66 avsnitt • Längd: 60 min • Månadsvis
Outside Ourselves with Kelsi Klembara features conversations about God’s gift of faith. What does it mean for saving faith to stand outside of our abilities and works? Join Kelsi as she explores questions about the Christian faith with theologians and theology lovers. New episodes every other week. Outside Ourselves is a part of the 1517 Podcast Network.
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In today’s episode, Kelsi chats with theologian and author R.L. Solberg about his apologetic ministry, which focuses on providing a defense of historical and scriptural Christianity in response to Torahism or the Hebrew Roots movement. Robert lays out some of the issues with Torahism before talking about his newest book, The Law, the Christ, and the Promise: A Verse-by-Verse Apologetics Bible Study through Galatians. One primary goal of the book is to show how Paul’s response to the Judaizers in his day still relates to the way we combat legalism in ours. The Law, the Christ, and the Promise is now available for preorder. R. L. Solberg is an author, apologist, and professor of theology based in Nashville, TN. He runs an apologetics/teaching ministry called Defending the Biblical Roots of Christianity and is known for communicating on complex topics with clarity and grace.
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In a new segment of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi hosts theologians Robert Kolb and Steven Paulson for a debate on the third use of the law. Dr. Kolb argues the third use of the law is an essential way in which the law functions within the life of the Christian to guide them to serve and love their neighbor, or as he likes to say, to "give shape to their good works." In contrast, Dr. Paulson argues that, Biblically speaking ,there are only two uses of the law: the first use, which curbs evil, and the second which reveals our unrighteousness and drives sinners to Christ. His interpretation relies heavily on the Reformation doctrine that we are simultaneously sinful and righteous. Because of this, Paulson contends that the law always addresses the old man, functioning to accuse and kill, while the new man in Christ remains free from the law. For Paulson, the gospel alone—not the law—defines both good works and the Christian life.
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Kelsi chats with pastor and author, Donavon Riley, about his forthcoming book, The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction. The book and conversation explore how Martin Luther's theology, specifically the reformation doctrine of Simul Iustus et Peccator can inform our understanding of addiction as well as recovery.
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Pastor Bob Hiller joins Kelsi to discuss all things preaching: what is the content and aim of preaching? How does the Lutheran definition differ from other traditions? Pastor Hiller answers all this and more.
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Kelsi chats with Christian author Ian Harber about his new book, Walking through Deconstruction: How to be a Companion in a Crisis of Faith, which details his own experience with with Christian deconstruction and return to faith.
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This week we are playing Kelsi's talk from October's 1517 HWSS conference.
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In the final Outside Ourselves episode of 2024, Kelsi interviews Pastor Magnus Persson about his personal journey from successful charismatic pastor to a minister in the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Magnus talks about what it's like pastoring in the most secular country in the world as a part of the state church and what he thinks evangelism looks like for the church moving forward.
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More from Magnus: Listen to Magnus at this year's HWSS Magnus' Book, Reclaiming the Reformation Reforma Ministry Magnus' Podcast
In this episode, Kelsi talks with author, Amy Mantravadi, about her new historical novel Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, released by 1517 Publishing last month. Amy talks about her journey to Reformation theology and history, and why she decided to write a novel detailing the feud between Erasmus and Martin Luther which began in 1524. Amy Mantravadi lives in Dayton, Ohio with her husband, Jai, and their son, Thomas. She holds a B.A. in biblical literature and political science from Taylor University and received her M.A. in international security from King's College London. In addition to writing essays on theological topics, she also writes historical fiction and has two novels about the Reformation forthcoming. She also previously hosted the (A)Millennial podcast.
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In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi talks with Theologian Simeon Zahl about his book, The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience. Simeon argues there is a long history of Christian experience, particularly as it's defined by human emotion, not only throughout Christian history but also within the works of the Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. He has worked to reconcile liturgical traditions with this history in order to try and reclaim an emphasis on Christian experience that deepens and broadens our understanding of the faith.
