219 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Veckovis: Tisdag
Welcome to Modular! The podcast where we play the many modules available to us in the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons! Check out Max Hedman’s music at https://www.maxhedman.com/
The podcast Modular is created by Thorin George. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Oh man. This is it, right? They either succeed here or the Ten Towns are destroyed. We can only hope that things turn out alright. But nothing ever really does turn out alright, does it? Man I feel pessimistic about this. Max, can you try to cheer me up?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
I don’t even really have anything to say or comment. Our heroes need to catch up with that dragon. They need to stop it. I genuinely hope no one dies. I don’t think I can take another loss.
Please give them strength, Max Hedman.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
If a dragon is what they must fight, the a dragon they will fight! This may be the last thing the Bitter Hearts ever do. But dammit, will they get it done! Also does anyone else think they shouldn’t have let that guy live? Like I know they’re not evil, but he certainly is. I hope it doesn’t come back to bite them. Oh well, bigger fish to fry! To arms, Max Hedman, to arms!
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat & Descript.
So wait, if someone can just MAKE a mythalar, why does Auril want the one from Ythryn specifically? Could she not just have one of her followers create one? It seems Macreadius wasn’t too far off, just some tweaks. Perhaps this is something that will come up later? Quite perplexing don’t you think, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
So these guys are just two, regular, well-adjusted guys right? No reason to be freaked out by them? No reason to worry about the safety of our party? I mean a placed called the black cabin doesn’t sound ominous at all. Not at all. Max Hedman, why are you playing such creepy music? That’s not you? Oh.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
The Paladin is so cool. Gods I love him. Them? Maybe. Also what is this Mythallar thing? It seems to be the key between Auril conquering Icewind Dale and our heroes prevailing against her. Truly I hope our heroes can figure things out before it’s too late. Max Hedman, can you play me something that will make me feel less anxious about everything?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Moose and bodies and bears — Oh my!
I mean they’re just bears though. They shouldn’t be too much of a threat. Right? Regardless of what happens here, I hope they find this moose. It can’t keep terrorizing this town. Also they can’t afford to be hated in another town..
Max Hedman, play something over there to get the bears to run away.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Well now that Beetle has been set to rest, and Redoran has said some serious things to Aumanator, where do we go from here? I’m certain our party will figure something out. It’s not like anything has been time sensitive, right? Oh has it? Uh-oh…
Max Hedman, can you play us something to make this a little less..awkward?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Again? So soon? This is messed up. They JUST got over Eaddberht’s death. And now Beetle? How much more can our heroes take? How much more can the listeners take? It’s all just so…sad. Please keep the party in your thoughts and prayers in these upcoming times. Max Hedman, go ahead and play us a sombre tune.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Uh oh! Uh oh! Mithrama isn’t safe! We gotta get this boy out of here! I sure hope everything is going to be okay! I’m super worried that something terrible is going to happen this episode. I mean that title is super ominous, no?? I’m shaking pretty bad right now. Please soothe me with your calming songs, Max Hedman.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
The captain is dead?! Who could have seen that coming?! All sarcasm aside, does this death count towards our party’s kill count? I think it should. I mean, Arlaggath would still be alive if not for them. Probably. What say you, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
So this Paladin…is he powerful or not? I’m very confused about this. Is he immortal? So many layers to this. We need to get back to business. Let’s head back to town, gather ourselves, maybe listen to some Max Hedman, and get going. Maybe grab a bite to eat. Ooh, and nice night’s sleep.
Sound Effects courtesy of Zapsplat
Who is this mysterious person? What do they want with this amulet? How in the hells did they cleave a warg in twain??? I’m both excited and nervous for our party to find out more. I hope this person is nice, like how Max Hedman is.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Oh man, I’m not liking this ice. Also, what is that mysterious voice? Could it truly be a nee, powerful ally? Or is this some trap set up by something sinister? I’m not usually one to trust strangers…Good thing I know Max Hedman! He helps me set the mood whenever someone new approaches!
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Gods I HATE tension. It’s like my least favorite thing. I hate all kinds, too. Even sexual tension (which I feel there has been a bit of recently). Hopefully things will smooth out soon for our heroes. Until then I think I might just stand over here in the corner humming some songs by the wonderful Max Hedman.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
So we can agree that there’s no negotiating with Simulacrums, right? Just making sure we’re all on the same page. Perhaps if a certain someone had still been alive, things wouldn’t be going down the way they are currently..
Anyway what’s up with these Duergar? Better get to them fast! Right, Max Hedman?? Play us something to really get our adrenaline flowing!
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
What an incredible tower. How did the Netherese manage to build things like this? Also, holy wow what’s up with Dzann still being alive?? We saw him get executed, right? I didn’t just hallucinate that? There’s always so much going on that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Do you get where I’m coming from, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
A truer loss has not been had in a while. Alas, life must move on. Such is the way of mortality. We must all come to accept this sooner or later. Anywhoosle, on to the next adventure! I’m waiting for what happens next with bated breath! Hold my hand, Max Hedman! I get scared easily!
