints as the minutes tick by. As one of the narrators claims, the wind shifts things around fast--and it’s as if no trace of you ever existed.
The cast:
Anson, the seeker – Ebenezer Alasi, https://resumes.actorsaccess.com/ebenezerfunshoalasi
Eva, the penitent – Amy Paonessa of The Bloodlust podcast, thebloodlust.net
Lydia – Currer Hathaway, currerhathaway.com
James Del Norr – Reginald Baskerville, www.backstage.com/u/reginald-baskerville/
Monica – Linda Wojtowick, The Ghosts on This Road podcast
Tom - Soren Narnia
Music: “Close” by Eleven Tales, “Paragon” by Kyle Preston, all rights reserved. Audio Mastering: Les Lentz
What’s the shortest time you’ve ever lived somewhere before you left in frustration? What was the problem—bad neighbors, leaks, noise problems, lousy plumbing? Something worse? Something mystifying?
The trashman: Benjamin Gilmour
Audio mastering by Les Lentz
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road' and 'Sibling Horror.'
Watch his horror shorts 'Server Unknown,' 'The Jarprechaun,' 'Drop-ins,' and 'Sleeperette' on his YouTube channel.
Within every grandiose scheme, there lies the seed of possible disaster. Some of these disasters are loud, chaotic, and violent ... but sometimes they only sound like the wind sighing through haunted ruins.
Music: ‘Between the Noise’ by Kyle Preston, ‘Dreams of Light’ by Jacob Pavek. All rights reserved.
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcasts 'The Ghosts on This Road' and 'Sibling Horror.'
Watch his horror shorts 'Server Unknown,' 'Drop-ins,' and 'Sleeperette' on his YouTube channel.
For Halloween, a tale of two people dwelling among the monsters who own the night.
Music: 'Altered Communications' by Emanuele Errante. Intro music by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror podcast.
Soren Narnia can also be heard on the podcast 'The Ghosts on This Road.'
Watch his horror short films 'Server Unknown,' 'Drop-ins,' and 'Sleeperette' on his YouTube channel.
The letters and diaries of several 19th century soldiers allude to “the terrible Demon of Moscow” that once haunted the city’s streets. One witness alone told the entire story of the ghostly force most still believe was not truly of this world.
Music: 'Balance' by Muted, 'Stratum' and 'December' by Dear Gravity. All rights reserved.
Art by Mandey Brown Instagram - @mandeyfromzogs
Art by Tyler Ellis, artstation.com/tylerellis
'What about the forest where this terrible thing happened?' people sometimes ask when they hear the story of the small town that became so precariously balanced between true evil and unexpected hope. 'Is it still there?' The answer is yes... the forest is still there.
Music selections by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror podcast, and by Anthony Sanders, cibolathecityofgold.bandcamp.com, used by permission, all rights reserved.
Sergeant Maura: Catherine Saraceno
From artist Mandey Brown (@mandeyfromzogs on Instagram) -
And from artist David Montano -
Each nighttime visitor to the tiny house in the country was more unwelcome than the one before ... but the fourth was truly unimaginable.
Music by Emma Fradd of the Sibling Horror podcast.
Art by Scott Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Watch the movie adaptation of this story on my YouTube channel.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
Conflicting feelings about a banished relative lead to a visit a long time in coming … but each step toward her house reveals more warning signs.
The detectives: 1. Hugh Pierce and 2. Reginald Baskerville
Music by Federico Nardella, “Il Riflesso Opaco," all rights reserved. Federico’s works are available on Bandcamp at https://cremisi.bandcamp.com. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cremisi.music/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTQOsXJe6FqlzBoH7jOk7g/featured
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Image drawn by Jelle Havermans of the podcast A Darker Tale. See his work (beyond the cover of Town With a Tranquil Name!) at www.jellehavermans.com.
And from artist Mandey Brown (@mandeyfromzogs on Instagram) -
A college professor has a mysterious story to tell to a prized student, but his timing and motive are no less cryptic.
With Amy Paonessa of The Bloodlust podcast, Linda Wojtowick, Elena Vega, and Cal Butera.
