This week's episode is part 2 of the extraordinary story of Satan's Den, a superfan's garage in the cornfields of Hilliard, Ohio. Find out how Night Demon came to be booked to play at a house party in the middle of nowhere not once, but three times, and how Satan's Den got its name. Hear from the Ohio faithful how Night Demon and Satan's Den galvanized the scene and created a rallying point for the Ohio heavy metal community to unite. There is detailed discussion of Night Demon's second show there on May 3, 2016, including the pressure on Armand, the legal wrangling that nearly derailed the gig, the memorable setlist, and the recollections and observations from those in attendance. Then we fast forward to Night Demon's third performance at the Den on August17, 2018, including the layout improvements at the venue, the reaction of out-of-towners experiencing the Den's magic for the first time, and the awesome "Stranglehold" cover included on the set. You'll hear what Satan's Den means to the band and the fans, and why Satan's Den will always hold a special place in the heart of the Demon.
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Satan's Den -
Raven -
Zephaniah -
Shrunken Head -
Visigoth -
Tone Deaf Touring -
Blood Star -
Olathia -
Riverdog Sound -
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