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This is a recording of the live Outside Ourselves interview with Flame at this year's HWSS conference. In this conversation, Kelsi asks Flame about how his understanding of the doctrine of election has changed.
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This week, Kelsi finishes her two-part conversation with Bruce Hillman and Adam Francisco with a look at Martin Luther's Two Kingdoms Doctrine, and especially the lefthanded or earthly realm. What did Luther think about the role of government in his day and age? Like many things with Luther, it's complicated. The show wraps up with some comparison between Augustine and Luther.
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In today's episode, Kelsi is joined by 1517's Adam Francisco and Bruce Hillman to discuss the way in which politics and government is written about in the New Testament as well as St. Augustine's political theory. This is part 1 of a two-part conversation. The next episode will take a closer look at Martin Luther's Two Kingdom's doctrine.
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Kelsi chats with author, Tara-Leigh Cobble, about her love of Scripture as well as her book, the Joy of the Trinity. Tara-Leigh Cobble's zeal for Biblical literacy is at the heart of everything she creates. Her goal is to help people read, understand, and love Scripture. Her daily podcast, "The Bible Recap,” guides listeners through a chronological 1-Year Bible reading plan. The podcast has over 330 million downloads and reached #1 on the Apple Podcast Charts in All Categories. She created and leads D-Group International, which has grown into an international network of 300+ weekly Bible studies that meet in homes, churches, and online. She also writes and hosts a daily radio show called "The God Shot" and leads trips to Israel to study the Bible on site. Her book The Bible Recap (Baker / Bethany House) and Bible study He’s Where the Joy Is (Lifeway) are outlets for understanding Scripture as a whole and the Trinity in particular. She lives in Dallas, TX, where she has no pets, children, or anything that might die if she forgets to feed it.
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Kelsi talks with Pastor Matt Popovits about his forthcoming book, Junk Drawer Jesus: Discarding Your Spiritual Clutter and Rediscovering the Supremacy of Grace. Matt details some of the most common misconceptions people tend to have about who God is (and what that means about them), including the ways we measure our spirituality, how we try and find our identity in our work, and that we falsely assume that happiness should be our ultimate aim in life.
Matt Popovits currently serves as Lead Pastor of St. Mark Houston, in Houston, Texas. Matt is a graduate of both Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO and of the University of Michigan-Flint department of Theatre and Dance. He and his high school sweetheart, Lisa, have two children: Ava Elise and Jack Matthew.
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In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with author and writer, Ashley Lande about her forthcoming book, The Thing that Would Make Everything Okay Forever. In the book and in this conversation, Ashley talks about how she found Jesus Christ after years of using psychedelics.
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The Thing That Would Make Everything Okay Forever: Transcendence, Psychedelics, and Jesus Christ
Kelsi is joined by Sandra Richter to discuss the portrayal of women throughout the Old Testament before honing in on the story of Deborah in Judges 4-5, specifically. Kelsi asks Dr. Richter questions about viewing Deborah’s leadership as normative, and the role and office of prophet and prophetess throughout Scripture. Together, the two discuss the good news within the darkness of Judges and the Christocentric end to Deborah and Barak’s battle and victory against Sisera.
The Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College and a graduate of Harvard University, Dr. Richter has dedicated her career to making Scripture accessible andrelevant to contemporary audiences. She has applied her many years in the classroom, her technical research, and her years of archaeological experience to writing books and Bible studies and creating videos that bring the Bible to life for the current generation.
