In this episode, we reach the culmination of our six-week exploration into the Roots of the Demon. The narrative resumes in 2010, when Jarvis saw the revamped four-piece lineup of The Fucking Wrath, featuring new lead guitarist Brent Woodward. The two met that night and immediately bonded over their shared love of the NWOBHM. Eventually, The Fucking Wrath began rehearsing at a warehouse adjacent to Armand's recording studio. By chance, Jarvis accompanied The Fucking Wrath to Hollywood for one of their gigs. On the ride back to Ventura, Brent and Jarvis hatched plans to start a band called The Chalice. That night, Armand declined Jarvis's invitation to become the band's drummer. Their mutual friend Pat Bailey was tapped for that position instead. Brent made a compilation CD packed with obscure NWOBHM songs as a guide for the band's musical direction. On March 5, 2011, Jarvis, Brent and Pat rehearsed for the first time, playing Diamond Head's "Lightning to the Nations" in The Fucking Wrath's rehearsal space. Jarvis felt like a kid again, playing the music he loved. Next door, at Armand's recording studio, Dusty heard the ruckus and was astonished that three people could play so loud. The Demon was born.
Fireball Ministry -
Blitzkrieg "Buried Alive" 7" -
Aragorn "Black Ice" -
Roksnax compilation album -
Diamond Head "Lightning to the Nations" -
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