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Well, I believe it is time. After those touching letters, though maybe a bit demanding on someone who is dead, it’s time to finally put the old man to rest. Don’t worry, I’ve already cried. It’s okay if you do, though. Neither I nor Max Hedman will tell anyone.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
I… I can’t believe he’s actually gone. Like even with a scroll or spell I feel as if he would just not come back. For he is not willing. How will the others take this when they find out they cannot revive their dear friend? How will they fair together? I feel like he may have been the glue that keeps them from each others’ throats. I guess we’ll have to find out. Max Hedman, get ready for a funeral.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
What will our party do now? That was an incredibly tough fight. Perhaps they will find a way to revive Eaddberht? Perhaps not? I’m not certain what to think at this point. It’s all so sad. I need some comforting music, I think. Max Hedman, play away.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
I… genuinely can’t believe it. What just happened?? Like seriously, what just happened? He can’t be dead, right?? There’s still so much to do. So many people he has to see. He just got elected the Speaker of Good Mead! He can’t leave that town with no one! I just…. I can’t. I’m sorry…
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
How incredibly visceral some of those descriptions were. It made me shudder, truth be told. I hope they can find a way to cure Beetle soon. It would make everyone’s hearts feel better, I believe. It would make mine feel better, at least. Only good things can come from here, eh? Right, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
So that’s not good, right? Like that thing flying into Beetle isn’t good?? It’s very ominous. I’m honestly pretty frightened. I hope this like takes a minute to activate, whatever it is, and not come up immediately. That would be significantly worse. Is anyone else scared? Max Hedman??
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
By all that is holy, I hope our group can take down this dark spirit! Hearing of the destruction this thing has caused and hearing descriptions of it gives me the heebie jeebies!!! What can our party even do against such a creature?? Maybe nothing…
I just hope they make it out of Bremen alive. Don’t you, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
What a TWIST!!! I never would have seen that coming! With all of the plots that I had in my head, all of the reasons for Mithrama’s secrecy, THIS never would have been one. I’m honestly shaking at this point. I can’t really think of anything else to say. Logic’s transformation is cool, I guess? But wow. Mithrama. Even hunkier than before 😍
Don’t you agree, Max Hedman??
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
What an intense and also wildly sexual episode! I hope nothing bad comes from any of this. I’m also very eager to hear what Levistus has in store for Logic. Some kind of deal? Just talking? I’m actually kind of nervous. Can you hold me, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Oh man, what a tragic ending for Scython. These people hunting Logic really are doing the most damage to our party. Both physically and mentally. I hope these next few days aren’t as tragic. Knowing our party’s luck, though, I don’t think I should hold my breath. Isn’t that right, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
That meeting sure was a doozy, huh? Revelations and semi-betrayals. Long lost kin. Arguments of legitimacy. What will come next? Will this be the final meeting of the ten-towns before all hell breaks loose? I sure hope not, I love these rp sessions. Don’t you agree, Max Hedman?
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Who could see that coming?! Eaddbehrt is a Harper?! Not only that, but he was friends with Leosin! I never would have seen that coming. I hope this meeting goes well. I’m not sure what they will talk about, though? The Duergar? The Frost Maiden? Max Hedman? I guess we have to listen and find out.
Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Oh man, what a harrowing fight! Our adventurers sure do know how to get themselves into trouble! I am glad they made it out alive, though. Now all that’s left is to go to Caer-Konig and then head back to Bryn Shander for the Speaker’s Meeting! Maybe Max Hedman will be there..? Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
With Avarice helping, there shouldn’t be too many more setbacks on our heroes way to Caer-Konig and then the meeting of the speakers! Yep, everything is going pretty hunky-dory right now. I might even risk it to say that nothing bad can happen right now. Right, Max Hedman? Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Who is this mysterious group that both know of, and want to speak to Logic? Furthermore, what exactly will this mean for the rest of our party? I shudder at the thought of a party being separated…but if it has to be done it has to be done, I suppose. Perhaps the others can sit back and relax to some tunes by Max Hedman to pass the time. Sound effects courtesy of Zapsplat.
Dungeon and Dragons? More like Ghouls and Ghosties! But in all seriousness stuff gets real bad real quick here. Like I'm honestly scared just thinking about it. A shiver just went up my spine. Oh gods, what's going to happen?!
Oh hey! We have a special contest going on! Check out our Twitter for more info on it!
Listen to Max Hedman here: https://www.maxhedman.com
Now that was a rough fight. I sure hope Tybor helps out our boys. Surely he would instead of being a coward, right? Wait, you're telling me there's some shocking news that Bradley hears this episode??? Say no more! I need to listen!!
Speaking of listening, you should listen to Max Hedman at https://www.maxhedman.com
Action! Adventure! A plug for our YouTube! All of that and more can be found in today's episode! Wil they survive this assault on the shrine? Will the orcs (and ogre) take out our heroes? Well I'm not telling. Just listen!
Listen to Max Hedman at https://www.maxhedman.com
Oi gov! Bradley an' ol Quinn get inna lota trouble tahday! Whot wiff Orcs and Dragons an all 'at? Listen 'ere for a good ol' toime: https://www.maxhedman.com
Hoo-boy. This episode is a rollercoaster. Just be prepared, folks, for some drama (and light comedy). Let's see how Seagull adjusts to his new friends...or rather how they adjust to him.
Check out Max Hedman's music at https://www.maxhedman.com
I hate harpies. SO. MUCH. They're gross and they have bad noses. Hopefully our heroes can kill them. Hopefully....
Check out Max Hedman's music at https://www.maxhedman.com
Oh gods! Bradley is dying?! What will happen from here?? Will this be the end of the podcast as we know it?!
A warning for those of you with sensitive ears or wearing headphones: We get pretty loud in this episode. Just a heads up.
Listen to Max Hedman at https://www.maxhedman.com
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