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The Epic of Eden: Deborah - Unlikely Heroes and the Book of Judges
In this conversation with musician and writer, Andy Squyres, Kelsi asks about Andy's theological background and why he remains a Charismatic Christian. The two talk about some of the pros and cons of the Charismatic movement, the affects of deconstruction, and their hope for the future of Christianity in America. Timecodes: 00:00 Intro 04:00 Andy’s Background 11:30 The grace doorway 16:00 What can the High Church learn from Charismatics? 24:00 The impact of low anthropology on Andy’s humor 34:00 Barriers in American Christianity 41:00 Christ as Reality 45:00 A Post-Christian Era? 52:00 The freedom of vocation 56:00 Andy’s writing 1:00:00 The gut feeling of assurance 1:02:30 The people of perpetual disappointment 1:07:30 Wrapping up and Poet Priest Volume 3
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Kelsi and her husband, Doug Klembara, share how they navigated their theological differences in the early days of marriage. Together, they recount some of the major disagreements they had and how looking at Scripture and seeking out wise counsel eventually lead them to a place of agreement that has had an impact not only on their marriage, but their vocations and parenting. Doug is an entrepreneur and the Creative Director at 1517.
Timecodes: 00:00 Intro 06:45 Why this episode? 10:00 Doug’s theological background 18:00 Kelsi’s theological background 22:30 Differences coming to a head 28:30 Helpful influences 32:40 The distinction between law and gospel 35:00 Baptism’s Connection to Predestination 40:00 The Gifts of Scripture and Curiosity 43:00 Differences in Worship 48:00 Unreasonable Hospitality 52:20 Christocentric Theology 55:00 Why we go to a Lutheran Church 57:15 Impact of theology on our parenting
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Kelsi chats with the Reverend Jacob Smith about the authority of Scripture - how we define it and what it means for us - both Christian and non-Christian. Jacob works to define Scripture as authoritative not because it's a handbook for better living, but because it reveals Christ crucified for your sins. The two chat about Jacob's background, how he came into ministry, and the role evidential and legal apologetics have played for him personally, and end on the comfort that comes from proclaiming a good news and truth that's success isn't dependent on us as it's messengers. The Reverend Jacob Smith is the Rector of Calvary - St. George. Jake was born on the Navajo Reservation and was raised in Yuma, Arizona. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 2000 with a BA in History, with an emphasis in Near Eastern Studies. He received his M. Div from Trinity Episcopal in May, 2006. Jacob was ordained to the diaconate on June 3, 2006 in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, and ordained a presbyter at Calvary Church on December 3, 2006.
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Alan Noble's article, "Let the Cultural Christians Come unto Jesus"
In this bonus episode, Chad Bird joins Kelsi in person to discuss his newest book, Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament, which is out next week! Hitchhiking with Prophets follows the characters of the Old Testament as they guide us to Christ. Kelsi and Chad talk about why Chad wrote this book, who the book is for, and what he hopes to leave readers with. Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master's degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including The Christ Key & Limping with God.
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1517 Contributor and pastor, Bradley Gray, joins Kelsi to talk about his incredible book, Finding God in the Darkness: Hopeful Reflections from the Pit of Depression, Despair, and Disappointment, and specifically, how he sees God responding to suffering throughout Scripture. Bradley asserts Martin Luther's theology of the cross as a helpful backdrop by which to view all human suffering, and specifically the suffering caused by mental illness. Kelsi asks Brad his opinions on a recent comments over mental illness from a well-known pastor and the two discuss both harmful and helpful ways the church can offer comfort to those who find themselves suffering bouts of depressions, despair, and disappointment. Bradley Gray is pastor of Stonington Baptist Church in Paxinos, PA, where he lives with his wife, Natalie, and their three children. His writing and research are especially focused on pastoral theology and the theological development of the Reformation. Finding God in the Darkness was named as a 2023 finalist in the New Author category of the ECPA Christian Book Awards.
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John MacArthur on mental illness
Theology of the Cross: Luther's Heidelberg Disputation & Reflections on Its 28 Theses
In this episode, Kelsi interviews Dr. Robert Kolb about his newest book, Face to Face: Luther's View of Reality. In Face to Face, Dr. Kolb argues that Martin Luther's theology is underpinned by his understanding of relationships, both how Christians came "face to face" with God (Coram Deo) and "face to face" with the world (Coram Mundo). It's these relationships that give us reality itself. Dr. Kolb is professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, and a world-renowned authority on Martin Luther and the history of the Reformation.
