It’s been 10 years since Justin was shot in the head by a sniper in Iraq. The bullet entered behind his ear and exited thru his mouth. You can imagine the destruction that caused.
Since his injury, Justin has continued his education, married his sweetheart (who took care of him during his recovery), written a book, and became a coach and motivational speaker.
This hero is involved in multiple organizations and causes that help veterans. He was named a “Champion of Change” by the White House, presented the All-American Hero Award in 2013, along with many other awards.
After a couple dozen reconstructive surgeries and being blind in his left eye, he tells us that we are stronger than we think we are and we can overcome any obstacle. Although he can no longer run, there are very few things he can’t do. I left this interview in awe of his attitude and grit – I hope you feel the same!
Learn more about Justin here:
Purchase his book here:
Music courtesy of Soundroad – Believe.
Copyright 2016 Thad Forester
email questions to [email protected]