All music by Anthony Sanders, used by permission, all rights reserved. Check out some of his work at https://cibolathecityofgold.bandcamp.com/.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Listeners might also enjoy an audiobook of dark suspense called Town With a Tranquil Name, now downloadable from the podcast Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.
For the people in a small town in upstate New York, what happened was just another sordid true crime story. But they would never know just how frightening and surreal things became in its aftermath, or what one woman chose to endure in the name of compassion.
Music: Bob Pokrzywa, from the album 'A Wounded and Prostrate Foe,' all rights reserved. https://bobpokrzywa.bandcamp.com/album/a-wounded-and-prostrate-foe -and- Anthony Brown, 'Evolving Ambient Soundscape,' Getty Music. All rights reserved.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Scholar: Eric Dantley
Ellen Hershbergen: Linda Wojtowick
Narrator: Jamie Molina
Pontiac resident: Julie Medina
Father Dorr: Les Lentz
Denise Minotka: Amy Newman
Detective: Corey Landis
Radio broadcaster: Maureen Rivers
Nan Carlos: Currer Hathaway
Private investigator: Stuart Arnheim
Social worker: Effi T. Mothgil
Grace Beck: Catherine Saraceno
Prosecutor: Cal Butera
Police officer: Ebenezer Alasi
Listeners might also enjoy my new (free) audiobook of dark suspense called Town With a Tranquil Name, now downloadable from the podcast Those Snowy Nights You Read to Me, They'll Never Be Forgotten.
Also now available: a graphic novel version of eight Knifepoint Horror stories. Check out the anthology here:
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Winthrop as depicted by Mandey Brown. Instagram: mandeyfromzogs
The featured story of this brief trilogy imagines that perhaps, Earth's final confrontation between good and evil will take place so quietly you'll be able to hear a caterpillar crawl through the blood-soaked grass. Before this tale comes an appetizer ... and afterward, a little dessert.
0:00 dusk
7:51 extremity
41:41 project Additional narration by Linda Wojtowick. Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) "Ice Demon" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
'Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep' - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
'Outcall' - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Paranormal Appraisal 151' – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
'Q & A With a Vampire Killer' - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Nothing that has four walls and a roof can be eliminated as a possible breeding ground for the supernatural -- nothing.
Music: "Dream" by Jahzzar, SoundExpress, Getty Music.
"Mourning Song" and "Past the Edge" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
“Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep” - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
“Outcall" - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
“Paranormal Appraisal 151" – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
“Q & A With a Vampire Killer" - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
Drawing by Jill Merrill
Memories of three weird occurrences that cannot be explained merge for their living witness into a common theme.
Other audio horror by Soren Narnia:
“Outcall" - Episode 15, Alexandria Archives podcast
“Paranormal Appraisal 151" – Episode 20, Alexandria Archives podcast
“Q & A With a Vampire Killer" - Episode 33, Alexandria Archives podcast
“Why Have You Disturbed Our Sleep” - The Bloodlust podcast, October 8, 2017
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
A man who insists on the existence of a relative no one else has ever seen delves dangerously into the swirling fog of his own youthful perceptions. Radio host played by Currer Hathaway.
A man blinded by infatuation learns the object of his desire has intentions to become something from which he may have already missed his chance to escape.
Additional narration by Amy Paonessa of The Bloodlust podcast.
MUSIC: Lee Rosevere, from '10 Minute Meditations,' licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere AND by Kevin MacLeod, incompetech.com. 'Mesmerize,' 'Mystic Dark Background,' and 'The Dread' licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Art by S. Patrick Brown, https://www.instagram.com/scalawagarts/
Maybe your own town holds one: a folk tale, discredited and in many ways absurd, that nevertheless will not die. Here is a glimpse into one such tale ... and the rare destructive force it happened to carry with it.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), "Virtutes Instrumenti" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
A man in trouble, wanting only an escape from a crisis, stumbles across a mystery which leads to another... and yet another, demanding a return to a dangerous place and time.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), "Shadowlands 1: Horizon" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Another tale of lands touched by both enigmatic beauty and dormant, uncategorizable cruelty.