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Dr. Anthony Bradley serves as a distinguished research fellow at The Acton Institute and Research Professor of Interdisciplinary and Theological Studies at Kuyper College. He joins Kelsi to discuss his research, interest, and writing on the boy and man crisis and how he believes the Christus Victor articulation of the gospel – or Christ's victory over sin, death and the devil on the cross – has powerful implications for ridding men of shame and giving them a larger purpose to serve their neighbor.
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During a live recording at the HWSS NWA conference, Kelsi was joined by author Celeste Shally to discuss her book, While We Wait: Clinging to Christ in the Trenches of Special-Needs Parenting. Celeste details how her experience as a mom of Cooper, who has both autism and intellectual disability, has changed her view of suffering and vocation. She also talks about how special-needs parenting has highlighted God's grace and promises in the now and not yet for both her and Cooper.
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While We Wait: Clinging to Christ in the Trenches of Special-Needs Parenting
1517 Contributor, Katie Koplin, joins Kelsi to talk about her new devotional, Encouragement for Motherhood which is a compilation of devotionals for moms, written by moms. Kelsi and Katie talk about their experiences in motherhood, how mom's are often primed to hear the gospel and absolution, and how freedom in Christ allows moms to work in their vocation and love their children without looking for their ultimate value and righteousness in this good work.
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1517 Contributor, Haroldo Camacho, joins Kelsi to talk about how he found himself - without any previous background in Luther's works or Lutheranism - unexpectedly translating Luther's Commentary on Galatians in both Spanish and English. Kelsi and Haroldo touch on the need to constantly hear the gospel preached and the current opportunity to proclaim the gospel in Latin America and Central America - not simply as a conversion message but as both the central message of God's word for all people, in all circumstances.
Haroldo Camacho lives with his wife, Mercedes, and son, Orlando, in Davie, Florida. He obtained his doctorate from the School of Theology at Claremont in 1991 and served many years as a Certified Court Interpreter with the Judicial Council of California. He has translated Luther’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535) to both Spanish and English.
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Many of us stay away from spending too much time in the book of Revelation out of fear or intimidation. This is exactly why today’s guest, Erick Sorensen, decided to dive into the book and differing interpretations. In today’s show, Erick not only answers Kelsi’s questions on the various approaches to Revelation and Christian eschatology, but offers a guide on how to rightly read Revelation with Christ and his kingdom at the center. Erick Sorensen is in charge of Church Partnerships in the Development Department at 1517. Prior to joining 1517, Erick served as a pastor for 16 years. He hosts the Law & Gospel Devotional on 1517’s YouTube channel, co-hosts the 30 Minutes in the New Testament and Field Guide to the Bible podcasts, and is co-author of Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables. Timecodes: 00:00 Intro 1:20 About Erick 4:03 Theological background 7:20 The importance of experience in theology 8:55 Erick’s interest in the book of Revelation 13:05 Typical roadblocks to reading Revelation 15:00 Apocalyptic Literature 18:45 The first verse of Revelation 20:20 Two opinions on when Revelation was written 25:00 Four views on how to read Revelation 32:00 Three views on the end times 40:15 Literal or Metaphorical? 43:38 More background on Revelation 47:51 Tension between condemnation and comfort within Eschatology 52:30 The truth about the rapture 56:00 Trust not in princes 58:50 Who is the Antichrist? 1:01:43 The Good News of Revelation 1:04:50 More from Erick Show Notes:
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Author and Poet, Rachel Welcher, joins Kelsi to talk about her collection of poems entitled, "Two Funerals, then Easter" in which Rachel shares personal stories of both grief and joy. Kelsi and Rachel talk about some of the characteristics of poetry, including honesty, double meanings and unresolved endings and how these characteristics often mirror both Scripture and the Christian life in general. Rachel also shares some wisdom on getting through Lent during difficult seasons in life and how Jesus' resurrection remains the anchor for her hope in this life and the resurrected life to come.
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Kelsi chats with singer/songwriter, Andy Gullahorn, about his writing process and the impact of ending stories with the good news of grace and the gospel. She asks Andy about the role of honesty and humor in his music, and Andy talks about the important role community plays in his life as a source of both law and gospel.
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Author and speaker, Elyse Fitzpatrick, talks with Kelsi about the condemnation and accusation of the law, and as a result, how no one is able to truly achieve perfectionism. The two discuss what remedies the gospel offers us to this condemnation through Christ's perfect righteousness which is not only given through his active obedience but through his death and resurrection.
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In this episode of Outside Ourselves, pastor and professor, Ken Jones, helps tackle the question, "What Does it Mean to Die a Good Death?" His answer, of course, has much to do with life and - in particular - the new life given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Using his background in 16th century funeral preaching, Kelsi and Ken also discuss how Martin Luther defined a good death in comparison to the religion of his day and age.
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More from Ken: A Lutheran Toolkit
In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with Chris Rosebrough from @Fighting4theFaith about how to correctly understand biblical prophecy. Chris shares about his personal history with false prophets and his work to point people to Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins through the Scriptures as a pastor and podcaster.
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In the first episode of 2024, Kelsi chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, about the benefits to reading the Bible in a Year, some helpful and guiltless ways to approach this goal and reading Scripture in general. For the second year in a row, Chad is leading people through reading the Bible in a Year according to the Blue Letter Bible Plan.
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On today's episode, Kelsi chats with friends, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin from the Freely Given Podcast, about the Advent season and how a fuller expansion into the three different arrivals or comings of Jesus changes how we understand and celebrate Advent.
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In this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi chats with illustrator Natasha Kennedy about her illustrations in the FatCat Children Series books (Lexham Press). Natasha talks about her process and the ongoing theological and artistic decisions that are necessary to bring the Bible to life.
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Kelsi interviews author Harrison Scott Key about his latest book, "How to Stay Married: The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told." The two discuss what daily forgiveness looks like in marriage - and other close relationships - and how honesty about our own flaws and failures is essential if we want others to be honest with us as well. Consider this an episode on all things concerning how to love your neighbor well!
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On this episode of Outside Ourselves, Kelsi is joined by Jon and Justin of @THEOCAST to talk about all things having to do with gospel clarity. If you haven't listened to the Theocast, consider this your introduction.
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Dr. Michael Ward is an English literary critic and theologian. He works at the University of Oxford where he is a member of the Faculty of Theology and Religion. He is the author of the award-winning Planet Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C.S. Lewis. He joins Kelsi to discuss the theory behind Planet Narnia which asserts that C.S. Lewis intentionally tied each of his seven Chronicles directly to one of the seven planets: the sun, the moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and Mars. This theory makes Lewis' work within the Chronicles not only much more intentional and intricate, but also has theological implications for how the author would have wanted readers to interact with his famous children's series.
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Kelsi and Daniel Emery Price talk about the function and telos of the law and the gospel before jumping into Dan’s book, Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on the Parables, and their discussion on what can go wrong when reading the parables and the reason Jesus uses them in the first place. Daniel Emery Price is the 1517 Operations Executive. He is also an author, church and conference speaker, and co-host of the podcasts 40 Minutes in the Old Testament and 30 Minutes in the New Testament. Daniel has served as a church planter, pastor and worship leader and currently lives in Northwest Arkansas, with his wife and two daughters.
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Loso is a hip-hop recording artist and one of the world's top battle rappers. He chats with Kelsi about what it looks like to be a Christian within the world of battle rap, the importance of authentic relationships when it comes to evangelism, and how vocation doesn't always include having a five year plan for your life.
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Dr. Lydia Jaeger discusses her book, Ordinary Splendor, with Kelsi and the implications of the doctrine of creation for the Christian's life. She answers Kelsi's questions about why a Biblical doctrine of creation is helpful and necessary for understanding who God is and what good gifts he gives us.