The narrator: Justy Gee, the Starless podcast
The poem reader: Jes Echo
Gail Greenlove: Amy Paonessa, The Bloodlust podcast
The truck driver: Cal Butera
Michael Spinell: Soren Narnia
Nadia Oliver: Susan Wallace
Ronald Garr: Brian Lillie
Poetry by Mia LeBemay
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) “Concentration” and “Smoother Move” licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia/
From artist David Montano -
For the haunted, any calm explanation of a supernatural phenomenon is a comforting one, no matter where it comes from. But it is never more important than in that very moment to remain watchful and mistrusting.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) "Magic Forest" Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
A man thrust onto the streets must navigate their disturbing sights and sounds, all the while living under the threat of a monster moving relentlessly through their shadows.
Music by David Temyik ("Afterlife" and "Mystic Dark Background"), Getty Music.
P.S. What are we hearing at the very end of this episode? If you ask me, it's nothing more than the voice of the strange, lonely soul from a different part of the story, comforting himself as he walks ever onward. On this night, he seems to have found what he's been looking for, one small victory that means something only to him ... and that, for now, is enough to keep him moving tirelessly forward, mile after mile, friendless and lost in the dark, another one of night's unloved orphans. -S.N.
image copyright David Montano, www.davidmontano.com
Two tales of Knifepoint Horror, and two radio plays.
1. thrifting (00:38)
2. radio play: “Report on an Unidentified Space Station,” adapted from the short story by J.G. Ballard (8:39)
3. west (25:54)
4. radio play: “The Cleaver” (44:45)
The Captain -and- John Graham: Jason Hill
Suzanne: Ariel Alexa Sullivan
Gillian: Amy Paonessa (of The Bloodlust podcast)
Father Walls: Teddy Ray Bullard
Therapist: Kalem Murray
Diane Fora: Susan Wallace
Mr. Loring: Brian Lillie
Master of Ceremonies: Justy Gee (of The Starless podcast)
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) "Tempting Secrets" and "Gymnopedie No. 2" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Additional music: “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” Choir of the King’s School
From listener and graphic designer Travis Roberts, this new design:
And from Mandey Brown, a depiction of the church from west:
Mandey Brown on Instagram: mandeyfromzogs
A boy growing up in post-Depression Kansas learns there are no truly innocuous objects as long as the human imagination can infuse them with fearsome properties.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), "Shadowlands 1: Horizon" and "Shadowlands 4: Breath" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
From artist David Montano (www.davidmontano.com):
Built as a place of solace for those who could no longer fully fend for themselves, the house should never have been disturbed or even noticed. But then one summer night, unfamiliar footsteps approached.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Additional music by Anonymous
Art by David Montano.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
A conflict in memory between two brothers leads to a return to a place where childhood may have been hiding something too ghastly to retain in the mind.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). "Past the Edge" and "Mourning Song" licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Thanks to those who would not let me slip away into the light so easily, and have demanded more excursions into horror.
For a horror tale slightly off the beaten path, listen to episode 15, "Outcall," at www.alexandriaarchives.com.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
These 10 stories were originally produced as video monologues for YouTube over the course of a year as a slight change of pace. Some have been partially re-recorded.
0:40 boardwalk 11:56 forest 27:50 highway 36:08 cellar 50:05 hiker 1:01:20 car 1:14:31 doppelganger 1:30:55 graffiti 1:41:01 hometown 1:50:14 photographs
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Here's a fun alternate narration of the story 'car': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQRxGpzcI_M
Here's a horror tale told through a different format. In a mysterious, undefined era, a desperate foot journey traverses a winter wilderness that promises a lonely death--perhaps a natural one, but likely not.
With Kalem Murray, Teddy Ray Bullard, Melinda Kordich, and Jason Hill.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
The next time you take a long country drive, look to your left and right as the scenery rolls by, the forgotten places where no footsteps tread for weeks, months, maybe years at a time. How long would it be before anyone noticed that such a place had become shelter for something unspeakable?
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Art by TheFinalGirly
And from Josh Mckelvey (@joshmckelvey on Instagram), this image:
He was a teenager who suddenly had no place to sleep, no money, and no options. The world had quickly become a very scary place ... and then shelter appeared much too conveniently.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Images by artist Mandey Brown (@mandeyfromzogs on Instagram)
In the space of minutes, a travel writer venturing alone in remote waters goes from a state of enviable tranquility to blinding terror.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Producer and photographer Jeffrey Laub has done a series of photographic portraits of characters from the podcast; check them out at http://jeffreylaub.com/index.php/projects/.
Somewhere near your house it stands, one of those decaying places that people always whisper about as they pass by. For every day you age, it seems to age three. But it may well live beyond you, silently daring you each night at dusk to enter, coldly confident you'll always be too afraid.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
There exists in this life a very real, horrifying phenomenon that science cannot yet extinguish. It strikes a surprising number of people, and none of us are safe. And if it comes for you, it will come at the most vulnerable moment you will ever know.
Art by TheFinalGirly
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
It seemed like such a simple deal, but it felt wrong from the very beginning--and led to a glimpse of a horror which, for those with even a little experience peering into the shadows, need not be named.
Watch Jordan Hale's film adaptation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUyWJpc39Pc
Artist David Montano created this image for the tale:
A comfortable suburban existence begins to fracture with a single sound. You may have heard it sometime yourself, but those who have surely possess no need for stories like these to haunt them.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist Jessica Mellen created this eerie bit of business with this episode in mind.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
A tale made specifically for the campfire--a simple tale of the woods, long-buried secrets, and letting chances to escape terror slip agonizingly away.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
images copyright David Montano, www.davidmontano.com
Jason Hill has also done a reading of this story, here.
Some places are so remote that just to explore them is an invitation to the phantoms that know we're alone.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
A man attempting to solve a strange gap in his memory meets a man claiming to offer an answer--one too frightening for mere mortals to grasp.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Very few people had ever even heard of the Poldrict House, let alone investigated it. Surely the lack of fascination within the paranormal community was justified...
Art by Grey Allison, https://www.instagram.com/greyallison/?hl=en
A cruel game of psychological brinksmanship among thieves breaks the sanity of its most dangerous competitor.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
The unexpected phone call's origin raised many questions, but for a man anxious to discover real evidence of mysterious forces at work all around us, there was little question a journey was to be made.
Art by TheFinalGirly
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Another three tales roughly and tersely told.
0:00 bells 30:23 lighthouse 53:36 army
Art by TheFinalGirly
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Check out Jason Hill's narration of the third story of the group here.
And see how he captured the story's essence in this eerie drawing.
The following image, inspired by the first story in the group, was created by friend of the show Georgia Dawson ('gdawso' on Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/p/7X_7XtNniL/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D
Here are three stories that don't quite fit into the mold of those previously offered.
0:27 mountains 28:12 castle 1:02:55 solitude
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
..... Many people have been thoroughly creeped out by the show's avatar--what IS that thing looking at us? Well, we finally have an answer, provided by 11-year-old Ethien Duckett. His story below is entitled "Ratbat." Talk about economy of storytelling!
One cold rainy night I saw a rat I picked it up with no idea what to do with it. As I came home a bat flew into a net beside my door. I grabbed it and took them both inside. Thinking what to do with them was hard, then I thought about the sewer. I quickly threw them in the toilet. Then a beam of light came out of my toilet. I then realized something was going to happen just then a portal from another dimension threw a potion down the toilet and transformed them both into a ratbat. You wouldn’t like to meet a ratbat. They are hideous, monstrous things that shouldn’t exist. They look like a slice of moldy bread with teeth, the strange thing is that they have no wings to fly with. Sadly they have no feet so they can’t run, but they can teleport. If a rat bat gets on you stop, drop and roll, or else your hair will get turned into a mop with a stick on top. Ratbat likes to laugh at people with mops on their head. Ratbat laughs “Rahhhaa” each and every time he sees a mop-head. I was trying to catch that ratbat in the net, then he teleported on the mayor’s hair and turned it into a mop. The mayor was freaking out and pulled out a ray gun, blasting everything except ratbat. Everyone’s mop hair was on fire it was total mayhem. Just then ratbat made a black-hole and everyone was put in a parallel jail dimension. While some tried to shout I decided to use my mop stick to make a ladder and climb out. Ratbat was sleeping safe and sound. I took a stick of my ladder and whacked it with my stick. Oh no it was a decoy the real one was behind me, I pulled out a laser gun and attached it to my stick right as he teleported I shot the portal and trapped him inside the portal forever. The EnD--->???