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This week’s episode is a conversation between author John Bryant and Kelsi about John’s new book (out in September), A Quiet Mind to Suffer With: Mental Illness, Trauma, and the Death of Christ. John writes about what Christ’s suffering on the cross means for his own suffering with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). He talks to Kelsi about why he decided to write the book and how healing and recovery don’t always look like we would like and yet how we can rely on Christ’s mercy to be present for us all the same.
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As Gen Z and Gen Alpha grow into adolescence and early adulthood, what hope should we have for the future of the church? Founder and Executive Director of Storymakers, Melina Smith, joins Kelsi to talk about the Storymakers approach to teaching kids about the historical Christian faith through connection, empathy, and trust that the Holy Spirit works wherever God’s word is preached.
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In view of recent news events, Kelsi has Adam Francisco on to the theological implications of the existence of aliens and UAPs. Adam Francisco is Director of Academics and scholar in residence at 1517. He earned his DPhil from the University of Oxford and has two decades of experience teaching history, philosophy, and theology. He is cohost of The Thinking Fellows podcast, author of a number of books, articles, and translations, and popular speaker on the topics of Christian apologetics, worldview, and the religion of Islam.
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Return of The God Hypothesis by Stephen Myer
Why Should Anyone Believe Anything at All? by Jim Sire
"C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Close Encounters of the Evangelical Kind" by Aaron Earls in Christianity
Author David Andersen joins Kelsi to discuss his book, "What Can We Really Know? The Strengths and Limits of Human Understanding" and how the study of knowledge leads us to some inevitable truths about ourselves and the limits of knowledge, in general. The discussion then turns to the relationship between reason and faith and the assertion that, as Christian's, it important we recognize and use both. 1517 Podcasts The 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 on Youtube More from Kelsi: Kelsi Klembara Follow Kelsi on Instagram Follow Kelsi on Twitter Kelsi's Newsletter Subscribe to the Show: Apple Podcasts Spotify Youtube More from David: What Can We Really Know? by David Andersen Faithless to Fearless by David Andersen
Sarah Hinlicky Wilson joins Kelsi to talk about her new novel, A Tumblin' Down, the good and bad of church community, and how the Christian belief isn't always best defined by our own self-reflection. Sarah is Associate Pastor at Tokyo Lutheran Church and the Founder of Thornbush Press.
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Queen of the Sciences: Conversations between a Theologian and Her Dad
A-Tumblin' Down by Sarah Hinlicky Wilson
Kelsi speaks with 1517 Senior Scholar in Residence, Dr. Steven Paulson, about the somewhat understated and yet essential Reformation idea that the Christian is simul iustus et peccator (simul), or simultaneously sinner and saint in this life. Dr. Paulson clarifies that the simul is not a matter of progress but instead the action of Christ separating two distinct wholes in us further and further apart. He also encourages the listener to practice ignoring what our feelings and actions as sinners tell us, while tuning our ears to instead hear and trust who Christ says we are as his raised-to-new-life saints.
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Dr. Paulson’s Podcasts:
The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets
Lutheran Theology by Steven Paulson
Author and poet, Tanner Olson, joins Kelsi to talk about creativity and communicating hope. Together, Tanner and Kelsi discuss the difference between delivering the gospel directly and indirectly and the importance of both.
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Theologian and Biblical Scholar, John Kleinig, joins Kelsi to discuss his book, Wonderfully Made, and the vision the Bible gives us for God's redemptive plan as a wholly physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional endeavor. He talks about the dangers in splintering portions of our humanness and discusses how he approaches healing from a pastoral perspective.
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Show Notes:
Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body by John Kleinig
With Christian deconstruction on the rise, 1517 Scholar in Residence Bruce Hillman joins Kelsi to properly define (and defend!) deconstruction according to its original definition within postmodern philosophy. Far from a boogeyman to avoid, Bruce advocates that deconstruction can serve as a helpful tool within the Christian life, specifically when it comes to confronting sin and challenging preconceived biases.