The secluded castle, once rumored to harbor evil, had been redeemed by the influence of piety and innocence until something came through the forest to return it to true darkness.
Image above copyright David Montano, www.davidmontano.com
image above copyright Vanessa Crookston
image above by Tyler Ellis, artstation.com/tylerellis
A brief history of a brilliant creator slowly becomes a tale of shadows, footsteps, and terror when an awful irony reaches out to him with cold, lifeless hands.
Whether high school student Garrett Markish was truly evil or under the influence of forces he could not overcome did not matter to those who fell before his seething wrath.
Two fugitives desperate to escape both the police and the elements become aware of a far greater horror lying between them and safety.
Another new story of Knifepoint Horror. A knock at the door in the dead of night begins a mystery involving a gruesome crime and a vengeance that can only come in the beyond.
By popular demand, a new tale of Knifepoint Horror. A nighttime expedition to a sleepy town uncovers the truth behind seemingly groundless rumors.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
An alternative narration by Jason Hill is here.
Read by Neil Donnelly. In a previous episode, 'house', the psychic researcher Aramis Churchton makes reference to the notes his colleague Savid Doud has made concerning cases for potential investigation. Here is one of Doud's original audio recordings, recovered after his death, describing such a case of paranormal phenomena.
Read by Neil Donnelly. In a previous episode, 'house', the psychic researcher Aramis Churchton makes reference to the notes his colleague Savid Doud has made concerning cases for potential investigation. Here is one of Doud's original audio recordings, recovered after his death, describing such a case of paranormal phenomena.
Read by Dennis Smith. On a dark winter's night, a seeker of ghosts attuned to the strange energy within a remote haunted house underestimates its inhabitants' power to destroy.
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Get Soren Narnia's alternate narration of the story through Patreon: www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
A man's slow descent into depression and addiction opens up a world of once-hidden terrors, the worst of which awaits in a malevolent ghost's plan to devour his weakened soul.
Art by David Montano.
Read by Logan Masterson. Nine seconds was all it took to scar a subway rider for life when the flickering subterranean lights showed him the unimaginable.
Read by Markham Anderson. The inability of two troubled teens to extricate themselves from the influence of a practitioner of witchcraft costs them everything as adults.
Listen to Soren Narnia's own narration of this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Read by Mike Harris. Few considered the strange substance which spread through a small city to be anything more than a nuisance until the truth brought bloody horror to the entire world.
Read by Brian d'Eon. One of the most famous political assassinations in history may have been cryptically--and gruesomely--foretold.
A damaged man recalls his time at Seacrist Elementary, the unlikely site of a hideous paranormal outbreak which still haunts him two decades later.
Art by Mandey Brown, Instagram: mandeyfromzogs
Read by Markham Anderson. A courteous stranger offers three friends looking for a Halloween hayride into the woods something deeper and darker.
At the Light & Shadow podcast, host Nichole Hamilton has also done a narration of this tale: https://www.lightandshadowpod.com/podcast/halloween-party-2
Read by Mark Nelson. An invitation to a seance leads a Congressman to face the wrath of a tortured spirit bent on making him suffer for a past betrayal.
Listen to Soren Narnia's own narration of this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Producer and photographer Jeffrey Laub has done a series of photographic portraits of characters from the podcast; check them out at http://jeffreylaub.com/index.php/projects/.
Read by Peter Yearsley. A cult's act of human sacrifice and resurrection reaches across the twentieth century to leave its imprint on a modern day murder.
Art by Grey Allison, https://www.instagram.com/greyallison/?hl=en
Read by Mike Vendetti. The corpse of a remorseless killer refuses to decay, breaking the sanity of a dangerous man who becomes obsessed with it.
Listen to Soren Narnia's own narration of this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
Read by Dennis Smith. An unwitting videographer is drawn into a mysterious researcher's day-long journey through a small place on the brink of total possession.
Art by TheFinalGirly
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Listen to Soren Narnia's own narration of this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sorennarnia
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.