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The Gift of Death by Jacques Derrida
Mere Orthodoxy Article on Deconstruction and the Theology of the Cross
Sarah Condon is an Episcopalian priest, author, and co-host of the Mockingcast Podcast. In today’s episode, she shares her experience with grief and suffering after the death of her parents, and talks with Kelsi about how the gentleness of Jesus during times of loss changes everything.
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Sarah’s talk on the death of her parents at last year’s Mockingbird Conference
Caleb Keith joins Kelsi to discuss Christ's atonement and the most common theories of the atonement, including Substitution, Christus Victor, and Exemplar or Moral. Caleb also reminds listeners that pitting these theories against each other is neither Scriptural nor helpful to remaining centered on Christ's death and resurrection for you. Caleb Keith is the Director of 1517 Podcasts and co-host for both the Thinking Fellows and Outlaw God Podcasts. Support Outside Ourselves
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Shownotes: The Thinking Fellows Podcast
Writer Jane Grizzle talks on what the body’s limitations can teach us about God’s work for us, and how despite our suffering and brokenness, his promise to redeem us comes through the broken body of Christ. Jane is a writer for Mockingbird Ministries and writes about the intersect between theology and everyday life.
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Read Jane’s writing at Mockingbird
Low Anthropology by David Zahl
Jane’s talk on The Grief and Gift of Bodily Limitations
Jane’s Book List:
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler
Broken Body Healing Spirit: Lectio Divine and Living with Illness by Mary C. Earle
Being Human: Bodies, Minds, Persons by Rowan Williams
The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness by Meghan O’Rourke
Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body by John Kleinig
Dr. Phillip Cary joins Kelsi to discuss his newest book, The Nicene Creed: An Introduction, which leads to conversations about the two natures of Christ and the importance of church tradition in guarding against heresies, among other topics. Dr. Cary teaches philosophy at Eastern University and is the author of several books covering both philosophy and theology, including Good News for Anxious Christians.
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Renowned Luther scholar and professor emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Robert Kolb, sits down with Kelsi to discuss two kinds of righteousness (or two fold righteousness) and his latest edited volume, The Alien and the Proper: Luther's Two-Fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry, and Citizenship. Dr. Kolb provides some helpful definitions for what the Bible means when it comes to righteousness and how we should most often view God’s grace. He talks about how Martin Luther came to understand God’s passive righteousness given to his children through their justification in Christ’s work on the cross and our resulting active righteousness when it comes to serving our neighbors in this life. Kelsi asks Dr. Kolb why and how these two types of righteousness so often get confused for the Christian, and together they work to untangle the proper placement for each, landing squarely on the continual need to return to God’s word and our salvation given through God’s grace and mercy in Christ - apart from any good works we do.
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Show Notes:
The Alien and the Proper: Luther’s Two-Fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry, and Citizenship edited by Robert Kolb
The Genius of Luther's Theology: A Wittenberg Way of Thinking for the Contemporary Church by Robert Kolb and Charles P. Arand
Justification by Faith: A Matter of Death and Life by Gerhard O. Forde
Where God Meets Man: Luther's Down-to-Earth Approach to the Gospel by Gerhard O. Forde
Martin Luther’s Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians (1535) transcribed by Students and Presented in Today’s English, trans. by Haroldo Camacho
Jessica Thompson joins Kelsi to chat about her newest book, He Loved Them: Discovering Jesus' Heart for Seekers, Sinners, Doubters, and the Discouraged (and Other People Like Us), in which Jessica writes about the specific ways Jesus loved all types of people during his ministry on earth. Kelsi and Jessica discuss what these examples mean for us and those we find most challenging to love and how, no matter who we identify with, Christ's ultimate example of love for every sinner is displayed through his death on the cross.
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He Loved Them by Jessica Thompson
Follow Jessica Thompson
Jessica's Podcast: Front Porch with the Fitzes
Lexham Press associate publisher, Todd Hains, joins Kelsi in this episode to discuss his book, Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith, and the importance of reading and interpreting Scripture based upon the ancient catechism, or rule of faith. Kelsi asks how the catechism - comprised of the 10 Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostles’ Creed - came to be, and how we can assert it’s authority as an interpretive norm for the entirety of Scripture. Todd argues that it’s the generality of the catechism that, in fact, gives it specificity in our lives.
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Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God’s Word for God’s People by Todd Hains
Lexham Press Christian Essentials Series
FatCat Books
The Care of Souls by Harold Senkbeil
Christ in Calamity: Grace and Gratitude in the Darkest Valley by Harold Senkbeil
Old Testament Scholar and 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird, defines the Christian faith as seen through the eyes of the Old Testament Patriarchs. Chad answers questions clearing up some of the most famous chronicles in the lives of Abraham and Jacob and talks about his newest book, "Limping with God: Jacob & the Old Testament Guide to Messy Discipleship."
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Chad's Podcasts:
40 Minutes in the New Testament
Hidden Streams
Field Guide to the Bible
Read about Chad's son, Luke
Read about Chad's father, Carson
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A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken
Historian and 1517 Scholar in Residence, Dan van Voorhis, gives an overview on the history of Christmas covering everything from Santa Claus to Christmas movies. He talks with Kelsi about the underlying magic of Christmas and how, in freedom, Christians can celebrate both secular and sacred Christmas traditions.
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Listen to Dan's Podcast, Christian History Almanac
Dan's Christmas Playlists:
A Very CHA Christmas
CHA Christmas 2022
Join Kelsi and author Hannah Anderson in their discussion about the way in which we join with nature and the creation of all things in long for Christ's return during the season of Advent.
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To purchase When Heaven and Nature Sing
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Kelsi chats with acclaimed hip hop and rap artist, Flame, about why he has found a home in the doctrines and beliefs of Lutheranism. What is it about the solas, the sacraments, and other distinctly Lutheran beliefs that is both biblical and comforting for Christians today? And how can Lutherans do a better job at sharing these with those from other traditions?
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Flame's Podcast
Extra Nos Album
Flame's upcoming collaboration with 1517 Music
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Writer and musician, Andy Squyres, talks with Kelsi about the grace and relief found in living a normal, mundane life and where to look for God in suffering. All of this and more in conjunction with Andy's latest installment of essays entitled, Poet Priest Volume II.
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Gretchen Ronnevik is the author of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted and co-host of the podcast, Freely Given. She joins Kelsi to talk about research for her new book on the patience of God. Gretchen talks about God's steadfastness amplifies his grace and goodness, and makes it possible for us to ask tough - even wrong - questions.
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Join Kelsi as she talks with 1517 Executive Director, Dr. Scott Keith, about how to interpret the Bible, specifically those really confusing, shocking, and tough texts. Kelsi and Dr. Keith take a look at what Christians mean by the perspicuity or clarity of Scripture and how the norms of Scripture as a whole, most specifically the message of Christ crucified for you, should influence the way we approach individual texts.
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In the first Outside Ourselves episode, Kelsi chats with author, David Zahl, about his newest book, Low Anthropology (The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others and Yourself). David is the founder and director of Mockingbird Ministries. David talks about why he wrote Low Anthropology, and why he thinks a pessimistic view of human nature can actually bring with it good and hopeful news. Kelsi and David also discuss the various ways we see low anthropology play out in culture, television and literature, and everyday life.
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Welcome to Outside Ourselves with Kelsi Klembara! Outside Ourselves features conversations about God’s gift of faith. What does it mean for saving faith to stand outside of our abilities and works?
Join Kelsi as she explores questions about the Christian faith with theologians and theology lovers. New episodes every other week. Outside Ourselves is a part of the 1517 Podcast Network.
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